
It should be sad to learn that someone who is hiding in the heart is cheating! But he has an expression of indifference?

author:Sunshine sheets
It should be sad to learn that someone who is hiding in the heart is cheating! But he has an expression of indifference?

The picture comes from the Internet

After parking the car at Langyi, Xu Xinghai took Lu Si's hand, "Mrs. Xu, please accompany me to Fengchao to pick up a courier." ”

Lu Sike was too surprised, "Mr. Xu also buys online?" ”

She thought that only ordinary people like them were buying online.

Rich people don't all call businesses and deliver them directly to their doors?

Xu Xinghai listened to her words and chuckled, "Mrs. Xu, I'm just an ordinary person. ”

Lu Si looked him up and down, then shook his head.

Not ordinary at all.

It's not a little ordinary.

When picking up the courier, Lu Si met an Aunt Li in the same building.

When she first moved over, Aunt Li helped her a lot. So when she usually meets her when she commutes to work, Lu Si will also take the initiative to greet her.

"Aunt Li, good weekend~"

Aunt Li also responded enthusiastically, "Sisi, have a good weekend." ”

Seeing the man next to Lu Si who was entering the pickup code, Aunt Li was surprised, the young man really wants to have a figure and a good look, just like a male star in a TV series.

"Sisi, this is your friend? You're so handsome! ”

Lu Si sighed in his heart, this man is really a man for all ages, not only the little girl likes it, but the aunt also likes it.

"Yes, this is my friend."

She was deliberately vague and didn't want others to know her true relationship with Xu Xinghai.

At this time, Xu Xinghai, who had picked up the courier, turned around and bowed politely to Aunt Li.

"Hello Aunt Li, my wife is naughty again."

"I'm Sisi's husband, you can just call me Xiaoxu."

Xu Xinghai smiled at the corner of his mouth, but his eyes stared at Lu Si for a moment, staring at Lu Si to the ground.

Aunt Li looked at him blankly, what, such a handsome young man got married young?

Also, Sisi is such a well-behaved and sweet little girl, she should find a handsome young man.

"You two are such a good match, handsome men and beautiful women!"

Xu Xinghai held the courier in his left hand and held Lu Si's hand with his right hand, "Thank you, Auntie, for the compliment~"

Aunt Li sighed in her heart, Sisi's husband is really good, not only handsome, but also hurts his wife.

At the same time, she thought of her 30-year-old daughter. Worried.

After arriving home, Xu Xinghai dismantled the express, and Lu Si sat aside to watch him make trouble.

Looking at the little girl's well-behaved appearance, Xu Xinghai only felt a softness in his chest.

His wife Xu is so lovely.

It's like a well-behaved kitten.

Thinking of this, he raised his eyebrows and his lips moved up and down, "Mrs. Xu, do you like small animals?" ”

Lu Si put his hands on his cheeks and recalled that he had adopted a stray cat in Sanhua when he was in high school.

It's a pity that later when the Lu family had an accident, she was also in a trance, and the whereabouts of the three-flowered cat were unknown.

To this day, she still blames herself.

If she adopts, she will be responsible for a lifetime, but she didn't do it and failed to give Sanhua a warm home.

Thinking of this, she exclaimed, "I like it." ”

"However, I don't have the energy to raise small animals for the time being."

She couldn't even support herself.

Xu Xinghai said "um", and the express delivery in his hand was also dismantled at this time.

"This is a gamepad, switch?"

Lu Si was surprised and got up from the couch.

Xu Xinghai hooked his lips and said casually, "The last time I saw Mrs. Xu's power in the old mansion, I secretly made up my mind to practice my skills hard and strive to win over Mrs. Xu as soon as possible." ”

Lu Sicai didn't believe it, this man was used to talking nonsense.

If he wants to practice on his own, why did he buy two handles?

I also bought a pink and a blue.

Looking at the pink handle in his hand, Lu Si only felt a sour feeling in his chest.

She knew that everything Xu Xinghai did today was to make her happy.

He did enough for her.

But on the other hand, she has something to hide from him.

Lu Si clenched the pink handle, looked up at the man, and his voice was a little soft, "Xu Xinghai, I have something to tell you." ”

Xu Xinghai's body stagnated, and the joy in his heart disappeared.

He knew what she was going to say.

But at the moment he didn't want to listen to those polite words.

Xu Xinghai skillfully pulled her into his arms, "Mrs. Xu, how about we play a game first?" ”

Lu Si blinked, she has always been a person who doesn't know how to say no, not to mention that now she feels guilty about Xu Xinghai, and she can't bear to refuse him.


Then wait until you're done playing the game and tell him.

Xu Xinghai set the handle and connected it to the display screen at home.

The two quickly got into the game atmosphere.

Compared with last time, Xu Xinghai has made rapid progress.

Except for being a few steps slower than Lu Si at the beginning, and then catching up quickly, the rest of the time is almost like a hanging.

Not only that, but when he came to the next few levels, he helped Lu Si instead.


Lu Si subconsciously had this thought.

And Xu Xinghai touched his nose under the other party's gaze.

"Ah, this game seems to be easier today than last time."

He would never admit the fact that he usually fished in the office to see the strategy.

Soon, the two successfully broke through.

The man deliberately looked at the time, and it was an hour earlier than the last time.

Tsk, the strategy is still very useful.

I'll be fishing next week.

"Xu Xinghai, the game is over, can I tell you?"

Xu Xinghai frowned, threw the gamepad on the sofa, and turned his head to look at the stubborn little girl.

"Mrs. Xu, you have a really good memory."

This sentence was quite ironic, but Lu Si was thinking about how to open his mouth so as not to hurt Xu Xinghai, and he didn't notice the difference in the tone of his words.

After a while, she spoke: "Xu Xinghai, I know that you like Liang Jin very much, and she is indeed very beautiful, very smart, and worthy of your liking." ”

Xu Xinghai frowned, it turned out to be a misunderstanding on the day of Xu Xiangdi's engagement.

He wanted to speak, but he wanted to hear what the little girl had to say.

So the long legs were folded, the upper hands were folded, and the corners of the mouth were raised to signal her to continue.

"And then?"

And Lu Si has a brain CPU running like crazy.


She weighed her words, and then said, "But now that she's someone else's fiancée, I don't think you should worry about her." ”

Xu Xinghai raised his eyebrows, "Why did you suddenly talk about this?" ”

Thinking of her unnatural expression in the car when she came back, Xu Xinghai suddenly realized.

He squinted, a little dangerous, and a little curious, "It looks like you met Liang Jin at the jewelry show." ”

"Tell me what it is."

Before getting in the car, she had been to nothing more than shopping malls and jewelry shows.

If it was in the mall, I noticed it as early as when I saw her at the jewelry show.

Therefore, excluding shopping malls, there is only one answer: jewelry exhibitions.

Lu Si was so shocked by his thoughtfulness that he couldn't keep his mouth shut.

This man is terrible.

She seemed like a transparent person to him.

Her throat was slightly dry, "Are you majoring in psychology?" ”

Xu Xinghai glanced at her, "You know what I studied in college." ”

Lu thought that he and Xu Xiangdi University were in the same college, and they both studied finance.

"Then how did you know I met Liang Jin at the jewelry show?"

Xu Xinghai suddenly felt amused, "You look like a thief, it's difficult to guess if you can't guess." In short, you are no different from a blank sheet of paper in my case. ”

Lu Si stammered, "Then you see everyone like this?" ”

Could it be that this is the talent of the top business tycoons?

Business Wars X

Psychological warfare ✓

But Xu Xinghai's eyes were deep, and his voice was low, "Of course not." That's all I can do to Mrs. Xu. ”

Lu Si didn't answer again.

Xu Xinghai pulled the topic back again, "Tell me, what's going on." ”

At this point, Lu Si no longer cared about it, and also worded, but directly said it.

"I bumped into Liang Jin at a jewelry show and behaved intimately with a strange man."

"How intimate?"

This... He's really good at getting to the point.

Lu Si licked his lips, "The two kissed." ”

"And then?"

"And then?"

Xu Xinghai glanced at her silently, "Is this all you want to say?" ”

Lu Si nodded, then shook his head again.

"What I'm trying to say is... It's like, you don't like her anymore. She doesn't deserve it. ”

Then carefully looked at Xu Xinghai's face.

But I saw that his face was the same.

"Aren't you sad?"

It should be more sad to learn that the person who hid her heart when she was young was cheating than to learn that she was married.

But now he has a look of indifference.

Could it have been put down a long time ago?

If that's the case, she has nothing to worry about.

Xu Xinghai turned his head to meet the little girl's ignorant eyes.

The Adam's apple slid down, and he decided to solve the misunderstanding.

"Mrs. Xu, of course I'm not sad."

"Because I've never liked Liang Jin."

I've never liked any other woman except you.

Luth was petrified on the spot.



"Obviously, last time you..."

Her eyes widened, and then she realized that it seemed that he had indeed never said that he had a crush on Liang Jin.

Was it her own speculation from beginning to end?

Lu Si only felt that the blood in his whole body was flowing to his face, and his little face was bulging with anger.

Stinky man!

I know she misunderstood and didn't explain!


Xu Xinghai looked at the wonderful facial expression of his little wife, and couldn't help but laugh for a while.

But he pretended to be innocent, shrugged his shoulders, and said casually: "I never said that." ”

The implication is that you are thinking too much.

Needless to say, Lu Si also knew that he was wrong.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, Lu Si was extremely aggrieved.

As soon as she was wronged, she wanted to vent.

Especially when she saw the self-contained and dignified appearance of the man next to her, she couldn't help it.

So he lowered his head and bit his arm.

Stinky man, stinky man!

And Xu Xinghai looked down at her fooling around, and his heart was soft.

He remembers that when he was in college, he often saw frolicking young couples in the library, and girls like Lu Si liked to bite their boyfriends at every turn.

The boy who was bitten was spoiled.

At that time, he was so disgusted that he once suspected that boys and girls who were in love had bad brains. Because of this, he didn't even want to go to the library.

But time has passed, and now he is experiencing the most disgusting thing before, but his heart is so sweet.

It's an amazing feeling.

Youth is difficult, but the past is reincarnated.

Lu Si has become his wife, and he no longer has to spend the night in his thoughts.

There is no need to take advantage of the holiday to fly to country M in a hurry and then fly back to Jiangcheng in a hurry.

No more hesitating between giving up and persevering.

His slender fingers lifted Lu Si's round, smooth chin.

Then a loving but unlustful kiss landed on the corner of her lips.

"Mrs. Xu, I'll ask for compensation, isn't it too much?"

Lu Si's eyelashes flickered, "What compensation?" ”

"You misunderstood my compensation."

With that, another kiss fell.

On Monday morning, Xu Qing found that his sister-in-law was in a good mood, and she was humming a little tune.

"What are you so happy about?"

Lu Si touched his face, what was obvious.

She laughed and snorted, "It's sunny today." ”

Xu Qing looked at the dark clouds outside the window, his eyes narrowed slightly, "It's cloudy today, where does the sunshine come from?" ”

"Is it the same as my brother?"

The narrowness in her eyes suddenly made Lu Si's face red.

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Lu Si touched his face again.

It's really that obvious.

It seems that since she heard Xu Xinghai say that she didn't like Liang Jin, she was in a surprisingly good mood.

Xu Qing smirked again when Xu Qing saw her, and shook his head helplessly.

Is there anyone to take care of the two of them, feeding the dog food early in the morning, it's really enough!

"By the way, Xu Jiang is sick and has been off this week, so these documents will trouble you, sister-in-law~"

As soon as the words fell, Xu Qing threw a stack of documents in front of Lu Si, and then left in style.


She knew that Xu Qing didn't hold back!

Lu Si took the papers, looked through them, and saw that several of them were marked "urgent", and she knocked on the door of the president's office after she returned.

"Mr. Xu, there are several urgent documents that need to be signed by you."

Xu Xinghai took the document and remembered that Xu Jiang was sick.

"This is what Xu Qing gave you?"

Lu Si didn't feel anything wrong and nodded, "Yes." ”

Xu Xinghai chuckled, and Qingci's voice sounded, "This guy is quite lazy." Obviously, Xu Jiang told her to do it, but she aroused you. ”

Lu Si realized that she was being "used".

"That's it, but it doesn't matter, it's all trivial, and I can do it with the help by the way."

Xu Xinghai's hand signed paused, and his expression was instantly solemn.

"Sisi, I need to warn you."

The new title is unlocked, so it sounds like a boss teaching new employees a lesson.

Lu Si's cheeks were slightly red, but he still maintained a calm appearance that he wanted to hear.

Xu Xinghai said quietly: "The workplace has always been cruel, you think that the little things you help to do by the way, after a long time, others will default to this is your duty." ”

"Of course, with my understanding of Xu Jiang and Xu Qing, they won't treat you like this."

"It's hard to guarantee that other people don't have bad intentions."

Xu Xinghai was shaken in her heart, whether she wanted to let go of Lu Si and do what she liked.

Anyway, now that the two are legally married, even if they don't work together, they don't have to worry about losing her.

But her temper is too soft, and she is really afraid of being bullied by others.

This morning's events are the best proof of this.

Lu Si nodded as if he didn't understand, "Okay, I see." ”

Back in his seat, Luth saw a note on his seat.

"I'm sorry, sister-in-law, I took a vacation to accompany Xu Jiang. As an apology, I am very grateful for lunch and coffee in the coming week, and I wish my sister-in-law and cousin a long and early birth of a precious son!! ”

The signature is Xu Qing.

Looking around, everyone was busy, and Lu Si was shocked to put the note into the drawer.

At the same time, Xu Xinghai also received a leave process.

Take a week off.

Heh, no need to guess, he must be taking care of Xu Jiang.

He picked up his mobile phone to call Xu Qing, and the call was quickly connected.

Through the background sound, Xu Xinghai judged that she was on the road now.

"Xu Qing, is it possible that Xu Jiang doesn't need your care?"

It's just the flu.

"Impossible! When pigs fly! You don't know, he can't even speak, and he has to be taken care of by someone's side. ”

Xu Xinghai pinched his eyebrows, "You're not afraid of being infected?" ”

Xu Qing: "Don't be afraid." If I get infected, then I'll take another week off, hehehehe! ”

She looked like "I'm just a bastard at work, what can you do with me", which made Xu Xinghai have a headache.

My sister, what else can I do, I can only pet it.

After hanging up the phone, Xu Xinghai reassigned the work at hand to Xu Jiang, part of which was assigned to Lu Si, and the rest was assigned to other colleagues in the president's office.

After completing this series of things, he was relieved to go to the meeting.

Today's meeting is an important one in relation to the acquisition of the Chinese factory of Nuo Yao, a well-known overseas pharmaceutical company.

If today's negotiation goes well, it will be logical for Xu's Group to enter the pharmaceutical industry in the future.

Lu Si was about to have lunch, when suddenly an unusual "distinguished guest" came to the top floor.

Emma, the head of the marketing department.

Emma is 170 tall, has short chestnut hair, and looks very capable in the white professional suit of the C family.

The image goes well with her profession.

She glanced at the little girl in front of the president's office, "You are the new assistant Lu Si?" ”

But Erl.

Wang Yang, a newcomer in the marketing department, always mentions Lu Si in her ear.

In and out of the words, he praised how good the little girl was.

When everyone had dinner, they joked with him, "Do you like people?" ”

Wang Yang blushed and waved his hand, "Don't dare, how dare I like the president's woman." ”

People in the marketing department were in an uproar.

Emma even educated him with fierce words, "Don't talk nonsense, the Xu family is the leading wealthy family in Jiangcheng, and Mr. Xu's future wife must be the queen of the famous family." ”

Although she has never met Lu Si, she has a lot of treasures in the wealthy circle, and she has never heard of this person.

It can be seen from this that Wang Yang must be spreading rumors.

And she didn't allow others to make rumors about Xu Xinghai.

In the early years, she also had some hopes in her heart.

thought that if she often traveled with Xu Xinghai to meet customers, often held meetings to discuss sales strategies, and took more orders, she would be a special person in his heart.

But she waited and waited, but she didn't wait for anything.

If she loses to the eldest lady of a wealthy family, it will be fine, but if she loses to the girl in front of her who has at most three colors, she is unwilling!

Lu Si had seen Emma from afar a few times and was quite impressed by her.

After all, there are only a handful of female executives in the company, and Lu Si admires every woman who walks to a high place, it must be a very difficult road to walk.

"Hello, Mr. Emma, I'm the new assistant to the president, Lu Si, please advise."

At this point, she came to the top floor, she must have come to find Xu Xinghai.

Thinking of this, Lu Si said again: "Mr. Xu is still in a meeting, and when he finishes the meeting, I will inform you." ”

Emma nodded thoughtfully, then glanced around again, "What about Xu Jiang?" ”

Lu Si: "Assistant Xu has taken a leave of absence and will be back in a week." Some of his work is up to me and Amy, so you can come to us if you need it. ”

Emma turned her head, glanced at Luth, and spoke slowly.

"A customer came to visit suddenly, and I organized a dinner party to invite Assistant Xu to participate. But he's not here, why don't you participate in it on your behalf? ”

Lu Si looked down in thought.

I don't know much about the company's business, and I don't know anything about customers.

Not at all suitable for attendance.

It's strange why Emma makes such a request?

After making up his mind, Lu Si smiled and said, "I don't know about the customer's situation, and I can't replace Assistant Chairman Xu, I'm sorry." ”

Emma had made a temporary decision, but she was very upset when she heard the little girl's clear refusal.

As the top sales of Xu's Group, she has always been held by others, even Xu Xinghai is polite when he sees her.

"However, the customer clearly put forward the request that the assistant of the president's office must be present to show the importance of our company."

"The other party is a deep partner of the company, a large customer who buys more than a billion dollars a year, are you sure you are offended?"

Hearing this, Lu Si hesitated.

Not because of Emma's threat.

Instead, Lu thought that Xu Xinghai was so good to her, she usually couldn't repay her.

Now that she finally has an opportunity to help him, she can't be so selfish.

So Lu Si looked at Emma, "Okay, then I'll join you in." ”

Emma nodded in satisfaction, that was right.

The restaurant she went to was the one that Xu Xinghai had taken Lu Si to before, and the waiter Xiao Zhang obviously recognized her and was very enthusiastic about her.

Emma looked at the waiter's flattery coldly and snorted coldly, "Hello, please change the waiter." ”

Lu Si and Xiao Zhang Gu looked at each other suspiciously.

Emma poured a glass of water for the customer, Mr. Li, then turned his head and said, "We don't need people who don't have eyes. ”

With that, Emma's gaze swept over Lu Si as if he were nothing.

Mr. Li saw Lu Si's discomfort, and immediately pretended to be white, "Oh, Emma, you are too serious, don't scare the little girl." ”

After speaking, he patted the back of Lu Si's hand.

Lu Si was so frightened that he immediately withdrew his hand.

Instead of stopping it, Emma found an excuse to go to the bathroom.

Before going out, she said meaningfully to Lu Si: "Mr. Li is our big customer, you have to entertain well." ”

Then, the door snapped shut.

The private room was not big, and Lu Si felt even more cramped at the moment.

She quietly narrowed the distance between her and Mr. Li.

It was only then that she realized that the physical touch of a stranger made her extremely disgusting.

It seems that only Xu Xinghai, only his touch does not disgust him.

"Little girl, what's your name? New to marketing assistants? ”

Mr. Li smiled and got up to pour water for her.

Lu Si said: "My name is Lu Si, not a marketing assistant, but a new assistant to the president. ”

Mr. Li poured the tea and the water stagnated, "You are Mr. Xu's assistant?" ”

Lu Si wondered, didn't he know that he was Chief Assistant Xu?

But didn't Emma say that Mr. Li designated the assistant to the president's office to attend?

Her thoughts were confused for a moment, but she still explained with good words.

"Xu Jiang asked for leave, and Emma always said that I would attend on my behalf."

Mr. Li hesitated, but as soon as he looked down and saw Lu Sihao's white wrist, he immediately became distracted, and he didn't care about anything.

His eyes lit up, and he grabbed Lu Si's white and tender hand and rubbed it, "Miss Lu is really a rare beauty." Especially this skin, tsk, tsk, it's just blown. ”

Lu Si's face turned red and white, and he was stunned for several seconds before he reacted.

She suppressed the nausea in her stomach, withdrew her hand, and said with a frown: "Mr. Li, I am Mr. Xu's assistant, and the reason why I came to the dinner today is for Mr. Xu's face." ”

When Mr. Li saw her move out of Xu Xinghai, he immediately smiled, "So what?" Will Xu Xinghai fall out with me for the sake of just an assistant? ”

This little girl is so naïve!

It's good to be naïve, he likes to be pure!

As he spoke, he stroked Lu Si's face again.

As soon as the rough, greasy hand touched her cheek, Lu Si slapped him in anger.

"We're not as disgusting as you!"

She believes in Xu Xinghai's character, and he will definitely not acquiesce to his employees to sell their hues in exchange for benefits.

But she underestimated the danger of the box.

Mr. Li didn't expect Lu Si to dare to hit him, so he was furious and slapped her twice in a row.

The man was extremely strong and ruthless.

Lu Si was so blinded by these two slaps that he almost fell to the ground, and his cheeks were immediately swollen.

"Stinky bitch! What identity do you dare to hit me? ”

"Believe it or not, I did you on the spot?"

After that, he was going to hit Lu Si again.

But then Emma opened the door and entered.

"Emma, you're here just in time, this is your Xu's hospitality? She actually dared to hit me, it's against the sky! ”

Emma saw that Mr. Li had an extra slap mark on his cheek and forced Lu Si to apologize.

"Mr. Li, you are angry, I will let her apologize to you."

After saying that, he turned his head to look at Lu Si, and was stunned when he saw the redness and swelling on Lu Si's face.

But she thought that Lu Si was just a small assistant, and where the order was important.

Mr. Li came with an order of more than a billion yuan.

You can't anger him.

She pulled Lu Si over and forced her to bow her head and admit her mistake, "Hurry up and apologize to Mr. Li!" ”

But Lu Si resolutely did not bow his head.

"It was he who sexually harassed me first, and I was in normal defense."

Then she looked at Emma and said calmly, "You deliberately set up a game today, right?" The other party didn't propose to let the assistant president attend at all, and you deliberately asked me to come. ”

"You know he's a repeat offender, but you still insist on me coming over."

"No, even if it weren't me, you'd let the other girls come over."

"It seems that you are not a salesman, you are a bustard!"

Emma's eyes widened in anger and she opened her mouth to refute but felt that her identity was unnecessary.

What about the bureau she set up on purpose!

"But do you think people will believe you or me?"

She is completely sure that people will only trust her, not an insignificant rookie assistant.

Lu Si's face turned pale.

The body couldn't support it and fell to the side.

Suddenly, there was a "bang", and the door was kicked open.

Lu Si's body was gently hugged by the visitor.

The familiar woody scent hits.

Her whole back stiffened, she turned her head to see the appearance of the person who came, and tears of grievance slipped down.

"Xu Xinghai, why did you come..."

Xu Xinghai helped her sit on the chair, and then half-squatted, his eyes full of distress.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Xu, I'm late."

"Punish me however you want for a while, but for now I'll help you get revenge."

Then his eyes instantly turned cold, and he turned his head to stare at Mr. Li and Emma, as if staring at a dead thing.

Emma, on the other hand, had a dead face.

Mrs. Xu......

He called her Mrs. Xu......


And the two tremors that Mr. Li had long been afraid of, were soaked in cold sweat.

"Mr. Xu, it has nothing to do with me, it's all this Emma, she plucked me, I ......"

Before he finished his sentence, he was kicked to the ground by Xu Xinghai.

"Mr. Xu, you spare ......"


Xu Xinghai picked up the porcelain pot on the side and smashed it on his head.

When a touch of scarlet bursts out.

Mr. Li rolled around holding his head in pain, "Help, help!" ”

Xu Xinghai snorted coldly, "Help? Who dares to save you? Well? ”

He had already asked the restaurant owner to cordon off the entire floor and warned the staff not to spread any information.

Xu Xinghai slowly rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, and the fierceness in his eyes became more and more obvious.

"Xu Xinghai, don't fight!"

"It's not worth it to go to jail because of this garbage!"

Xu Xinghai's raised foot slowly retracted, and said lightly: "What Mrs. Xu said makes sense. ”

Mr. Li took the opportunity to cover his head and climb out.

Emma also wanted to go with him, but was stopped by Xu Xinghai.

"Mr. Xu......"

Xu Xinghai said: "You should be glad that I don't beat women." ”

Emma finally let go of her heart and exhaled as if relieved.

But then I heard his ghostly voice.

"But you have not only violated the company's rules, but also hurt my Mrs. Xu, I will not let you go in public or private."

"There are two paths for you to choose from. The first is to publish a letter of apology from all employees on the intranet, and then pack up your things and get out of Jiangcheng, and you will never be allowed to step into Jiangcheng again; The second is to wait for Xu's legal counsel to come to the door, and the entire industry will be ruined, and he will go to the police station if he doesn't make trouble. ”

Emma's blood cooled down little by little, and finally she felt the world spin around, and then fainted by the door.

After years of hard work, he was able to gain a firm foothold in the big city of Jiangcheng and become a senior white-collar worker who was envied by everyone in the family, but all this was going to be over.

She couldn't afford any of them.

But she knew she had to choose one.

Otherwise, Xu Xinghai will make her pay a worse price.

His methods, she had known for a long time.

Her white lips trembled, and her tears flowed uncontrollably, "I... Choose one. ”

Xu Xinghai hugged Lu Si and straddled her body.

"Good, I'm going to see the results in the afternoon."


The atmosphere in the car was solemn.

No one spoke for a long time.

As soon as Lu Si turned his head, he saw that Xu Xing's Hague was closed tightly and his jaw was tense. His eyes moved to his wrist, and he saw that the hand holding the steering wheel was bruised.

"Xu Xinghai~"

The delicate voice made the man's heart tremble, and he immediately stepped on the brakes and pulled over.

He tilted his head and said in a nervous tone, "What's wrong?" Doesn't it hurt? ”

"Don't worry, I'll be at the hospital soon."

There was more light outside than in the restaurant, and the left side of her face seemed to be even more red and swollen at this time.

Lu Si raised a faint smile and grabbed his hand, "I'm fine, it doesn't hurt anymore." ”

Xu Xinghai knew that she was deliberately reckless, and looked at her with dark eyes without saying a word.

After a while, his voice was hoarse, "Mrs. Xu, I'm sorry, I'm too late." ”

Before opening the door, he had already learned from the waiter's mouth that Lu Si was in danger.

But he thought that Emma would not dare to tamper with his people.

In the end, it turned out that he was wrong, and he underestimated the evil of human nature.

In the final analysis, there are thousands of mistakes, and the most blameworthy is yourself.

It was he who didn't protect Lu Si well, so he gave others a chance to take advantage of it.

Lu Si saw him blame himself, and his heart was also very uncomfortable.

She held his hand, her slender fingers smoothing the bulging tendons and soothing his tense emotions.

"It's none of your business, it's me... I shouldn't have taken Emma's word for it. ”

Xu Xinghai saw her head down, and asked softly, "So what did she tell you?" ”

This is something Xu Xinghai has never been able to figure out.

Lu Si and Emma are not familiar with each other, why should they listen to her to accompany customers.

Lu Si's hands tightened, and his black and white eyes collided into his line of sight.

She said that the customer designated the assistant to the president to attend, and said that the customer was very important to the company.

"I want to do it for the company, and I want to do it for ... Do what you can for you, so just go. ”

"I'm sorry, I was so stupid."

After saying that, she hung her head and was at a loss.

Xu Xinghai was shocked by the sentence "do what you can for you" and couldn't come back to his senses for a long time.

Therefore, his Mrs. Xu was really bullied by bad people for him.

Xu Xinghai turned sideways and hugged Lu Si in his arms, his heart was tense, "Mrs. Xu, I don't need you to do anything for me, you can stay by my side is God's greatest favor for me." ”

Lu Si felt the temperature coming from his neck socket, and his heart ironed.

"Okay, I'll stay by your side from now on."



Soon arrived at the hospital, Xu Xinghai and Lu Si sat down and waited for the call under the curious gaze of the crowd.

After a while, Lu Si heard a discussion behind her.

"I'll go, this man looks like a dog, I didn't expect it to be domestic violence!"

"Yes, the little girl looks white and clean, how did she meet such a scumbag! O iniquity! ”

"If you are violating the law now, do you want to call the police?"

"Forget it, let's not be nosy."

"How can it be nosy, this ......"

The voices came and went, and Lu Si looked at Xu Xinghai who was busy typing next to him with a slightly red face.

Just as Xu Xinghai's mobile phone rang.

"Wait a few minutes, I'll answer the phone."

Lu Si wished he left immediately, "Go, go, go." ”

As a result, as soon as Xu Xinghai walked away, a sister behind her patted her on the shoulder.

"Little girl, you can't do this, you can't indulge him, the more you indulge domestic violence, the worse it is. Listen to my sister, call the police quickly! ”

Lu Si had a headache, but he still turned around and explained seriously: "You misunderstood, the injury on my face was not caused by my husband." ”

"My husband is very kind to me, he is very gentle and considerate."

My sister sighed helplessly.

"Little girl, it turns out that you are a big sex fan."

Luth: ......

At this time, the nurse came to call the number, just in time to call Lu Si.

Looking at the wounds on her face, both the nurse and the doctor gasped.

Such a beautiful face suddenly swollen with a steamed bun, who is not frightened when they see it.

When Luth sat down, the nurse closed the door.

The doctor looked serious, "How did you get this injury?" ”

Lu Si knew that they had also misunderstood, and immediately shook his head, "It's not what you think, my husband didn't abuse me." ”

She couldn't laugh or cry.

"Really, I got this injury when I was fighting with someone else."

The doctor was suspicious, "You have thin arms and legs, can you still fight with others?" ”

Lu Si just swore an oath, "Really. It's more real than diamonds! ”

Since the parties concerned are not investigated, the doctor can't say anything more, and prescribes a few pairs of drugs to her.

The nurse saw Lu Si pitiful and helped her out of the outpatient room.

As soon as he opened the door, he met Xu Xinghai.

The nurse glanced him up and down, a high-end handmade suit, good looks, and a good figure, why is he a domestic violence man?

She pointed at Xu Xinghai angrily and said, "This gentleman, I see that you are also an elite, how can you do such a dirty thing, are you still a man?" ”

Xu Xinghai was confused, but he just answered the phone, why is he not a man?

But Xu Xinghai is a good man who is good at reflection.

For the injury to Lu Si, he was afraid that he would never be able to forgive himself.

So Na Na said, "Yes, you are right, it's all my fault." I will take care of her in the future and not let her get hurt again. ”

The nurse saw that he was in a good manner, so she didn't say anything more.

And Lu Si, who was on the side, had already dropped his jaw to the ground in surprise.

How did these two get to the point where the cross-server chat was still perfectly matched???


When she arrived at Langyi, Aunt Wu saw the injury on Lu Si's face, and she couldn't help but ask.

Lu Si didn't say the details, only said that he had a conflict with others, and he would be fine if he took care of it for a few days.

Aunt Wu cried distressedly, immediately took off her apron and went downstairs to buy nourishing ingredients for Lu Si's body.

Lu Si smeared the medicine, and after taking the oral anti-inflammatory drugs, he was sleepy.

"Xu Xinghai, I'll go and take a nap first, you remember to call me in an hour."

She has a bad habit of sleeping a lot during the day and not being able to sleep at night. Therefore, I usually don't take a lunch break, and even if I take a lunch break, I don't dare to sleep too long, for fear of insomnia at night.

The mobile phone ran out of power and was charged in the living room, so she could only trouble Xu Xinghai to be the 'artificial alarm clock'.

Xu Xinghai nodded, "Okay." ”

After watching Lu Si fall asleep, Xu Xinghai gently closed the door of the side bedroom.

Xu Jiang's call came immediately.

He immediately lowered the sound of his mobile phone and walked to the master bedroom to close the door before answering.

Xu Jiang's voice on the other end of the phone was forbearant and restrained, "I heard that my sister-in-law was injured?" ”

In the afternoon, when he saw Emma's all-staff email, he felt that something was wrong.

Someone told him that Emma had left the house, saying that he was leaving Jiangcheng.

Xu Jiang then inquired about it, and learned that this matter was related to Lu Si, and he knew it.

I'm afraid it's not as simple as everyone guesses.

Xu Xinghai let out a faint "um".

Xu Xinghai walked to the balcony and saw that the blue sky was like a wash, and everything was peaceful.

It was as if only his heart was fluctuating.

He slowly squatted down and fiddled with the hydrangea he had bought a few days ago.

These flowers have been taken care of by Lu Si since they were bought, but I didn't expect them to be really good, all of them have big leaves and fertilizer.

After a while, he recalled that Xu Jiang was still listening on the other end of the phone, so he told him what had happened.

"You have a good rest first, and I will follow up on everything myself."

At the latest, tomorrow morning, things will come to light.

Lu Si was present at noon, and he didn't dare to go too far, for fear of scaring her.

However, in the hospital, he had already instructed his men to collect evidence.

Xu Jiang frowned, "My body is almost better, I'll follow up, and I'll synchronize with you in time when there are results." ”

"Xu Qing is there for you?"

Xu Jiang's face flashed unnaturally, "Well, it's here." ”

Xu Xinghai couldn't resist him, so he had to agree, "That's okay, with her taking care of you, I'm also relieved." You follow up remotely at home, and call me if you have something. ”

Xu Jiang, who hung up the phone, coughed violently.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

But he didn't care so much, and quickly walked to the study to turn on the office computer on the table.

Xu Qing brought the washed fruit from the kitchen, but as soon as he walked to the living room, he caught a glimpse of the busy back of the study.

"You're sick, my brother still instructed you, what a hateful capitalist!"

Xu Jiang glanced at her lightly, and then said, "I took the initiative to ask for it, and it has nothing to do with Brother Xu." ”

Xu Qing sniffed, "Tsk, if I didn't know about your and my brother's sexual orientation, I would have doubted if you had a crush on him?" ”

Looking at his pale lips, Xu Qing held back his poisonous tongue, picked up the freshly washed strawberries and handed them to him.

The fresh and sweet strawberries were in front of him, but Xu Jiang frowned.

"You should call me this kind of fruit washing."

She is the pearl of the Xu family, but in order to take care of him, she cooks in the kitchen herself.

Now he washes the fruit for him.

He felt extremely sorry.

Xu Jiang remembered that when she was in college, Xu Qing once said that she would never go into the kitchen in her life, because she was a beauty-loving person, and she would never be able to endure the smoke of the kitchen and the old skin, nor could she stand the water in the kitchen corroding her nails.

However, the current Xu Qing didn't care, she pulled up the long hair hanging on the sides of her shoulders, and her plain white face was completely exposed.

"I'm here to take care of you."

"Besides, what is it to wash fruits, I'm a special chef now, I can do anything!"

After the bold words were over, she remembered that there was a knife in her hand, and she hurriedly pulled up her sleeves to cover it.

Xu Qing knew that he was a ghost, and if he saw the wound, he would definitely send her to Xu Zhai immediately.

So she diverted the topic, "What did my brother tell you about that matter so urgent?" ”

Xu Jiang was afraid that she would blame herself after knowing what happened, so she said, "It's nothing, I'm busy first." You go to the couch and rest for a while. ”

Xu Qing thought he was weird, but he didn't dig deeper, went to the living room to play with his mobile phone for a while, and then fell asleep on the sofa.

When night falls, the street lights in the community are lit up, giving a touch of affection to the dark night sky.

Xu Jiang synchronized the progress of the matter with Xu Xinghai before closing the computer and moving to the living room.

saw Xu Qing sleeping on the sofa.

She has a delicate face, an elegant sleeping position, and she can hear even breathing when she walks forward.

At this moment, she is not lively during the day, but all quiet and dignified temperament.

Xu Jiang suddenly felt that he was like a bee that had strayed into the flowers, and he warned himself not to think too much but couldn't help but think wildly.

With a low sigh, Xu Jiang raised his foot and pushed open the kitchen door.

Lu Si slept very well this night, stretched his waist, and was even more refreshed.

She habitually turned on the bedroom light, then rubbed her sleepy eyes and looked at the wall clock.


Lu Si covered his mouth in surprise.

Xu Xinghai, who was outside the door, heard the exclamation of lying on his side, and even forgot his usual etiquette, and pushed the door in directly, "What's wrong?" Is your face hurting again? ”

Lu Si frowned and shook his head, "No." ”

Xu Xinghai was relieved, but then he brought up a trace of worry, "Could it be that it has been transferred to other parts of the body?" ”

Lu Si gave him a blank look.

As for the president of the Xu family, he doesn't even have common sense of life.

The wound is not how to metastasize from cancer.

She raised her mobile phone, opened her round eyes, and asked Xu Xinghai, "Didn't you ask you to call me in an hour?" It's 7 p.m. now! ”

Xu Xinghai was stunned for a moment, and then chuckled, "I thought it was a big deal, didn't I just forget to wake you up." ”

He actually deliberately didn't wake up Lu Si.

The little girl has been so wronged, what's wrong with sleeping more?

But this is all Xu Xinghai's wishful thinking.

Luth was angry, and the consequences were severe.

She angrily pushed Xu Xinghai away and went to the living room to eat.

I used to have dinner at 6 o'clock, but now I haven't eaten it at 7 o'clock, and my stomach has long protested against the strike.

Aunt Wu, who was standing in the center of the living room with a gossipy face, saw Lu Si coming this way, and turned around to put the food and soup on the table.

Lu Si looked at Aunt Wu apologetically, "I'm sorry, Aunt Wu, I got up late." In this way, you go downstairs to square dance first, and I'll wash the dishes after dinner. ”

She knew that Aunt Wu had the habit of going downstairs at 7 o'clock every night to dance the square dance.

Where is Aunt Wu willing to follow, "It's okay, Auntie won't dance today, you and Mr. eat slowly, I have already eaten." ”

Xu Xinghai had also sat down, and he motioned for Aunt Wu to go downstairs first.

Aunt Wu nodded, unbuttoned her apron and went out.

After Aunt Wu left, Xu Xinghai raised his eyes and stared at Lu Si, and when he saw that the other side did not react for a long time, he sighed meaningfully.

Lu Si took the chopsticks in his hand for a pause, and continued to pick up the dishes after two seconds.

Xu Xinghai raised his eyebrows and let out a long sigh.

The corners of Lu Si's mouth twitched.

"I heard that sighing hurts money, so don't sigh."

Lu Si had made up his mind to ignore him, but he always sighed, this was not good.

Anything can be hurt, but not money.

And Xu Xinghai didn't care so much, seeing that Lu Si was finally willing to speak, he hooked his lips, "Mrs. Xu's anger to get up has finally disappeared?" ”

Lu Si: "I didn't get up. ”

Xu Xinghai saw her denial, and mocked: "You're not angry when you get up, so what is angry?" ”

The eyes were as wide as copper bells, and he was so frightened that he didn't dare to talk.

Lu Si pulled the bowl that was about to bottom out and muttered, "I can't take a nap for too long." ”


"Because I nap too long, I lose sleep at night."

And insomnia at night will be cranky and emo.

Xu Xinghai couldn't cry or laugh after hearing this, "Just because of this? ”

Lu Si glanced at him speechlessly, "You don't understand at all. ”

Xu Xinghai nodded solemnly, too, he was careless, he shouldn't have stuffed what he thought was good to Lu Si.

There is no real empathy in this world.

After pondering for a moment, Xu Xinghai put down the dishes and chopsticks.

'Mrs. Xu, I'm sorry, I was wrong. ’

"To make up for my mistake, I decided to take care of the housework in the evenings. When I'm done with my chores, I'll take you downstairs for a walk, okay? ”

Walking can help you eat and help her sleep better at night.

Lu thought for a moment and nodded, "Okay." ”

The night in Jiangcheng is very lively.

In the open space outside the gate of the community, a group of aunts are dancing in the square.

On the other side, the mother is taking the child for a walk.

So Xu Xinghai had no choice but to take Lu Si's hand and go to the opposite garden.

The moonlight is bright tonight, and every flower and grass in the park is clear.

Lu Si was very pleased, "I didn't expect the park to be so beautiful~"

Xu Xinghai raised his eyebrows, "Yes." ”

"The surrounding area of Lavida Apartment was planned at the beginning of construction, and it was required that there must be a large park, a tertiary hospital and a kindergarten junior high school within three kilometers of the surrounding area."

"The park is designed according to the standards of internationally renowned gardens."

Lu Si was speechless, but he didn't expect him to know so much.

"How do you know, though?"

Xu Xinghai's dark eyes looked at her, as if he was smiling.

"Because the developer of Lavida Apartments is none other than the Hui Group."


The two walked slowly along the garden, and when they came across a beautiful flower, Lu Si bent down to take a photo.

And Xu Xinghai stood aside and looked at her dotingly.

He sighed from the bottom of his heart, such a day is called life, and the days of single dogs in the past were just living.

Waiting for Lu Si to take a good photo, Xu Xinghai took her hand again.

"Mrs. Xu, can you send me a copy of the photo as well?"

Lu Si was very righteous, and without saying a word, he sent him the photo immediately.

Xu Xinghai, who received the photo, was like a proud male peacock, and immediately posted it to Moments.

"My wife's photography skills are really good!"

Lu Si stole a glance, and then followed to open the circle of friends.

Of the four photos, three were taken by her, and one remained... She looked strange.

zoomed in and looked at it again, it was actually a close-up of Xu Xinghai holding her hand!

Lu Si's eyes narrowed slightly, when did this guy secretly take pictures, she didn't even notice it!

Xu Xinghai saw her stop, looking innocent, "I heard that the combination of people and scenery has the best effect." ”

Lu Si was a little helpless, and he didn't know where he heard it.

However, she still gave a "like" to her face immediately.

Xu Xinghai grinned so hard that his mouth grinned behind his ears.


When he returned to the apartment, it was almost nine o'clock, and Lu Si had no sleep.

To prevent insomnia at night, she decided to take a hot bath.

Xu Xinghai was worried that she would hit the wound, so he sat in the living room and waited for her, and told Lu Si to call himself as soon as he had something.

Lu Si's face was slightly red, and he closed the bathroom door with his pajamas, and locked it from the inside.

Xu Xinghai shook his head helplessly, sat on the sofa and crossed Erlang's legs and began to reply to WeChat.

Dai Shao was the first to comment on his circle of friends.

"Brother Xu and sister-in-law are so affectionate, the lone wolf shed tears of envy!"

Below a water stepped on him.

"Lone wolf? Single dogs? ”

"Who's the lone wolf?"

The corners of Xu Xinghai's mouth pulled into a smile, and his hand continued to slide down.

Seeing Xu Qingfa's two white expressions, he remembered that his cousin was still at Xu Jiang's house.

He typed quickly with both hands to remind Xu Qing, "Don't drink." ”

Xu Qing: ???

What a mess?!

Xu Xinghai continued typing, "I'm afraid that you will be hungry and thirsty for too long, and you will be furious after drinking." ”

He believes in Xu Jiang's character, but he is not so sure of Xu Qing's character.

Xu Qing threw over two speechless emojis, and then sent another picture.

It is the back of Xu Jiang who is busy with work.

Xu Qing: "Capitalist! Look at your dedicated employees, sick and still busy working, and you, you look at you, flowers before the moon, beauty on the side! ”

Xu Xinghai snorted, stinky girl, this is protected.

"Understood. When Xu Jiang goes back, I will increase his salary. ”

"The added part is deducted from your salary."

Xu Qing: ......

After the two brothers and sisters finished arguing, Xu Xinghai returned to the circle of friends.

Within a few minutes, the number of likes continued to rise.

This also includes Liang Jin and Xu Xiangdi.

Since the last time he fought in the sanatorium, Xu Xiangdi has been much more honest.

Xu Xinghai didn't hear anything about him anymore.

Even if there is, Xu Xinghai is not afraid at all.

Now that Xu's acquisition of Promise Pharmaceutical shares in China is in full swing, Xu's Public Relations will officially announce the news in less than two months.

In the past, there was no business intersection between the two families, and Xu Xiangdi was not afraid of being constrained by him. But in the future, Xu Xiangdi will have to weigh his own weight if he wants to move him.

And Liang Jin, I also want to thank Lu Si for giving him such a useful handle.


to be continued

Next article:

His wife was a turtle, and when he pressed a little harder, she shrank into her shell.

If it is invaded and deleted