
His wife was a turtle, and when he pressed a little harder, she shrank into her shell.

author:Sunshine sheets
His wife was a turtle, and when he pressed a little harder, she shrank into her shell.

The picture comes from the Internet

The bathroom door was pushed open, and Xu Xinghai also put his mobile phone on the coffee table and looked at the little girl at the bathroom door.

I saw that her skin was white and glowing, the hair on her forehead was slightly wet, her eyes were moist, and her lips were bright red.

What made Xu Xinghai's heart even tighter was that the redness and swelling on her face became more obvious.

He walked up to Lu Si in twos and held her face.

Lu Si tugged at the collar of his pajamas.

Xu Xinghai was amused by her move, as for it.

But he still caught a glimpse of spring in the corner of his eye.

Xu Xinghai's throat rolled, and he couldn't help but think back to the night when the two spent the night in Xu's house.

She still looks best in a pink sundress.

Lu Si was a little embarrassed, her eyes looked at Xu Xinghai with thick eyes, "Don't worry, it doesn't hurt so much." ”

Xu Xinghai let out a low "um" sound, and then said, "Then you go back to the room first, and tell me if you can't sleep." ”

Lu Si nodded, and walked straight to the side.

And Xu Xinghai also entered the bathroom and began to wash.

At 11 o'clock in the evening, Xu Xinghai came out of the master bedroom to receive water, and when he saw that the light on the side was still on, he decisively knocked on the door and went in.

Lu Si, who opened the door, looked loveless.

She asked weakly, "What are you doing?" ”

Xu Xinghai raised his eyebrows, and the corners of his mouth rose, "Mrs. Xu has insomnia?" ”

Lu Si lowered his head and then stretched out ten fingers, and said aggrievedly: "I have counted 10,000 sheep, and I still don't feel sleepy, woo woo!" ”

Xu Xinghai: "Oh, that's really bad. ”

"I heard it's easier to fall asleep listening to the sound of rain?"

Lu Si pointed to the mobile phone on the bed, "The sound of rain, birdsong, and running water have all been tried, but it's useless!" ”

"A glass of hot milk, then?"

"It's useless to drink."

Xu Xinghai was slightly stunned, his dark eyes turned and turned, "It's useless." ”

He opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he just took a sip of warm water.

Lu Si saw that he wanted to say something, and said suspiciously, "Do you have any good ideas?" ”

Xu Xinghai shook his head and said with difficulty, "It's not a good idea, it's just that it's effective to listen to friends around me talk about it occasionally." ”

"What the hell is that?"

Lu Si is very anxious now, she will not refuse any method, and she has the posture of Shennong tasting a hundred herbs.

Xu Xinghai's eyes were deep, his voice was hoarse, and he continued: "I heard that lying in someone else's arms can fall asleep quickly. ”

He quickly cleared up again, "Ah, I've only heard, heard. ”

Lu Si shrank her head, she felt that her state was not so bad, she could wait.

"Oh, I'll try it in Peaches' arms."

Xu Xinghai raised her eyebrows and looked at the small doll on the bed behind her.

He didn't debunk Lu Si's lies, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, "Okay." ”

Then he turned around and put down the water glass and went into the master bedroom.

An hour later, there was a knock on the door of the master bedroom.

Xu Xinghai put down the book in his hand and walked to the door without hurrying.

He pretended to be calm on his face, and asked knowingly, "Mrs. Xu, what's wrong?" Not asleep yet? ”

Lu Si hugged the pillow, his eyes drooping, and his lips were dry.

"Well, I'm not asleep yet."

"Not only can't I sleep, but I'm getting more and more awake......"

Speaking of the back, the sound is getting quieter.

Then she raised her little face and looked at Xu Xinghai.

Xu Xinghai still took Qiao, put one hand in his pocket, and leaned against the wall with the other, he sighed: "How is this good?" ”

"I've heard that people with insomnia are prone to myocardial infarction... However, Mrs. Xu is still young and in good health, so she should not worry about this problem. ”

Lu Si's body trembled, and his hand subconsciously touched to the left.

Ah, it seems to be beating fast here......

She turned pale and asked directly, "Can I go in and sleep?" ”

Seeing that the prey took the initiative to send it to the door, the corners of Xu Xinghai's mouth lifted a almost imperceptible smile.

He turned to go in, and two words floated lightly: "Okay." ”

After Lu Si entered the door, he stretched out his long arm and immediately closed the door and locked it.

The bed in the master bedroom was very large, and Lu Si hesitated in front of the bed and didn't know which side to sleep on.

She looked at Xu Xinghai with blank eyes.

Xu Xinghai pretended not to understand the meaning of her eyes, and said casually: "Mrs. Xu, is this planning to let me hold it?" ”

The pillow in Lu Si's arms became more and more deformed, "How can there be!" ”

"I just don't know if to sleep under the same bed, or ...... separate"

Xu Xinghai lowered his eyes: "Oh, that's it." But Mrs. Xu, I need to remind you that sleeping separately does not cure insomnia. ”

"Because obviously, you can't lie in my arms when you sleep separately."

In fact, he made sense, Lu Si licked his dry lips, "Okay, then sleep together." ”

His face was calm, he shouldn't have any bad intentions, he just wanted to help her treat insomnia.

Xu Xinghai saw that his "sincerity" had won the trust of the little girl, so he spread out the quilt, and was afraid that the little girl would be embarrassed, so he lay in first.

When Lu Si also went to bed, he turned off the warm light at the bedside.

"Mrs. Xu."


"Come here."

Didn't you say that you would sleep in his arms, but now what's going on with the wide gap in the middle?

Lu Si's cheeks were slightly hot, but fortunately, he couldn't see it when he turned off the light.

She leaned back slightly.

This should be fine, right?

Xu Xinghai sighed, and then stretched out his powerful arm and scooped her into his arms.

"That's it."

The man's body was hot, significantly higher than his body temperature.

Lu Si was a little cramped and uneasy, she was actually quite afraid of heat.

But the woody fragrance from the man's body made her feel very reassured.

So she hypnotized herself, relaxed, relaxed, relaxed...

In this way, after a few minutes, Lu Si's body was no longer stiff, and his chest rose and fell evenly.

"Is that comfortable?"

Xu Xinghai put his arm under her neck and asked softly.

Lu Si was afraid that sleeping for a long time would not be good for his arm, so he pushed it away, "It's uncomfortable." ”


It didn't take a minute.

Xu Xinghai put the other arm on her waist again, "So what?" Is this comfortable? ”

Lu Si was almost crazy, and his heart was beating wildly when he had just stopped.

Where does this guy put his hand??

"It's uncomfortable!"


The man behind him gradually quieted down.

Lu Si could clearly feel his burning breath.

But she still didn't feel sleepy.

Lu Si, who was extremely bored, turned his head slightly, wanting to see what Xu Xinghai was like when he fell asleep, but as soon as he turned his head, he fell into the man's heavy eyes.

"You... Why haven't you slept yet? ”

Xu Xinghai said as a matter of course: "Mrs. Xu hasn't slept yet, how can I sleep first." ”

This made Lu Si very embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, if it weren't for me, you'd have fallen asleep."

Xu Xinghai: "Mrs. Xu, let's talk for a while, maybe we'll fall asleep while chatting." ”

Lu Si nodded, "Okay." ”

"What does your hair smell like, it smells so good."

Xu Xinghai sniffed her hair gently, and then dropped an invisible kiss.

"Probably the scent of the shampoo. I use it every day, and I can't smell it anymore. ”

Speaking of fragrance, Lu Si was also curious, "Then what is the smell on your body?" Every time you can smell a woody scent. ”

A hint of amusement flashed in the eyes of the man in the dark, "Mrs. Xu, you still pay attention to me." You can smell it so light. ”

Lu Si sneered, "Then you are not the same, you also pay attention to me." ”

Xu Xinghai chuckled, "I do pay a lot of attention to Mrs. Xu, Mrs. Xu finally saw it." ”


Lu Si was silent.

She forgot that if she was thicker than anyone, she would definitely not be able to compare to Xu Xinghai.

Xu Xinghai stopped teasing her, and said truthfully: "The smell on my body comes from the commonly used skin care products, the one on the sink." ”

It is said to be a skin care product, but it is actually a bottle of moisturizing water, which can be used every day of the year.

"If Mrs. Xu likes it, she can try it tomorrow morning."

Lu Si turned over, who likes it, she doesn't want to try.

The room soon fell silent, and Lu Si felt extremely relaxed in the warm embrace.

Soon, her eyelids became heavy, and she fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning, Lu Si slept until he woke up naturally.

Embarrassed, she found that her whole body was hanging on Xu Xinghai's body.

Lu Si silently put his feet off his lap and said hello casually, "Morning~"

Xu Xinghai put his hands behind his head and teased: "Mrs. Xu, early~"

"This can confirm that Mrs. Xu is really dishonest when she sleeps."

Sleeping together twice, they both woke up with the scene of Lu Si hanging on him.

He was extremely sure that Mrs. Xu, who looked well-behaved, cute, gentle and virtuous on the outside, was not honest in her sleep. At the same time, there was a faint joy in his heart, such a Mrs. Xu was only known to him.

Lu Si bowed his head and was shy, as if it were.

Xu Xinghai patted her head and comforted her, "But it's okay, my sleep quality is very good, and it won't be affected." ”

After speaking, he gently hugged Lu Si into his arms, "Do you want to sleep for a while?" ”

Lu Si shook his head, "No need. ”

"Thank you, I slept well last night."

"Okay, let's get up and have breakfast."

When Lu Si and Xu Xinghai came out of the master bedroom one after the other, Aunt Wu was busy mopping the floor in the living room.

Seeing the messy appearance of the two of them, Aunt Wu couldn't stop smiling.

That's right.

Husbands and wives should sleep together.

She happily asked, "Sir, madam, do you want to bring breakfast?" ”

Xu Xinghai: "Okay. ”

Then he took Lu Si's hand and went to the bathroom.

The man washed up quickly, and took the lead to go out and sit at the dining table to wait for Lu Si.

After Lu Si washed his face, he looked at the men's skin care water on the sink and was stunned.

Does this humble little bottle really smell that good?

She remembered what Xu Xinghai said to her last night, and her heart moved at will, so she reached out and unscrewed the moisturizing water and poured it into the palm of her hand.

Lowering his head and sniffing lightly, a faint woody fragrance came to his nose.

It tastes so good.

She deliberately avoided the red and swollen cheeks and gently rubbed them on the rest of the face.

When she came out, Xu Xinghai was already nibbling on bread.

And Lu Si's seat is placed with preserved eggs and lean porridge.

She felt a little bored while eating breakfast and turned on the TV.

The TV was playing the morning news of Jiangcheng.

It seems to be a big news, and Jiangcheng TV specially made a special broadcast.

Lu Si listened unconsciously while drinking porridge.

"Li XX, a well-known private entrepreneur in the city, was prosecuted by the procuratorate today for committing the crime of offering bribes."

"According to reports, Li XX was reported by his real name to offer bribes to government officials, and the amount of bribes was huge."

"Now let's look back on the past of Li XX and the company he founded."

Looking at the photo of Li XX on TV, Lu Si's brain crashed for a moment.

Isn't this person Mr. Li?

Lu Si put down the spoon in his hand, looked at Xu Xinghai fixedly, was silent for three seconds, and then asked, "Did you do this?" ”

Xu Xinghai looked calm and said lightly: "Yes." ”

Lu Si's heart warmed, "Thank you." ”

Xu Xinghai sat up straight and met her black and white eyes, "It's all what I should do." ”

Only kicking Li XX a few times is just an itch in his boots, and only by going to prison can he really learn a lesson.

After speaking, he bent down slightly and approached Lu Si again, "Mrs. Xu, do you think I'm terrible?" ”


Lu Si's brain knotted and he didn't react for a while.

"Do you think it's too cruel for me to retaliate like this?"

With that, his hand holding the coffee cup tightened.

What he was most afraid of was that this incident would leave a bad impression on Lu Si.

He didn't want his wife Xu to think that he was a cruel and retributive villain.

Lu Si was surprised by his question.

"How so?"

"That Mr. Li is a habitual offender at first glance, and everyone will be punished."

"You've done a good thing!"

When Xu Xinghai heard her say this, the tense string in his heart suddenly relaxed.

If only she could think so.


Xu Xinghai asked a little nervously, "But what?" ”

"The only pity is that I don't know if it will affect the work of the workers."

Pushing herself and others, Lu Si herself is also an ordinary worker, she knows that the current economic situation is not good, and everyone is forced to 996 in order to keep their existing jobs.

But if a job is lost because of such an occasional event, many families will fall apart.

It turned out that she was worried about this.

Xu Xinghai comforted her: "Don't worry, it won't affect the work of ordinary people." ”

Lu Si's eyes lit up, "Really? ”


"The other party has contacted the Xu's Group to ask if we are willing to take over."

"The Xu family is naturally willing, and I have already arranged for someone to dock."

Lu Si was very happy, there was no more perfect ending than this.

After eating the porridge, she switched to the entertainment channel and watched the gossip casually.

Suddenly, a familiar person appeared on TV.

She tugged at the sleeve of the man next to her excitedly, "Xu Xinghai, look." ”

Xu Xinghai's face was immediately gloomy, "Mrs. Xu, your taste is as bad as ever. ”

Lu Si was full of question marks, what was he talking about.

Xu Xinghai glanced at her heavily, "I don't think he's handsome." ”

Lu Si only thinks that he is golden, who thinks he is handsome, so she doesn't like this kind of spiritual guy. may be influenced by Lu's father, from childhood to adulthood, Lu Si only likes gentle, emotionally stable men.

"I want to say that this man, he is Liang Jin's cheating partner."

Xu Xinghai was almost immediately full of interest.

The man who stared at the screen glanced at it for a few moments, and then commented: "More handsome than Xu Xiangdi, I don't blame Liang Jin for cheating." ”


Lu Si suspected that he did it on purpose, but she had no proof.

After breakfast, Lu Si exercised for a while, then went back to her side to continue drawing her unfinished designs.

After the first draft was completed, she walked out of the bedroom, and found that Xu Xinghai was still at home.

"Why didn't you go to work?"

Xu Xinghai pointed to the tablet on the tablet, "Telecommuting." ”


No, why don't you see him working remotely?

As if seeing her doubts, Xu Xinghai said in a flat tone: "Mainly to accompany Mrs. Xu." ”

A thin flush rose on Lu Si's face.

She slowly walked over to the couch and sat down.

"Xu Xinghai, you are born to talk sweetly or... Acquired it? ”

Since the two got along, this man would say something that she misunderstood whenever he had the opportunity.

She thought that if she was as noble as Xu Xinghai, it should be someone else who took the initiative to show favor to him.

But the reality is exactly the opposite of what she thinks.

At first, he thought that Xu Xinghai might be influenced by his family and would be born with it.

But the Xu family looks quite normal, and Xu's father is also an honest man.

There is only one explanation left.

Xu Xinghai learned the skill of sweet words the day after tomorrow.

Well, that means he's had many girlfriends in the past.

Or even a girlfriend, just like Liang Jin's little wolf dog, he has also had a lot of 'mood people'.

Lu Si also thought carefully about his state in college.

At that time, he was either single or with a group of male classmates, and the only opposite sex around him was probably himself.

But she and Xu Xinghai have only met a few times.

Xu Xinghai's typing hand stopped, his eyes were as tender as water, and he smiled lightly, "Mrs. Xu, you actually want to ask me if I have an ex, right?" ”

Joy slowly soaked into his heart, as Lu Si finally became interested in his past.

He has always known Lu Si well, and Lu Si only knows his present.

Now she finally wants to know about his past.

It is said that the most concrete manifestation of having a good impression of a person is to be interested in his past.

Can he understand that his wife Xu has finally developed a crush on him?

Lu Si's face was embarrassed, and her careful thinking was guessed, but she still remained calm on her face.

"I didn't say that, you said it yourself."

Working with Xu Xinghai for a period of time, Lu Si learned his essence somewhat.

Although Mrs. Xu's mouth is hard, the curvature of the corners of Xu Xinghai's mouth has not changed.

"Oh, then I'll assume I'm right."

"As for the question of whether I have an ex......"

"I can responsibly say no."

Lu Si's eyes were full of astonishment, "Really? ”

Xu Xinghai let out a low laugh in his throat, "Didn't you say you didn't want to know?" It's true. ”

"It's incredible!"

A man as good as him, let alone college, should have fallen in love in middle school.

But he didn't have any predecessors.

"There's something incredible. Maybe I'm too good, but to others I'm the kaolin flower. ”

Luth: ......

She picked her toes at the ground in embarrassment, but she thought that the apartment was not easy to come by, and she had to cherish it.

So she raised her eyes and looked at her casually, releasing the speechlessness in her heart.

Windfall, she saw the desktop pattern on Xu Xinghai's tablet.

"This is my alma mater!"

"Xu Xinghai, have you ever been to country M?"

Xu Xinghai: "Well, I've been on a business trip. ”

"Oh, have you been to my alma mater, the school on your desk? It's so beautiful! ”

Yes, in winter, the goose feathers and heavy snow are scattered on the branches, and the red plum and white snow are exceptionally beautiful.

But he was silent for a few seconds, and then shook his head slightly, "I haven't been." ”

Lu Si recalled the time of studying abroad in country M, those experiences that were difficult but worth savoring for a lifetime, and then slowly told Xu Xinghai about them.

"Xu Xinghai, if you have a chance in the future, I'll take you to my alma mater, okay?"

When she talks about her alma mater, her eyes are unusually bright.

Xu Xinghai's eyes were deep, and he held Lu Si's hands, "Okay." I'll wait for you to take me. ”

After spending several days at home, Lu Si felt bored.

The part-time sketches have been delivered, and the new tasks have not yet come down, so she is very free these days.

Looking at Xu Xinghai who was concentrating on work in the living room, Lu Si was actually a little envious.

After pretending to pass by three times and Xu Xinghai didn't take the initiative to talk to her, Lu Si decided to take the initiative.

"Cough cough..."

Xu Xinghai finally raised his eyes.

Lu Si asked him expectantly, "When are we going to work?" ”

Her white little finger pointed at her face, "The redness and swelling on her face have almost disappeared, and no one can see it after applying makeup." ”

Xu Xinghai held her face and looked closely.

Indeed, the two can only see a trace of injury at such a close distance, and when they go to work, only maintaining social distance between colleagues does not affect work, but the company's recent rumors are not good for Lu Si.

All kinds of rumors are spreading.

He's been dealing with it today.

"Next Monday, we'll go to work together."

When Lu Si heard him say this, his little face immediately fell.

She counted on her fingers, there were still three days.

How is she going to spend these three days!

Xu Xinghai was teased by her small actions, "I don't see that Mrs. Xu is the real workaholic." Others have no time to take a vacation if they want to, but Mrs. Xu is the opposite, she has time but is unwilling to take a vacation. ”

Wouldn't it be nice to fish openly like him?

Lu Si glanced at him, "Mr. Xu, you forgot, I have only been employed for less than a year and have no annual leave. ”

In other words, she is now on sick leave, and her salary will be deducted.

The thought that the salary received at the end of the month would be much less, her heart bleed.

Xu Xinghai suddenly realized that she was worried about this.

He hooked his lips and smiled indulgently, "Don't worry, I've already instructed HR to give you Xu Qing's salary." ”


It's Lu Si's turn to be embarrassed this time, so it doesn't have to be like this, right?

Xu Xinghai: "It's normal for her to take a vacation without my permission, and to push her job to you, and to deduct her salary." ”

"Besides, I have always been iron-faced and selfless, and I am the most just, and I can't indulge her."

Lu Si, well.

But when she turned around, she sent a message to Xu Qing to make her position clear.

It's her brother who wants to deduct his salary, and it has nothing to do with him.


Xu Xinghai, who didn't know that his wife had already sold him behind his back, found an excuse to go out in the afternoon.

When I came back, I had a small box in my hand.

Lu Si was watching TV, and when he saw the box in his hand, he immediately rushed up.

"What is this?"

Xu Xinghai smiled mysteriously, "Open it and take a look." ”

Lu Si was about to stretch out his hand to open it, but suddenly felt that his expression was wrong, and his heart suddenly became suspicious.

This guy shouldn't be tricking her.

She's most afraid of reptiles like snakes, and this box shouldn't be ......

Lu Si was not calm, and took a step back, "It's better for you to open it yourself." ”

Seeing Xu Xinghai open the box and then pick up the fluffy ball, she was relieved.

"Where's the kitten?"

Xu Xinghai put the little Sanhua cat in the palm of her hand and said gently: "The stray cat in the community looks like it has just been born. I saw it pitiful, so I thought about taking it home and adopting it. ”

"Mrs. Xu, do you like it?"

His broad palm caressed Xiao Sanhua's body, which was extremely gentle.

Lu Si raised his eyes to meet the gentle smile he threw at him, and subconsciously hooked his lips and smiled.

A warmth flowed from the heart to the limbs.

"I like it."

Xiao Sanhua seemed to understand her words, and shouted with "meow meow".

Lu Si's eyes lit up, "Wow, it understands!" ”

Although she knew that the coat color of the three-flowered cat was about the same, this one still reminded Lu Si of the one she had raised in the Lu family before.

She put the kitten on her lap, stroked it and stroked it, and then talked to Xu Xinghai about the past.

"I also had a Sanhua in high school, and coincidentally, that Sanhua is also a stray cat, and the color is exactly the same as this one."

"I was busy with classes during the day, and my mother took care of it, and I often hugged it to sleep at night."

"It can eat very well, but it will gain weight in three months, and then in order to lose weight, I will take it to the park for a walk."

Lu Si talked about the past, and was stunned for a moment before finally reacting.

"The last time you asked me if I liked critters, were you going to take them home?"

Xu Xinghai didn't intend to lie: "Well, yes. ”

"But you later said that you don't have the energy to raise it for the time being, so I didn't take it home."

"When I went out this afternoon, I found that it was still there, and I thought it must have a special fate with Mrs. Xu, so I brought it back immediately."

Lu Si also remembered the last conversation between the two.

But Xiao Sanhua was brought home, and she had to raise it this time.

Lu Si: "There happens to be a cardboard box at home, so I will transform the cardboard box into a temporary cat nest for it." ”

Xu Xinghai looked at her stretched and beautiful eyebrows and chuckled, "Okay." ”

Just do it, Lu Si put Xiao Sanhua on the sofa, then found the cardboard box and cutting knife, and designed and cut it according to the imagination in his mind.

In less than an hour, a small and comfortable "cat nest" was ready.

Lu Si found the winter scarf he didn't wear from the closet and put it in the cat's nest, and then put Xiao Sanhua inside.

"Little girl, you go to sleep first~"

Then she got up and sat on the sofa, and went non-stop to buy exquisite and beautiful cat litter, cat food, and cat litter online. I also made an appointment for the kitten with a physical examination package and triple vaccine from a nearby pet hospital.

By the time it was all done, it was getting dark outside.

Xu Xinghai's work at hand was finally finished.

He closed the tablet, sat down next to Lu Si and touched the top of her hair.

"Mrs. Xu is awesome, she is busy by herself."

Lu Si felt that his way of praising a kindergarten child was very much like praising a kindergarten child, so he protested: "I'm not a three-year-old child, so you don't need to touch the top of my hair." ”

Xu Xinghai obediently put down his hand and said dotingly: "Okay." ”

"By the way, have you figured out what to name your kitten?"

"I've heard that the smaller the kitten, the better it should be so that it gets used to its own name."

Lu Si nodded in agreement, "Indeed. So what do you call it? ”

Xu Xinghai thought for a moment and said, "It's better to call Nian Nian, what do you think?" ”

Miss, miss, miss.

A pair of kittens at home just make up the word "missing".

But Lu Si felt that the name was a bit like a child's milk name.

Xu Xinghai immediately agreed, "Mrs. Xu is right, it is better to leave Niannian for our daughter." ”

Lu Si's mouth was faster than his brain, and he answered: "How do you know that we gave birth to a daughter?" Maybe it's a boy. ”

After speaking, he was stunned.

Her face immediately flushed like fire.

Where is this, how can it be said that it is about children???

Xu Xinghai chuckled, "It's okay to have a boy, but I still think my daughter is cute." Mrs. Xu, let's have two, a boy and a girl, okay? ”

Lu Si frantically walked away, "We are discussing the name of the kitten, you don't want to carry private goods." ”

Xu Xinghai knew that she was shy, and she no longer pressed her tightly.

His Mrs. Xu was a turtle, and when he pressed a little harder, Mrs. Xu shrank into her shell.

If he takes a step further, Mrs. Xu will live directly in the shell and not come out.

"Okay, then according to Mrs. Xu, what should I call it?"

Xiao Sanhua looked at them in the box, and saw Xu Xinghai's hand hanging in the cardboard box, and stepped forward to take a bite.

Fortunately, it is just a small milk cat, and its teeth have not yet grown, and it does not hurt to bite.

Xu Xinghai withdrew his hand and looked at Lu Si next to him lightly.

Lu Si struggled for a long time, and he didn't think of a better name, so he lowered his eyelids and proposed: "Let's call it Sanhua first, and then think about the name slowly." ”

In the evening, the cat litter, cat food, and cat litter ordered by Lu Si all arrived, and she happily officially made a resettlement plan for Sanhua.

I went to the Internet to do a guide, and netizens suggested that the cat be placed on a ventilated balcony.

But Lu Si's side bedroom has no balcony, and the only room with a balcony in the whole apartment is the master bedroom where Xu Xinghai lives.

But if she had to put the cat nest there, she would have to go to the master bedroom every day......

Lu Si still remembers that Xu Xinghai likes to lie on the bed in the master bedroom with his upper body naked......

Wouldn't it be embarrassing to meet every night and every morning?

Thinking of the night he went to his room to treat insomnia, Lu Si only felt a stuffy heat in his chest.

She looked at Xu Xinghai, who was playing a game in the distance, and inadvertently recalled the spring scene in her mind when the man hugged her to sleep with his upper body naked.

She remembers the touch was good.

Lu Si shook his head, secretly scolding himself for his dirty thoughts.

People really help you treat insomnia, but you don't forget about other people's bodies, newborn you!

Xu Xinghai felt a burning gaze, looked back, and just saw the little girl shaking her head with a hideous face.

He immediately put down the game handle in his hand, walked quickly to Lu Si's side, and asked with concern, "What's wrong?" Not feeling well? ”

Lu Si's face was hot, and he shook his head weakly, "No, no." ”

Raising his eyes, the eyes of the two collided, and Lu Si only felt that his chest was like a deer colliding with him.

Xu Xinghai only felt that she was very strange tonight, looked at the cat litter, cat food and cat litter piled up on the ground, and then asked, "How are you going to place the little one?" ”

Lu Si's mind was in a mess, and he subconsciously revealed his true thoughts.

"If you place Sanhua in the living room, the smell will be stronger, and there are many things in the living room, it will bite and turn around, which is very troublesome."

"It's a good place on the balcony, with good air circulation and open space, so it's easy to move. What do you think? ”

Xu Xinghai listened carefully to her analysis and agreed, "I agree." It's just a little worried. ”

Lu Si blinked, "Worried about what?" ”

Xu Xinghai looked at her deeply, and then chuckled, "It's nothing, I think it's good, let's arrange it like this." ”

Lu Si frowned, if this person wants to say it or not, he will really hook people.

After the two discussed, they moved the little Sanhua to the balcony, and the little guy quickly adapted to it, and explored around the balcony after eating and drinking.

Lu Si looked at it and shook his head, and his heart softened.

After dinner, Lu Si watched the TV series for a while, and then went to take a shower.

On the days at home, she also seems to be at work, with a regular schedule and sleep, and goes to bed on time before 10 o'clock to brew sleep.

When he closed his eyes, Lu Si seemed to hear a cat meow.

Suspecting that she had misheard, she rolled over and continued to sleep.

But the sound is still there.

Now she couldn't sleep, so she lifted the quilt and walked to the wall, her ears pressed against the wall.

Lu Si confirmed that it was indeed the kitten's bark.

So she unscrewed the side bed, turned her foot and walked to the master bedroom door.

To her surprise, the door to the master bedroom was ajar.

It seems that Xu Xinghai has not fallen asleep yet.

"Xu Xinghai, I just heard the kitten's bark, is Sanhua barking?"

A moment later, a man's deep voice came from the master bedroom.

"It seems that Sanhua has been calling just now, but now it's okay and it's not calling. But you'd better come and have a look. ”

Lu Si also had this intention, so he pushed open the door of the master bedroom and walked all the way to the balcony.

Xu Xinghai squatted in front of the cat nest and stroked Sanhua's head, while Sanhua was "purring" comfortably.

Lu Si was surprised, he didn't know why the cat was barking just now.

"It looks so comfortable, what was it called?"

Xu Xinghai's eyes flashed, avoiding her gaze, and the movements of his hands stopped.

"I don't know."

After thinking for a moment, he said indifferently: "Maybe it's because you're not around." Now that you're here, it's reassuring, so don't bark. ”

Lu Si's heart was both warm and a little guilty when he said this.

She picked up the kitten and put it on her lap, like educating a child, "Little Sanhua, mom is going to sleep, I can't take care of you all the time, you have to learn to take care of yourself." ”

Xu Xinghai continued to stroke Sanhua's head, and said with a light smile: "Yes, mom doesn't sleep here, it's very troublesome to come here, you have something to tell your father." ”

Lu Si was stunned because of his "Dad".

Mommy and Dad......

It's as if the two are really educating their children.

She suddenly thought of what Xu Xinghai said during the day that she would give birth to a son and a daughter in the future......

Obviously, the two are just married, but this man always says something casually that makes people misunderstand.

After a long time, Lu Si noticed that something was wrong again.

She looked at Xu Xinghai with half-squinted eyes, "What you said just now was wrong." ”

It's green tea at all!

"How can you say bad things about me in front of Sanhua, what if it really remembers it in my heart?!"

Although she was angry, her words were delicate and soft, and she had a coquettish tone.

Xu Xinghai only thinks that his wife is really cute.

"But I'm telling the truth, it's the truth that you don't sleep here, and it's the truth that it's troublesome to come here."

His clear voice was a little aggrieved.

Even the pitch-black pupils were aggrieved.

Lu Si suspected for a moment that his grievance was true feelings, not just for Sanhua.

She opened her mouth to refute, but she racked her brains and couldn't think of a reason to refute, so she finally had to give up.

The night is dark and the moon is bright, all the sounds are silent, only a few stars in the sky are shining, and there is no sleep.

Lu Si put down the three flowers and lay on the rocking chair, looking at the sky, blowing the breeze, very comfortable.

Ah, this is her dream love desk!

She remembered that when she was a child, her father taught her how to recognize constellations, and she stretched out her hand to point and poke at the night sky, and there were words in her mouth.

"This is Cassiopeia, that's the ...... of Cassiopeia"

Xu Xinghai closed the book and looked at Lu Si, who had long fallen asleep in the rocking chair.

He walked lightly to the balcony, touched Sanhua, who was awakened by hearing the sound, and said in a low voice: "Little guy, thank you for your cooperation tonight, Dad loves you~"

Then he bent down and picked up Lu Si in the rocking chair and gently put her on the bed.

After turning off the lights, Xu Xinghai collected the video of the cat's cub meowing on his mobile phone, and then fell asleep with Lu Si in his arms.

The next morning, when the sky was dark, Lu Si heard a noise, as if something was scratching the door.

She vaguely felt that this scene was somewhat familiar.

This... Isn't that what happened last night?

It's a little scary, could it be that she has entered a parallel time and space???

Lu Si got up and patted her chest in shock, only to realize that this room was not her room.

Her eyes moved from the curtain in the distance to her side, and Lu Si realized that she had slept in the master bedroom again.

Lu Si leaned over and stared at the sleeping Xu Xinghai, this was the first time she had observed him so closely.

The man sleeps with his eyes closed and in an extended and graceful position, his hands at his sides.

On the other hand, it seems that the posture of waking up is different every morning.

Lu thought about Xu Xinghai's ridicule of her.

Is it true that you don't sleep honestly?

She lay on her side, supporting her head with her hands, and looked at Xu Xinghai's face carefully.

The eyebrows are still thick and the nose is still straight.

To Lu Si's surprise, he was a big man with quite long eyelashes.

The contours of his face are still smooth but less angular, which makes him look more gentle than usual when he is asleep.

Yes, Xu Xinghai has always given her the impression of being gentle and considerate.

Although he always said something that made her blush and shy, it was undeniable that he stopped every time he clicked, and stopped immediately when he saw her dodging.

Coupled with his handsome appearance and strong body, he can be described as a perfect match.

Such Xu Xinghai is worth a try.

But Lu Si didn't know what he thought, could it be just her wishful thinking.

If he doesn't like himself......

When Lu thought about this, he immediately lost the courage to think about it.

Let's do it first.

We'll talk about that later.

The sound of scratching the door sounded again.

Lu Si's thoughts were shattered.

She stepped lightly into the bed, finally hearing the sound coming from outside.

It must be that Xiao Sanhua is hungry.

Last night, I checked the guide on the Internet, and some netizens suggested not to put too much food on the kitten, in case the kitten was hungry and ate too much to break the belly.

So before going to bed last night, Lu Si only put a little cat food in the bowl.

Lu Si gently lifted the corner of the curtain, then opened the sliding door to the balcony and added some cat food to Sanhua, and by the way, also added some drinking water.

Xiao Sanhua was gurgling and eating food, and Lu Si observed for a while, only to realize that he hadn't shoveled the kitten's feces yet.

Don't look at the kitten, it's cute, it's cute, and the that can be pulled is really stinky.

Lu Si pinched his nose and shoveled, but when he turned around, he saw Xu Xinghai with low eyes and a smile.

"Mrs. Xu is really conscientious as a mother."

Lu Si was embarrassed, put down the shovel, and walked over to him, "Woke you up?" ”

She deliberately lowered her voice, but she didn't expect to wake him up.

Xu Xinghai shook his head and said with a faint smile: "No." ”

Then he added, "I'll wake up when you wake up." ”

Lu Si was stunned, only to feel that his face was as hot as fire.

Woke up so early, didn't he know all when she peeked at him......

Lu Si's mind was chaotic and he lowered his head in embarrassment.

Then Xu Xinghai asked again, "What's wrong?" Didn't Mrs. Xu just wake up? ”

Lu Si raised his head, his eyes shining, "Yes, I just woke up." ”

"By the way, I'm sorry last night, I'm sorry to trouble you again."

After saying that, he walked quickly to the living room without looking back.

In the panic, he also hit the sliding door.

Fortunately, the impact was very light.

However, Xu Xinghai suspects that even if she hits hard, she will pretend to be calm and say, 'It's okay'.

After Lu Si left, he squatted down and looked at Xiao Sanhua immersed in cooking, and laughed.

After breakfast, Xu Qing and Xu Jiang suddenly came to visit.

Lu Si looked at the large and small nutritional products in Xu Qing's hand and was stunned.

She glanced at Xu Xinghai, "It's just a small injury, how can you move the people." ”

Xu Xinghai immediately shrugged his shoulders to prove his innocence, "I said it, but they insisted on coming." ”

Xu Qing rarely stood on the same line with his cousin, "I insisted on coming." ”

Then he looked at Lu Si with an apologetic expression, "Sister-in-law, it's all my fault, if I hadn't taken a sudden vacation, you wouldn't have been bullied." ”

Lu Si was surprised by her logic, "Qingqing, this has nothing to do with you at all!" ”

Xu Qing said hurriedly: "Of course it matters, if I am also here, I can see through Emma's tricks, and you won't go to the restaurant." ”

Lu Si held her hand, "It's not like this, even if there is no this time, there will be a next time." Bad guys always find an opportunity to sin if they want to sin. ”

Xu Xinghai frowned slightly, and couldn't bear Lu Si to think about that day again, so he interrupted the conversation between the two of them.

"It's all gone, and your sister-in-law's face is all good."

Xu Qing looked at it carefully, and saw that Lu Si's face had recovered to its original state before he was relieved.

Lu Si smiled and took her to the balcony to see Xiao Sanhua, who had just been adopted home yesterday.

The two little girls were chattering and laughing on the balcony, and when they came out, they saw Xu Xinghai and Xu Jiang chatting about work.

It seems to be about the acquisition.

Xu Qing pursed his lips and scolded in a low voice: "Ruthless capitalist."

Lu Si smiled, approached her and said, "Xu Xinghai is a ruthless capitalist, and you are the sister of a ruthless capitalist. ”

My sister-in-law has changed, and she has changed from an honest and introverted I person to an E person!

This change is too big, Xu Qing couldn't help but joke: "I almost forgot, you are the wife of a capitalist, of course you have to speak for capitalists." ”

This witty remark made Lu Si's cheeks flush twice.

In order to hide his embarrassment, Lu Si immediately proposed in a low voice: "It's boring, let's go out shopping." ”

Xu Qing likes shopping the most, and when she heard this, she immediately dragged Lu Si's arm to the door, and before going out, she took a special look at the layout of the room.

When he got downstairs, Xu Qing saw that there was no one around, so he boldly teased: "Oh, it turns out that my brother and sister-in-law still sleep in separate rooms~"

Lu Si's smile suddenly stopped, and he covered her mouth, "Be quiet, keep it secret for me!" ”

Xu Qingchao narrowed a pair of good-looking apricot eyes, and agreed, "No problem." ”

"But," she said, "my good sister-in-law, I'll keep it a secret for you, but you can also help your sister." ”

Lu Si put down his hand, quite curious, "What's the matter?" ”

A heroic girl like Xu Qing, Lu Si thought that she was not afraid of heaven and earth, and nothing could stump her.

Xu Qingshen was mysterious, and only said, "I'll talk about it when I get to the café in a while." ”

The facilities around Lavida are very complete, and there is a relatively large shopping mall nearby.

There are usually not many people, but there are many shops that have settled in, and it is indeed a good place to go shopping.

Lu Si took Xu Qing to the 1st and 2nd floors of the mall to see the new products of various counters, but Xu Qing was full of enthusiasm at first, and he was a little tired when he walked to the back.

The two of them found a café and sat down.

Xu Qing, who saw the coffee, was like seeing a life-saving straw, holding the iced American, and drank it in a big gulp.

It took a few minutes for her to feel refreshed.

All this made Lu Si, who was drinking a latte on the other side, sipping.

She asked softly, "What's wrong, you feel so tired?" ”

Xu Qing seemed to think of something, smiled shyly, and then had the audacity to tell Lu Si truthfully.

"Last night, I made a hard bow to Xu Jiang Overlord."

Lu Si was so shocked that he forgot to swallow the coffee in his mouth.


She always knew that Xu Qing had a good impression of Xu Jiang, but she didn't expect her to take the initiative to this point.

But in the next second, Xu Qing lowered his eyes and lay on the table in frustration.

"But it failed."

Lu Si's breath held again eased, "Oh. ”

After a while, Lu Si asked again: "Then what is Xu Jiang's attitude towards you?" ”

Xu Qing stirred the ice American style in his hand, put his hand on his cheek, and sighed.

"He has rejected me, what attitude can he have."

"You just don't agree with my pursuit."

Lu Si continued to ask, "Then have you ever asked him why he doesn't like you?" ”

In fact, from Lu Si's point of view, she felt that Xu Jiang didn't have any feelings for Xu Qing.

After all, he agreed that Xu Qing would go to his house to take care of him.

Xu Qing's expression was lonely, his eyes were lonely, and he said: "He is just a stuffy gourd, and he doesn't say anything." However, I vaguely felt that he should not feel worthy of me. ”

This answer is not surprising to Lu Si, how big the gap between the two people's backgrounds is, anyone can see it.

Emotional matters are the most reluctant.

At this point, Lu Si could only comfort Xu Qing to let go when he should let go.

But Xu Qing was unwilling.

She looked up and asked Lu Si, "Sister-in-law, do you like my brother now?" ”

Lu Si was stunned, why did he get involved with himself.

"Do you like my brother or not?"

Lu Si's cheeks were stained with two faint shades of red, but he was very sure in his heart.

She whispered, "Yes." I'm married to him, and of course I like it. ”

Xu Qing was even more unwilling.

The cousin has been waiting for Lu Si for so many years, and he has tried his best to marry her.

And now the girl in his heart finally likes him.

Girls know girls best, and Xu Qing is almost certain that Lu Si really likes his cousin.

From the moment she walked in the door, she was very sure.

That kind of adoring look will only appear in the eyes of the lover.

The cousin is undoubtedly lucky, but what about himself? Why can't you be the lucky one?

Xu Qing, who has this expectation, is of course unwilling.

"I don't want to give up easily, I want to work hard."

Feelings are like people drinking water, and they know their own warmth and coldness.

As an outsider, Lu Si couldn't persuade him more, so he had to nod, "Okay." ”

She couldn't help but think of herself, and she was also reborn after experiencing despair.

Maybe this is life, there are always some hurdles to go through.

At this time, she finally remembered the help that Xu Qing had said to her on the way.

"What did you mean when you said let me do you a favor?"

Speaking of this question, Xu Qing's expression was slightly better, but he was still unhappy.

"My mom introduced me to a blind date, but I didn't want to go."

"Next Saturday is the end of the month, and you and your cousin will also go to the old mansion then. I want to ask you to do my homework for my mother and persuade her to give up introducing me to a blind date, and I'm really annoyed. ”

At the end of each month, the children and grandchildren of the Xu family who are scattered abroad have to go back to Xu's house for dinner, which is mandatory for Grandma Xu and Grandpa Xu.

Lu Si: "You like Xu Jiang's affairs, don't uncles and aunts know about it?" ”

Xu Qing shook his head, "I don't know." At present, except for you and your cousin, no one else in the family knows about it. ”

"Xu Jiang already has a big psychological burden, and I don't want him to bear more criticism."

Lu Si glanced at Xu Qing and sighed lightly in her heart, she really loved Xu Jiang miserably.

But she has only been married into the Xu family for a long time, and she is not familiar with anyone else except Xu Xinghai.

It's a bit difficult to convince my aunt.

Lu Si told Xu Qing about his concerns, but Xu Qing clenched her hand and begged: "Sister-in-law, you can help me this time, and I will keep it a secret for you." ”

Lu Si sighed, for the sake of Xu Qing's happiness and for himself, he had to agree anyway.

Xu Qing, who got a response, snapped his fingers and gave Lu Si a flying kiss exaggeratedly.

On the way back, the two chatted about work again.

Only then did Lu Si know that during the period when she was recuperating at home, rumors about her and Xu Xinghai in the company had long been flying in the sky.

Many people think that she is a "lover" who was adopted by Xu Xinghai.

Lu Si sighed, thinking that Emma would be quietly dealt with soon, but he didn't expect the tree to be quiet and the wind would not stop.

Xu Xinghai is right, the workplace is really like a battlefield, but what she thinks is too simple.

When the two of them came out of Langyi, the scenery outside was sunny and clear, but at this moment, the sky in the distance was suddenly covered with dark clouds.

Lu Si only felt that the mountain rain was coming, and the wind was full of buildings.


to be continued

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She coveted his warm embrace, so be it, whatever purpose he married herself.

If it is invaded and deleted

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