
The marriage certificate is stamped, so it's not a fake marriage. It's not that I've liked you, it's that I've always liked you

author:Sunshine sheets
The marriage certificate is stamped, so it's not a fake marriage. It's not that I've liked you, it's that I've always liked you

The picture comes from the Internet

"Mrs. Xu, let's talk."

Lu Si subconsciously licked his dry lips and silently looked away, "What are you talking about?" ”

Xu Xinghai: "Talk about your strange behavior this afternoon. ”

"I ......" Lu Si made a lot of determination, and finally mustered up the courage to look him in the eye, "Xu Xinghai, why are you sham marriage with me?" ”

Xu Xinghai was thoughtful, and after a while, he said leisurely: "What did someone tell you?" ”

"No, Xu Qing didn't tell me anything."

As soon as Lu Si finished speaking, Xu Qinghai lowered his head and chuckled.

"Mrs. Xu, you are so cute."

She was stunned for a moment before she reacted, she was too nervous to betray Xu Qing. His face turned red and he snorted for his final struggle, "I mean, I don't know anything. ”

Xu Xinghai sighed lightly, "Have you seen everything in the drawer?" ”

This man was too smart, and Lu Si realized that he was far from his opponent, so he didn't make a pointless struggle and let out a soft "um".

"Then she didn't tell you enough."

I don't know when, Xu Xinghai got out of bed, picked up a book from the table in the distance and handed it to her.

"Open it and take a look."

Lu Si obediently took the book and flipped through it.

The title of the book is "Golden Vase Plum", and Lu Si glanced at Xu Xinghai.

Xu Xinghai coughed and defended palely: "It's also a masterpiece." ”

Lu Si continued to scroll back until he found a photo.

The photo is very well preserved and deliberately sealed. The little girl in the photo is smiling openly and wantonly, without heart and lungs.

Luth: "When did you shoot it?" I wasn't even impressed. ”

Xu Xinghai raised his eyes: "At your high school coming-of-age ceremony, I secretly took a photo." ”

still learned from his roommate about the time of Lu Si's coming-of-age ceremony, and Xu Xinghai, who had never skipped class, rarely skipped a class.

Holding his camera, he infiltrated the auditorium under the pretext of revisiting high school.

When he saw Xu Xiangdi, who also skipped class, a wry smile appeared on the corner of Xu Xinghai's mouth, he wanted to ignore the intimacy between Xu Xiangdi and Lu Si, but he couldn't ignore it anyway.

Eventually, he raised his camera and froze the brightest and happiest moment of Glous. The only regret is that happiness he was not able to participate.

Lu Si held the photo and felt hot. It turns out that when the truth comes, it will really be at a loss.

"Xu Xinghai, you... Have you ever been to my alma mater, the university's school? ”


"Then did you see me in college and save me from fainting in the snow?"


"Then did you deliberately let me live in the Lavida apartment?"


"Then did you deliberately want to fake your marriage to me?"

"Yes. However, Mrs. Xu, it is necessary for me to remind you that the marriage certificate is stamped, so it is not a fake marriage. ”

Lu Si bit his lip and asked the last question with a trembling voice, "Then you... Did you like me? ”

Xu Xinghai's eyebrows moved slightly, and he said lightly: "No." ”

Lu Si raised her eyes, her black and white eyes were filled with moisture, her face turned pale, and she muttered to herself, "Isn't it?" ”

How could it not be?

Xu Xinghai touched the top of her hair, "Of course not." Not like it. It's always like you. ”


"What? Scares you? ”

Looking at Lu Si's sluggish appearance, Xu Xinghai felt a little regretful and said so much to her at once.

He was most afraid that Lu Si would retreat because of the burden in his heart after knowing the truth.

Lu Si stroked his chest and shook his head, "No." ”

However, for Xu Xinghai's such a straightforward confession, she was a little incredulous for a while.

Xu Xinghai has had a crush on her for four years?

I'm afraid that anyone who tells it will think it's a fantasy.

Lu Si's mind flashed through all the things that the two had gotten along before, and the more he thought about it, the more outrageous he felt.

Xu Xinghai sighed lightly and lay down with his arms around her, "Don't think about anything, go to bed first." ”

Anyway, they have the rest of their lives to talk to each other.

The lights were turned off again, but Lu Si couldn't sleep at all, and he didn't feel a little sleepy until it was almost dawn.

In the morning, Xu Xinghai washed up and went downstairs to have breakfast, and specially told the maid not to call Lu Si.

He drank coffee and explained slowly: "She recognized the bed and had insomnia last night. ”

But the young and old members of the Xu family, who were sitting neatly around the table, didn't believe it.

Xu Qing tore the bread and smiled evilly, "Brother, do you have to thank me?" ”

She smugly looked at Xu Xinghai Nunu, the meaning was obvious, if it weren't for my help, you would have progressed so fast?

Xu Xinghai glanced at her lightly, his long legs overlapped, "Originally, I wanted to ask you for guilt, but later I felt that you were not guilty of this, so I should offset the merits." ”


Offset the merits?

Xu Qing's mind couldn't be calculated, and he subconsciously looked at Xu Jiang beside him, "My brother, is he framing me?" ”

Xu Jiang received a cold warning look and pretended to drink water, "I don't know what's going on." ”

Don't talk about Xu Jiang, the others didn't understand.

However, everyone unanimously felt that the Xu family would soon add a new population.

Grandma Xu was the most happy, "Old man, you take the time to flip through your classical books and see what the name of your great-grandson is." ”

Then he instructed his son and daughter-in-law, "The Langyi apartment must not be able to live, you couple will decorate the riverside villa as soon as possible, and the children's room must be large." ”

Finally, he pointed his finger at Xu Xinghai, "You must treat Sisi well, a pregnant woman is the hardest." If grandma knows that you are not good to her, I will break your legs. ”

Xu Xinghai helplessly held his forehead, "Grandma, it's not that step yet." ”

Everyone's imagination... It's a little better.

But think of him and Luth's children......

Just thinking about it casually, the corners of Xu Xinghai's mouth couldn't stop rising.

"Grandma, I'll try to get you to hold your grandson as soon as possible."

Grandma nodded thoughtfully, and instructed Aunt Chen, who was waiting on the side, "Pack a few bags of Chinese medicine for Xinghai and let him bring it back to Langyi." He was busy with work and sedentary all day, and his health was definitely not good. ”


Lu Si slept until noon, and when he woke up, he saw Xu Xinghai sitting at his desk reading a book.

She touched her phone next to her pillow and was surprised to find that it was almost 12 o'clock, so she hurriedly got up and dressed.

"Why didn't you call me?"

"Have you all finished breakfast?"

"It's over, I'm sure I'm going to look foreign!"

Xu Xinghai listened to her muttering, and he was in a happy mood.

This is the daily life of ordinary couples!

He put down the book and slowly paced in front of Lu Si, "I'll help you get dressed?" ”

Lu Si slapped his groping hand away and gave him a roll of his eyes.

Xu Xinghai was not annoyed, and answered her question with a chuckle.

"I see that you sleep so soundly in the morning, I am reluctant to wake you up."

"Everyone has had breakfast, and lunch is almost ready, and we'll go downstairs for lunch when you're done."

"As for going overseas ......"

He remembered the chattering discussion at the breakfast table, and stopped talking, "You don't want to know." ”

The more he wanted to speak, the more Lu Si wanted to know, and even a little anxious, "What the hell is wrong?"

Xu Xinghai saw that she was dressed neatly, so he returned to the desk and continued to read.

Lu Si snatched his book, saw the name of the book, and blushed and slammed the book upside down on the table.

"What the hell is going on?"

She was cautious, "Is grandma blaming me?" ”

A wealthy family like the Xu family has many rules, and it is not impossible to be blamed for getting up late.

Xu Xinghai looked at her heavily, "No, but grandma assigned us a task." ”

Lu Si relaxed slightly, just didn't blame her.

Then he wondered, "What task?" ”

Xu Xinghai: "Give birth to a great-grandson to the Xu family within a year." ”

Lu Si's cheeks flushed for a moment, and before the redness spread behind her ears, she turned and fled to the bathroom.

Xu Xinghai looked at the tightly closed door, his eyebrows moving slightly.

After an awkward lunch, the two waved goodbye to the Xu family. Before leaving, Aunt Chen hurriedly stuffed Lu Si with a bag of things. The car drove out of Xu's house, and Lu Si turned it on.

The smell was flushing and the color was strange, and she pinched her nose with one hand, "What is this?" ”

Xu Xinghai glanced at it lightly and said casually: "It's useless, I'll see the trash can on the road for a while." ”

How can you throw away what the elders give? It's also rude.

Lu Si put the things in the back seat, "You can't throw it away, go home and let Aunt Chen deal with it." It may be Chinese medicine that gives you a tonic for your body. ”

The Adam's apple rolled, Xu Xinghai glanced at her meaningfully, and replied in a low voice, "Hmm." ”

It's obviously not a holiday, but there was a traffic jam on the way back.

Xu Xinghai looked at the long queue in front of him and was worried that Lu Si would be bored, so he turned on the player and found a few light music to play.

These are a few songs that Lu Si often hears.

Turning sideways slightly, Lu Si leaned against the car door to blow the wind, his eyes out of focus.

Her Mr. Xu is really a very considerate person, although he often begs her for cheapness, but he never oversteps his behavior.

He knows his bottom line, and he also knows his joys, sorrows, and sorrows.

In the past, she had never thought about why Xu Xinghai did this, but now that she knew his intentions, Lu Si was only ashamed.

He's so good, how should he respond?

As his thoughts spread, the car started slowly, and suddenly there was a muffled sound from behind.

The car was rear-ended.

Xu Xinghai comforted Lu Si for the first time, "Don't be afraid, you sit down, I'll go see what's going on." ”

Before he finished speaking, he saw a figure flash by the window on the right.

Lu Si followed his line of sight, only surprised.

Jiangcheng turned out to be so small.

Lu Yu, who was wearing dreadlocks, stood outside the car, and was stunned for a moment when she saw Lu Si in the co-pilot, but then returned to her commanding appearance.

"Can you drive? What a road killer! ”

Her way of reversing the truth is eye-opening.

Lu Si was not used to her, so he immediately went back, "This lady, I don't think it's you who can't drive, obviously you are the one who rear-ended us." It just so happens that you yourself are here, and you can see how to compensate. ”

Lu Yu was stunned by her for a moment, is this still her weak cousin? Obviously, no matter how much she bullied her before, she wouldn't fight back.

Hmph, it's just a paper tiger scaring her!

She looked up and down at the Mercedes-Benz SUV that Lu Si was riding, and kept sneering in her heart.

Before, I was worried that she would wait for an opportunity to retaliate if she really married the Xu family, but now it seems that it is just a rumor.

How could the Xu family drive such a broken car.

"I compensate? Obviously, it was you who braked sharply to cause me to catch up, and you are fully responsible! ”

"In addition, my Paramela has a little abrasion on the front of the car, so you should pay 20W first!"

Lu Si's experience in quarreling with people is almost 0, and today's stable output has already impressed Xu Xinghai.

So after Lu Yu aggressively claimed 20W, Xu Xinghai decisively turned on the mode of protecting his wife.

"This lady, first of all, according to the traffic law, you are solely responsible for the rear-end collision; Secondly, even if there is a bruise on the front of your Paramela car, it is far from worth 20W compensation. ”

"In this case, I will call the police now and wait for the traffic police to deal with it."

Lu Yu was surprised to find that the person in the driver's seat had a noble face and an extraordinary posture, not an ordinary driver.

"You... Who are you from Luth? ”

Xu Xinghai dialed the phone, frowned slightly, he didn't even look at Lu Yu, but asked his Mrs. Xu, "Do you know this person?" ”

Lu Si's face was embarrassed, a little embarrassed, and nodded lightly: "Hmm." She is my cousin. ”

I had heard that Lu Si also had an uncle, but since the two got married, I didn't see Lu Si want to visit, Xu Xinghai only thought that her uncle's family had emigrated overseas.

I didn't expect to live in Jiangcheng.

When Lu Yu heard her introduction, his face showed disdain, "Don't think about it." Even if you are my cousin, you have to pay for it! ”

Xu Xinghai raised his eyes and glanced at her coldly, and Lu Yu was so frightened that his back suddenly straightened.

"You... Who the hell are you from Lu Si? ”

"I'm his husband."

Lu Yu was shocked, Lu Sizhen is married?

But even if you're married, it's nothing, it's just that you're married to an ordinary man.

Oh, and he's not a completely ordinary man.

Rao is no matter how sour Lu Yu is, she has to admit that the appearance and figure of the man in front of her are first-class, except for the stars in the entertainment industry, she has never seen an amateur with such a dragon and phoenix posture.

"Cut, what qualifications do you have to say that the front of my Paramela is not worth 20W!"

Come on, her car is worth more than his broken Mercedes! I really don't know Tarzan!

Xu Xinghai didn't bother to reason with her, the two were not at the same cognitive level at all, and continued the phone call that was not dialed just now.

Lu Yu saw that he really called the police, so he was a little flustered, "Hey, Lu Si, what did your husband do, he really called the police!" ”

Lu Si didn't bother to pay attention to her, and threw down the sentence "Everything is waiting for the traffic police to deal with it" and raised the window glass.

No matter how hard the people outside slapped it, they wouldn't open it.

She turned her head to look at the man next to her, a guilty expression, "I'm sorry." ”

Xu Xinghai clenched her hand, "Mrs. Xu, I said it, never say sorry to me." ”

"Even if I had to say it, I would say 'I'm sorry.'" Sorry to leave you alone for so many years. ”

Looking at the leopard in the tube, it is not difficult to speculate from Lu Yu's attitude towards her speech that after Lu Si's parents died, how her uncle's family embarrassed her.

Lu Si's eyes were red, his nose was sour, and his memory instantly returned to the night when he first learned that his parents had died.

No one knew how she spent that night, or even the idea of jumping off a building.

After so many years, she thought that the scar had long been healed, but Xu Xinghai said, "I'm sorry to let you be alone for so many years", and the grievances in her heart came to her heart again.

People are really strange animals, when they are isolated, they will tell themselves to cheer up, but when they have a backer, they will be aggrieved because of sudden care.

Lu Si looked down and saw Xu Xinghai's slender bones wrapping around her short, white and tender hands.

She slowly withdrew her hand, and then slowly opened it, interlocking ten fingers tightly with his slender fingers.

"Xu Xinghai, let's try."

"Try what?"

"Try ......"

Before Lu Si finished speaking, Xu Xinghai's window on the left side was knocked, the sound was too loud, and the ambiguous atmosphere in the carriage disappeared.

Xu Xinghai endured his anger and lowered the car window, "You'd better be in a hurry!" ”

Lu Yuntian was startled by his gritted teeth.

However, Lu Yu dragged his hand and coquettishly, "Dad, it was Lu Si and her husband who bullied me, and the two of them intimidated me!" ”

Lu Yuntian only has this one daughter, and she has always been spoiled. heard that someone dared to intimidate his baby daughter, so he immediately pulled out his legs to support his daughter.

But when he saw Xu Xinghai, he suddenly flinched again.

"Dad, what you just said is to support others, you beat them both!"

Lu Si rolled her eyes speechlessly, saying that Lu Yu was a primary school chicken and she was exalted by her.

"You are President Xu of the Xu Group, Xu Xinghai?"

He has only met Xu Xinghai on TV and in commercial newspapers, and has not seen a real person. It was familiar to look at the face, so he asked tentatively.

Xu Xinghai lazily replied "yes", but it seemed to be thunder on the ground.

For a while, Lu Yu and Lu Yuntian's faces were red and white, and they were very good-looking.

Lu Yu didn't expect that this man who broke the Mercedes-Benz was really the person in charge of the Xu Group!

And Lu Yuntian didn't expect Lu Si to marry such a rich family!

Thinking of his daughter's farce, Lu Yuntian immediately smiled: "It's all a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding." Yu'er is not sensible, you don't want to meet her. ”

"This is really a big flood that washed the Dragon King Temple, and the family doesn't recognize the family!"

It's just that these words are tantamount to a painless "three cups of self-punishment", and there is no apology.

Xu Xinghai said lightly: "Well, we all see that she is ignorant." But the procedure that should be followed still has to be followed. ”

Lu Yuntian accompanied the smiling face, cold sweat on his body, "What program?" ”

Xu Xinghai replied emotionlessly: "Legal procedure." ”

Lu Yuntian saw that he responded coldly and had a strong aura, so he didn't dare to continue talking for fear of angering him again. Instead, he turned his head to ask Lu Si: "Sisi, I'm your uncle, and Lu Yu is your sister, can you just take this matter and don't pursue it?" ”

Lu Si sneered, remembering that they were related at this time.

It's a pity it's late.

"Some people find it difficult to grow up without being educated by society, and unfortunately, Lu Yu is one of them."

Hearing that he was being ridiculed, Lu Yu's heart burned with anger, "Lu Si, what kind of thing do you dare to teach me?" ”

"You're just a cousin that the Xu family doesn't want!"

After venting, his heart was very happy, but when he looked down, he saw Xu Xinghai's slightly narrowed and dangerous eyes.

The first reaction was fear.

Lu Yu subconsciously took a step back.

Two minutes later, the traffic police and Xu Jiang arrived at the same time.

Xu Xinghai told Xu Jiang to stay to deal with the accident, and specially 'advised' him to make a claim according to the highest standards.

Then he took Lu Si's hand and left in Xu Jiangxin's car.

Lu Si looked coldly at the rearview mirror, and Lu Yu, who was so angry that he stomped his feet, only felt relieved.

"Are you alright?"

Lu Si was stunned for a moment before realizing that Xu Xinghai was worried about Lu Yu's two sentences scolding her.

"It's okay, I don't take things out of nothing to heart."

The car drove to the downstairs of the apartment, Xu Jiang helped Lu Si unbuckle his seat belt, and Lu Sigang wanted to get up but was pressed on the leather seat by him.

His dark eyes looked at her, and his voice was low and hoarse, "You're not done yet. ”

Lu Si tilted his head slightly, "What?" ”

Xu Xinghai: "Try it." ”

Lu Si's face was flushed, this man still remembered this sentence.

The man's palm gently lifted her delicate chin, and his voice was charming, "I want to hear what you have to say." ”

The temperature in the car continued to rise, and Lu Si felt that she was about to breathe, so she mustered up the courage and replied seriously: "Let's try together, okay?" ”


As if he was afraid that she would regret it, Xu Xinghai agreed without a second of hesitation.

He lowered his palms and embraced her softly, his burning breath spraying in Luth's ears, his heartbeat beating outweighing his excitement.

He finally waited for the ticket to this love.

"Mrs. Xu, I won't let you down."


The two got out of the car, but Lu Si said that he was going to pick up the express.

Xu Xinghai naturally wanted to accompany him, and coincidentally, the two met Aunt Li in the same building again. But this time, Aunt Li came with her daughter to pick up the courier.

When they met each other, Lu Si bowed slightly and greeted Aunt Li and her daughter.

Aunt Li responded with a smile, looking a little excited, poked the daughter beside her, and said loudly: "I just said that someone in our community looks 100 times better than your idol, and you still don't believe it." Now that I've seen the real person, I didn't lie to you! ”

100 times better than idols?


Lu Si took a closer look, but saw that Aunt Li's daughter had cramped eyes, her face was flushed, and she was a very obvious person like herself.

But even so, she still took advantage of the chaos to peek at Lu Si's side several times.

Lu Si immediately understood, it turned out that Aunt Li was praising Xinghai for being handsome.

"Hello, my name is Xu Xinghai, and this is my wife."

The shyness on Aunt Li's daughter's face immediately faded, as if she had woken up from a dream in an instant, took Aunt Li's hand and hurriedly said "I'm sorry" and then disappeared from the sight of Lu Si and Xu Xinghai.

Lu Si raised his eyebrows, with a somewhat reproachful tone, "Mr. Xu, it seems that there is no need to go around to publicize your married status. ”

Xu Xinghai smiled lightly and cooperated with her, "If I didn't publicize it, I'm afraid that there would have been a woman with bad intentions to compete with you." ”

Hmph, narcissistic man!

After arriving home, Lu Si found scissors to open the express, and then handed the health care products in the express box to Xu Xinghai.

Xu Xinghai frowned and took it, "What is this?" ”

Lu Si sat down next to him and opened the outer package, "It's a health supplement." ”


Lu Si was stunned, what aspect?

What are the other aspects of health supplements?

She has always been healthy, and she usually has no habit of eating health supplements.

"Well, it's ......"

At this time, Aunt Wu, who came out of the kitchen, also happened to hear the conversation between the two, and she squinted at Lu Si, "The young master's health has always been very good. However, after drinking the Chinese medicine sent by the old lady and taking the health care products you bought, I believe it will work soon. ”

With that, his gaze stopped on Lu Si's abdomen.


Lu Si had a black question mark face all the time, and when Aunt Wu left, she asked weakly, "What is Aunt Wu talking about?" Why can't I understand? ”

Xu Xinghai smiled faintly, "It's nothing, she's talking about the weather is so good." ”


He picked up a bottle of health supplements and took a cursory look at the instructions.

Lu Si explained: "This is coenzyme Q10, which protects the heart. I see that you have been working overtime a lot lately, often working overtime until late at night, so I bought this health supplement. I specially checked on the Internet, and this health care product has a good reputation, and many doctors also recommend it. ”

Her bright eyes blinked, and her energy was shining. Xu Xinghai was moved, gently put down the health care products in his hand, and took her into his arms.

"Mrs. Xu, thank you for your concern."

"However, it would be better to have other rewards."

The hairy head poked out of his arms, "What reward?" ”

In fact, Lu Si is now completely surrounded by Xu Xinghai, the old fox, and it was originally her intention to buy health care products, but now the old fox dares to openly ask for rewards, which is really despicable.

Xu Xinghai's starry eyes looked at her without speaking, and after a while, he lowered his head and kissed the delicate lips of the little girl in his arms.

The woody fragrance belonging to Xu Xinghai was overwhelming, Lu Si felt difficult to breathe, and her lips were also ravaged and a little numb, she subconsciously wanted to flee, but the man pinched her chin with one hand and forced her to raise her chin to bear his savage and domineering kiss.

After a long time, Xu Xinghai was reluctant to let her go.

Lu Si only felt like a fish caught ashore, breathing heavily. She leaned on Xu Xinghai's arms, her body was weak and weak, and she let him carry her to the room.

When she was lying on the bed, she realized that this was not her room, and she was about to get up when she lifted the quilt, but she was held down by Xu Xinghai.

"Didn't you say you wanted to spend a little three?"

"Lie down, I'll carry it."

Lu Si stared at his back, saw him squat down and stroke Sanhua's head, and then held Sanhua's body with one hand, and then gently placed it on the bed.

"You two have a good time, I'll call you when dinner is ready."

He chuckled and touched Sanhua's head, and then touched the top of Lu Si's hair.

It's so cute.

"Aren't you afraid of cat hair?" Lu Si remembered that the man seemed to have a slight habit of cleanliness, and the office was always stocked with all kinds of cleaning products.

He was light-hearted, "I'm afraid." ”

"Then you let the cat go to your bed."

Isn't that masochism?

His eyebrows twitched, and he replied as a matter of course, "But you like it." ”

If you like it, it doesn't matter if I don't.

It was obviously such a casual sentence, but Lu Si's heart was very complicated.

She thinks she is ordinary, but she doesn't want to be secretly in love with a proud son like Xu Xinghai for many years, which shows how unreasonable love is.

But Xu Xinghai, don't worry, I won't live up to your liking.

"When we're done, I'll help you glue the hair, and the whole bed will be glued."

Xiao Sanhua followed the 'meow' and shouted, as if seconding the proposal.

Lu Si held it in both hands, lest it fall out of bed. Xiao Sanhua is not honest to escape.

Xu Xinghai was busy working in the living room, and from time to time he turned his head to see such a scene of one person and one cat having fun, and his heart was full of warmth.

Suddenly, the mobile phone that was upside down on the table rang, and Xu Xinghai slid the screen to check, and it turned out that Dai Shao left him a message.

"Brother Xu, meet Huafu tonight~"

Xu Xinghai typed out a few words expressionlessly: "I'm not free, stay at home with your sister-in-law." ”

Dai Shao: "Hey, Brother Xu has not spoiled a few brothers since he got the certificate, we are not worthy!" Alas~"

Xu Xinghai rolled his eyes silently: "Get out!" ”

He just wanted to turn off his mobile phone, but Dai Shao sent another text: "Officer Wang, who you asked me to check before, I found out." I wanted to tell you in person tonight, it seems that Brother Xu doesn't need it, alas~"

Xu Xinghai opened his eyelids, thought about it and decided to change his mind, "I'll go." However, your sister-in-law has strict house rules, and she must go home by 9 o'clock. ”

Dai Shao recalled the little white face of Lu Si in his impression, and he couldn't associate that weak face with the word 'strict' no matter what.

Did you guess wrong? Brother Xu didn't marry Lu Si?

Xu Xinghai, who was late, met Xu Xiangdi at the door, but Xu Xinghai didn't even look at him, and pushed the door straight into the box.

As soon as he entered the box, he kicked Dai Shao, who was sitting on the sofa, and cursed secretly: "Who asked you to call him if you don't have long eyes?" ”

Dai Shao had no heart or lungs, he didn't feel Xu Xinghai kick him at all, and rushed to him when he saw him coming.

"Oops, Brother Xu is finally here!"

"The big guys are muttering behind their backs, since you got the certificate, it's like a different person, and you rarely get together with your brothers. Is my sister-in-law too strict? ”

Xu Xiangdi also pushed the door open and came in, and when he heard Dai Shao's words, his face became a little gloomy.

Xu Xinghai looked at him and felt unhappy, but he couldn't see anything on his face.

He pursed his lips and smiled, and nodded, "Yes, your sister-in-law is strict, there is a curfew at home, and you must go home before 9 o'clock." So if you have something to say, if you have a fart, let it go. ”

As soon as these words came out, the idle wealthy people on the scene were speechless, and they were even more curious about Mrs. Xu's identity.

"No, Brother Xu, who is the fairy who can control you in this Jiangcheng?"

"When the hell will you bring it to us?"

"That's it. It's good for us to understand the market information in advance, so that we can avoid this when we go on a blind date in the future. ”

After all, even a woman like Xu Xinghai who can handle it with an old Qian young master, if she can deal with this group of squishy people, she can't imagine it.

The people present were chattering and making all kinds of commotion, and no one was paying attention to Xu Xiangdi's face in the corner becoming more and more gloomy.

But Dai Shao, a thing that is not long-eyed, led the topic to Xu Xiangdi.

"Xu Shao, shouldn't your family Liang be so strict with each other, right?"

Xu Xiangdi's eyes were cold, and he didn't want to participate in the heated discussion between them at all, "No." ”

Unexpectedly, Xu Xinghai spoke again.

"I've heard that the more a woman loves a man, the more she loves him."

"Oh, of course, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that Liang Jin doesn't love Xu Shao."

Xu Xiangdi glanced at him coldly, and didn't say a word about his tea words.

Anyway, he never cared whether Liang Jinai loved him or not, and the marriage between the two families was just to maximize commercial benefits.

As long as Liang Jin is willing to be his wife Xu honestly after getting married.

In his heart, the position of the woman he loves the most has always been reserved for Lu Si.

Thinking of Lu Si, he suddenly felt angina, Xu Xinghai obviously married her but failed to protect her.

He put down the wine glass in his hand and said coldly: "It sounds like Mrs. Xu loves Xu Shao very much, but I don't know if Xu Shao really loves each other?" ”

Dai Shao was confused, did he really guess wrong? Xu Xiangdi didn't look like he knew either.

The people present also fell into deep thought with these words.

They never dared to dream that they would be able to marry the person they loved in the future.

Most people have been exposed to business marriages between their parents since they were children, and then they cheated on each other. After a good derailment, you can still maintain your face and give each other the most basic respect, but if it's not good, it's just a chicken flying and a dog jumping, ripping back and forth, and in the end, the face is all chicken feathers.

Most of them have long since disbelieved that there is such a thing as true love.

Because of this, they were very curious about Xu Xinghai's answer, and they all stared at him.

Xu Xinghai's long legs overlapped, as if he remembered his Mrs. Xu, and his eyes, which were originally lazy and disdainful, instantly became warm.

Everyone only heard him say solemnly: "Of course I love my wife." ”

"In fact, I liked her when I was in college. I missed it for various reasons, but fortunately, our fate was deep enough. ”

Potential meaning, someone has too shallow fate with her, and she will disperse as she walks.

And Xu Xiangdi's all his attention was focused on the sentence "I liked her when I was in college", and I didn't hear Xu Xinghai's sarcasm at all.

His eyes were deep, staring at Xu Xinghai, gritting his teeth and squeezing out a few words, "When you were in college, you coveted other people's little girls, you are really shameless." ”

Xu Xinghai spread his hands, "In love, which point is shameless, only enough love is not enough, enough love is enough patience, and time is exchanged for true love." ”

Xu Xiangdi replied, "Heh, maybe people had someone they liked at that time, it's hard to say whether Mr. Xu's behavior is the legendary 'little three superiors'." ”

Xu Xinghai: "Even if she had someone she liked at that time, she might not like it for so long." When we got married, we were very honest with each other, and we didn't hide it at all. After all, there is true love between us, not mixed with commercial interests. ”

Everyone looked at the two of them, you come and go, and the people who don't know the truth have long muttered in their hearts, are these two rivals in love?

Only Dai Shao's heart was shocked, and he knew it very well, it can be said that he was 100% sure, I am afraid that Xu Xinghai really married Xu Xiangdi's "sister".

Xu Xiangdi, this is a grievance for his sister!

When others were picking their hands and feet and didn't know how to calm the anger between Xu Xinghai and Xu Xiangdi, Dai Shao "burned himself and illuminated others" and took the initiative to blow himself up: "I've been on a blind date recently. ”

It was as if the ground was thundering, and the box fell into a deathly silence.

After a while, Xu Xinghai raised his eyebrows, "Which family's daughter is so unlucky?" ”

Dai Shao was aggrieved, and Brother Xu's mouth was also damaged, "Is it possible that the unlucky person is me?" ”

Hey, thinking of the spicy little girl of the Ouyang family, he is now terrified. actually came up and talked to him about the condition that he would maintain an open marriage relationship after marriage.

He immediately wondered what an open marriage was, and then he secretly checked it under the table with his mobile phone to understand. immediately sighed, sure enough, he was conservative.

Now young people are really having fun.

"Forget it, don't mention this file. It's not easy for a few of us brothers to get together, there is no future today, or get drunk today! ”

This was said as if they were going to the guillotine tomorrow, and now there was no need for Xu Xinghai to do it, and the others also stepped forward and kicked Dai Shao.

Xu Xinghai glanced at the watch on his wrist, it was not early. It had only been an hour since he left Mrs. Xu, and his mind was already full of thoughts about her.

"I'll go to the bathroom."

He said he was going to the bathroom, but he picked up his coat and put it on.

Walked outside the box and typed with two fingers: "Get out." ”

After waiting for half a minute, Dai Shao, whose eyes were a little confused, staggered out of the door.

Xu Xinghai and him came to a corner outside where no one was around, and asked quietly, "Okay, we can talk about business." ”

The right thing?

Dai Shao is confused, what's the matter?

"I asked you to check Officer Wang."

Oh oh oh, right.

Dai Shao shook his head, trying to stay awake.

"I asked someone to check the details of this police officer Wang, alas, you don't know, my old man simply tried me like a spy, and asked me why I wanted to check Officer Wang's ......"

Xu Xinghai glanced at him, "Let's talk about the point!" ”

Dai Shao was aggrieved again.

"This police officer Wang is a traffic policeman of the Jiangcheng Chengnan Detachment, a local, he is quite old, he has grandchildren, and he will retire next year."

"He has an honest personality and is a good police officer who serves the people diligently. As for the cases you asked me to investigate, most of them are ordinary traffic accidents. Only one case was considered significant, resulting in two deaths. ”

Xu Xinghai's left eye suddenly jumped, he pressed with his fingers, and his voice was hoarse: "What accident?" ”

Dai Shao glanced at him silently, and then said, "It's the car accident caused by Lu Si's parents due to an accident four years ago. ”

Xu Xinghai's breath stagnated for a moment, hesitated for a few seconds and then asked, "Are you sure?" ”

Dai Shao nodded, "Confirm." I checked it three times and got this news from three different populations, and it should be that. ”

The two sides were silent for a few seconds, and Dai Shao asked again: "Brother Xu, you asked me to check this, is it related to Lu Si?" ”

Could it be that there is still a secret in the death of Lu Si's parents back then?

Or is Brother Xu checking his wife's family background?

In fact, he almost asked directly, is Mrs. Xu Lu Si?

But he didn't dare to ask.

Because Dai Shao knew that if Xu Xinghai didn't want to announce it, then no one would be able to pry words out of his mouth. On the contrary, if Xu Xinghai wants to announce it, then even the wild cats on the street will know about it.

Xu Xinghai frowned lightly and patted him on the shoulder, "Brother, thank you." But please keep it secret for me, and don't tell anyone. ”

Dai Shao straightened his chest, "That must be." But you haven't said ...... yet."

Hey, looking at Xu Xinghai's back as he left in a hurry, Dai Shao slapped his thigh!

The only serious thing to do tonight is this, the scumbag who left after using himself, hum!

Xu Xinghai waved his hand and said, "You are not married yet, and you don't understand the happiness of married men, go back and drink with your group of single dogs." ”

No, there is such a way to cross the river and tear down the bridge???

Throw it away when you're done with it, right?

Dai Shao walked back, the more he thought about it, the more sad he became, obviously they were all the same age, why did Xu Xinghai get married first and enjoy the happiness, but he was reduced to drinking with those single dogs.

He took out the mobile phone in his pocket and sent a message to Miss Ouyang unconsciously.

"I think an open marriage is also good."

The other party replied in seconds, "Then try?" ”

Dai Shao's brain continued to be confused, "Okay." ”

Xu Xinghai didn't drink, and walked directly to the B2 parking lot of the club to prepare to drive home.

But the road was narrow, and I ran into Xu Xiangdi, who was also looking for a car.

Xu Xinghai still ignored him, but Xu Xiangdi quit.

He couldn't swallow the breath in his chest no matter what.

"Xu Xinghai, you are not qualified to say that you love her! What do you want to do when you marry her and hurt her?! ”

Xu Xinghai looked at him coldly, "How do you know that Lu Si is injured?" ”

That incident had long been blocked, and except for a few people, no one else knew about it.

But Xu Xiangdi knew, and Xu Xinghai had to wonder if this product had been planted undercover within the Xu family.

"If you don't want people to know, you can't do it unless you do!"

"I only ask you, why did you marry her, do you want to hurt her?!"

The strategy that has been implemented step by step since he was in college, Xu Xiangdi only felt that his cold hair stood up when he thought about it, Xu Xinghai was too unfathomable.

Xu Xinghai originally didn't want to pay attention to him, just as he heard the dog barking when he passed by, just ignore it, but this thing barked too badly, so he had to scold a few words.

It was regarded as an outlet for his wife.

His eyes were lowered, because he was a few centimeters taller than Xu Xiangdi, and it was not an exaggeration to say that he was condescending.

The low, calm voice was particularly clear in the empty parking lot.

"Xu Xiangdi, don't stick to my wife like a dog skin plaster."

"Don't be like a clown and ask around about our relationship as husband and wife."

"If you want to talk about hurt, you Xu Xiangdi hurt her the most in the whole world. Now who are you acting like a mad dog to? I advise you to have time to take good care of your fiancée. ”

lest the head become a green grassland after marriage.

Xu Xinghai didn't say the last sentence, after all, he didn't have the problem of meddling, and he took 10,000 steps back to say, he was also happy to see Xu Xiangdi's jokes.

Xu Xiangdi's face turned pale and clenched his palms.

The sentence "You Xu Xiangdi hurt her the most in the whole world" deeply pierced his heart.

He never knew that he was the 'murderer' who hurt Lu Si the most, but the matter had come to this point, and it was difficult to recover.

All he could do now was protect Lu Si from suffering a second injury.

Xu Xiangdi's eyes were sharp, and he looked at Xu Xinghai fiercely.

"I'm not going to let go. It's about Lu Si's happiness, I will never let you hurt him! ”


It is true that the piano is played to the cow, the oil and salt do not enter, and the donkey's head is not in the horse's mouth.

Xu Xinghai pursed his lips to explain one last time, "I only say it once, since I married Sisi, I want to give her happiness." I never intended to hurt her, stop your YY behavior! ”

Then he didn't look at him anymore.

When the two passed by, Xu Xiangdi grabbed Xu Xinghai's arm, Xu Xinghai's eyes instantly turned ruthless, and the hook fist with his right hand gave Xu Xiangdi a punch with lightning speed.

Xu Xiangdi was knocked to the ground, a trace of blood oozed from his lips, and he sneered at Xu Xinghai by stalking his neck.

And Xu Xinghai didn't bother to look at him any more, stepped over his body, and walked towards the parking place.


When Ah Cheng arrived, Xu Xiangdi had already sat in the car, looking at the wound on the corner of his boss's mouth, Ah Cheng was shocked and suspicious.

Why did the boss get hurt again?

The strange thing is that the injuries this time are almost the same as before?

Could it be the work of the same person?

In just a few seconds, countless questions popped into his mind. But he didn't dare to ask.

After the car drove out of Huafuhui, Ah Cheng had the courage to ask at the intersection, "Boss, do you want to call the police?" ”

Xu Xiangdi's heavy eyelids closed, and his expression was lonely and lonely.

After a moment he replied, "No. ”

Ah Cheng didn't ask any more questions, stepped on the accelerator and walked through the busy city center, heading towards the Xu family villa in the suburbs.


Continued next:

On her first date after marriage, she had the illusion that the two were really in love.

If it is invaded and deleted