
A country that is "full of pockets"! Obviously, there are dozens of kilometers of coastline, but they can't grab the freedom to go to sea

author:Nanke Documentary


It's obviously a "coastal country" and has its own access to the sea, but you can't sail "without permission"!

A country that is "full of pockets"! Obviously, there are dozens of kilometers of coastline, but they can't grab the freedom to go to sea

Going to sea without permission can be regarded as a provocation, and it is a sad thing that there is no stable outlet to the sea in today's world where global shipping is so developed.

It can be called the most "aggrieved" country in the field of navigation in the world, the land is very close to the coastline, but it does not have the slightest freedom of navigation, and its own access to the sea is restricted.

A country that is "full of pockets"! Obviously, there are dozens of kilometers of coastline, but they can't grab the freedom to go to sea

The door to the sea was tightly "locked" by the neighbors, leaving only a narrow seaside window for them to go to sea, and this is only symbolic, if you want to go to sea, you still have to report!

A country that is "full of pockets"! Obviously, there are dozens of kilometers of coastline, but they can't grab the freedom to go to sea

Such an aggrieved country is "Bosnia and Herzegovina", the full name of which is "Bosnia and Herzegovina"!

"Bosnia and Herzegovina" with a sea of greed

Many people don't know that Bosnia and Herzegovina is a small European country, located in the coastal area of Eastern Europe, but the coastline of this country is pitifully small.

A country that is "full of pockets"! Obviously, there are dozens of kilometers of coastline, but they can't grab the freedom to go to sea

From the map, it seems that Bosnia and Herzegovina has a long coastline and is still on the Mediterranean coast, but if you look closely, you will find that Bosnia and Herzegovina only belongs to the vicinity of Nem Port.

The rest of the long coastline is almost dominated by neighboring "Croatia", and the whole of Bosnia and Herzegovina is surrounded by Croatia on three sides, and the most valuable coastal areas are no exception.
A country that is "full of pockets"! Obviously, there are dozens of kilometers of coastline, but they can't grab the freedom to go to sea

Croatia is like an "swaddling baby" wrapped around Bosnia and Herzegovina, with only a narrow coastal "window", so strictly speaking, Bosnia and Herzegovina also has a coastline and is an out-and-out coastal country.

As a northern neighbor of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia controls so many coastlines, and Montenegro has a relatively wide coastline in the south.

A country that is "full of pockets"! Obviously, there are dozens of kilometers of coastline, but they can't grab the freedom to go to sea

On the map, it seems that this small area is the coastal territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, but in fact these territories are still Croatian, and this small Croatian territory can be regarded as a tight blockage of the southern coastline of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Croatia's territory seems to have been specially drawn to intercept the coastline of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the two territories in the north and south are in a posture of being sandwiched, which further "occupies" the coastline of Bosnia and Herzegovina
A country that is "full of pockets"! Obviously, there are dozens of kilometers of coastline, but they can't grab the freedom to go to sea
Under the pincer of Croatia from north to south, Bosnia and Herzegovina is left with only a small section of the Xiuzhen coastline, which is only about 21.2 kilometers long.

If you look at this value alone, you may think that the coastline of Bosnia and Herzegovina is still long, but in fact, this size is almost impossible to find on the map, and it may be just a small black dot on the world map.

A country that is "full of pockets"! Obviously, there are dozens of kilometers of coastline, but they can't grab the freedom to go to sea

And this is already the entire coastline of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is obviously a coastal feng shui treasure, but the treatment is the same as that of a landlocked country, and it is not fully utilized.

In today's era of pursuing maritime transport, Bosnia and Herzegovina has been "abandoned" by the times because of such a narrow coastline, and the name of Bosnia and Herzegovina is almost not heard on the world's maritime transport.

A country that is "full of pockets"! Obviously, there are dozens of kilometers of coastline, but they can't grab the freedom to go to sea

This is an unacceptable fact for Bosnia and Herzegovina, because after all, maritime transport is related to all-round development, and a considerable number of the richer countries in the world are coastal countries.

The five permanent members of the United Nations are all coastal powers, and whether a country is coastal or the quality of its coastline is directly related to the country's fortunes.

A country that is "full of pockets"! Obviously, there are dozens of kilometers of coastline, but they can't grab the freedom to go to sea

In fact, if you want to compare, the coastline of the mainland is not as long as that of Russia, but many coastlines of Russia are deep in high-latitude areas.

Many of Russia's coastlines are frozen all year round, and the difficulty of shipping is very high, and if you don't do it well, you will hit icebergs, so although the Russian coastline is large, the overall quality is still not good, mainly because of the ports in the coastal areas of Europe, or the ice-free ports in the East, and the rest of the ports are difficult to use.

A country that is "full of pockets"! Obviously, there are dozens of kilometers of coastline, but they can't grab the freedom to go to sea

But Russia is also facing the same dilemma as Bosnia and Herzegovina, because the coastline is too narrow, and Russia is because the coastline is too deep, and travel is under the "surveillance" of Western countries.

However, due to Russia's strong strength, few countries dare to block his shipping, but Bosnia and Herzegovina is miserable, not only is the coastline too short, but it is not possible to make good use of it, it seems so "short and not sophisticated"!

A country that is "full of pockets"! Obviously, there are dozens of kilometers of coastline, but they can't grab the freedom to go to sea

"Chicken ribs" of the coastline

Bosnia and Herzegovina's poor coastline would be barely used if it could be used well, but Bosnia and Herzegovina could not use it well at all, completely wasting this precious resource, but the reason for all this is not Bosnia and Herzegovina.

A country that is "full of pockets"! Obviously, there are dozens of kilometers of coastline, but they can't grab the freedom to go to sea

The inability to make good use of the coastline is not because Bosnia and Herzegovina is not strong, but because the neighbors are too "domineering", and the location of the coastline of Bosnia and Herzegovina is also very awkward.

The coastline is located in a very unsuitable location for the construction of large ports, the natural conditions are not enough to support large ports, and Bosnia and Herzegovina is not a rich country, so there may also be a lack of funds for construction.

A country that is "full of pockets"! Obviously, there are dozens of kilometers of coastline, but they can't grab the freedom to go to sea

Then even if Bosnia and Herzegovina has a port here, it is difficult to accommodate large shipping ships, and the cargo ships of the national sea are often with a displacement of tens of thousands of tons, and the requirements for the port are very high, not all ports are OK.

As a result, Bosnia-Herzegovina's ports can only dock a few very small ships, which are of little help to maritime transport and do little to do so.

A country that is "full of pockets"! Obviously, there are dozens of kilometers of coastline, but they can't grab the freedom to go to sea

Even if Bosnia and Herzegovina wanted to expand the port, whether it was economic or natural conditions, it might not be allowed, so he could only stare dryly.

In addition to the conditions, it is not suitable for shipping, and even the location is very inferior, so this outlet to the sea is just the same as the Croatian peninsula, which is considered a "dead end" on the coastline of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

A country that is "full of pockets"! Obviously, there are dozens of kilometers of coastline, but they can't grab the freedom to go to sea

The access to the sea is firmly controlled by neighboring countries, and whether Bosnia and Herzegovina's ships can go to sea depends on whether the neighbors are accommodating, and if people really block the access to the sea, then the mouth of Bosnia and Herzegovina can only be regarded as a "saltwater lake" at best.

The sea area of Bosnia and Herzegovina is pitifully small, and such geographical and cultural conditions also lead to the fact that the ports of Bosnia and Herzegovina are completely unusable and can only be closed in such a narrow sea area.

A country that is "full of pockets"! Obviously, there are dozens of kilometers of coastline, but they can't grab the freedom to go to sea

Bosnia and Herzegovina is "blocked" by its neighbors on land and ruthlessly on its coastline, which has affected its economic development, but there is nothing that can be done about it.

Therefore, although Bosnia and Herzegovina is very aggrieved, he can only accept the reality of such a "nest", and his own strength is not enough to change this situation, so he can only hope that he can adjust with international organizations.

A country that is "full of pockets"! Obviously, there are dozens of kilometers of coastline, but they can't grab the freedom to go to sea


The importance of access to the sea is self-evident, but such an important resource is not a gift from God, but won by oneself.

This also proves the fact that countries that can win more coastlines are generally world powers or regional powers, and people say that "weak countries have no diplomacy", but in fact, weak countries can only have very little coastlines!


Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China Bosnia and Herzegovina Country ProfileLast updated April 2024
A country that is "full of pockets"! Obviously, there are dozens of kilometers of coastline, but they can't grab the freedom to go to sea
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A country that is "full of pockets"! Obviously, there are dozens of kilometers of coastline, but they can't grab the freedom to go to sea
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A country that is "full of pockets"! Obviously, there are dozens of kilometers of coastline, but they can't grab the freedom to go to sea

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