
History is often mentioned, not to promote hatred, but to prevent a recurrence of tragedy

author:Literature speaks of history

History is often mentioned, not to promote hatred, but to prevent the recurrence of tragedy!

In history, there are events that have been forever engraved in the depths of human memory because of their cruelty and cruelty. Among them, the Japanese invasion of China during World War II is the darkest and most cruel page in this memory. The crimes they committed on the land of China are not only a great harm to the Chinese people, but also a great trampling on human civilization. Today, it is necessary for us to review this period of history once again, expose the crimes of the Japanese fascists, and let future generations remember this history and avoid repeating the mistakes of the past.

History is often mentioned, not to promote hatred, but to prevent a recurrence of tragedy

1. Mass murder and atrocities

During World War II, the invading Japanese army carried out large-scale massacres and atrocities on the land of China. In defiance of international law and humanitarian principles, they carried out a brutal massacre of the Chinese people. One of the most famous is the Nanjing Massacre, which shocked the world. In December 1937, after the Japanese captured Nanjing, they carried out a six-week massacre of civilians and prisoners of war in the city. According to incomplete statistics, more than 300,000 Chinese soldiers and civilians were killed. The brutality of this massacre is outrageous.

In addition to the Nanjing Massacre, the Japanese army also committed similar atrocities across China. They kill civilians at will, whether they are the elderly, women or children, and they have become the ghosts of their swords. They even use killing competitions as entertainment, and regard the lives of the Chinese as grass mustard. This disregard for life and cruelty is heartbreaking.

History is often mentioned, not to promote hatred, but to prevent a recurrence of tragedy

2. Brutal sexual violence

In addition to the mass killings, the Japanese army also carried out brutal sexual violence against Chinese women. They set up a large number of comfort stations and forced Chinese women to provide sexual services to the Japanese army. These women were subjected to inhuman torture under the iron hooves of the Japanese army, and their bodies and minds were greatly damaged. This kind of sexual violence against women is not only a personal injury to them, but also a great provocation to the dignity of the entire nation.

What is even more outrageous is that the Japanese army also carried out large-scale rape and gang rape of Chinese women. They ignore the dignity and rights of women and see them as tools to satisfy their own bestial desires. This kind of humiliation and harm to women is a great violation of human civilization.

3. Destruction of cultural monuments

During the war of aggression against China, the Japanese army not only caused great harm to the lives and dignity of the Chinese people, but also carried out large-scale destruction of China's cultural monuments. They wantonly destroyed China's ancient buildings, temples, inscriptions and other cultural heritage, in an attempt to spiritually destroy China's culture and national will. This kind of destruction of cultural monuments is not only a great destruction of Chinese culture, but also a great desecration of human civilization.

History is often mentioned, not to promote hatred, but to prevent a recurrence of tragedy

For example, during the war of aggression against China, after the Japanese army occupied Beijing, they plundered and destroyed the Forbidden City. They stole a large number of artifacts and treasures and shipped many of the precious artifacts from the Forbidden City to Japan. At the same time, they also set fire to the Forbidden City, resulting in the destruction of many ancient buildings and cultural relics. This destruction of cultural monuments is heartbreaking.

Fourth, economic plundering and resource plundering

During the war of aggression against China, the Japanese army also carried out large-scale economic plundering and resource plundering of China. They forced the Chinese to produce war and military supplies for them, plundering a lot of resources and wealth. This violation of economic sovereignty and the destruction of people's lives have undoubtedly exacerbated the tragedy of the war.

At the same time, the Japanese army also exercised comprehensive control over China's economy by issuing counterfeit currency and controlling finance. They used counterfeit money to plunder the wealth and resources of the Chinese people, bringing China's economy to the brink of collapse. This plundering and control of the economy has not only exacerbated the pain and suffering of the Chinese people, but also hindered China's economic development.

History is often mentioned, not to promote hatred, but to prevent a recurrence of tragedy

V. The Crimes and Reflections of the Japanese Fascists

The crimes committed by the Japanese army that invaded China during World War II are intolerable. Their actions not only violate international law and humanitarian principles, but also trample on human civilization. These crimes have not only brought profound disasters and suffering to the Chinese people, but also brought great shock and reflection to the world.

Regrettably, however, some Japanese extremists still try to deny or glorify the crimes of the Japanese army. Ignoring historical facts and the condemnation of the international community, they try to cover up their crimes by distorting history. Such behavior is not only a great disrespect for history, but also irresponsible for the future.

Therefore, we should resolutely oppose any act of denying or glorifying the crimes of Japanese fascists. We should bear in mind the lessons of history and deeply reflect on the root causes and harms of war. At the same time, we should also strengthen international cooperation and exchanges to jointly safeguard world peace and stability. Only in this way can we avoid similar tragedies from happening again.

History is often mentioned, not to promote hatred, but to prevent a recurrence of tragedy


The crimes committed by the Japanese army during World War II are a shame and tragedy in human history. Their actions have not only brought profound disasters and suffering to the Chinese people, but also brought great shock and reflection to the world. We should remember this period of history, never forget the national shame, and work hard to make the country strong. At the same time, we should also strengthen international cooperation and exchanges to jointly safeguard world peace and stability. Only in this way can we avoid similar tragedies from happening again and move humanity towards a better future.

While reviewing this period of history, we should also see the strength and bravery shown by the Chinese people in the War of Resistance Against Japan. They used their flesh and blood to build a great wall of steel to resist foreign enemies, and used their lives and blood to compose magnificent songs of anti-Japanese triumph. Their heroic deeds and noble spirit will always be remembered in our hearts. At the same time, we should also cherish the hard-won peaceful environment and work hard to build a better world.

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