
Why are there so few Sam's shops in the North? There are 41 stores in the south and 7 stores in the north, Sam is so realistic

author:Chief Business Intelligence
Why are there so few Sam's shops in the North? There are 41 stores in the south and 7 stores in the north, Sam is so realistic

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  • Chief Business Intelligence
  • Chief Business Intelligence
Why are there so few Sam's shops in the North? There are 41 stores in the south and 7 stores in the north, Sam is so realistic

Introduction: The traditional hypermarkets with free entrance shopping are frantically closing stores and transforming, while Sam's Club, which cannot enter for free, has been able to do a booming business, and the threshold for consumption is as little as 260 yuan, and as much as 680 yuan can add a membership fee with the title of "Excellence".

Why are there so few Sam's shops in the North? There are 41 stores in the south and 7 stores in the north, Sam is so realistic

Walmart has been very busy in the past few years, busy closing Walmart hypermarkets, busy finding new cities or county stores for Sam, and busy with cross-border direct mail business in Hong Kong, China.

Why are there so few Sam's shops in the North? There are 41 stores in the south and 7 stores in the north, Sam is so realistic

Following the opening of the 48th store in Jiangbei, Nanjing on May 25, according to Walmart's public plan, there are still 6 new stores ready to open this year, namely Dongguan, Shaoxing, Chengdu, Quanzhou, Wenzhou, and Wuhan.

Except for Chengdu and Wuhan, which are not new stores, other cities are the first Sam's stores.

Why are there so few Sam's shops in the North? There are 41 stores in the south and 7 stores in the north, Sam is so realistic

There are only 7 Sam's stores in the north and 41 Sam's stores in the south

Why are there so few Sam's shops in the North? There are 41 stores in the south and 7 stores in the north, Sam is so realistic

Strangely, Sam's Club is located in more than 20 cities, but only Beijing, Tianjin, Shenyang, and Dalian are located in the north, and as of now, there are only 7 Sam's Clubs in the north and 41 Sam's Clubs in the south.

Why are there so few Sam's shops in the North? There are 41 stores in the south and 7 stores in the north, Sam is so realistic

Source: Sam's official website

Looking at it this way, there are almost 6 times as many Sam's Clubs in the South as there are Sam's Clubs in the North.

Why are there so few Sam's shops in the North? There are 41 stores in the south and 7 stores in the north, Sam is so realistic

Source: Sam's official website

With such a huge disparity in the number of the two sides, is it because middle-class families in the north don't like to visit Sam's supermarket? Or is it that middle-class families in the South love to visit Sam's?

However, some netizens said that Changchun had opened 1 Sam's store before, but it was closed due to poor management!

Why are there so few Sam's shops in the North? There are 41 stores in the south and 7 stores in the north, Sam is so realistic

Although there are only 7 of them, there will soon be 1 more Sam's Store in the north, which is about to open and waiting to open.

Why are there so few Sam's shops in the North? There are 41 stores in the south and 7 stores in the north, Sam is so realistic

Source: Qilu One Point

On May 27, according to the public information of the opening ceremony of the 2024 Hong Kong-Macao Shandong Week and the Shandong-Hong Kong Cooperation and Exchange Conference, the first Sam's Club in Shandong was set and officially settled in Shibei District, Qingdao City.

However, Sam's settlement in Qingdao, some local netizens did not seem so surprised, it seems that Qingdao locals are not very confident in Sam's arrival? Or is Sam's Store only looking at Qingdao now, and it used to look down on Qingdao a little bit?

Netizens explained that Qingdao is popular to catch up with big gatherings, and Sam's definitely has no market; None of the foreign-funded businesses in Qingdao have survived; No one in Qingdao pays attention to Sam's, it's just a mass supermarket.

Why are there so few Sam's shops in the North? There are 41 stores in the south and 7 stores in the north, Sam is so realistic

Although there is some truth in the words of netizens, they cannot be fully believed.

It seems that we have to wait for the opening of Qingdao Sam's Store in 2026, and if there are so many people that there is a long queue for two hours, then Qingdao netizens will be very embarrassed.

Shandong can be called an economically strong province in the north, and there must be some reasons why Sam can delay until now to expand his store there.

Not only Qingdao, Shandong, but also Jinan, Shandong is also in Sam's store expansion plan, but it has not yet been finalized, after all, it only counts if it is officially signed.

Why are there so few Sam's shops in the North? There are 41 stores in the south and 7 stores in the north, Sam is so realistic

Some local netizens said that Sam's Store itself is here to make money, why is it so arrogant? The site selection process is too long, and it can't be opened in one sentence, and people are impatient.

Jinan's economic strength and consumption strength are not weak, shouldn't Sam's Club think of opening a store in Jinan to make money from Jinan consumers? How did it become that all districts in Jinan were vying for Sam's Club to come?

Sam's Club seems to be picky, isn't it just a dry supermarket? It's not high-tech. Can something be sold at a particularly cheap price? I guess it's enough to choke, right?

Why are there so few Sam's shops in the North? There are 41 stores in the south and 7 stores in the north, Sam is so realistic

Shenzhen open-market passenger opening queue

Maybe I was attracted by the long queues at Sam's Club and Costco Club in other cities!

Such as Shenzhen, Nanjing, Hangzhou and other stores, plus the past few years are also the time when the Internet is more developed, Sam's has begun to become an Internet celebrity supermarket by everyone to check in, in short, there are Sam's stores in the city, at least it is a plus.

It is worth mentioning that Jinan citizens prefer to visit Ginza Supermarket, Hualian Supermarket and RT-Mart these supermarkets, after all, Wal-Mart, a "brother" similar to Sam's, is closed.

Why are there so few Sam's shops in the North? There are 41 stores in the south and 7 stores in the north, Sam is so realistic

Grab the beach "middle class in the county" and expand the store to sink

Why are there so few Sam's shops in the North? There are 41 stores in the south and 7 stores in the north, Sam is so realistic

Sam's Club in Qianhai, Shenzhen

Sam's has very high standards and requirements in the selection of locations, which is indeed not like street supermarkets, as long as there are stores or shopping malls stationed in them, which is the practice of Wal-Mart hypermarkets.

Sam's is to make money as soon as it opens, and the location of the business district, the consumer groups in the business district, and the consumer groups near the business district, but also have a large area, wide aisles, and a large number of parking spaces, and it is best to listen to 1,000 pickers, which is in line with the standards of Sam's Store.

The first Sam's Club was opened in Shenzhen in 1996!

Why are there so few Sam's shops in the North? There are 41 stores in the south and 7 stores in the north, Sam is so realistic

McDonald's at the East Gate of Shenzhen

30 years ago, not only Wal-Mart, but also McDonald's, 7-11 convenience stores, all chose to open the first in Shenzhen, Shenzhen is a southern city in addition to Shanghai, the consumption potential is also a leveraged city.

As it turns out, the fact that this small fishing village in the south has become a metropolis shows that these foreign retail brands are betting on the right treasure.

From 1996 to 20006, there were only a dozen Sam's Club stores in China, and Walmart did not know whether Sam's Club was suitable for the Chinese retail market.

In this way, there are many people who have been tired of Sam's for more than ten years, but I didn't expect Sam to become popular again after more than ten years.

Why are there so few Sam's shops in the North? There are 41 stores in the south and 7 stores in the north, Sam is so realistic

Kunshan Sam's Shop

Even if it is a county-level city in Tuodian, it is also one of the top 100 county-level cities in the south, such as Jinjiang, Kunshan, and Zhangjiagang.

Sam's model of opening a store is very similar to buying a bunch of grapes, picking out the good ones first and eating them, and then picking the rest of the good ones after eating. The current store opening model has been selected here in China's top 100 counties.

For example, Sam's Club in Jinjiang, Quanzhou is the second Sam's Club store in a county-level city after the Kunshan store in Jiangsu.

From the layout of super first-tier cities, first-tier cities, to new first-tier and second-tier cities, and now to the top 100 county-level cities, Sam's Club's expansion ideas have begun to sink.

It can only be said that the person who chose the location for Sam's Club is a talent! It's too scheming and ambitious.

Why are there so few Sam's shops in the North? There are 41 stores in the south and 7 stores in the north, Sam is so realistic

Sam "planted trees", Costco "enjoyed the shade"

Why are there so few Sam's shops in the North? There are 41 stores in the south and 7 stores in the north, Sam is so realistic


Let's take a look at Sam's competition, Costco is also menacing.

Costco entered the Chinese retail market 23 years slower than Sam's, and finally chose to open its first store in Minhang, Shanghai, in August 2019.

On the opening day of Costco Minhang store, there were so many people that it was necessary to limit the flow, which also witnessed the strong consumption power of domestic middle-class families and the sense of identity brought by exclusive members.

Since then, Costco has continued to open stores in the Yangtze River Delta region and South China, and it is currently a store that has not yet settled in the north.

It seems that like Sam, he prefers the southern retail market, but the reality of doing business is not normal at all, and you can't do business if you are not sure.

Why are there so few Sam's shops in the North? There are 41 stores in the south and 7 stores in the north, Sam is so realistic


The opening of Costco shows that the warehouse membership store works in China's retail market! So, all sorts of up-and-comers are up.

At the end of the day, Sam did plant a tree in the front, and Costco took advantage of the shade in the back.

Now where Sam is, it will be opened, follow Sam to "mix", the main one is worry-free and effort-saving, you can eat meat and drink soup.

Sam's new store is sinking badly now, which means that it is about to rot the street, and Costco came just in time to fill such a vacancy.

Coincidentally, Nanjing Sam's Store and, Nanjing Kaishi Inn joined forces with Meituan to "tear up" each other.

Why are there so few Sam's shops in the North? There are 41 stores in the south and 7 stores in the north, Sam is so realistic

Warehouse-style membership store Chinese, competing for middle-class customers into the "white heat"

Why are there so few Sam's shops in the North? There are 41 stores in the south and 7 stores in the north, Sam is so realistic

M member store

A large number of member warehouse stores are frequently rising, not only Sam's or Costco, or the old China Resources Vanguard ole, as well as Metro, which was acquired by Wumart, but also Dark Horse M member stores, Hema Fresh, and retailers are super close to saturation.

More and more warehouse-type membership stores are opened, making various enterprises use their housekeeping skills to compete for middle-class customers.

The current Wal-Mart Group, while closing the traditional hypermarket Wal-Mart, has tightened the opening clockwork of Sam's Club.

Now Sam's is expanding stores at an average rate of 6 stores a year, competing for middle-class customers with spending power, which has become a tacit trade secret of major warehouse-type membership stores.

It's just that the cake of middle-class consumers is so big, and too much competition will turn a blue ocean into a red ocean.

Why are there so few Sam's shops in the North? There are 41 stores in the south and 7 stores in the north, Sam is so realistic

Fat Donglai Times Square

It's just that now netizens in many cities say that it doesn't matter if Sam comes or not, let Fat Dong come over!

It is estimated that it is a bit difficult for Fat Donglai to open stores all over the country, but in the future, Fat Donglai may be able to buy Fat Donglai's products all over the country.

For example, Yonghui Supermarket, which began to be rectified by Fat Donglai on May 31 this year, when it opened on June 19, wasn't it just like Sam and Costco?

Why are there so few Sam's shops in the North? There are 41 stores in the south and 7 stores in the north, Sam is so realistic

Zhengzhou Xinwan Plaza Yonghui store

According to Yonghui's public display, as of 22:26 on June 19, the sales of Yonghui store in Zhengzhou Xinwan Plaza on that day were 1.88 million yuan, which was 13.9 times the average daily sales of Yonghui Supermarket before it was helped by Fat Donglai.

Not only the sales of the store, Yonghui humbly copied the homework with Fat Donglai, which is the traffic and wealth.

Yonghui Supermarket's share price rose significantly on June 20, rising more than 8% during the session.

Why are there so few Sam's shops in the North? There are 41 stores in the south and 7 stores in the north, Sam is so realistic

Hema has always been hard Sam's Hema opened new stores in Shanghai, Hangzhou, Chongqing, Nantong and Jiaxing Tongxiang on June 28, which is the rhythm of 5 cities and 5 stores at the same time!

Hema seems to like the "Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai" free shipping area, of course, the scale of Hema stores is not large, and hundreds of stores are easy to open.

Beijing is also a favorite city of Freshippo, and up to now, more than 40 Hema Fresh, Hema Outlet, and Hema X Club stores have also been opened.

In the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, Hema operates in the business model of "Hema Village", which is still different from Sam's approach.

Why are there so few Sam's shops in the North? There are 41 stores in the south and 7 stores in the north, Sam is so realistic

Sam's popular roast chicken

Sam's is not actually a paradise for the middle class, it can even be said to be a "poor man's paradise" in the middle class, Sam's itself is a wholesale positioning, pull a shopping cart from Sam, who can immediately use up and eat, basically for a month.

Large-format packaged goods make the price of goods seem expensive, but in fact, the average price is very cheap and cost-effective.

Why are there so few Sam's shops in the North? There are 41 stores in the south and 7 stores in the north, Sam is so realistic

Sam's large-format packaged goods

Most of the high-net-worth families and ultra-high-net-worth families above the middle class visit mid-to-high-end boutique supermarkets such as Olé, and the price of a small number of hardcover is huge.

Do you think the county is suitable for opening a warehouse-style membership store now? Please leave your comments and leave a comment.


Why are there so few Sam's shops in the North? There are 41 stores in the south and 7 stores in the north, Sam is so realistic

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