
Charmaine Sheh responded to the employment controversy of "News Queen", saying that she would not interfere with the casting!

author:Peach Entertainment Notes

Recently, the news about Charmaine Sheh has attracted widespread attention. Here, it is necessary to articulate and explain some key messages clearly.

Charmaine made it clear that she would not interfere in the hiring of "Queen of News". This statement fully demonstrates her quality and professional ethics as a professional actor. In the field of film and television creation, each link has its own professionalism and independence, and actors should focus on shaping their own roles, rather than interfering in the overall employment decision. Charmaine Sheh is well aware of this principle and has always adhered to it, and this respect for industry rules and emphasis on teamwork has undoubtedly set a good example for the entire industry.

Charmaine Sheh responded to the employment controversy of "News Queen", saying that she would not interfere with the casting!

At the same time, it is touching that Charmaine Sheh needs to leave Hong Kong for a long time to take care of her due to her mother's illness, and during this period, she said that she will not consider it for the time being. Family and career are often difficult choices, and Charmaine Sheh did not hesitate to put taking care of her sick mother in the first place at this moment. This kind of filial piety and family affection allows us to see the brilliance of her humanity off the screen.

Charmaine Sheh responded to the employment controversy of "News Queen", saying that she would not interfere with the casting!

Charmaine Sheh's decision was not an easy one, but with her determination and selfless dedication, she showed the deep affection and responsibility of a daughter. Her behavior reminds us that in the complex entertainment industry, family affection is always the most precious wealth and the most worthy harbor to protect.

Charmaine Sheh responded to the employment controversy of "News Queen", saying that she would not interfere with the casting!

We should understand and respect Charmaine Sheh's series of decisions. Her professional attitude in her career path and her courage in the face of family responsibilities deserve our praise and learning.

Charmaine Sheh responded to the employment controversy of "News Queen", saying that she would not interfere with the casting!

I look forward to Charmaine Sheh's mother recovering soon, and I also look forward to Charmaine Sheh returning to work in a fuller state in the coming days and bringing us more wonderful works.

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