
Why is the public opinion environment of hot events smoky? Extreme rhetoric by "scholars" for their own selfish gain

author:North Shore of Wuhan

At the moment, it is an individual who dares to pretend to be a "writer, scholar, expert, professor" and so on.

In fact, people dressed in the garb of "celebrity big V" are not necessarily "tall" elites.

For example, it is not necessarily a human being who wears human skin, but it may also be a "humanoid beast" who has lost its conscience.

Because of the existence of such a group of people, the public opinion environment of hot events is often made miasma by their extreme remarks.

For example, in the "6.24 Suzhou Knife Wounding Incident", Hu Youping, a Chinese woman who acted bravely and bravely, "unfortunately passed away after rescue efforts failed".

After the news was released, a group of "writers and scholars" on the Internet ate Hu Youping's human blood steamed buns with extreme words.

01 Scholar surnamed Liu: It's wrong to hit people, except for the Japanese

On June 25, a celebrity V, marked as a "writer and scholar".

Under the topic "Foreign Ministry responds to the attack on Japanese citizens in Suzhou", commented:

"It's wrong for anyone to hit someone, except for the Japanese."

Why is the public opinion environment of hot events smoky? Extreme rhetoric by "scholars" for their own selfish gain

He is really worthy of being a so-called "writer and scholar", and his kung fu in playing Chinese characters is first-class.

He did not directly "applaud" the perpetrators, nor did he call them "heroes".

But beyond the words, the meaning expressed is very obvious.

  • First of all, he secretly replaced "killing Japanese mothers and sons with knives" with "beating people" and downplaying the nature of "breaking the law and committing crimes."
  • Then, he said that "it is not right to beat people" and first seize the commanding heights of "morality" and establish himself in an invincible position.
  • In the end, he said that "except for the Japanese", creating a "patriot" character, instigating extreme emotions, and diverting for profit.

Scholars and big Vs do "patriotic business" and use extreme speech traffic to lead the war password.

One by one, they "don't talk amazingly and die endlessly", and they make a lot of money through various tricks and "patriotism".

Why is there so much extreme rhetoric on the Internet now?

It is inextricably linked with this group of "scholars" who do not hesitate to abandon their conscience for the sake of traffic.

Spreaders of extremist rhetoric can be complacent: look, my knowledge is on the same level as that of a "scholar".

In this vicious incident, the authorities have not yet confirmed that the perpetrators have any connection with the "hatred of Japan."

There is no more information about the murderer other than the "unemployed".

It is very likely to take revenge on society and hurt people randomly, and it is very unlikely that it is a personal grudge with a Japanese mother and son.

Judging from his indiscriminate killing of Hu Youping, the possibility of hurting people because of "hatred of the sun" is very small.

As a "writer and scholar", it is impossible not to see the logic and reasons for this.

It is nothing more than using hot events and extreme words to win traffic.

For his own selfish interests, he did not hesitate to discard his conscience and humanity and eat the "human blood steamed buns" of the victims.

This flood of extreme rhetoric can be imagined:

If a small number of people in a certain predicament already have extreme personalities, and the extreme Internet public opinion will give him a specific psychological excuse to vent his goals and national righteousness.

So, will his steps towards the blade be more manic?

02 Scholar surnamed Zhu: Ordinary women have allowed this depraved ethnic group to retain a little face

On June 28, a scholar marked as a "columnist" posted on Weibo, saying:

An ordinary Chinese woman allows this depraved ethnic group to retain a little face, a little dignity.

Why is the public opinion environment of hot events smoky? Extreme rhetoric by "scholars" for their own selfish gain

This scholar surnamed Zhu directly locked the motive of the perpetrator on the "hatred of the sun".

And then it rises to slander and slander the entire "ethnic group" of the Chinese.

It is disgusting for a scholar surnamed Liu to spread ultra-nationalist "anti-Japanese" rhetoric.

What kind of character is this scholar surnamed Zhu who keeps saying that he opposes nationalism?

He only opposes the nationalism of the Chinese and infinitely elevates other races to dwarf the Chinese nation.

For example, to beautify Japan's war of aggression against China, it is said that "the heavy industry base in Northeast China was built by Japan":

Why is the public opinion environment of hot events smoky? Extreme rhetoric by "scholars" for their own selfish gain

First of all, "in 1945, the GDP of the puppet Manchurians surpassed that of Japan" is a rumor, which has been spread by "scholars and scholars" for many years.

Second, the construction of the northeast heavy industry base by the invading Japanese army in the puppet Manchukuo was by no means a great effort to benefit the Chinese people.

Rather, it is to frantically plunder China's mineral resources, brutally squeeze Chinese laborers, and serve the criminal purpose of Japanese imperialism in invading the whole of China and brutalizing the Chinese.

And this scholar tried in vain to use the construction of Northeast China to cover up the evil deeds of the invaders in "burning, killing and looting", and even called it "too paradoxical"

According to the logic of this scholar, we have been "demonizing" the aggressor, and we must also be "grateful" to the aggressor.

On the anniversary of the July 7 Incident, the scholar "mourned for all the fallen soldiers" and that "the most vicious aggressor was not yet Japan."

Why is the public opinion environment of hot events smoky? Extreme rhetoric by "scholars" for their own selfish gain

When a scholar surnamed Zhu said "this degenerate" ethnic group, he may have already classified himself as "the one who burned, killed, and looted".

Under the banner of "mourning Hu Youping", he spread extreme remarks, and he also lost his conscience, and he was eating the human blood steamed buns of the victims.

03 It is not right to scold people, except for experts and scholars

The "Suzhou Injury Incident" is only an extreme case in China today.

However, scholars surnamed Liu who spread "anti-Japanese" remarks and scholars surnamed Zhu who disseminated "flattering Japan" remarks exist in large numbers on the Internet.

They spread extremist remarks, which in essence is a lure for profit.

It doesn't matter if it's "hating the sun" or "flattering the sun".

What we need to understand is:

  • We hate the Japanese invaders, who massacred tens of millions of Chinese.
  • It is the remnants of Japanese militarism that have never apologized or reflected on the history of aggression.
  • We have always resolutely opposed any words and deeds that whitewash or even praise the virtues of the aggressors, and we will fight them to the end.
  • At the same time, we are not against everything in Japan, let alone "acts of violence" against all Japanese people without discrimination.

In May 1941, the Japanese Workers' and Peasants' School in Yan'an was officially opened, and the great man wrote an inscription:

"The Chinese people are the same as the Japanese people, and there is only one enemy, that is, Japanese militarism and China's national scum!"

Obviously, the extreme "anti-Japanese" remarks of the scholar surnamed Liu are to regard all the Japanese people as "enemies."

And the extreme remarks of the scholar surnamed Zhu prove that he is another enemy of ours, the scum of China's nation.

No matter how high-sounding slogans he shouts, he cannot hide his perception that the Chinese nation is a "degenerate ethnic group".

Therefore, our great men are those who stand tall and look far.

These so-called "writers, scholars, experts, and professors" are essentially "refined egoists" who are born to see what is right and forget their righteousness.

Why is the public opinion environment of hot events smoky? Extreme rhetoric by "scholars" for their own selfish gain

Only by accepting the education and transformation of the masses of the people can they breathe and share a common destiny with the people.

Why is the public opinion environment of hot events smoky? Extreme rhetoric by "scholars" for their own selfish gain

Now some scholars and elites, under the banner of "patriotism", are doing their best to kill the kindness and integrity in the hearts of ordinary people.

Another elite group of scholars, under the banner of "freedom and civilization", is doing its best to whitewash the invaders, distort history, and beautify the aggression.

Why is the public opinion environment of hot events smoky? Extreme rhetoric by "scholars" for their own selfish gain

I have to admit that in recent years, there have been too many such extreme "writers, scholars, experts and professors".

They have made a lot of money on the Internet with their radical rhetoric.

It is these "writers, scholars, experts, and professors" who confuse right and wrong, reverse black and white, and pollute the online environment.

For their own selfish interests, they do not hesitate to discard their conscience and humanity, and use extreme words to eat the human blood steamed buns of the victims.

In this regard, what Lao Bei wants to say is:

It is wrong for anyone to scold others, except for experts and scholars who have lost their conscience.

[The position of the common people, the views of the small citizens]