
He once served as the secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and the official reached the national level, lived to be 91 years old, and his four children were very good

author:Autumn of gentle rain
He once served as the secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and the official reached the national level, lived to be 91 years old, and his four children were very good

As the war deepened, Qiao Shi gradually made a name for himself within the party, and his political wisdom and leadership skills were widely recognized both inside and outside the party. Under the leadership of the party, Qiao Shi participated in many important political struggles and military operations, and each time he was able to accurately grasp the situation and formulate strategies and tactics that were in line with reality. His decision-making can often lead the party and the people to victory, which not only reflects his profound political theoretical literacy, but also demonstrates his strategic vision as a revolutionary.

In the long-term revolutionary struggle, Qiao Shi always adhered to the party's mass line, went deep into the grassroots, understood the people's feelings, and listened to the people's voices. He knows very well that only by maintaining close ties with the masses can we give better play to the party's leading role and make the party's policy decisions more in line with the interests of the people. Therefore, whether in the course of land reform in the countryside or in the workers' movement in the cities, Qiao Shi actively promoted the implementation of the party's policies, worked hard to solve the practical problems of the masses, and won the support and love of the broad masses of the people.

He once served as the secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and the official reached the national level, lived to be 91 years old, and his four children were very good

Qiao Shi has a rich and colorful work experience in the party, he has held a number of important positions, and each time he has been able to push the work forward with full enthusiasm and rigor. In terms of economic construction, Qiao Shi paid attention to the combination of theory and practice, advocated scientific development, and stressed that economic construction must serve the well-being of the people and must conform to the long-term interests of the country. In terms of culture and education, Qiao Shi emphasized the importance of culture, believing that culture is the soul of the country and the spiritual pillar of the nation, and that it is necessary to vigorously develop cultural undertakings and improve the cultural quality of the whole nation.

With the founding of the People's Republic of China, Qiao Shi's work focus gradually shifted to national construction. In the country's political life, he always adhered to the party's leadership and actively participated in the formulation and implementation of major national policy decisions. In the field of diplomacy, Qiao Shi has shown outstanding diplomatic skills, actively promoting friendly exchanges and cooperation between China and other countries in the world, and has made important contributions to enhancing China's international status and influence.

He once served as the secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and the official reached the national level, lived to be 91 years old, and his four children were very good
He once served as the secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and the official reached the national level, lived to be 91 years old, and his four children were very good

In the activities of the underground party organization, Qiao Shi always adhered to the party's leadership and acted in strict accordance with the party's principles and policies. He knew very well that only by closely rallying around the party could we form a strong fighting force. In underground work, Qiao Shi not only had to face the brutal suppression of the enemy, but also faced various complex and changeable situations. However, no matter how great the difficulties and challenges he faced, Qiao Shi always remained firm in his beliefs and unwavering. His firmness and determination not only inspired the comrades around him, but also infected the broad masses of the people, accumulating valuable spiritual strength for the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan.

In the activities of underground party organizations, Qiao Shi paid special attention to the cultivation and education of party members. He realized that only by continuously improving the political literacy and professional ability of party members can they better fulfill the tasks assigned by the party. Therefore, in organizing activities, Qiao Shi not only imparted the party's theoretical knowledge, but also taught party members how to carry out underground work and how to carry out activities under the close supervision of the enemy. Through Qiao Shi's efforts, batch after batch of party members grew up in the underground struggle and became the backbone of the War of Resistance Against Japan.

Qiao Shi's contribution to the activities of the underground party organization is not only reflected in his personal heroic struggle, but also in his promotion and influence on the entire anti-Japanese struggle. His actions and decisions can often have a positive impact on the entire anti-Japanese battlefield. Under Qiao Shi's leadership, the activities of the underground party organizations were carried out with great vigour, which not only effectively dealt a blow to the enemy's arrogance, but also greatly boosted the people's anti-Japanese fighting spirit.

Qiao Shi's underground work is a task full of dangers and challenges. In that special historical period, Qiao Shi and his comrades-in-arms faced the test of life and death, but they always adhered to their beliefs, braved difficulties, and moved forward bravely. Qiao Shi's firmness and determination are not only reflected in his struggle against the enemy, but also in his loyalty to the party and his deep affection for the people. His life was an unremitting pursuit of revolutionary ideals and a selfless dedication to the cause of national liberation.

In the activities of the underground party organization, Qiao Shi has always adhered to the principle of seeking truth from facts, paid attention to investigation and research, and strived to make the party's decision-making more in line with the actual situation. He knew very well that only by having a deep understanding of the enemy's situation and our own situation could he formulate a correct struggle strategy. Therefore, in his underground work, Qiao Shi not only pays attention to collecting intelligence, but also pays more attention to analyzing intelligence, and strives to achieve the greatest effect in every operation.

During his tenure as secretary of the underground party branch at Tongji University in Shanghai, Comrade Qiao Shi organized and commanded the "January 29" struggle for democracy and anti-persecution movement at Tongji University, and was one of the important leaders of the student movement in Shanghai. His work not only promoted the development of the student movement, but also cultivated a group of young talents with ideals and aspirations for the cause of the Chinese revolution.

During his tenure as director of the Hangzhou Municipal Organization Department, Comrade Qiao Shi actively promoted the building and development of local party organizations and provided a strong organizational guarantee for Hangzhou's economic construction and social development. His work has been widely recognized and praised both inside and outside the party.

Comrade Qiao Shi's work experience is rich and colorful, and he has shown outstanding leadership skills and a high sense of political responsibility in different positions. Whether in the struggle of the underground party or in the leading posts at all levels after the founding of New China, Comrade Qiao Shi has contributed his strength to the cause of the party and the people with firm conviction, full enthusiasm and rigorous work attitude.

Comrade Qiao Shi's life was a life of revolution, a life of fighting, a life of glory, a life of pursuing truth, pursuing progress, and fighting for the cause of communism. In his revolutionary career of more than 70 years, he was unswervingly loyal to the lofty ideals of communism, infinitely loyal to the party and the people, and devoted himself to the cause of revolution, construction, and reform.

As soon as Comrade Qiao Shi took office, he profoundly realized the importance of improving the party's work style and building a clean and honest government. He stressed: The building of a sound party style and a clean government has a bearing on the life and death of the party and on the future and destiny of the party and the country. To this end, Comrade Qiao Shi vigorously strengthened the building of a sound party style and a clean government, profoundly studied the characteristics and laws of the anti-corruption struggle under the conditions of reform, opening up, and the socialist market economy, formulated and perfected laws and regulations on the building of a clean and honest government, and put the punishment of corruption on the track of the legal system.

In promoting the building of a clean and honest government and the struggle against corruption, Comrade Qiao Shi has always adhered to the people-centered development philosophy and taken safeguarding the fundamental interests of the people as the starting point and end goal of his work. He stressed: The building of a clean and honest party style and the anti-corruption struggle must closely rely on the masses of the people and must put the interests of the masses in the first place. Under the leadership of Comrade Qiao Shi, the Discipline Inspection Commission has carried out in-depth education and practice activities on the mass line, kept close contact with the masses, listened to the voices of the masses, and solved outstanding problems that the masses strongly resented, thus winning wide acclaim from the masses.

In 1993, Comrade Qiao Shi was elected chairman of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National People's Congress for his outstanding political wisdom and rich work experience. The conferment of this post indicates that Comrade Qiao Shi has assumed a more important role in the country's political life. As chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, Comrade Qiao Shi presided over a series of important state affairs, the most prominent of which was the revision of the Constitution and the building of the legal system of the socialist market economy.

Comrade Qiao Shi is deeply aware of the fundamental importance of the Constitution to the country, and the revision of the Constitution that he presided over not only reflects the respect and maintenance of the fundamental law of the country, but also is a major impetus to the construction of the country's rule of law. In the process of revising, Comrade Qiao Shi adhered to the principle of scientific and democratic legislation, extensively listened to the opinions and suggestions of all quarters, and ensured the quality and effectiveness of the work of revising the Constitution. The revised constitution is more in line with the actual needs of the state and more effectively guarantees the basic rights and freedoms of the people.

In promoting the building of the legal system of the socialist market economy, Comrade Qiao Shi showed his foresight and sagacity. He realized that the development of the market economy is inseparable from the norms and guarantees of the law. Therefore, Comrade Qiao Shi actively promoted economic legislation and promulgated a series of laws and regulations closely related to the operation of the market economy, thus providing a solid legal foundation for the healthy development of the socialist market economy. The formulation and implementation of these laws and regulations not only regulate the behavior of market entities and protect fair competition, but also promote the orderly operation of the economy and social stability.

In the building of the legal system, Comrade Qiao Shi paid special attention to the details and implementation. He knows very well that the life of the law lies in its implementation, and the authority of the law also lies in its implementation. Therefore, while promoting the building of the legal system, Comrade Qiao Shi also paid attention to the popularization and education of the law and enhanced the awareness of the rule of law among the whole people. He advocated that the whole society respect the law, study the law, abide by the law, and use the law, and promote the law into the organs, villages, communities, schools, enterprises, and units, so as to ensure that the law is widely disseminated and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Comrade Qiao Shi also particularly emphasized the fair enforcement of the law. In his view, all persons are equal before the law, and both state organs and ordinary citizens must act within the framework of the law. Comrade Qiao Shi promoted the establishment and improvement of the legal supervision mechanism, strengthened the supervision and inspection of the implementation of the law, ensured that the law was strictly enforced, and safeguarded the solemnity and authority of the law.

Under the leadership of Comrade Qiao Shi, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress has given full play to its role as the highest organ of state power and made important contributions to advancing the construction of the country's rule of law, protecting the rights and interests of the people, and promoting social fairness and justice. Comrade Qiao Shi's work has not only promoted the progress of China's rule of law construction, but also accumulated valuable experience for the exploration and development of the path of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics.

Comrade Qiao Shi's leadership and contribution reflect his deep understanding and firm belief in the construction of the country's rule of law. His work and efforts have set a glorious example for the construction of the rule of law in China and provided valuable reference and inspiration for those who came after him. Comrade Qiao Shi's deeds will forever be remembered in the annals of the construction of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics.