
is over the age of old, retired for 22 years, who is still being investigated?

author:Autumn of gentle rain

In China, judges, as an important role in the judicial system, shoulder the heavy responsibility of upholding the dignity of the law and the impartiality of the judiciary. Their professional conduct is not only related to their personal reputation, but also to the legal environment of the whole society. However, a shocking news recently came that a senior judge with more than 30 years of work experience and 20 years of retirement was examined and investigated by the discipline inspection and supervision organs for serious violations of discipline and law.

The judge's career has been long and varied. From a young fledgling to a senior judge, he has participated in countless cases and witnessed the changes and development of the judicial system. However, as time went on, he seemed to have forgotten his original intention and deviated from the professional ethics expected of a judge. According to the investigation, the judge is suspected of taking advantage of his position to trade power for money, favoritism, and other illegal acts during his tenure.

is over the age of old, retired for 22 years, who is still being investigated?

In the judicial system, the power of judges is enormous, and they hold the power of life and death in the case. If judges fail to uphold justice, the impartiality of the law will be seriously undermined. The judge's actions are undoubtedly a great desecration of the dignity of the law. His actions not only harmed the legitimate rights and interests of the parties, but also undermined the public's trust in judicial fairness.

Having been found to have violated discipline and law 20 years after retirement, this reflects, to a certain extent, the inadequacy of the judicial supervision mechanism. While retirement does not mean impunity, it is a reminder that the supervision of the judiciary should not only be limited to the time they are in office, but also require continued attention after retirement. This requires discipline inspection and supervision organs to strengthen supervision over retirees and ensure that their behavior complies with the requirements of laws and regulations.

is over the age of old, retired for 22 years, who is still being investigated?

In addition, the judge's actions have raised public concerns about judicial corruption. Judicial corruption not only undermines the authority of the law, but also undermines social fairness and justice. Therefore, strengthening the judicial system's ability to purify itself and improving the professional ethics of judicial personnel is the key to safeguarding judicial fairness and preventing corruption.

In order to prevent similar incidents from happening, the judicial system needs to be reformed and improved at multiple levels. First of all, it is necessary to strengthen professional ethics education for judges and cultivate their professional spirit of upholding the law and being fair and selfless. Second, improve the judicial supervision mechanism to ensure that judges' powers are effectively constrained and to prevent abuse of power. Third, the punishment for judicial corruption should be intensified to form a strong deterrent and prevent judges from easily touching the red line of the law.

is over the age of old, retired for 22 years, who is still being investigated?

At the same time, the public should also enhance their awareness of the law and actively participate in judicial supervision. Through media exposure, public opinion, and other means, supervise and criticize judicial injustice, form the pressure of social supervision, and promote judicial fairness.

The judge's case, although painful, is also a wake-up call. It reminds us that no matter how senior or senior we are, we cannot use it as an excuse for breaking the law. All persons are equal before the law, and no one is above the law. Only through the joint efforts of the whole society can we build a fair, transparent and efficient judicial environment.

is over the age of old, retired for 22 years, who is still being investigated?
is over the age of old, retired for 22 years, who is still being investigated?

The in-depth advancement of the anti-corruption struggle has not only purified the political ecology within the party, but also won widespread praise from the masses. More and more people realize that anti-corruption is an important measure to safeguard social fairness and justice and promote the long-term peace and stability of the country. Through the anti-corruption struggle, the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security has been continuously enhanced, and their trust in the party and the state has also been continuously enhanced.

is over the age of old, retired for 22 years, who is still being investigated?

However, the fight against corruption is always on the way. In the face of the still grim and complicated anti-corruption situation, we must keep a sober mind, continue to intensify the fight against corruption, and continue to deepen the anti-corruption struggle. It is necessary to further strengthen intra-party supervision, improve the anti-corruption system and mechanism, intensify the punishment of corruption, and form a high-pressure situation in which no one dares to be corrupt. At the same time, it is necessary to deepen the treatment of both the symptoms and the root causes, strengthen the building of systems, strengthen the restraint and supervision of the exercise of power, and eradicate the soil for the breeding of corruption.

is over the age of old, retired for 22 years, who is still being investigated?

In the first quarter of 2024, China's discipline inspection and supervision organs achieved remarkable results in their anti-corruption work. According to statistics, 138,000 cases were filed by discipline inspection and supervision organs across the country, and 111,000 corrupt officials were rectified. This figure not only reflects the breadth and depth of the anti-corruption struggle, but also highlights the urgency and arduousness of the anti-corruption road.

is over the age of old, retired for 22 years, who is still being investigated?

Secondly, judging from the number of corrupt officials who have been rectified, the figure of 111,000 is equally shocking. This figure includes not only cadres at the provincial and ministerial levels and cadres at the department and bureau levels, but also a large number of rural and enterprise personnel. This reflects that the fight against corruption has penetrated into all corners of society, and that both senior leaders and grassroots workers may become perpetrators of corrupt acts.

Among these corrupt officials who have been rectified, the dismissal of cadres at the provincial and ministerial levels and cadres at the department and bureau levels has undoubtedly had a far-reaching impact on the entire anti-corruption struggle. These high-ranking cadres usually wield greater power and resources, and their corrupt practices often involve huge sums of money and have a wide range of influence. Therefore, the investigation and punishment of these high-ranking cadres can not only deter other potentially corrupt elements, but also purify the political ecology within the party and safeguard the image of the party and the country.

is over the age of old, retired for 22 years, who is still being investigated?

At the same time, the investigation and punishment of a large number of rural and enterprise personnel also reflects the in-depth and comprehensive nature of the anti-corruption struggle. Although these personnel do not hold high positions, they directly face the masses, and their corrupt behavior directly affects the vital interests of the masses. Therefore, investigating and dealing with these personnel can not only safeguard the interests of the masses, but also enhance the masses' sense of identity and satisfaction with the anti-corruption struggle.

In addition, the fight against corruption in the first quarter of 2024 has revealed a number of new features and trends. For example, with the continuous development of Internet technology, discipline inspection and supervision organs have begun to use big data, cloud computing, and other technical means to improve the efficiency and accuracy of anti-corruption work. By analyzing a large amount of data and information, discipline inspection and supervision organs can more quickly and accurately discover and investigate corrupt acts.

is over the age of old, retired for 22 years, who is still being investigated?

At the same time, the fight against corruption is increasingly focusing on prevention and education. Through strengthening education on party style and clean government, we should raise the awareness of party members and cadres to be honest and self-disciplined, and prevent the occurrence of corrupt behavior at the source. In addition, discipline inspection and supervision organs have also actively carried out anti-corruption propaganda to enhance the anti-corruption awareness of the whole society and create a good atmosphere for everyone to participate in the anti-corruption campaign.

In short, the results of the anti-corruption struggle in the first quarter of 2024 fully demonstrate the determination and ability of China's discipline inspection and supervision organs. In the face of the still grim and complicated anti-corruption situation, we must keep a sober mind, continue to intensify the fight against corruption, and continue to deepen the anti-corruption struggle. Only by unremittingly advancing the anti-corruption struggle can we continuously consolidate the party's ruling position, safeguard the country's long-term peace and stability, and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

is over the age of old, retired for 22 years, who is still being investigated?

Liu Qixiang, a 70-year-old native of Jiangdu, Jiangsu Province, who served as a judge in the enforcement division of the Jiangsu Provincial High People's Court, was investigated 22 years after his retirement. This incident has not only aroused widespread concern about the anti-corruption work of the judicial system, but also raised awareness of the legal system that is still held accountable after retirement.

Liu Qixiang's personal resume is quite extensive. As a young man, he served in the army, an experience that forged his tenacity and discipline. After completing his service, he transitioned to the judicial system and began his decades-long career as a judge. During his work in the court, Liu Qixiang participated in the trial of many cases with his professional knowledge and rigorous work attitude, and won the respect of his colleagues and parties.

However, as time passed, Liu Qixiang seemed to gradually forget his original intention and deviated from the professional ethics and legal beliefs he once adhered to. According to the investigation, he was suspected of taking advantage of his position to engage in corrupt behaviors such as trading power for money, embezzlement and bribery. These acts not only seriously violate the professional ethics of judges, but also undermine judicial fairness and harm the interests of the people.

Liu Qixiang's corruption did not happen overnight, but was the result of long-term accumulation. In the course of the investigation, the relevant authorities reviewed his career in detail, from his performance in the army, to his work after entering the court, to the alleged corruption, every link was strictly scrutinized. This kind of meticulous investigation not only helps to restore the truth, but also reflects the serious attitude and professional ability of the discipline inspection and supervision organs in anti-corruption work.

In Liu Qixiang's case, there are several key points worth noting. First, he was investigated 22 years after his retirement, which shows that there is no statute of limitations in the fight against corruption, and that corruption can be exposed and punished no matter how long it has been. Second, as a senior judge, Liu Qixiang's corrupt practices have a particularly serious negative impact on the judicial system, which further highlights the importance of strengthening internal supervision in the judicial system. Finally, Liu Qixiang's case also reminds us that the fight against corruption requires the participation of the whole society, and everyone should be a force for upholding social fairness and justice.

The investigation and review of Liu Qixiang is not only a punishment for him personally, but also a self-purification of the entire judicial system. Through such cases, judicial personnel's sense of integrity and self-discipline can be further strengthened, and the credibility and authority of the judicial system can be enhanced. At the same time, it is also a warning to the whole society, reminding everyone that no matter how high or low their position is or how big or small their power is, they must abide by the law and uphold social fairness and justice.

Liu Qixiang's case is still under further investigation, but it is foreseeable that it will be an important case in the history of China's anti-corruption struggle. It not only demonstrates the determination and ability of China's discipline inspection and supervision organs, but also reflects the continuous progress of China's rule of law construction. With the deepening of the anti-corruption struggle, we have reason to believe that a more fair, transparent, and efficient judicial environment will gradually take shape, providing a solid legal guarantee for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

In the tide of the anti-corruption struggle, an important principle has been constantly emphasized: Officials, whether in office or retired, cannot escape the punishment of the law once corruption is involved. This year, a number of retired officials have been investigated and punished, a phenomenon that not only demonstrates the comprehensiveness of the anti-corruption struggle, but also reflects its in-depth nature, and further strengthens the whole society's understanding of equality before the law.

First, the cases of retired officials being investigated and punished shattered some people's illusions about a "safe landing". For some, once you retire, it means that you can go unpunished, no longer subject to supervision and constraints. However, the reality is that retirement does not mean that you can escape the law. Some of the retired officials who have been investigated and punished this year have been retired for many years, but their corrupt practices have finally been exposed, which fully shows that the sword of the law is always hanging high, and no matter how long time passes, justice will not be absent.

Second, these cases reflect the comprehensive nature of the fight against corruption. The fight against corruption is not a struggle against a specific group or a specific field, but a struggle that covers the whole society and all fields. Officials who are serving or retired, whether they are senior leaders or grassroots workers, will be severely punished by the law as long as they are involved in corruption. This comprehensiveness contributes to the construction of a fair and just social environment in which everyone can act within the framework of the law.

Third, the cases of retired officials being investigated and punished also reflect the in-depth nature of the anti-corruption struggle. With the deepening of the anti-corruption struggle, the investigative methods and capabilities of discipline inspection and supervision organs are also constantly improving. Through the application of modern information technology such as big data and cloud computing, discipline inspection and supervision organs can more accurately discover and investigate corrupt acts, and it is difficult for even officials who have been retired for many years to escape legal accountability. This in-depth manifestation will help enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the anti-corruption struggle and further enhance the confidence of the masses in the anti-corruption struggle.

In addition, these cases have had a strong deterrent effect on other officials. Seeing former colleagues or seniors being investigated and punished for corruption, many incumbent officials will be more vigilant, consciously abide by party discipline and state law, and be honest and self-disciplined. The exertion of such a deterrent effect will help prevent and reduce the occurrence of corrupt behaviors at the source and promote the formation of a clean and upright political ecology.

Finally, the case of a retired official being investigated and punished also reminds us that the fight against corruption is always on the way. Corruption is a complex social phenomenon, and its emergence and development have deep social and historical roots. Therefore, the anti-corruption struggle cannot be accomplished overnight, but is a long-term, complex, and arduous process. We must keep a sober mind, continue to intensify the fight against corruption, and continue to deepen the anti-corruption struggle, so that we can finally achieve a comprehensive victory in the anti-corruption struggle.

In short, the cases of retired officials being investigated and punished are a vivid embodiment of the comprehensive and in-depth nature of the anti-corruption struggle. It tells us that whenever and wherever corruption is involved, it is impossible to escape the punishment of the law. This is not only a powerful deterrent to corrupt elements, but also a profound enlightenment to the whole society. Let us work together to deepen the anti-corruption struggle and make unremitting efforts to build a clean, honest, fair and just society.