
Learning the book "Ode to the Stone Gate", it's as simple as that!

author:Calligraphy ancient and modern

Learning the book "Ode to the Stone Gate", it's as simple as that!

"Ode to the Stone Gate" is a cliff work in the Eastern Han Dynasty, known as "Lizhong cursive", and is a monument in the history of Chinese calligraphy. Many book lovers have a soft spot for it, but they feel that it is elusive, and they don't know where to start learning, today, let's unveil the mystery of "Ode to the Stone Gate" and see how to learn it!

Learning the book "Ode to the Stone Gate", it's as simple as that!

1. Understand the characteristics of "Ode to the Stone Gate".

The strokes of "Ode to the Stone Gate" are characterized by hiding the head and protecting the tail, the gestures are stretched, and the history of more than 2,000 years makes its lines full of simplicity and vicissitudes. Structurally, in the form of a plaque, it is dense and compact, natural and smart, and every word is like dancing. To study "Ode to the Stone Gate", we must first understand these characteristics of it, so as to better grasp its essence.

Learning the book "Ode to the Stone Gate", it's as simple as that!

Second, it is important to choose the right tool

If you want to do a good job, you must first sharpen your tools. To learn "Ode to the Stone Gate", choosing the right brush and paper is the key. It is recommended to choose a medium or small sheep's hair pen, which can better express the line characteristics of "Ode to the Stone Gate". In terms of paper, rice paper or raw edge paper are both good choices.

Learning the book "Ode to the Stone Gate", it's as simple as that!

3. Copying is the only way

Copying is the only way to learn calligraphy, and learning "Ode to the Stone Gate" is no exception. You can start with a single word and copy it repeatedly, paying attention to the shape of the stroke and the proportion of the structure. In the process of copying, you should constantly compare with the original post, find out your own shortcomings, and improve them.

Learning the book "Ode to the Stone Gate", it's as simple as that!

Fourth, read more posts to improve your horizons

Reading posts is one of the important ways to improve your calligraphy. Read more of the original post of "Ode to the Stone Gate", carefully observe the strokes, structure and chapter of each word, and taste the charm. At the same time, you can also appreciate the "Ode to the Stone Gate" written by other calligraphers, learn from others, and provide more inspiration for your own learning.

Learning the book "Ode to the Stone Gate", it's as simple as that!

5. Don't write too fast

Lishu belongs to the static book body, unlike cursive, the speed can not be too fast when writing, only the speed is slowed down, in order to experience the state of writing with the pen, to do the pen spread, sink down, in a little painting to experience the scene of the ancients when writing, the pen deep into their own writing, so as to learn the basic pen method.

Learning the book "Ode to the Stone Gate", it's as simple as that!

Sixth, persistence is victory

Learning calligraphy is a long-term process that requires perseverance. Stick to practice every day, even if it's just a few words, and you will be rewarded. Don't rush things, enjoy the process of learning and feel the joy of calligraphy.

Finally, I hope everyone can find their own fun in the process of learning "Ode to Shimen" and write a beautiful official book! If you have any questions or experiences, please leave a message in the comment area!

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