
Shang Xiuwei, secretary of the district party committee, investigated the rural ecological environment, rural revitalization projects and the improvement of human settlements

author:Charm Bridge West

On July 1, Shang Xiuwei, secretary of the district party committee, went to Gushi Village, Yuanbaoshan Village, Sicha Village, Caishi Village, Qinghe Village, and Yongfengbao Village in Dongyaozi Town to conduct field research on rural ecological environmental protection, rural revitalization project construction and human settlements improvement. Shang Xiuwei and his entourage successively investigated the protection of water sources in Gushi Village and Yuanbaoshan Village, learned about the construction progress of projects such as Tanyi Valley and Xinhe Valley, and inspected the surrounding environmental sanitation in detail.

Shang Xiuwei, secretary of the district party committee, investigated the rural ecological environment, rural revitalization projects and the improvement of human settlements

Shang Xiuwei pointed out that rural areas are the main front for the development of Qiaoxi, and the task of doing a good job in rural work is arduous and the responsibility is heavy. All departments at all levels should conscientiously study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on the "three rural" work, actively learn from the experience and practices of the "Ten Million Project", adhere to the protection of water sources as the bottom line, take project construction as the support, and take the ecological environment as the foundation, do a solid job in consolidating and expanding the effective connection between the achievements of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, and make every effort to build a livable, workable and beautiful rural demonstration belt.

Shang Xiuwei, secretary of the district party committee, investigated the rural ecological environment, rural revitalization projects and the improvement of human settlements

Shang Xiuwei stressed: First, we must do a good job in protecting water sources in a strict and meticulous manner. We will continue to strengthen the supervision and inspection of water sources, severely crack down on all kinds of violations of laws and regulations in water sources, truly achieve normalization and long-term effectiveness, and resolutely build a strong line of defense for the safety of water sources. Second, we must go all out to promote the construction of rural projects. Give full play to the rich cultural and tourism resources and unique location advantages of the Xigou Basin, adhere to the integration of agriculture, culture and tourism, and actively create a number of rural projects with distinctive characteristics and remarkable results, so as to inject vitality into rural revitalization. Third, we must carry out the improvement of the living environment in a solid and effective manner. It is necessary to give full play to the role of village-level organizations, widely mobilize the participation of the masses, carry out in-depth special actions such as garbage removal and transportation, sewage treatment, etc., and strive to promote the implementation of the improvement of the rural living environment, and comprehensively improve the appearance of the village.

Shang Xiuwei, secretary of the district party committee, investigated the rural ecological environment, rural revitalization projects and the improvement of human settlements

District leaders Li Ming, Liu Feng, Wang Ping, and responsible comrades of relevant units participated in the investigation.

Shang Xiuwei, secretary of the district party committee, investigated the rural ecological environment, rural revitalization projects and the improvement of human settlements

Source: District Committee Office

Editor: Zhang Yang

Editor: Chen Wei, Gao Yang

Submission email : [email protected]

Shang Xiuwei, secretary of the district party committee, investigated the rural ecological environment, rural revitalization projects and the improvement of human settlements

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