
Kishida is so bad that he wants to send the Self-Defense Forces to the Russian border for exercises, and he wants Japan to block the guns of the United States


The conflict in Ukraine actually has little to do with Japan's geopolitical interests, but the Kishida government has to set itself on fire, and driven by the United States, Japan is getting deeper and deeper into the quagmire of the conflict in Ukraine, and is close to the point of setting itself on fire. Japan plans to hold a series of joint military exercises with Germany and Spain in Hokkaido, near the Russian border, in the middle of next month, according to the Shangguan Shimbun. In this regard, Russia warned that the irresponsible behavior of the Fumio Kishida government has put Japan on a dangerous path, and Russia will fully take countermeasures to strengthen its defense capability and protect national sovereignty.

Kishida is so bad that he wants to send the Self-Defense Forces to the Russian border for exercises, and he wants Japan to block the guns of the United States

The Japanese government's move is to set itself on fire, it turns out that the conflict in Ukraine has little to do with it, Kishida wants to curry favor with the American masters, and send some money and military vehicles to Ukraine, but now it's good, it actually seduces some NATO countries to conduct exercises at the doorstep of the Russian Far East. Russia was already strongly dissatisfied with Japan's actions on the Ukraine issue, but now Japan is actually luring the wolf into the house and joining hands with Germany and Italy and other NATO countries to set up artillery at Russia's doorstep. If it weren't for the fact that Russia was stuck in the quagmire of the conflict in Ukraine and couldn't pull out to clean up its opponents, it is estimated that with this alone, they would have made Japan unbearable to go around.

Of course, the Russian side did not elaborate on what methods it will take to counter Japan's provocations, but it can be predicted that the Russian side will make some big moves in the South Kuril Islands, such as deploying more military equipment there. A few days ago, the Russian side announced that it had decided to produce more intermediate-range missiles in order to counter the US act of tearing up the "INF Treaty." Obviously, it is not excluded that Russia will deploy medium-range missiles with nuclear warheads in the South Kuril Islands to counter Japan's military provocations in collusion with NATO countries. As a result, Japan not only does not expect to negotiate with Russia on the sovereignty of its so-called "four northern islands," but at the same time, the Russian military's nuclear missiles may also be deployed close to Japan's doorstep.

Kishida is so bad that he wants to send the Self-Defense Forces to the Russian border for exercises, and he wants Japan to block the guns of the United States

Fumio Kishida really doesn't know if he "took the wrong medicine" or was poured some ecstasy soup by the United States? In order to safeguard the global strategic interests of the United States, it actually "packaged" Japan's security and economic development interests and sold them to the United States. For this reason, Japan not only colluded with NATO countries to provoke trouble near the borders of the Russian Far East, but also put Japan at the forefront of military provocation against China after the US military withdrew from the first island chain. Recently, the U.S. Marine Corps deployed in Okinawa has begun to move to a new location in Guam. According to the agreement reached between the United States and Japan, after the withdrawal of US troops, Japan will be responsible for "blocking" Chinese troops in the first island chain.

The Japanese are indeed very wronged by such a government. The Kishida government has spent about $3 billion to help the U.S. Marine Corps build a new base on Guam, and at the same time, it has also been pushed to the most dangerous position in the first island chain by the United States, preparing to withstand the first round of attacks by Chinese or Russian forces in wartime and buy time for the subsequent combat operations of the U.S. military. Obviously, the Kishida government supports Ukraine, but Japan actually has the same "treatment" as Ukraine, which is cannon fodder for being pushed to the front line by the United States to fight a proxy war.

Kishida is so bad that he wants to send the Self-Defense Forces to the Russian border for exercises, and he wants Japan to block the guns of the United States

Objectively speaking, Fumio Kishida is not Japan's "good prime minister," and in order to satisfy the dream of the right-wing forces at home to restore militarism, he does not hesitate to let the whole of Japan act as an accomplice in the US strategy of great power competition in exchange for US support for Japan's arms expansion. However, the Kishida government's unbelievable foreign policy has not brought Japan the "glory" of restoring militarism, but the trouble of facing serious consequences for both the country's economy and its security environment.

It can almost be said that since the Kishida government came to power, Japan has hardly had a good day. The world's third economy has been thrown away in his hands, the per capita GDP has been kicked out of the ranks of developed countries, and the inflation caused by the serious depreciation of the yen has forced the Japanese people to tighten their belts and live a tight life. What makes the Japanese even more dissatisfied is that Kishida has colluded with the United States to stir up trouble all over the world and put Japan in a dangerous situation of war and war.

Kishida is so bad that he wants to send the Self-Defense Forces to the Russian border for exercises, and he wants Japan to block the guns of the United States

As a result, Kishida's latest approval rating has dropped to about 17%, including the ruling Liberal Democratic Party and various opposition parties, which have recently joined forces to launch a political campaign to "oust Kishida". From this point of view, Kishida served the United States as a "father", and as a result, there was no "reward", and he collapsed the foundation of his prime ministership.

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