
The main force of the 5th Army of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Army (81) was lost, the number of the 7th Army was sharply reduced, and the 10th Army fought to the end

author:Guarding the terracotta

In view of the severe enemy situation since the beginning of the summer, the Executive Department of the Jidong Provincial CPC Committee issued on July 10, 1939 an "Urgent Circular on the Tasks of the Struggle in the Present Serious Stage of the Northeast Guerrilla Movement" to the party organizations of all units in order to enhance the understanding of the future of the war of resistance within the troops, overcome difficulties, and persist in the struggle. The circular analyzed the situation of the guerrilla movement in the eastern and northern Manchurian areas, and pointed out that although the guerrilla movement in eastern and northern Manchuria suffered serious setbacks over the past year or so, it was not a fundamental defeat but a temporary loss. The anti-coalition forces must continue to persist in the struggle in line with the party's basic task of containing the main force of the Japanese thieves in the northeast and disrupting the rear of the Japanese thieves. After analyzing the favorable conditions for the sustained struggle of the anti-Japanese guerrilla war in Northeast China, the circular put forward the following specific tasks at present: establishing and improving the party's organization and strengthening the party's leadership; appropriately change the ways and means of the activities of the troops and maintain contact with the population; efforts to raise food and military supplies; training and promoting new cadres; Correct bad tendencies and purge bad molecules. The circular also laid down in principle the tactics of opposing the enemy's "group tribe" policy and striving to divide the puppet army and isolate the enemy. The circular finally called on us to hold high the banner of resisting Japan and saving the country, and to rush forward one after another to win the final victory.

In accordance with the spirit of the circular issued by the Executive Department of the Jidong Provincial Party Committee, in the summer and autumn of 1939, the troops of the Second Route Army, which had been transferred from the Diaoling area in the lower reaches of the Mudanjiang River to the southern part of Huachuan and the border area of Fujin and Baoqing counties to carry out guerrilla activities, launched a series of counterattack operations.

In order to adapt to the new environment of struggle, all units of the Second Route Army reorganized their units into small units, adopted the form of dispersed guerrilla attacks, and used concealed, mobile, and flexible tactics to sabotage the enemy's lines of communication and military installations, rob the enemy's transport vehicles, attack the enemy's strongholds, and waged an active struggle against the enemy.

In early July, the guard unit of the headquarters of the Second Route Army intercepted an enemy transport convoy northwest of Li Jinweizi in Fujin County, and on July 28, they attacked the Yangjia "group tribe" near Xinglong Town, Fujin County.

The 3rd Division of the 5th Army of the Anti-Japanese Union took the initiative to attack as a regiment and took advantage of the flexibility of a small force. In July, the 8th Regiment of the division ambushed the Humpwaist Japanese gold mining ship in Huachuan County and captured 1 light machine gun; In August, it attacked the Liumaohe Japanese Gold Mining Company in Baoqing County. During this period, the 9th Regiment of the division, together with the 7th Army Supplementary Regiment, attacked the secret military works of the enemy in Heizuiz, Hulin County.

The secret military works were built by the Japanese invaders in preparation for an attack on the Soviet Union. Most of the workers who participated in the construction were laborers recruited by the Japanese from Tianjin and other places by deception. Their working conditions and living conditions are extremely bad, they do not have enough to eat, they do not get paid, they do not receive medical treatment when they are sick, and they are often severely beaten by their foremen. In mid-July, the soldiers of the 7th Army Supplementary Regiment found four escaped laborers in the mountains, and thus learned of the deplorable conditions of the workers at the Heizuzi construction site. In order to sabotage the enemy's military engineering and liberate the suffering laborers, one day in early August, Ji Qing, director of the Political Department of the 3rd Division of the 5th Army, Liu Xueyue, commander of the 9th Regiment of the 3rd Division, Jiang Xintai, political commissar, and Li Yiping, commander of the supplementary regiment of the 3rd Division of the 7th Army, led the soldiers of their subordinates to attack the secret military engineering site of Heizuizi, opened the warehouse of the construction site, obtained a large number of provisions, and rescued more than 300 laborers, of whom more than 100 joined the anti-coalition forces. When the battle was over, Second Lieutenant Furuta of the Hulin garrison stationed in Heizuizi led 75 Japanese troops to pursue, but was blocked by the 7th Army Supplementary Regiment, and after 30 minutes of fierce fighting, dozens of enemies were killed, and the troops successfully threw off the enemy. The enemy sent another plane to bomb and strafe the anti-United Nations troops, and the laborers who had no combat experience fled for their lives in a panic during the enemy's bombing and strafing, and some of them were lost, while 110 of the rescued laborers followed the troops back to the mountains and joined the anti-United Nations team.

At the beginning of September, Zhou Baozhong, commander-in-chief of the Second Route Army of the Anti-Japanese Federation, sent Huang Yuqing, director of the administrative affairs department of the General Headquarters, to inspect the work of the 5th and 7th armies in Hulin in order to study the future struggle and activity plan in Baoqing. Due to the enemy's "crusade", Huang Yuqing failed to find the relationship of the 7th Army. In early September, Huang Yuqing, Li Wenbin, commander of the 3rd Division of the 5th Army, and Jiang Xintai, political commissar of the 9th Regiment, led two companies of 200 people to the general headquarters of the Second Route Army in Baoqing. On the way, at 3 p.m. on September 13, they were surrounded by the 35th Regiment of the puppet army and the puppet police team near the "Twelve Martyrs' Mountain".

Since July 1937, when Li Wenbin led the Ning'an Puppet Forest Police Brigade to join the Anti-Japanese Allied Army, he has been fighting on both sides of the Mudanjiang River and the left bank of the Ussuri River, making contributions to the cause of national liberation. At the moment of crisis, Li Wenbin's sacrifice made the Second Route Army even worse, and it lost a commander who was in charge of his own work and had great combat experience. After Li Wenbin's death, Zhang Zhenhua succeeded him as the commander of the 3rd Division, and the 3rd Division of the 5th Army still insisted on operating in eastern Yilan, Fujin, Baoqing and other places, constantly attacking and disrupting the enemy.

On October 23, more than 50 people of the 9th Regiment of the 3rd Division of the 5th Army, led by Huang Yuqing, director of the political affairs department of the General Headquarters, attacked the Liangshui Quanzi puppet police substation and the self-defense regiment in Baoqing County, killing 1 enemy, capturing 7 people, and seizing a lot of clothes. At the end of the battle, the anti-United Nations forces burned down the puppet police station, then disarmed the puppet police station in Wangfugang, Baoqing County, and attacked the enemy stationed in Xigou. Later, he attacked the Jianshanzi Wooden Camp in Fujin County, killed and wounded more than 20 Japanese puppet "raiding teams" in Qixing Fengzi in Huachuan County, and seized 2 light machine guns, more than 60 rifles, 2 pistols, and more than 1,000 yuan of counterfeit currency. On November 8, the 9th Regiment of the 3rd Division of the 5th Army and the 7th Army combined forces and the 2nd Squadron directly under the General Headquarters fought fiercely with 500 Japanese puppet troops in Dachengzi Dongshan for 5 hours, killing more than 20 Japanese soldiers and wounding 8, killing 5 puppet soldiers and wounding 3, and capturing 2 light machine guns and 20 rifles. In December, they attacked Qixinghe Town, Baoqing County, killing 1 Japanese instructor, 1 instructor, more than 10 soldiers, wounding more than 20 people, and destroying two companies of the puppet army.

In the winter of 1939, the enemy concentrated dozens of times the strength of our army on the mountain sides and forest areas of Yilan, Huachuan, Fujin, and Baoqing counties, putting the troops of the 3rd Division of the 5th Army of the Anti-Japanese Union in a very difficult situation. At that time, the enemy had been searching and "crusading" for a long time, and it was extremely difficult for the anti-coalition forces to operate; The enemy imposed an economic blockade, cutting off food sources, and the anti-union fighters were constantly in a state of starvation; The rear secret camps set up in the lofty mountains and mountains were repeatedly destroyed by the enemy, and it was not easy to establish temporary base areas; The anti-United Nations forces have been greatly reduced in strength and have not been replenished as they should be.

In March 1940, the Japanese puppet authorities transferred more than 300 Japanese cavalry and more than 2,000 puppet troops from Mishan County to jointly besiege the 3rd Division of the 5th Army of the Anti-Japanese Union in the Baoqing area. The commander of the 3rd Division, Zhang Zhenhua, was captured and later killed by the enemy. Huang Yuqing, administrative director of the Second Route Army Headquarters, led more than 90 people of the 9th Regiment of the division to break through to the south, and also died on the way. Among these more than 90 people, 10 were captured and killed, 4 escaped, 9 crossed the border to the Soviet Union, and most of the rest were killed in battle, and only more than 20 people of the 9th Regiment were left in the entire 3rd Division under the leadership of Jiang Xintai, the political commissar of the regiment, to break out of the encirclement, and at the junction of Baoqing and Boli were incorporated into the guard unit directly under the General Headquarters of the Second Route Army. This was the end of the history of the 5th Division of the 3rd Army.

Under the leadership of Army Commander Chai Shirong, the Teaching Corps of the Military Headquarters of the 5th Army of the Anti-Japanese Federation and part of the 1st and 2nd Divisions moved from the Diaoling area to the areas of Ning'an and Muling in May 1939, relying on the Laoyeling Mountains in the west, to carry out guerrilla activities along the Tujia, the Middle East Railway, and the Ning'an-Dunhua Highway. However, due to the tight rule of the enemy in this area, the development of guerrilla activities was greatly difficult. In the autumn of the same year, the units of the 5th Army carried out decentralized activities in order to solve the wintering supplies. Chai Shirong led a small force to Xuanyang Seat in Muling County when he was surrounded by the enemy, and after breaking through, he was forced to cross the border to the Soviet Union under the condition that the enemy was in hot pursuit.

At that time, more than 100 people of the Yao Zhenshan Division (Volunteer Army) of the Second Route Army of the Anti-Japanese Federation operating in the Nangou area of Mulingjiu Station were also in a very difficult situation. In the summer of 1939, Yao Zhenshan led his troops to lose most of them in a fierce battle with the enemy, and Yao Zhenshan died heroically in the battle.

In the summer of 1939, the 5th Regiment of the 2nd Division of the 5th Army of the Anti-Japanese Federation, under the leadership of Tao Jingfei, director of the Political Department of the division, and Ren Desheng, the commander of the regiment, moved from Ning'an to Dunhua via Antu, and found the First Route Army of the Anti-Japanese Union in the Dapuchai River in Dunhua. From April to July, the 5th Regiment of the 2nd Division of the 5th Army and the 14th Regiment of the 3rd Front Army of the 1st Route Army fought the enemy in Antu Qinggouzi, Dunhua Weitanggou, Hanlianggou and other places.

In mid-August, the 5th Regiment of the 2nd Division and the 13th Regiment of the 3rd Front Army learned that two companies of the enemy had moved from the Dapuchai River in Dunhua to the northwest fork to change their defenses, so they set up an ambush at Horseshoe Ridge near the Dapuchai River. On the morning of the next day, more than 120 enemies, together with more than a dozen wagons loaded with goods, fell into an ambush circle of the Anti-United Nations. After 30 minutes of fierce fighting, dozens of enemies were killed and wounded, and the rest of the puppet army surrendered. In this battle, 2 enemy light machine guns, 50 rifles, and many other items such as ammunition were captured. On October 10, the 5th Regiment of the 2nd Division and the 13th Regiment of the Third Front Army set up an ambush at Jinggou Ridge in Antu County and intercepted the enemy's automobile convoy from Mingyuegou to Antu, and more than 100 enemies were disarmed and 5 cars were burned. At the beginning of November, the 5th Regiment of the 2nd Division and the 15th Regiment of the Third Front Army operated on the border of Wangqing County, and successively attacked Lishugou, Baicaogou, Dahuangwei and other "group tribes"; In late December, a fierce battle was fought with the enemy at the Mutai area near Nanhutou in Ning'an County. In January 1940, the troops were pursued by the enemy in Dunhua County and suffered some losses. In the spring of the same year, the 5th Regiment of the 2nd Division and the 15th Regiment of the 3rd Front Army were transferred to Jiaohe, Shulan and other counties.

At the end of 1939, in order to strengthen the work in the southern part of the Middle East Road, the Jidong Provincial Party Committee and the General Headquarters of the Second Route Army appointed Ji Qing, director of the Political Department of the 3rd Division of the 5th Army, as the political commissar of the 5th Army and the special commissioner of the political affairs of Suining District and Dunhua District, responsible for the political, military and local organization of the anti-Japanese coalition forces in the southern area of the Middle East Road. In February 1940, according to the instructions of the Provincial Party Committee, Ji Qing led some fighters to work in the southern area of the Middle East Road and led the development of anti-Japanese guerrilla activities in the south of the province. In September 1940, Ji Qing led the team, Chai Shirong's headquarters and the rest of the First Route Army to jointly attack Yangmuqiaozi Camp in Dongning County in order to solve the supply problem. Subsequently, the enemy continued to chase after him, and the anti-coalition forces engaged in a fierce battle with the enemy. During the battle, due to the loss of contact, Chai Shirong led his troops to retreat into the Soviet Union again, and the rest of the First Route Army also retreated into the Soviet Union later. Only Ji Qing led the troops of the 5th Army to move to the old black mountain valley in Dongning, and continued to fight in the area of Hunchun and Wangqing.

In the summer, autumn, and winter, the main force of the 3rd Division of the 5th Army was exhausted, the 1st and 2nd Divisions of the main force retreated into the Soviet Union, and the other insisted on small-scale activities in the Hunchun and Wangqing areas, and only a small number of troops of the 2nd Route Army Headquarters Guard Unit remained around Zhou Baozhong. Thus, starting with the defeat of the 3rd Division, it marked the total loss of the main forces of the 5th Army of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, which was created by Zhou Baozhong himself. In November of that year, Zhou Baozhong prepared to go to the Soviet Union for a meeting.

Under the leadership of the Jidong Provincial Party Committee, the 7th Army of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, which was active in Raohe, Hulin, Fujin, Baoqing, Fuyuan, and Tongjiang, has continuously reorganized, consolidated, and strengthened its combat effectiveness. In March 1939, Ji Qing, secretary of the Xiajiang Provisional Party League of the Jidong Provincial Party Committee, presided over a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Party Special Committee of the 7th Army in Baldingzi, Hulin County, and adjusted the leading cadres of the 7th Army. The meeting decided that Cui Shiquan would be appointed secretary of the special party committee of the 7th Army, Jing Leting would be the acting commander, Cui Shiquan would be the chief of staff, and Wang Xiaoming would be the director of the Political Department. The meeting formulated an activity plan for 1939, and decided that Cui Shiquan would lead the military headquarters and the 3rd Division to operate in the Raohe area; Wang Xiaoming led the 3rd Division Supplementary Regiment to Hulin to conduct joint operations with the 9th Regiment of the 3rd Division of the 5th Army; Jingleting led the 1st Division to Fuyuan and Tongjiang to carry out activities. In the spring of the same year, in order to break through the enemy's economic blockade and solve the problem of troop supplies, the 7th Army, in accordance with the spirit of the meeting of the military party committee, decided to cultivate its own land and solve part of the provisions. The Supplementary Regiment of the 3rd Division and the 9th Regiment of the 3rd Division of the 5th Army sent some members to set up secret camps in the area of Hulin Da and Xiaoma'anshan, and the three-person class, reclaimed dozens of wastelands, and planted a lot of corn, radish, and potatoes. The 1st Division sent some soldiers as left-behind personnel to reclaim several pieces of wasteland in the area of the big flagpole at the junction of Fujin, Tongjiang and Raohe counties; The 3rd Division set up temporary secret camps in Raohe Eighteen Places, Dawangzi and other places, and reclaimed wasteland. Although some of these self-cultivated land plots were destroyed by the enemy in the summer and autumn, some of them were retained and harvested, which played a certain role in solving the winter supply for the United Nations forces.

In March and April, the troops of the 7th Army seized on the enemy's weak links and waged a struggle against the enemy. The troops of the 1st Division of the 7th Army, led by division commander Wang Ruqi, deputy division commander Liu Yanlai, and director of the Political Department Peng Shilu, extended their activities to the areas of Fuyuan and Tongjiang. In the spring and summer of the same year, taking advantage of the favorable natural conditions, he successively attacked the towns of Haotong, Guofu and Jiaoji along the Ussuri River, and in August, he attacked Yangmulinzi, the garrison of the puppet army, and destroyed a company of the puppet army, and seized 47 rifles, 7 pistols, and a lot of ammunition and munitions.

In September 1939, the enemy gathered 1,600 Japanese troops and 2,000 puppet troops to launch a "crusade" against the 7th Army of the Anti-Japanese Union operating in Hulin and Raohe. At this time, Zheng Luyan, the former director of the Political Department of the 7th Army, was arrested and betrayed in Hulin. In order to preserve the vitality of the troops, the military headquarters of the 7th Army decided to divide the troops into parts, with Cui Shiquan, Wang Xiaoming, Wang Ruqi, Peng Shilu, and Jingleting each leading one unit to carry out activities in the Hulin and Raohe mountain areas. On October 8 of the same year, in order to inspect the work of the 7th Army, Zhou Baozhong led the guards of the General Headquarters of the Second Route Army from Baoqing to the Hurao area. On November 14, Zhou Baozhong wrote a letter to the leading comrades of the 7th Army, pointing out that the current task of the 7th Army was to break through the recent frenzied attack and encirclement of the Japanese army and gradually move to the direction of Fuyuan, while leaving part of the troops to persist in the struggle in the Hurao guerrilla zone.

According to the instructions of the General Headquarters of the Second Route Army, at the end of November of the same year, more than 160 soldiers led by Cui Shiquan and Wang Ruqi quickly moved to Fuyuan in order to break away from the enemy's encirclement line. In December, the troops of the 7th Army overcame the severe difficulties of severe winter cold and lack of provisions, and moved to Fuyuan, Tongjiang and other places, where they engaged the enemy four times. Among them, in Fuyuan Xintun, he fought fiercely with 170 Japanese soldiers and puppet Jing'an troops for a day, killing more than 70 enemies; In the battle with more than 100 Japanese cavalry units in Jiangxi, more than 20 enemies were killed, and important military supplies such as military maps were captured. However, in the autumn and winter of 1939, the troops of the 7th Army also suffered great losses. Under the tight blockade of the enemy, difficulties often arose in the supply of troops. For several days, the warriors did not eat food or salt, and sometimes they ate on the bark of trees. In order to avoid the enemy's edge and conceal the target, the troops could not light fires to keep warm when camping in the bitter cold, and often marched continuously day and night, and many soldiers died of starvation, freezing, and disease under extremely difficult conditions, and the troops were greatly reduced, and in the end only more than 200 people remained. In January 1940, in accordance with the instructions of the Jidong Provincial Party Committee on the reorganization of the troops, the 7th Army reduced its ranks, and the rest of the supplementary regiment was merged into the teaching regiment, which was directly led by the military department; The 1st Division (including the remainder of the first two divisions) was all reduced to 1 regiment, numbered the 1st Regiment of the 1st Division; The 3rd Division was also reduced to 1 regiment, numbered the 4th Regiment of the 2nd Division. According to the decision of the General Headquarters of the Second Route Army, Cui Shiquan, secretary of the Special Party Committee of the Seventh Army and chief of staff of the Army, was transferred to the post of chief of staff of the Headquarters of the Second Route Army, and Wang Xiaoming succeeded him as chief of staff of the Seventh Army. After that, more than 200 soldiers of the 7th Army overcame hardships and hardships under very difficult conditions and stubbornly persisted in fierce fighting with the enemy.

At the beginning of 1939, the Second Route Army was in a critical situation in Xiajiang, and the struggle of the 10th Army in Wuchang also reached the most difficult era. Wang Yachen led his troops to fight hard for many years, and persevered until he died in 1941. The rest of the tribe hid into the mountains and swore not to surrender to the thieves.

In the history of the struggle of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Army, the 10th Army was the only allied force that was divided by a strong enemy and fought alone until the end.

Wang Yachen led the 10th Army of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, which has been active in the mountainous areas of Wuchang, Shulan, Yushu and other counties. For a long time, surrounded by the enemy's division, the 10th Army was cut off from the General Headquarters of the Second Route Army. During this period, the General Command of the Second Route Army, although several attempts to get in touch with the 10th Army, were unsuccessful. Although the 10th Army of the Anti-Japanese Union was in a situation of fighting alone, it never gave up the struggle against the Japanese invaders. They took the form of small units and relied on the lofty mountains and dense forests in the southern part of Wuchang County to persistently carry out guerrilla activities, disturbing and attacking the enemy from time to time.

The 10th Army of the Anti-Japanese Federation was formerly known as the 8th Army of the Northeast People's Revolutionary Army. Under the leadership of Commander Wang Yachen, he fought bravely in Wuchang and Shulan all the year round, and effectively cooperated with the struggle of the anti-Japanese army in North Manchuria and Jidong. Wang Yachen was not only regarded as a strong opponent in the enemy's camp, but also received great respect within the North Manchurian Anti-Japanese Alliance. At the Zhutang Joint Conference held in the winter of 1936, the newly established North Manchurian Provisional Provincial Committee decided to reorganize the 8th Army of the Northeast People's Revolutionary Army into the 10th Army of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Army. By this time, the army had grown to 10 regiments with more than a thousand people.

As a result of accepting the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the continuous improvement of the political leadership level of army commander Wang Yachen, the 8th Army of the Northeast People's Revolutionary Army and later the 10th Army of the Anti-Japanese Union were able to more consciously propagate and implement the party's anti-Japanese national united front policy. Regardless of whether he encountered puppet troops in his own troops or in battle, Wang Yachen always repeatedly said that "the Chinese do not fight the Chinese, but concentrate bullets to fight the Japanese devils." Sometimes he compiled these political propaganda slogans into songs and sang them while studying and singing them in the troops, and achieved good results.

In the summer of 1936, the 8th Army was operating in the area of Zhuqi in Shulan County. Wang Yachen received information: more than 500 Japanese troops and more than 800 puppet troops came to "crusade". He immediately assembled his team and set up a card on the Zhu Qi. The enemy came over, the puppet army was in front, and the Japanese army was in the rear. Wang Yachen ordered the puppet army to be let go, and when the Japanese "raiding team" entered the Kazi, the machine gunners fired fiercely at the Japanese invading army, and after more than two hours of fierce fighting, a total of more than 300 Japanese troops were annihilated. When the puppet soldiers heard the gunshots, they all scattered and fled for their lives. Wang Yachen was wounded in the leg in this battle, and the troops soon returned to the anti-Japanese guerrilla base area in Jiuwudingzi Mountain to rest and recuperate.

A year later, in the early summer of 1937, under the enemy's large-scale "crusade", Wang Yachen led the main force of the 10th Army of the Anti-Japanese Union to move to Moshi Dingzi in Wuchang County. Due to the frequent fighting, the bullets were depleted severely. The Japanese puppet army has assembled at the foot of the mountain, ready to attack at any time, and the situation is very urgent. Wang Yachen sent scouts to find out that there was a brigade commander Deng in the puppet army, and he had secretly communicated with the Anti-Japanese Union. Wang Yachen immediately decided to go down the mountain to meet him and solve the bullet problem. The people around him were shocked when they heard this, and said, "Your head is worth 10,000 yuan, what if this Brigade Commander Deng is a traitor and detains you for the ocean?" "

Wang Yachen said with a smile: "If he is really a hardcore traitor, he will send me to the Japanese to ask for a reward, but if he does this, he will also owe a blood debt to the Chinese by name, and sooner or later he will have to pay it back." I heard that Brigade Commander Deng was not desperate for the Japanese, so I thought I could meet him. "

One day, Wang Yachen personally went down the mountain to see Brigade Commander Deng and explained to him the national righteousness of resisting Japan and saving the country, and Brigade Commander Deng was deeply moved. Wang Yachen asked Brigade Commander Deng to solve some bullets for the anti-Japanese troops, so that they could fight the Japanese devils.

Brigade Commander Deng happily agreed: "Okay, I'll send it to you when I have a chance later." In June, Brigade Commander Deng led more than 200 people to follow the Japanese "expedition team" to the north ditch of Siping Mountain. During the battle, Wang Yachen ordered the soldiers to fight the Japanese devils. When the Deng brigade encountered Wang Yachen's troops, they only shot into the sky. The Japanese "crusade team" rushed several times, but was beaten down by Wang Yachen's troops. Taking advantage of the Japanese army's hasty retreat, Deng Brigade went to Beihetao, Sipingshan, to pour six or seven boxes of bullets on Wang Yachen's troops, and then brought back the empty bullet boxes and handed them over to the Japanese army.

In the autumn of 1937, Wang Yachen sent a liaison officer to Xiangyangshan to secretly find the head of the puppet army Chen in the garrison and asked him to send some pistol bullets. Head Chen asked Wang Yachen to come to negotiate in person. Wang Yachen did not avoid difficulties and dangers, and together with the liaison, disguised himself to find Head Chen. They came to the outside of the tunzi where Regiment Commander Chen lived, and found that there was a Japanese garrison stationed there. The liaison officer went into the tunzhong to inquire about the situation, saw Commander Chen, and told him that Commander Wang had come to discuss in person. Regiment Commander Chen was secretly surprised, admired Wang Yachen's courage very much, and urgently ordered the puppet army soldiers to pick up Captain Wang outside the tun. Wang Yachen publicized the Communist Party of China's anti-Japanese and national salvation proposition to Chen, and enlightened his national pride. Although Commander Chen had no intention of mutiny, he said that he could send pistol ammunition for the Anti-Japanese Alliance. At the end of the same year, Regiment Commander Chen sent two sacks of pistol bullets to the secret liaison site of Jiuwu Dingzi Mountain.

At the beginning of 1937, the 10th Army entered a difficult period. In order to eliminate the last stubborn anti-United Nations armed forces in the Hadong area, the Japanese invaders stationed heavy troops into Wuchang and Shulan to forcibly carry out the construction plan of "group tribes" and "no man's land", and spent a whole year in the 15 Dingzi Mountains to "pull the net to clean up." Wang Yachen continued to lead his troops to move tactfully and flexibly in the Wuchang and Shulan mountain areas, striking at the enemy by surprise.

The officers and men of the 10th Army greatly admired their brave and resourceful commander. Once, he led a team disguised as a puppet army, and on the way to the ninety-five tops from the small south gate, he encountered a mixed "crusade team" of the Japanese puppet army. It was too late to evade, and Wang Yachen immediately ordered the team to stop advancing and rest on the spot. The enemy "raiding team" thought that Wang Yachen's troops were really their own people, and they also set up their guns to rest. As soon as the enemy stopped to rest, Wang Yachen ordered the troops to "set off". The soldiers of the 10th Army immediately took up their weapons, pointed their guns at the Japanese army, and at the same time shouted: "Chinese do not fight Chinese!" "Dozens of Japanese soldiers didn't have time to resist, and they all became the guns of the anti-United Nations fighters.

When the local people heard that "Shuanglong" (i.e., Wang Yachen) had arrived, they risked their lives to send information that more than 100 Japanese troops would come to Banjiehezi the next day to "crusade." Wang Yachen transferred the whole army overnight and deployed it at the key road crossing. Early the next morning, the Japanese army appeared. Wang Yachen calmed down the soldiers, and when the enemy walked more than ten meters in front of the muzzle of the anti-union gun, he suddenly raised his gun and fired angrily, killing two Japanese soldiers on the spot. The resistance coalition on the mountain and under the mountain fired together, and it was too late for the Japanese army to retreat, and in just ten minutes, except for a few lucky escapes at the rear end, the remaining more than 100 enemies were all annihilated.

In the summer of 1938, the main forces of the 4th and 5th armies of the Second Route Army of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Federation assembled at Diao Ling, crossed the Lao Ye Ridge, and carried out the westward expedition. In July, after Wang Yachen learned that the Western Expeditionary Force of the Second Route Army of the Anti-Japanese Federation had entered Weihe County (now Shangzhi County), he personally led the 10th Army to the north and went to Weihe to meet the Western Expeditionary Force. When the 10th Army marched to Wuchang Xiaoshanzi, it was blocked by the enemy and failed to achieve its goal. During the battle, Wang Yachen was unfortunately wounded. Soon, the Western Expeditionary Force of the Second Route Army, under the leadership of Li Yanping, commander of the 4th Army, Wang Guangyu, deputy commander of the Army, and Tao Jingfei, director of the Political Department of the 2nd Division of the 5th Army, entered Wuchang County, and Wang Yachen led the soldiers of the 10th Army to join Li Yanping's division at Chonghe. Wang Yachen gave great support to the troops of the Western Expedition in terms of supplies and transportation. Wang Yachen's troops and Li Yanping's troops coordinated operations in Wuchang Nanshan and attacked the Chonghe Puppet Forest Police Force and the Shahezi Japanese garrison, both of which were victorious. Zhou Baozhong, commander-in-chief of the Second Route Army, wrote in a letter to Wang Yachen: "The troops of our Fourth and Fifth Armies marched westward,...... Not only has progress been hampered, but there have also been significant losses. Fortunately, I got in touch with your army later, and received assistance to support the activities. In June 1940, Wang Yachen joined forces with Tao Jingfei's Department and Chen Hanzhang's Department of the Third Front Army of the First Route Army of the Anti-Japanese Federation to fight together in Wuchang Nanshan. According to Tao Jingfei's letter to Zhou Baozhong afterwards, in order to pinn down the enemy in Dunhua and take advantage of the favorable offensive conditions of the Five Constants, "we carried out active and advantageous activities, attacked the Wogua Station, attacked the Mugang, entered the Chong River, and seized the weapons of a company of puppet troops along the Lalin River, obtained a machine gun and more than 30 rifles"; Moreover, because "every battle must be won and every attack must be overcome," it "shook the enemy and awakened the people of the Five Constants," and many people demanded to join the anti-Japanese contingent, so that the contingent "more than doubled in a month and a half."

In September of the same year, Wang Yachen led his troops to attack Shanhetun, an important enemy town along the Labin Railway. Shanhetun is located between Shulan and Wuchang counties, and is a major post station on the Labin railway line. There are Japanese garrisons, puppet police stations and other institutions stationed here, and Japanese capitalists operate commercial institutions such as "Combination" and "Hengde" pawnshops here. On September 9, Wang Yachen led more than 80 soldiers of the 10th Army to set off from the Motianling camp and advance to Shanhetun. More than 30 people from Shulan and Wuchang counties joined the troops and prepared to participate in the battle. On the evening of the 11th, the battle for Shanhetun began. The Anti-Japanese Union first cut the enemy's telephone line, broke through the east gate of Shanhetun, and left one machine gun to guard it to prevent the enemy from copying the rear road. Wang Yachen led the team to rush into the Shanhetun puppet police station and seized all the enemy's weapons and ammunition. The Japanese garrison stationed in Shanhetun tried to resist stubbornly, fought fiercely for half an hour, killed 3 Japanese soldiers on the spot, and the remaining dozen Japanese soldiers fled in confusion. The Anti-Japanese Federation seized a large number of daily necessities such as gold and silver jewelry, leather jackets, grain, clothes, salt, and matches from the enemy's "combination" and "Hengde" pawnshops. At this time, some Japanese soldiers shot out from the clothing store run by the Japanese, and were immediately surrounded and eliminated by the Anti-Japanese Federation, and a batch of brand-new Japanese military clothes were seized. After the battle, Wang Yachen led the soldiers and the participants to retreat from the east gate and the southeast gate respectively, and distributed a part of the victory to the participants in the battle. Then, Wang Yachen led the soldiers of the 10th Army back to Motianling and the starry camp.

Since the winter of 1939, the Japanese army has carried out even more frantic military "encirclement and suppression" against Wang Yachen and the 10th Army of the Anti-Japanese Alliance. In the difficult and difficult years of fighting, Wang Yachen led by example, sharing life and death with the soldiers. When the troops ran out of food, he, like the soldiers, fed his hunger with wild vegetables and tree bark, and used beeswax, wild beasts, and military horses to feed him, worked hard, and persisted in the anti-Japanese guerrilla war.

In the winter of 1940, in addition to carrying out more frantic military "encirclement and suppression" against Wang Yachen and the 10th Army of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, the Japanese army also strengthened its spy activities. The enemy blocked the mountain road in order to cut off the masses from the 10th Army of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, in a vain attempt to starve to death and freeze to death Wang Yachen and the soldiers of the 10th Army.

Due to the Japanese puppet spy Wang Yonggui, the traitor Guo Zhen, and the traitor Tun Chang Sun Yongqing informed, more than 300 Japanese puppet troops led by Sticky Tian went to Lalahezitun on January 12, 1941 (the fifteenth day of the lunar calendar) to attack the Jianshanzi secret camp where the 10th Army headquarters of the Anti-Japanese Alliance was located. In the case of being outnumbered by the enemy, in order to preserve his strength, Wang Yachen led the military personnel and the soldiers of the security company to retreat on their own initiative. However, the winter supplies such as grain, horse meat, and horse skins stored in the secret camp of the military headquarters and the Anti-Japanese Union were all set on fire by the enemy.

It was a cold winter month, the wind roared, the snow covered the mountains, and the temperature in the mountains dropped to minus thirty or forty degrees. Considering that Wang Yachen's troops were in the midst of hunger and cold, the local people risked their lives to send grain up the mountain. Wang Yachen and his comrades-in-arms were deeply moved. On Chinese New Year's Eve, Wang Yachen sent soldiers to escort 18 grain deliverers home for the New Year in Hanlianghetun, and walked to Miaolingzigang, more than half a kilometer away from the tun, where they were discovered by traitor agents. On January 28 (the second day of the first lunar month), the Japanese army Stick Tian and translator Jin Hanyuan led a garrison of more than 40 people and a puppet self-defense regiment of more than 60 people, and tracked them to the activity area of the 10th Army.

At dawn on the 29th, Wang Yachen and more than 20 soldiers of the military headquarters rested and had breakfast near the Clam River. The enemy judged the location of Wang Yachen's troops according to the smoke and surrounded them in three ways. At the moment of great danger, Wang Yachen had no fear, and ordered the deputy army commander Zhang Zhongxi to lead some soldiers to seize Dongshan and break through from the position of the puppet army; He himself led some of his soldiers to hold the western position, blocking and pinning down the Japanese army.

When Zhang Zhongxi led his team to seize the Dongshan Heights, he unfortunately died honorably, and some of the soldiers broke out of the enemy encirclement.

When Wang Yachen led the soldiers to block the Japanese army, the machine gun shooter was shot and died. Wang Yachen took the machine gun, led the guards to the southeast, continued to strike at the enemy, and ordered the rest of the fighters to break through from the southwest. At this time, the guards died heroically one after another, and Wang Yachen was the only one left on the battlefield, and the enemy swarmed up to catch him alive.

Wang Yachen was wounded in the left arm, he opened his eyes wide, cursed endlessly, and continued to fight the enemy with a machine gun in his hand. When the enemy saw that he would not surrender, they concentrated their fire on him, and the bullets swept towards Commander Wang Yachen like a wind. Commander Wang Yachen was soon shot in the chest, and then he was seriously wounded in the leg, unable to stand, and slid down the hill. The enemy swarmed around. Wang Yachen couldn't move his limbs, so he scolded the Japanese invading bandits. The enemy carried him to Lalahezi, and on the way, Wang Yachen gloriously sacrificed his life for the country at the age of 30.

After the heroic sacrifice of Commander Wang Yachen, the Japanese army brought in spies and traitors to identify him, and then the body of Commander Wang Yachen was "displayed" in the Clam River. The brutal Japanese army brutally cut off his head in order to "repay the merit and ask for a reward" to the Kwantung Army headquarters.

Commander Wang Yachen, the hero of "Double Dragon", is still the most amazing and legendary anti-Japanese hero in the eyes of the local people. When the masses in Wuchang and Shulan heard that Commander Wang sacrificed his life for the country, many of them wept, and some old people risked being killed by the enemy, and asked their children and grandchildren to wear filial piety for Commander Wang. His body was collected by the crowd that night.

Ninety-five green mountains are forever, the stone river is green and the water flows forever, Commander Wang Yachen has made meritorious contributions to resisting Japan and saving the country, and his reputation will never be lost, and the people will always miss him. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the place where Wang Yachen fought and died in the past, Clam Lahezitun, was named the "Shuanglong" production brigade; The general's remains were buried in the Harbin Martyrs Cemetery. On April 5, 1955, the Harbin Municipal People's Government and people from all walks of life paid tribute to Wang Yachen with a heavy heart, and spoke highly of and praised his glorious achievements and lofty quality. The memorial text of the public memorial meeting reads: "In the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the general bravely stood at the forefront of the national liberation struggle for ten years and sacrificed his life for the liberation of the Chinese nation. The noble quality and heroism of the general will forever be engraved in the hearts of the people, and the heroic deeds will be immortalized! "

Wang Yachen's sacrifice marked the end of the main period of struggle of the 10th Army of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, but this strong team was not completely wiped out. After the separation from Commander Wang, there were still some anti-United Nations fighters fighting sporadically. The anti-Japanese activities in the Jiuwu Dingzi Mountain area persisted until 1945, when the motherland was restored. There were even some anti-United Nations fighters who stuck their guns in, hid incognito, hid in the mountains, and made a living by farming and hunting, and they kept in mind the words of Commander Wang and vowed not to be puppet citizens of Manchukuo. Some of these loyal and brave soldiers finally saw the day when the Chinese nation was victorious.

In the history of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Army, Wang Yachen's 10th Army was a very emotional force. They started with the mountain and forest brigade with the name "Shuanglong", firmly followed the Communist Party, consciously followed the instructions of the North Manchurian Party organization, and worked hard to hold on to the heart of the enemy's rule, Wuchang and Shulan, until the whole army was killed in battle. Wang Yachen and his soldiers, among the friendly troops participating in the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Army, were the troops with the greatest combat records, the fewest mutinies, the longest holding period, and the hardest fighting. Wang Yachen and the 10th Army of the Anti-Japanese Federation are worthy of being the most loyal and unyielding group of outstanding sons and daughters of the Chinese nation.