
My cousin has to find a man who has not been vaccinated to be her boyfriend, and I said you should go to North Korea to find it

author:Guo Junyi
My cousin has to find a man who has not been vaccinated to be her boyfriend, and I said you should go to North Korea to find it

"There are two places where you have the kind of man you are talking about, one is North Korea and the other is the primeval forest, which one do you choose?"

In the face of my cousin's strange conditions, my blood pressure rose and my heart beat faster, and I was really afraid that I would be angry to death in the next second.

My cousin has to find a man who has not been vaccinated to be her boyfriend, and I said you should go to North Korea to find it


I have a cousin, not to mention that she is well-behaved and beautiful, she is still a college student, and it can be said that she is both talented and beautiful, and it stands to reason that such a girl should be chased by many boys, but she spent her 32nd birthday in a mess, and she is still alone.

My cousin has to find a man who has not been vaccinated to be her boyfriend, and I said you should go to North Korea to find it

A few days ago, the third uncle called me, saying that his cousin was under house arrest by him, and he had been working outside in his thirties, and he was not looking for a partner, and his good youth was wasted like this.

Look at the girls who are the same age as their cousins, some of them are mothers of two children. The second uncle simply deceived his cousin back from Qingdao, locked him at home, and was not allowed to go out if he couldn't find a partner.

I smiled and said: Third uncle, what age is it, you still want to arrange an arranged marriage for your children. It's a crime for you to lock people up at home like this.

The third uncle said angrily: Don't intimidate me, if she can't find a boyfriend this time, don't think of leaving this house. By the way, you said that you, the elder brother, only care about marrying a wife and having children, and don't care about the life or death of your sister, it seems that cousins and sisters are different from your own brothers and sisters.

Seeing that the third uncle pointed the finger at me, I hurriedly smiled and said: It's not easy for a girl like my sister to find a partner, so let's do it, within a month, I promise to find her a boyfriend.

The third uncle's eyes lit up and said: This is what you said, if you can't do it, the fate of our grandfather will come to an end.

I smiled bitterly and said: Third uncle, no, don't forget, you don't have a son, if you break off your fate with me, there will be no one to dress you in linen and filial piety at that time.

"Roll ......"


It is difficult for a man to marry a daughter-in-law, so I don't believe that it will be a problem for a girl to find a mother-in-law.

Since he agreed to the third uncle, he simply began to look for a partner for his cousin in the company.

  • Lao Li is too old, he is 38 years old, no.
  • Xiao Zhao is 24 years old, it's no problem to be younger, the key is that the height is only one meter six, this height is a few points shorter than his cousin, and he is eliminated.
  • Director Sun is 31 years old, there is no problem with age and height, the key is that he looks too sorry for the audience, think about the way he stands with his cousin, it is definitely a realistic version of Beauty and the Beast. Forget it, give up.

When I was at a loss, Sister Zhao told me that she had a cousin, who was tall and handsome, not to mention, and had a car and a house, the key was that he was admitted to the civil service last year, and he was definitely a high-quality man, who could be introduced to his cousin.

My cousin has to find a man who has not been vaccinated to be her boyfriend, and I said you should go to North Korea to find it

I was overjoyed when I heard it, so I quickly asked Sister Zhao for the other party's mobile phone number and WeChat ID, and sent it to my cousin.

From this day on, I felt like I was possessed by the goddess of love, and I had to ask my cousin every day about how I was doing, except for the time when I was sleeping.

I feel like I'm a little crazy, and I even wonder if I hiccups in my last life because I didn't have enough matchmakers, and I'm very excited to go back to my old business in this life.

(3) Blind date diary

Day 1:

  • I couldn't wait to ask my cousin: How was the chat?
  • My cousin replied: Just talk to him a few words, brother. Saturday night added, Monday asked me to have dinner in the evening. I don't want to go out at night, he said that he would wait until he was off duty and had time during the day, and then we wouldn't talk much later!
  • I hurriedly comforted: it's right not to go out at night! Good boys don't like random girls! There's nothing wrong with you!
  • My cousin said: Besides, we have only talked about ten sentences in total, and we are going to go out to eat at night. I said I wouldn't go out at night, and he didn't understand!
  • I said, "He probably thinks that eating is also communication!" People are more fast-paced nowadays!
My cousin has to find a man who has not been vaccinated to be her boyfriend, and I said you should go to North Korea to find it

Day 2:

  • Me: Is there a connection?
  • Cousin: I contacted yesterday and didn't contact today!
  • Me: Take the initiative! Talk about it! Don't waste your time! Let's meet! It's not a way to do it without meeting! Feelings are all spoken!
  • Cousin: Uh-huh, brother! Thank you, brother!
  • Me: Live a low-key life! Emotionally work hard! Be brave! Don't be too passive!
My cousin has to find a man who has not been vaccinated to be her boyfriend, and I said you should go to North Korea to find it

Day 3:

  • Me: Is there a connection today?
  • Cousin: No contact today, brother. He said yesterday that he would be off work on Sunday and that he would go to dinner tomorrow. I'm bothering you, brother. I'll tell you what happened when we met.
  • Me: Okay! Come on! Confident girls are the most beautiful!
My cousin has to find a man who has not been vaccinated to be her boyfriend, and I said you should go to North Korea to find it

Day 4:

  • Me: How's that?
  • Cousin: Brother, I went to see it at noon. I don't know what the other party thinks, I unilaterally think he's good. It's just one point, I can't accept it, in fact, I contacted a lot of people last year because of this I didn't continue to interact. Thank you very much for your sister-in-law, uncle and aunt for helping me solve my personal marriage problems at this awkward age and when my family was anxious.
  • I asked: Which point? Speak up and discuss!
  • My cousin said: I just want to find someone who has not been vaccinated. It's really rare, and my parents are worried about it, because there are no such people in their circle. Actually, I know it's a bit weird, but ......
My cousin has to find a man who has not been vaccinated to be her boyfriend, and I said you should go to North Korea to find it
  • I collapsed and said: Sister! It's better to find someone who has been on the moon! Why are you obsessed with this?
  • My cousin said: I occasionally think it's okay to be good, but at a critical time, I still wonder that there shouldn't be many people in China who haven't been vaccinated!
  • I said, "Sister! I don't understand why bothering with this! And there is no vaccination! In addition to the old and weak, in addition to the lesbians, in addition to the age and personality is not suitable, there are even fewer left!
  • My cousin said, "It's very little!" Everyone's tangled points are different! Thank you and sister-in-law for relieving my family's anxiety during this time.
My cousin has to find a man who has not been vaccinated to be her boyfriend, and I said you should go to North Korea to find it
  • I said, "Can you not dwell on this?" How's the person looking?
  • Cousin: Except for this one, everything else is fine. It's the appearance of a science and engineering boy, not a flamboyant tongue, it feels quite reliable, and it's a good person.
  • I asked: What do science and engineering boys look like? Let's talk about it first! Don't talk to others about vaccines! If you weren't my sister, I wouldn't be able to accept your offer!
  • At the beginning, vaccination was not an option for us, just take myself as an example, it is difficult to move an inch without vaccination, you can't go out, you can't go to work, this is a national disaster! You say that because this has become a point that you do not accept, do you say that we who have been vaccinated are not wronged? Are you wronged?
My cousin has to find a man who has not been vaccinated to be her boyfriend, and I said you should go to North Korea to find it
  • My cousin said: My parents have made me angry!
  • I said, "I'm angry too!" Hehe! I can accept you from saying: I don't like that man because he only has one nose! It is not acceptable to be vaccinated! Just kidding you! Don't take it seriously!
My cousin has to find a man who has not been vaccinated to be her boyfriend, and I said you should go to North Korea to find it
  • Cousin: I know you're the best.
  • After looking at the photos, I said: To be honest, it's not handsome! Do you fancy looks? Not as good as our brothers and sisters!
  • The cousin said: Not handsome! I didn't ask for much, so I got stuck without vaccination.
  • I collapsed again: vaccination is nothing more than saying that there are sequelae and so on, if you think about the fact that more than a billion people have been vaccinated, it is difficult to hang up, waiting for you who have not been vaccinated to be saviors!
  • Cousin: No!
My cousin has to find a man who has not been vaccinated to be her boyfriend, and I said you should go to North Korea to find it
  • Cousin: I said I didn't pick it, but my mother said that I picked it all to the sky, and she was so angry that she stuck a lot of people.
  • I hate that iron does not make steel: if you get stuck in this one, it means that even if there are 10,000 doors in front of you, 9999 doors will be closed! What's more, there may not be a man behind that door, but a woman who is as entangled as you!
  • I just asked my friends in four different cities if there are any people around me who have not been vaccinated, and they all said no! Only one from Jinan said that her grandmother didn't fight and died in the first year of the new crown!
  • My cousin naively thought I had asked, and replied: Thank you for helping me ask!
  • I said, "I mean, if you can't get through this, it's going to be hard to find a boyfriend!"
  • Cousin: It's been a long time!
My cousin has to find a man who has not been vaccinated to be her boyfriend, and I said you should go to North Korea to find it
  • I said: I checked, North Korea should have it, they closed the country at the beginning, and they didn't get vaccinated! Why don't we go to North Korea and look for it?
  • Cousin: It's scary not to go there.
  • I continued: there is one more place that should be there: primeval forests! It's even more scary! So, let's figure this out for ourselves first!
  • No kidding, give you three days to introspect! I slept! Good night!
My cousin has to find a man who has not been vaccinated to be her boyfriend, and I said you should go to North Korea to find it

My cousin wants to find a man who has not been vaccinated as a boyfriend, do you think there are still such men in China?

Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below!



I'm Guo Junyi, click on it, and update the story of the world for you every day!

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