
Do you know: After the county lord of Jiacheng suffered from "many people moving far away": Why did Qi Heng refuse to collect the bones for her?

author:A bewildering worm

Introduction: Qi Heng in the play "Do You Know" can be said to be the best boy of the opposite sex in the play, from Minglan , Mo Lan to Rulan, several girls in the Sheng family have admired him, in addition to these girls, there is also Concubine Rong's sister Rong Feiyan, and King Yong's daughter Jiacheng County Lord is also favored by Qi Heng. In the end, Qi Heng failed to be with Minglan's sister as he wished, but married the county lord of Jiacheng, but the fate of the county lord of Jiacheng was quite miserable.

Do you know: After the county lord of Jiacheng suffered from "many people moving far away": Why did Qi Heng refuse to collect the bones for her?

1. Antecedents to the story

Qi Heng can be said to be a well-known beautiful man in the capital, it is said that the woman only glanced at Qi Heng, and she could no longer tolerate others in her eyes. Concubine Rong's sister Rong Feiyan didn't know where she saw Qi Heng, and since then she has been thinking about Qi Heng, and has been encouraging her sister Concubine Rong to go to Qi's house to propose marriage.

And Rong Feiyan is not the only one who has fallen in love with Qi Heng, the daughter of King Yong, the county lord of Jiacheng, also fell in love with Qi Heng at first sight at a polo party, and since then it has started a big drama of two women fighting for a man. The daughters of the two powerful people fell in love with their sons at the same time, which made it difficult for the Duke and his wife of Qi Guo.

Do you know: After the county lord of Jiacheng suffered from "many people moving far away": Why did Qi Heng refuse to collect the bones for her?

At this time, the treacherous and cunning Qi Guogong came up with a clever plan, and he made it difficult for the two families to propose marriage, so they let the two families fight by themselves. The county lord of Jiacheng, who has always been arrogant and domineering, actually came up with a poisonous plan to find someone to rape Rong Feiyan, and afterwards threw the disheveled Rong Feiyan onto the street, causing Rong Feiyan to commit suicide.

2. The consequences of the story

Rong Feiyan's death made Concubine Rong hate King Yong and his group, and even more hated the Duke of Qi, her sister's bones were not cold, and when the funeral was being held, the Duke of Qi actually held the marriage history of Qi Heng and the county lord of Jiacheng, isn't this sprinkling salt on other people's wounds. She vowed to avenge her sister, and since then, Concubine Rong has started her revenge plan.

Concubine Rong has been planning for several years, and finally waited for an opportune time to rebel, she trapped all the officials and relatives who laughed at her sister in the palace, and she will not let go of any of the murderers who indirectly killed her sister. There is also the Duchess of Qi State, Concubine Rong threw her who pretended to be crazy and stupid on the street, so that the world could see her crazy appearance.

Do you know: After the county lord of Jiacheng suffered from "many people moving far away": Why did Qi Heng refuse to collect the bones for her?

As for the culprit Jiacheng County Lord, she was the one who found someone to rape her sister, and then left her disheveled on the street, and Concubine Rong gave the same reward to the Jiacheng County Lord. Concubine Rong ordered the soldiers to humiliate the county lord of Jiacheng to death, and later stripped her naked and threw her into the street, which was the retribution she had won.

3. Qi Heng has always hated the county lord of Jiacheng

At the beginning, Qi Heng liked Minglan so much, he approached Minglan cautiously step by step, and finally slowly walked into the heart of the sixth sister, and the two confessed their hearts to each other. Originally, the two could come together very happily, but they didn't expect to be intervened by the county lord of Jiacheng.

Princess Yong used her power to forcibly trap Qi Heng's father in the mansion, and threatened Qi Heng that if Qi Heng did not marry his daughter, he would kill Minglan and her own family would not escape. Qi Heng, who was in great pain, married the county lord of Jiacheng in desperation. But he really hates it, his sixth sister is absolutely impossible in this life and himself.

Do you know: After the county lord of Jiacheng suffered from "many people moving far away": Why did Qi Heng refuse to collect the bones for her?

After marriage, Qi Heng was like a walking corpse, and later the palace changed, and the lord of Jiacheng was humiliated to death, and the death was very indecent. Originally, Qi Heng, who was her husband, was supposed to collect the bones for the county lord of Jiacheng, but he didn't.

One is because he really hates the county lord of Jiacheng, and the other is that under that circumstance at that time, if Qi Heng really went to collect the bones in person, wouldn't it be clear that he was against Concubine Rong. There is no need to offend the powerful for a woman you hate so much, so that your whole family will get into trouble again.

Do you know: After the county lord of Jiacheng suffered from "many people moving far away": Why did Qi Heng refuse to collect the bones for her?

Conclusion: In fact, the editor thinks that Qi Heng is really not a good marriage partner, he can't afford to borrow = at all, Minglan fortunately didn't marry him in the end, otherwise it would only end in tragedy.

Do you know: After the county lord of Jiacheng suffered from "many people moving far away": Why did Qi Heng refuse to collect the bones for her?

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