
Why did Mrs. He, the holy hand of gynecology: Seeing Cao Jinxiu's walking posture, she asserted that she was not a girl?

author:A bewildering worm

Introduction: In "Do You Know", Minglan's grandmother, Mrs. Sheng, can be said to be the soul of this drama, and she is also loved by the audience, in fact, in addition to Mrs. Sheng, there is also a hidden boss in this drama that everyone has not discovered, this person is He Hongwen's grandmother, Mrs. He. This character is not simple, it can be said that it is more hidden than the old lady of the Sheng family, as soon as she saw Cao Jinxiu's walking posture, she asserted that she was not a girl, you said that she was not powerful.

Why did Mrs. He, the holy hand of gynecology: Seeing Cao Jinxiu's walking posture, she asserted that she was not a girl?

1. Quite skillful and able to correct her husband

There are not many descriptions of Mrs. Hehe in the play, we only know that she has a lot of research on medical skills, but we don't know that she is a woman with special means, in this regard, Mrs. Sheng is far from being able to compare. She is described in the original book as follows:

"That young lady, E. . . At this time, she is also an old lady, her family background is not top-notch, and her marriage is not as talented as your grandfather, if you want to say that she is also a greedy flower, but she, she has been stunned for many years and looks at men honestly, and she has no concubine! I heard that the old man of her family is now old, and several old aunts have long since disappeared, but the old husband and wife are very happy. ”
Why did Mrs. He, the holy hand of gynecology: Seeing Cao Jinxiu's walking posture, she asserted that she was not a girl?

There is another passage in the original book that describes it like this:

"If you just pretend to be good, but your heart is vicious and despicable, not only will you hurt the yin, but you will also be tired and panicked for the rest of your life; Take a good look at this old lady, she is the real skill! Live happily, never get angry in your heart, no one can survive her! ”

It can be seen that Mrs. He is a very transparent person, even in such an era, she can manage her own small life with taste.

Why did Mrs. He, the holy hand of gynecology: Seeing Cao Jinxiu's walking posture, she asserted that she was not a girl?

2. Skilled in medical skills, specializing in gynecology

The husband's family of the old lady of the He family is from the imperial hospital, and she has also learned a lot of medical skills and is quite famous. I remember that there was a plot, after Hua Lan married to the Earl's Court, her in-laws always looked down on her, and later because she did not give birth to a son and was looked down upon by her mother-in-law, all kinds of bullying, the eldest lady really had no choice but to ask Mrs. Sheng for help, hoping that she could quietly ask Mrs. He to help Hua Lan diagnose the pulse, and later Mrs. He treated Hua Lan for a period of time, Hua Lan actually gave birth to a son. Later, Mo Lan also wanted to ask her grandmother to help her diagnose her pulse, but Hai didn't agree to her.

Why did Mrs. He, the holy hand of gynecology: Seeing Cao Jinxiu's walking posture, she asserted that she was not a girl?

Mrs. He's grandson He Hongwen is also quite accomplished in medicine, I remember that He Hongwen met Minglan for the first time, and he saw at a glance that Minglan drank cold wine before going to bed, and his medical skills can be said to be quite the true inheritance of Mrs. He.

3. Just glanced at it and concluded that Cao Jinxiu was not a girl

Under the matchmaking of Mrs. Sheng, the matter between He Hongwen and Minglan was already a certainty, but he wanted to kill Cao Jinxiu halfway. Cao Jinxiu was originally the official eunuch family in the capital, but because of his father's corruption and crime, the whole family was sentenced to exile, Cao Jinxiu's family can be said to have suffered a lot outside, and then finally found an opportunity to return to the capital, they felt that they firmly grasped the He family as a life-saving straw.

Why did Mrs. He, the holy hand of gynecology: Seeing Cao Jinxiu's walking posture, she asserted that she was not a girl?

But Cao Jinxiu, who was exiled abroad, had already broken his body, and if the He family knew about it, I am afraid that he would not want him. Fortunately, the capital is far away from the outside of the Guan, as long as they keep their mouths shut, it is expected that the He family will not know about Cao Jinxiu's past. So Cao Jinxiu put down her long hair, combed her hair into a girl's bun, and disguised herself as a girl who had not yet left the cabinet, thinking that in this way she would be able to hide from the world.

Later, Cao Jinxiu made all kinds of nonsense in order to stir up the marriage of Huang He Hongwen and Minglan, and finally forced the old lady of the He family to endure it, and the old lady He angrily threw a hairpin to Cao Jinxiu and said: "Hurry up and coil up your hair, and then change your clothes, you are already women, isn't it ridiculous to pretend to be a girl?" ”

Why did Mrs. He, the holy hand of gynecology: Seeing Cao Jinxiu's walking posture, she asserted that she was not a girl?

Cao Jinxiu was suddenly shocked, and hurriedly asked her how she knew, and Mrs. He said, "Have you forgotten what my family does?" The first time I saw you, I knew you were about to be broken, but I just didn't pierce it. Cao Jinxiu suddenly sat down on the ground.

Conclusion: To say that He Hongwen is really confused, just for this cousin Cao Jinxiu, who has already broken his body, missed such a good Minglan , he and Minglan are still inseparable after all.

Why did Mrs. He, the holy hand of gynecology: Seeing Cao Jinxiu's walking posture, she asserted that she was not a girl?