
Once disappointed, the zodiac sign will not forgive

author:Big picture constellations everyday

There is a limit to everything, and you can't use the love and tolerance of others as a bargaining chip for whatever you want.

Once some people are hurt, the disappointment will be like a thorn, deep in the deepest part of the heart, and will not forgive.

Especially the people of the following zodiac signs, once disappointed, they will not forgive, and they no longer have a chance to remedy it, so let's take a look at which zodiac signs are on the list?


Taurus people are usually very easy-going, they seem to be very approachable, and they do not lose their temper casually and are willing to treat others with the greatest tolerance, which does not mean that they have no temper, Taurus also has its own bottom line.

They have always repaid their kindness and complained about their grievances, and if the other party deceived others too much and caused the Taurus to be hurt, then they would never easily forget, let alone forgive.

Moreover, Taurus people are slow to heat up, are very rational in everything, and will not get carried away because of the momentary goodness of others.

If the person they care about keeps hurting themselves and won't be stupid and still standing still, Taurus will choose to leave, and after that, no matter how the other party tries to keep it, it will be in vain.

In addition, Taurus people themselves are very stubborn, once they decide that things will never be easily changed, no matter how much they are persuaded to do so, they will not waver in the slightest.

They are afraid that they will repeat the mistakes of the past, they will never give any chance to those who have hurt them, they will look for better people, and they will not stay in the disappointed past.

In short, although Taurus people value love and righteousness, they have their own bottom line, if they don't know how to cherish their goodness, don't blame them for being ruthless, and once disappointed, they will not forgive.


Capricorns have a lot of endurance, and as long as they don't touch their own bottom line, they won't easily lose their temper or get angry with others.

Once disappointed, the zodiac sign will not forgive

However, sometimes they are just generous on the surface, which does not mean that they don't mind in their hearts, in fact, Capricorn just hides their dissatisfaction in their hearts, and once they are completely disappointed, they will not forgive.

Capricorns are very cautious about everything, they will consider many aspects before starting a relationship, and they will also carefully plan for the future, hoping to give the other person the best life.

They cherish the people they care about very much, but they can tolerate small mistakes at ordinary times, and they will not turn their faces with the people they care about because of some small things.

But Capricorn is not a fool, he will not let others hurt and betray him without a bottom line, even if he attaches importance to the other party, he will not lower the bottom line again and again, so once disappointed, he will not forgive for the rest of his life.

Capricorns are much more ruthless than they think, and as long as they make up their minds, they will not relent, even in the face of the most important people, so when disappointed in someone, they are doomed to have no turning back.


Scorpios are very defensive, and as long as they find that the other person is not sincere, their vigilance will increase, and they will even begin to doubt the true feelings they have paid.

Once disappointed, the zodiac sign will not forgive

If the other party makes mistakes again and again, once disappointed, it will be difficult to repair the feelings between each other, and they will no longer forgive those who ruthlessly betrayed them.

Moreover, Scorpio's ability to hold grudges is the first of the twelve zodiac signs, and they will remember all the mistakes that the other party has made in the past one by one, and when they accumulate to a certain extent, they silently choose to let go.

They are sensitive and fragile at heart, they need to be loved and cared for, and if you hurt them, they will not forgive them easily, although they will not have a very extreme reaction, but they will keep this hurt in their hearts.

Once disappointed, the zodiac sign will not forgive

Scorpios will not compromise in any case, after all, they are very possessive, and compromise means that they need to make concessions, even in terms of ideas, to forgive someone who has hurt them.

Therefore, at this time, the typical personality of Scorpio, the depth of love, the more sincere the giving, the more ruthless the decision can be made after disappointment.

brief summary

In fact, no matter who is disappointed, it is difficult to truly forgive, and they may let go of the past, but letting go does not mean that they have forgiven.

It's not very forgiving or relieved to move on, the future is yourself, don't be too much of those unworthy people and things, and stride forward.