
Introduction to Li Weihan


Li Weihan is the founding father of our party and a giant of the united front. A heavy snowfall makes the loess covered with the northern Shaanxi Plateau much cleaner, at dusk, a bend of the crescent moon in the sky, looking down on the magnificent scene of the land of northern Shaanxi "mountain dancing silver snake, original Chi wax elephant". In a hut not far away, bursts of laughter and laughter rang out: We are brothers today, and we will depend on each other for good and evil in the future, and help each other in times of adversity......

This was a sworn visit of great historical significance, and it played an important role in promoting the establishment of the anti-Japanese national united front on the mainland.

In 1935, the Japanese invaders created the "North China Incident", and in August of the same year, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the "Letter to All Compatriots for Resisting Japan and Saving the Country", calling for the cessation of the civil war and the joint resistance against Japan. In October, the Central Red Army arrived in northern Shaanxi, and some central organs and party schools moved to the areas of Dingbian and Huamachi one after another to propagate the idea of resisting Japan and saving the country. This area is adjacent to the Yikezhao League (abbreviated as Yikezhao League, the former name of the city of Ordos) in Inner Mongolia, and in order to carry out its work here safely, the work of the Yikezhao League must be carried out at the same time.

The Communist Party of China successively sent Dong Biwu, Li Weihan, Mao Zemin, Jia Tuofu, and other comrades to Dingbian to set up a trilateral (i.e., Anbian, Dingbian, and Jingbian) special committees to carry out the work of the trilateral, the Islamic League, and Ningxia. Chinese attach importance to reasoning and intercession, and ethnic minorities attach great importance to friendship. It is an inherent habit of the Mongolian people to form alliances and kowtow to their sons, and moreover, the worship of Mongolian compatriots is not only an individual act, but also represents their own tribe and group, and has the nature of forming an alliance as a collective. Therefore, in the work of uniting the Mongolian compatriots in the common revolution, the common form of engagement has also been adopted. At the time of the alliance, the representatives of the Red Army were Li Weihan, Gao Gang, Mao Zemin, Dong Biwu, Jia Tuofu, and Song Renqiang, and on the Mongolian compatriots, there were Shen Ji Mitu, Yang Qingzhab, and other leading figures of the Mongolian nationality of the Islamic League.

The alliance ceremony was solemnly held in accordance with Mongolian customs. First of all, everyone reports their birthday, and then they are arranged according to the date of birth, with the older being the elder brother and the younger being the younger brother. At the beginning of the ceremony, the youngest (called the younger brother) brought a basin of water from a copper basin and brought it to the eldest brother, who took out a silver dollar from his robe, gently threw it into the basin, and then washed his hands in the copper basin. Then, everyone washed their hands in turn, but no more silver dollars were put in. After washing his hands, the younger brother carried the copper basin to the gate, scooped up the silver dollar, put it in his arms (the silver dollar belonged to the younger brother), and then splashed the water for washing his hands on the courtyard wall. After everyone washes their hands, it means that the body and mind are clean and they will be united forever.

After the bowing, a banquet is served. Everyone raised their wine glasses, called each other "Anda", and indulged in the same wine together. Several people crossed their arms and drank them all to show the sincerity and eternity of friendship. At the banquet, Li Weihan said: "The Mongolian nation is a great nation, and the Mongolian and Han people have always been one family. The Mongolian deputies also expressed their support for the Communist Party of China and their contribution to the great cause of resisting Japan. The Mongolian brothers have a bold and uninhibited personality, and the amount of alcohol is also amazing, each of them drinks at least more than a pound of liquor. They drank and sang and danced, and the more they sang, the more they sang, the more enthusiastic they became, and the banquet lasted until late at night, when the wine was gone.

The alliance between the Red Army and the Mongolian nationality was an important achievement of our party in the united front work in Dingbian, and it was also passed down as a good story at that time.

At that time, there were many such alliances. For example, in 1936, Mao Luozhang (Zha) Musu, the great lama of Wenze in Shitou Temple, invited the great lamas of four temples, including Bohuo Shao and Xinmiao, to Dingbian to discuss the issue of the anti-Japanese national united front. In the same year, Na Shunde Leger, the commander of the Wushenqi Security Brigade, was inspired by the anti-Japanese national united front policy, and also became brothers with Mao Zemin, Zhang Aiping, Song Renqiang, and Song Shilun in Dingbian. In March 1936, Qi Guoxian, the assistant of Wushen Qixi, also went to Sijiawa and Yanghutai in Jingbian County for sightseeing, and was ceremoniously welcomed by Gao Gang, Zhang Aiping, Cao Dongzhi, Tian Wansheng, etc., and became "Anda" brothers with them; Gao Gang, the main leader of northern Shaanxi, became friends with Mao Luozhang (Za) Musu and Mr. Nasu, the leader of the Mongolian revolution and a member of the border district government......

During the revolutionary years, the Communist Party of China took advantage of the Mongolian habit of kowtowing to the masses to establish contact with them at the upper levels, propagandize and explain the party's policies, and laid a good foundation for uniting all strata of Mongolia and Han, winning over the national armed forces and revolutionary forces, expanding the revolutionary camp, and winning victories in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation.

Li Weihan, also known as Luo Mai, is a native of Changsha County, Hunan. He was a close friend of Mao Zedong and Cai Hesen in his early years, and a classmate of Zhou Enlai in Europe. After the 87 Congress, he was elected as a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee and became the main leader of the Communist Party of China. After liberation, he served as the head of the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee for 17 years, and was later criticized for his "wrong" remarks. During the Cultural Revolution, he was "persecuted", and after the Cultural Revolution, he was elected vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and deputy director of the Central Advisory Committee. He and his three wives have two sons and three daughters, including Li Tieying and Li Tielin, among them, the famous Li Tieying is the son-in-law of Bogu (that is, Qin Bangxian), the former head of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. Li Weihan received special attention for "serving as the leader of Mao Zedong four times, marrying Deng Xiaoping's ex-wife, experiencing three left-leaning mistakes, receiving two erroneous criticisms, and severely criticizing Mao Zedong in his later years", and then became a model for Chinese Communists to correct their mistakes and be above board.

  Early life experience

  On June 2, 1896, Li Weihan was born in an intellectual family in Xueshiqiao Village, Gaoqiao Town, Changsha County, and was a native of the same county as Yang Kaihui. He is the 40th generation of the Li family in Longxi; His great-grandfather was originally from Dudong, Fujian, but later due to the relocation of the family and other reasons, the various factions were scattered in various places; His great-grandfather moved to Changsha, and before his grandfather died, the family had more than 100 acres of land and belonged to a large family. Later, due to the loss of business, he sold most of his land, and his life became poorer and poorer. In 1910, Li Weihan was admitted to Qingtai Township Zuomin School, and Ren Bishi and others were alumni, but he failed to complete his studies due to family poverty. In 1912, he was admitted to the Changsha Xiangjun Military Factory Apprentice School as a caster, working part-time, and dropped out again after more than one year. In the spring of 1914, he married Cao Wenyu, which was Li Weihan's first marriage. In August 1916, he was admitted to the second department of Hunan Provincial First Normal School, and met Mao Zedong, Cai Hesen and others. He graduated in July 1917 and stayed on as the head of the junior department. In April 1918, together with Mao Zedong, Cai Hesen, Luo Zhanglong, He Shuheng, Xiao Zisheng, Xiao San and other 14 people in Changsha founded the Xinmin Society, and later arranged with Li Fuchun and others in Baoding Yude Middle School to study cultural knowledge in France.

 Stay in France for 3 years

  In October 1919, 162 people, including Li Fuchun, Zhang Kundi, and Zhang Ji (right-wingers of the Kuomintang), went to France to work and study, first to Schneider Iron and Steel Works as a caster, because of the excessive labor intensity, he could not hold on in less than half a year, so he went to Zhang Kundi in the western suburbs of Paris to recuperate for a period of time. Under the influence of Cai Hesen, he accepted and believed in Marxism, and during this period, he also read a lot of books and periodicals that promoted anarchism. In 1921, he and Zhou Enlai, Zhao Shiyan and others brewed the Chinese Young Communist Party in Europe; In June, the Chinese Youth Communist Party in Europe was founded, and Li Weihan was in charge of the organization.

 Governing Hunan

  In 1922, entrusted by the Chinese Young Communist Party in Europe, he returned to China to apply to join the Chinese Socialist Youth League; At the end of 1922, he was introduced by Mao Zedong and Cai Hesen to join the Communist Party of China. From April 1923 to April 1927, he succeeded Mao Zedong, who was transferred to the Central Committee, as secretary of the Hunan District Committee of the Communist Party of China (later renamed the Hunan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China). During his four years in office, he led the people of Hunan in the revolutionary struggle against imperialism, feudalism and warlordism, making Hunan one of the most active areas in the Chinese Great Revolutionary Movement.

In the long history of our party, an outstanding united front theoretician and outstanding leader stands proudly, and he is known as the "founding father and pioneer of the united front" -- he is Li Weihan.

The name Li Weihan may not be well-known among later generations, but in the history of our party's united front, his name is an existence that cannot be bypassed. In the critical historical period of our party in the early days, the shadow of Li Weihan was also everywhere.

Li Weihan was born in 1896 in Gaoqiao Town, Changsha, Hunan Province, to a poor intellectual family. At that time, Chinese society was in turmoil, the people were miserable, and the bullying of imperialism made it even more difficult for the people. As a teenager, Li Weihan's national pride was severely hit, but at the same time, he buried the lofty ideal of a "new atmosphere of civilization".

At the age of 20, Li Weihan was admitted to the Hunan Provincial No. 1 Normal School, and the lucky hand of fate led him to a new life trajectory. During his time at the school, Li Weihan met like-minded friends such as Chairman Mao and Cai Hesen, and jointly founded the Xinmin Society, laying a solid foundation for the later revolutionary cause.

After the outbreak of the "May Fourth Movement", Li Weihan chose to study in France to broaden his horizons and find a new way to save the country. In France, he was fortunate to make friends with Zhao Shiyan, Zhou Enlai and other outstanding figures, and actively participated in the formation of the Chinese Young Communist Party in Europe.

In 1922, Li Weihan returned to China and officially joined the Communist Party of China under the introduction of Chairman Mao. After joining the party, he devoted all his energy to the great revolutionary cause, during which time he became the leader of Chairman Mao four times.

Li Weihan's leadership history within the party is remarkable. The first was at the Fourth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the second was at the Fifth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and the third was after Chen Duxiu was suspended, and at the 87th Conference after the defeat of the Great Revolution.

The "87 Conference" was an important meeting in the history of our party, which corrected Chen Duxiu's right-leaning opportunist mistakes and established the general policy of "armed uprising and agrarian revolution." Li Weihan presided over the meeting and showed excellent leadership.

Subsequently, Chairman Mao was sent to work in Shanghai, while Li Weihan worked in the Party Central Committee for four years. In 1931, he went to Moscow to study, and upon his return, Bogu had become the main leader of the Central Committee.

While in the Central Soviet District, Li Weihan had made some mistakes due to his lack of understanding of the situation, but his mistakes were negligible compared to Bogu and others. After recognizing his mistake in time, Li Weihan quickly corrected it, showing his tenacity and humility.

During the War of Liberation, Li Weihan once again shouldered a heavy responsibility. In October 1948, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China established the United Front Work Department and appointed Li Weihan as the first minister. Under the direct leadership of the Central Committee, he participated in the preparation of the new CPPCC meeting and demonstrated excellent organizational skills.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Li Weihan devoted himself to united front work and devoted the rest of his life to the revolutionary cause. Chen Yun once commented on him: "Li Weihan is an old comrade who has fought all his life for the communist cause, and he deserves to be remembered by everyone. ”

At the same time as the revolutionary cause, Li Weihan's family is also worth mentioning. In 1933, he met a female comrade in the Central Soviet District, she was Jin Weiying.

Jin Weiying, a native of Zhoushan, Zhejiang, joined the Communist Party of China in 1926. After the defeat of the Revolution, she continued to engage in the secret workers' movement, and was affectionately called "Sister Akin" by the workers.

In 1931, Jin Weiying went to the Central Soviet District and went from Shanghai to the Soviet District with Deng Xiaoping, who was the same age. The two soon became husband and wife, but because Deng Xiaoping was wrongly criticized, they filed for divorce in order to protect Jin Weiying.

Subsequently, Jin Weiying married Li Weihan and became his wife. In 1934, Jin Weiying participated in the Long March, during which he gave birth to a son for Li Weihan, who later became Li Tieying.

After the Central Red Army arrived in northern Shaanxi, Jin Weiying was sent to the Soviet Union for treatment due to illness, but unfortunately died in battle.

Li Weihan's life is full of legends, and he has left a rich chapter in the history of the party. As the founding father of the People's Republic of China and a pioneer of the United Front, his contributions laid a solid foundation for the establishment and consolidation of New China. His lofty ideals, indomitable spirit, and selfless dedication to the party are all models for our party members to learn. Let us cherish the memory of this great revolutionary, inherit his spirit, and work hard for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

Li Weihan: The glorious legend of the red superstar

Li Weihan, the founding father and pioneer of the United Front who shined brilliantly in the long history of our party, has a legendary life that makes people fall in love with him. Looking back on Li Weihan's life, he went from a poor intellectual in Hunan to a scholar in France, and then to become one of the main leaders of the Central Soviet District, and every stage is full of firm faith and outstanding leadership.

Li Weihan's youthful years were full of footprints of hard work. At the Hunan Provincial First Normal School, he met Chairman Mao and other like-minded comrades-in-arms, and together they founded the Xinmin Society, which laid a solid foundation for the later revolution. Li Weihan's study became an opportunity for him to come into contact with Marxism and socialist thought, and laid the foundation for his firm belief.

During his study in France, Li Weihan actively participated in the work of forming the Chinese Youth Communist Party in Europe, laying an important foundation for the liberation of the motherland. He became bosom friends with outstanding figures such as Zhao Shiyan and Zhou Enlai to jointly pursue a new road to national salvation. After returning to China, he officially joined the Communist Party of China under the introduction of Chairman Mao, and since then he has embarked on the road of no return to seek happiness for the Chinese people.

Li Weihan's leadership process is also a microcosm of our party's glorious history. He became the leader of Chairman Mao four times, including the Fourth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Fifth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and the 87th Conference and other key historical moments. The 87 Conference was an important turning point in the history of our party, which criticized and corrected Chen Duxiu's right-leaning opportunist mistakes and established the general policy of "armed uprising and agrarian revolution." At this historical juncture, Li Weihan showed outstanding leadership and laid a solid foundation for the development of the party.

During the Long March, Li Weihan successively served as commander and political commissar of the Second Column of the Central Military Commission, and director of the Local Work Department of the General Political Department. At the moment of the Zunyi meeting, although Li Weihan was not qualified to participate, he immediately expressed his support for the results of the meeting. After the arrival of the Central Red Army in northern Shaanxi, Li Weihan held an important position in the Shaanxi-Gansu Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, devoted himself to the party's theoretical propaganda and cadre education, and cultivated a large number of talents for the national war of resistance.

During the War of Liberation, Li Weihan once again shouldered heavy responsibilities and was appointed as the first director of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee. He participated in the preparation of the New CPPCC Conference, which laid the cornerstone for the establishment of New China. Before the new CPPCC meeting, he was busy with work, but Li Weihan never shouted bitterness and tiredness, showing the selfless dedication and persistence of a communist fighter.

Li Weihan's family life is also a touching story. The love legend with Jin Weiying embodies the loyalty and sacrifice of the two revolutionaries. Kim was a staunch communist fighter who worked hard for workers' rights and was remembered for her courage and tenacity. After divorcing Deng Xiaoping, she married Li Weihan and became his wife. During the Long March, Jin Weiying died of illness and sacrificed his precious life for the revolutionary cause.

Li Weihan's life is not only a portrayal of the party's glorious history, but also an outstanding representative of China's revolutionary cause. His fighting spirit and selfless dedication have set a lofty example for our generation of party members. Let us deeply cherish the memory of this great revolutionary, inherit his ideals and beliefs, and work hard for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

Advocate the convening of a "fairy meeting" to solve ideological problems

In the late 50s of the last century, due to the gradual expansion of the anti-rightist struggle, there was great ideological pressure on people outside the party. Li Weihan discussed with Chen Shutong, chairman of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, and Huang Yanpei, chairman of the Central Committee of the China Democratic National Construction Association, and suggested that the method of "fairy meeting" be adopted to solve ideological problems and ease the tense atmosphere, which was adopted by the China Democratic National Construction Association and the Federation of Industry and Commerce.

Around New Year's Day in 1960, the Central Committee of the China Democratic National Construction Association and the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce jointly held a national congress, which was attended by 2,000 business people. Li Weihan suggested and helped them change the procedural method of holding meetings, not to carry out any inspections and pass the test, to adopt the gentle and drizzly method of "fairy meetings," to create a relaxed atmosphere for everyone to speak, to tell the truth, to speak from the heart, to open their minds, to convince people with reason, to practice the "three-self principle" of raising problems, analyzing problems, and solving problems by themselves, and to adhere to the "three-noes" doctrine of not beating sticks, not wearing hats, and not grabbing braids.

Unexpectedly, after the meeting began, the speeches of Nie Xulun, secretary general of the Yunnan Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce, and several other deputies were criticized by some participants. After Li Weihan learned about it, he immediately invited Nie Xulun and others to the Great Hall of the People to talk, fully affirmed the speeches made by Nie Xulun and others at the group meeting, and supported them. After the conversation, Li Weihan invited Nie Xulun and others to lunch, listened to their reports on the situation reflected at the group meeting, and said: "I am very busy with work, and I am not happy if I come to listen to people tell lies. Why waste time? Today you have told the truth, whether it is enough, I can't say, but it's good. You tell the truth to the party, enough friends! Li Weihan also said, "At this forum, everyone should be honest and others should be allowed to have different opinions." We should also be mentally prepared, that is, the situation that we reflect is not necessarily comprehensive, and if there are discrepancies in the future, what should we do? That's it. Li Weihan's remarks enabled Nie Xulun and others to broaden their horizons and eliminate psychological pressure, so that the congresses of the Democratic National Construction Association and the Federation of Industry and Commerce were lively and lively, everyone was in a good mood, and the results of self-education and common improvement were achieved.

Later, Li Weihan extended the method of the "Immortal Society" to other democratic parties and to the industrial and commercial circles and intellectual circles in various localities, which not only eased the relationship between the party and the non-party, but also enabled people outside the party to closely unite under the banner of the party and contribute to overcoming temporary difficulties under the very difficult conditions at that time.

Regional national autonomy

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the mainland practiced regional ethnic autonomy in a unified multi-ethnic country instead of a federal system, which was a wise policy decision made by the party Central Committee after adopting Comrade Li Weihan's proposal. In 1949, during the preparatory period of the CPPCC, Comrade Mao Zedong solicited Comrade Li Weihan's opinion on this issue. After a great deal of investigation and study, Comrade Li Weihan held that the national conditions of the mainland were different from those of the Soviet Union and that the federal system could not be practiced, and suggested that the policy and system of regional ethnic autonomy should be implemented in the unified People's Republic of China and in areas inhabited by minority nationalities. The reasons for this are as follows: First, before the October Revolution in Russia, the Russian nation was a typical oppressive nation, while all nationalities on the mainland, including the Han people, were also oppressed and exploited by imperialism, and they were all oppressed nations. Second, the ethnic minorities in Russia accounted for 50 percent of the total population, while the ethnic minorities on the mainland accounted for only about 5 percent of the population at that time. Third, the ethnic minorities in Russia live in a concentrated and close relationship, and most of the ethnic minorities on the mainland live together or in a staggered manner with the Han nationality or other ethnic minorities. Fourth, after the February and October Revolutions in Russia, many nationalities had actually been separated into different countries, and they had to adopt a federal system to unite the various countries; Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the mainland has moved from the revolution to the establishment of a unified people's republic on an equal footing. Fifth, during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression on the mainland, especially after the establishment of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in 1947, valuable experience was gained in the practice of regional ethnic autonomy. Comrade Mao Zedong quickly agreed to this proposal, which is of great practical significance and far-reaching historical significance, that is, the system of regional ethnic autonomy that has been practiced on the mainland for a long time. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Comrade Li Weihan presided over the drafting of the "Outline for the Implementation of Regional National Autonomy." Subsequently, regional ethnic autonomy was clearly enshrined in all successive constitutions and became a basic state policy and basic system on the mainland. The facts over the past several decades have proved more and more clearly that regional ethnic autonomy is an important component part of the people's democratic dictatorship system and the most appropriate state system for all nationalities on the mainland to unite on an equal footing and unite within the big family of the motherland to jointly build socialism. Comrade Li Weihan's outstanding contributions to the regional autonomy of ethnic groups on the mainland will always be worthy of our remembrance.

From a negotiator to a friend with Ngapoi Ngawang Jigme

Ngapoi Ngawang Jigme's friendship with Li Weihan began in 1951 during negotiations between the Central People's Government and the local government of Tibet, and both were chief negotiators. At the beginning of the negotiations, Ngapoi Ngawang Jigme was under great pressure, and Li Weihan said to him: "Negotiation is democratic consultation, that is, to give full play to democracy, speak freely, express their opinions, and reach a basic agreement after repeated discussions, rather than imposing the opinions of one side on the other." He also said to Ngapoi Ngawang Jigme: "We must adhere to the patriotic road, not only to love the country ourselves, but also to unite and lead more people to take the patriotic road together, so as to have strength." After listening to Li Weihan's words, Ngapoi Ngawang Jigme felt that his mind was much brighter and his spirit was much more relaxed.

Through long-term negotiations and contacts, the two have a deeper understanding and have established a deep friendship. After the negotiations, before leaving Beijing, Ngapoi Ngawang Jigme told Li Weihan that several children were studying in India and wanted them to go to Beijing University for Nationalities in the future, but the children had no relatives in Beijing, and if they could, please help discipline them, and Li Weihan agreed without saying a word.

Later, when Ngapoi Ngawang Jigme's children went to school in Beijing, Li Weihan and his wife Wu Jingzhi had to take them to their homes almost every week to learn about their studies, cook some delicious meals, and take care of them like their own parents. Since then, the two families have been very close, and the relationship has always been very close, and they often move around during the New Year. Until many years after Li Weihan's death, Ngapoi Ngawang Jigme and his wife, despite their advanced age, still went to pay New Year's greetings to Li Weihan's wife Wu Jingzhi during the Spring Festival every year.

Public-private partnerships

In 1953, after a three-year period of national economic recovery, the mainland basically completed all the tasks of democratic reform. Under the new historical conditions, it has become a major task for the party and the state to gradually realize industrialization, carry out socialist transformation of agriculture, handicrafts, and capitalist industry and commerce, and realize the transformation from new democracy to socialism step by step. In the spring of that year, Comrade Li Weihan led an investigation team to Wuhan, Nanjing, Shanghai, and other places to conduct a comprehensive and in-depth investigation and study of the issue of state capitalism. After the investigation, Comrade Li Weihan submitted a report to the Party Central Committee and Comrade Mao Zedong on "The Problem of Public-Private Relations in Capitalist Industry." In his report, he explicitly suggested that the transition from capitalism to socialism should be gradually completed through the use, restriction, transformation, and peaceful redemption of capitalist industry and commerce on the mainland through state capitalism, especially its advanced form of public-private partnership.

Comrade Mao Zedong was very happy after reading the report, and personally called Comrade Li Weihan and decided to submit the report to the Politburo meeting for discussion. At the two enlarged meetings held by the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, comrades Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoqi, Zhou Enlai, and Deng Xiaoping all delivered important speeches and fully affirmed the investigation report. Comrade Zhou Enlai said that at that time he was also looking for a policy and way to carry out socialist transformation of private capitalism, and Comrade Li Weihan's report resolved this problem. It was during the first discussion at the Politburo meeting on June 15 that Comrade Mao Zedong announced the party's general line for the transitional period. In this way, the peaceful transformation of capitalist industry and commerce through state capitalism, as a road of Chinese-style socialist transformation, has been clearly affirmed in the guiding principles of the Party and the state, and has become an important part of the Party's general line in the transitional period. Comrade Li Weihan made a major contribution in the process of formulating this policy.

Li Weihan and the Central Party School

  Li Weihan, also known as Luo Mai, is a well-known theoretician and outstanding leader of our party and state in the united front and ethnic work. As a veteran member of the Communist Party of China during the founding of the Communist Party of China, Li Weihan served as the head of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee for many years and twice served as the president of the Central Party School, making outstanding contributions to the party's cadre education and the development of the party school's cause.

  On March 13, 1933, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China established a party school in Ruijin Soviet District, Jiangxi Province, which was named the Marxist Communist School. At the beginning of the establishment of the Marxist Communist School, Ren Bishi and Zhang Wentian successively served as the first and second principals. In April 1933, Li Weihan, who had just returned from studying in the Soviet Union, arrived in the Jiangxi Soviet District and began to serve as an officer of the Organization Department of the Central Committee, later as the head of the Organization Department of the Central Committee, and in the second half of 1933 as the director of the Organization Bureau of the Central Committee. During the Ruijin period, the Marxist Communist School was managed by the Organization Department of the Central Committee, and Li Weihan began to participate in the leadership of the Marxist Communist School at the organizational level. In January 1934, after the end of the Fifth Plenary Session of the Sixth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Zhang Wentian stepped down as the principal of the Marxist Communist School, and Li Weihan concurrently served as the third principal of the Marxist Communist School, and began to directly lead the Marxist Communist School.

  At that time, the teaching of the Marxist Communist School was basically in the nature of a training class, which was mainly divided into: a training course for Soviet district workers, a training class for party and caucus soviets and trade unions, and an advanced training class. The courses of these classes are not the same, mainly including: party building, Soviet construction, the workers' movement, the history of the Communist Party of China, political knowledge, history, geography, natural science knowledge, and so on. Among them, political knowledge was taught by Cheng Fangwu and Feng Xuefeng, who arrived in the Soviet area in 1934 to attend the Fifth Plenary Session of the Sixth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and served as full-time teachers. Some other courses were taught by part-time teachers, such as party building by Li Weihan, Soviet construction by Dong Biwu, and the workers' movement by Liu Shaoqi and Chen Yun.

  In October 1934, the Party Central Committee and the Central Red Army began to be forced to shift their strategy after the failure of the fifth anti-"encirclement and suppression" campaign. At that time, the Marxist Communist School had its own cadres and students, as well as cadres who had been transferred from the localities and temporarily placed in the school for the purpose of establishing the new Soviet districts. How to deal with the problem of the departure and retention of these personnel? Li Weihan adopted two principles: first, whether his personal ability could meet the needs of the new Soviet area; The second is whether the physical condition can adapt to the hard life of a long-term march. Accordingly, the cadres and some students of the Marxist Communist School were incorporated into the second column of the Central Military Commission, that is, the "Red Medal Column," with Li Weihan as commander and political commissar, and began the arduous and arduous long march of 10,000 miles.

  After the Central Red Army's Long March arrived in northern Shaanxi, the central organs made corresponding changes, and Li Weihan became the head of the Central Organization Department. In November 1935, the Central Committee arrived at Wayaobao in northern Shaanxi and immediately resumed the operation of the Party School, which was named the Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. During this period, the Central Party School was under the management of the Organization Department of the Central Committee, and Li Weihan participated in the leadership and construction of the Central Party School at the organizational level.

  In December 1935, the Central Party School began to recruit students. In response to the new situation in which the agrarian revolutionary war was changing to the national revolutionary war, the Central Party School held two training classes for the anti-Japanese national united front. The first phase was mainly to train cadres in northern Shaanxi and help them become familiar with the Party Central Committee's anti-Japanese national united front policy and its supporting related policies, including the rich peasant policy, industrial and commercial policy, and so on, so as to implement these policies in practical work. The second phase is mainly to convey and study the resolution of the Wayaobao Conference - "Resolution of the Central Committee on the Present Political Situation and the Tasks of the Party", and Mao Zedong's report at the meeting of party activists - "On the Strategy of Opposing Japanese Imperialism", this period has three student classes and one teacher class, and the teachers of the three student classes are: Cheng Fangwu, Xi Zhongxun, Feng Xuefeng; The main teachers in the teacher class are: Bai Dongcai, Li Jingying, Wu Wenxuan, and so on.

  In February 1936, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China decided to march the main Red Army to the east. With the changes in the military situation, at the end of June, the Central Party School moved to the security station along with the CPC Central Committee and scattered in the Renjiaping area. In the security guard, the previous teacher class was renamed the senior class, the head teacher was Cheng Fangwu, and the class leader was Bai Dongcai; In addition, there are eight ordinary classes, and most of the class teachers and instructors of the ordinary classes are students of the advanced classes. In addition, the Central Party School has also set up new work classes in the White Zone (Kuomintang-ruled areas) and the White Army (Kuomintang Army) to train cadres who go to the White Zone and the White Army to engage in united front work and secret work. In terms of courses, Li Weihan continued to give lectures on party building, Dong Biwu gave lectures on Soviet construction, and Zhou Enlai and Deng Yingchao also gave lectures in the White Zone Work Class and the White Army Work Class.

  In December 1936, the Xi'an Incident was resolved peacefully. In January 1937, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was stationed in Yan'an. In February, the Central Party School was also ordered to move to Yan'an, and the school site was located in Qiaoergou Catholic Church in the eastern suburbs of Yan'an. As a result, the Central Party School began a glorious ten-year course in Yan'an.

  In May 1937, Dong Biwu was transferred to the political commissar of the Fourth Brigade of the Chinese Anti-Japanese Military and Political University, and Li Weihan took over as the president of the Central Party School, and in April of the following year, he was transferred to the post of party secretary and vice president of the Northern Shaanxi Public School. During this year, Li Weihan once again directly led the Central Party School, and made great achievements in the management of students, the setting of courses, the construction of teaching systems, and the management of teachers.

  In terms of student management, classes are no longer arranged according to the nature of the original work of the students, and they are no longer divided into advanced classes and junior classes, but classes are arranged according to the origin and education level of the students, so that 15 classes are set up. Among them, the first, second, and third classes are mainly cadres of the Red Fourth Front Army; The fourth class is a cadre from northern Shaanxi; The fifth and sixth classes are mainly old cadres, senior cadres, and a few new cadres; Class 7 is an ethnic minority class, and ethnic minority cadres first learn Chinese and then study Marxist-Leninist theory, so this class has the longest study period. Class 8 is a party member transferred from the fourth brigade of the Chinese Anti-Japanese Military and Political University; The ninth, tenth, and eleventh classes are mainly cadres of the student movement in the white areas and some cadres who have lost their relationship with the party organization; Class 12 and 13 were cadres released from Kuomintang prisons; Class 14 is a number of cadres including workers and peasants.

  In terms of curriculum setting, theoretical study has increased, and the curriculum system is more complete than that of the Ruijin period and the period when he first arrived in northern Shaanxi, mainly including: philosophy, political economy, Marxism-Leninism (mainly teaching the history of the Communist Party of the United States), party building, Chinese revolutionary issues and guerrilla warfare, and so on. Through their studies, the trainees received a preliminary Marxist-Leninist enlightenment education, which laid the foundation for further study in the future. In addition, the improvement of the curriculum system is also reflected in the setting of some research laboratories. For example, these courses are divided into corresponding laboratories, which promotes the professional development of the courses; For example, the CPC Central Committee has set up a new "Research Office for Party and Mass Work" at the Central Party School, with Ke Qingshi as director and staff as follows: Wang Renzhong, Wang Heshou, Jiang Xu, and Li Huasheng.

  In terms of the construction of the teaching system, a series of new teaching systems have been established, the most important of which is the academic appraisal system. As a result, the Central Party School has two appraisal systems in teaching: one is the organizational appraisal or political appraisal system, that is, to measure the students' party spirit cultivation; The second is the academic appraisal system, that is, the students' study of Marxist-Leninist theory is assessed or evaluated, and the students' learning results during their time in school are measured.

  In terms of faculty management, there has been a considerable increase in the number of faculty members compared to the past. Some central leaders such as Mao Zedong, Zhang Wentian, Bo Gu, and Liu Shaoqi all gave lectures at the Central Party School; some cadres of the Central Party School, such as Cheng Fangwu, Wang Xuewen, Bai Dongcai, Wu Wenxuan, Luo Binghui, and Jiang Xu, were also tasked with teaching; and a number of Marxist theoreticians, such as Hu Qiaomu, Ai Siqi, Wu Liangping, Yang Song, He Ganzhi, Wang Sihua, Li Jingchun, and Liu Zhiming, also taught at the Central Party School at that time.

  During the time when Li Weihan participated in the leadership or directly led the Central Party School, the scale of the Central Party School's students and instructors continued to expand, and the curriculum system and system building were constantly improved, training a large number of outstanding cadres on all fronts throughout the country, and making indelible contributions to the victory of the revolutionary cause of the party and the people.

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