
"Kuaiben": After 910 days of suspension of broadcasting, the three old partners of He Jiong, Xie Na, and Li Weijia merged offline for the first time


"Kuaiben": After 910 days of suspension of broadcasting, the three old partners of He Jiong, Xie Na, and Li Weijia merged offline for the first time

Nearly 3 years of waiting for the reorganization of the "Happy Family" to reproduce the classics

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, "Happy Camp" has been off the air for 910 days. This show, which once kept countless viewers wanting to stop day and night, came to an end after the last episode aired on December 28, 2021. In the process, the "Happy Family" as the host lineup was also disbanded. Until recently, the three elders of the "Happy Family" - He Jiong, Li Weijia and Xie Na appeared in the same frame again after nearly 3 years. This can't help but make people feel a lot of emotion, looking back on this once popular variety show, as well as the past and present life of the "Happy Family".

After a long 910-day wait, the three leading hosts of the "Happy Camp" that year, He Jiong, Li Weijia and Xie Na, finally reunited. Xie Na posted this precious group photo on social platforms, and the three of them stood side by side, and they could recognize at a glance that this was the "happy family" that everyone was familiar with back then. This is undoubtedly good news for fans to be ecstatic, after all, after the "Happy Camp" was discontinued, the three rarely had such a chance to officially get together. Regarding this picture, many netizens said that time flies, and the classic picture of the year has finally reappeared again.

"Kuaiben": After 910 days of suspension of broadcasting, the three old partners of He Jiong, Xie Na, and Li Weijia merged offline for the first time

Such a combination undoubtedly evokes the audience's fond memories of the "Happy Camp" era. Since its launch in 2000, this show has been hosted by He Jiong, Li Weijia and Xie Na. The trio have been working together for a full 5 years, and in the process they have developed a memorable chemistry that has also created many classic moments for the show. From He Jiong and Xie Na in 1998 for the first time in "Happy Girl", to Li Weijia's joining in 2000, the trio's "Happy Family" was officially born. In the past 5 years, they have hosted countless episodes of the wonderful "Happy Camp" together, shared the joy together, and witnessed the growth of this show from childhood to adulthood.

It is the irreplaceable hosting combination of these three people that has created the brilliant achievements of the "Happy Camp". In the 5 years from 2000 to 2005, "Happy Camp" was undoubtedly one of the most popular variety shows at that time. The three hosts cooperate with each other tacitly in the show, which can not only bring a joyful atmosphere, but also be independent, and their personal charm is also loved by the audience. Their tacit cooperation and wonderful performance on the show made this show a shining star on the TV screen at that time.

Until 2006, when newcomers Du Haitao and Wu Xin joined, "Happy Camp" gradually entered a new stage of development, forming the so-called "Happy Family" lineup. But in any case, He Jiong, Li Weijia and Xie Na, the three veteran hosts, have always been the core of this show. Even after the newcomers joined, they were still the focus of the show. What everyone is still looking forward to the most is the unique chemistry and classic moments of these three people.

"Kuaiben": After 910 days of suspension of broadcasting, the three old partners of He Jiong, Xie Na, and Li Weijia merged offline for the first time

It's a pity that as time passed, Happy Camp finally came to an end in December 2021. Compared with He Jiong's rapid career development, Li Weijia and Xie Na's life after the show was stopped was not very smooth. Li Weijia once faded out of the public eye, and although Xie Na also participated in some variety shows, it was still difficult to replicate the glory of "Happy Camp" back then. It can be said that for these three hosts, the suspension of the show is undoubtedly a turning point.

But just recently, the news of the reunion of the three swept again. As the core members of the "Happy Family", the recombination of He Jiong, Li Weijia and Xie Na undoubtedly aroused a strong response from the audience. Everyone said that seeing these three familiar faces appear together again after 910 days makes people feel so emotional and nostalgic. After all, this is the first time that the three have appeared in the same frame in front of the camera since "Happy Camp" was discontinued.

For this group photo, everyone also said that this is undoubtedly a photo worth cherishing. The back photos of the three of them all reveal the traces of time, but they still can't hide their unique brilliance. Netizens have said that such a combination also seems to indicate the future trend of "Happy Camp", and even look forward to the reunion of the five "Happy Family".

"Kuaiben": After 910 days of suspension of broadcasting, the three old partners of He Jiong, Xie Na, and Li Weijia merged offline for the first time

The reunion of He Jiong, Li Weijia and Xie Na undoubtedly aroused strong resonance among the audience. As the three veterans of "Happy Camp", they have created countless classic moments, which also made this show one of the most influential variety shows at that time. Although "Happy Camp" has been off the air for nearly 3 years, the three still maintain the chemistry that everyone expects. This reunion also indicates the possibility that the five members of the "Happy Family" will be in the same frame again in the future. It will undoubtedly be an exciting sight.

People always miss the good times in the past, and this reunion of He Jiong, Li Weijia and Xie Na undoubtedly makes everyone regain their good memories of the "Happy Camp" era. Although they have gone through the baptism of the years, they still maintain the charm of the past. I believe that as long as the five "Happy Family" reunites, it will be able to ignite the enthusiasm of the audience again and set off a new ratings frenzy. We'll be looking forward to seeing this classic lineup reappear in the near future.

"Kuaiben": After 910 days of suspension of broadcasting, the three old partners of He Jiong, Xie Na, and Li Weijia merged offline for the first time

After 910 days, the reunion of He Jiong, Li Weijia and Xie Na made fans extremely excited. As the core members of the "Happy Family", they have created countless classics on "Happy Camp", which deeply influenced the TV audience at that time. Now that the show has been suspended, the tacit understanding and bond between the three have not diminished at all. This combination not only evokes people's memories of the good old days, but also makes everyone look forward to the possibility of reunion of all members of the "Happy Family" in the future.

In fact, as early as after the suspension of "Happy Camp", the fate of these three hosts was divided. With his professional ability and outstanding performance, He Jiong's career has been developing steadily, and he has hosted a number of well-received new programs. Li Weijia and Xie Na were relatively low-key for a period of time and rarely made big moves. This can't help but make people sigh that the suspension of the show has indeed brought different impacts to the future of the three people.

"Kuaiben": After 910 days of suspension of broadcasting, the three old partners of He Jiong, Xie Na, and Li Weijia merged offline for the first time

But this reunion seems to announce that the three are moving towards a new era. They have been in the industry for many years, and they have already accumulated rich experience in the industry, and they also know how to run their own business. Perhaps during the period when the show was off the air, they all had new thinking and planning, and were preparing to meet new challenges on the road ahead. This positive attitude is undoubtedly worthy of praise from the majority of fans.

However, the most anticipated thing is undoubtedly whether this means that the reunion of all members of the "Happy Family" is just around the corner. After all, the combination of He Jiong, Li Weijia and Xie Na is only two-thirds of the combination. If we can see Du Haitao and Wu Xin join in again and form the five-person lineup of the "Happy Family" that we were familiar with back then, what a desirable picture it will be.

"Kuaiben": After 910 days of suspension of broadcasting, the three old partners of He Jiong, Xie Na, and Li Weijia merged offline for the first time

Imagine what it would be like for the five hosts who performed countless jokes and classics on "Happy Camp" to reunite in front of the camera again? The tacit interaction between them, as well as the harmonious atmosphere, will undoubtedly arouse the enthusiasm of the audience again. And for those viewers who have followed this show, they will definitely feel extremely excited and nostalgic for it.

After all, "Happy Camp" is not only a variety show, but also a spiritual home that condenses the memories of countless people. Here, we have witnessed the youth of a generation and felt joy and warmth. Today, this home is gone, but as long as the "Happy Family" remains, we believe that these precious memories will never be lost. We look forward to seeing the new excitement brought to us by this excellent host lineup again in the near future!

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