
Peking Opera master Li Weikang: After marrying Geng Qichang for 48 years, he insisted on the AA system, and he wouldn't eat even an egg


[The content of this article is based on authoritative historical data, and there are citations at the end of the article, please be aware.] 】


On the stage of Peking Opera, Li Weikang, known as the "No. 1 Tsing Yi", has won countless praises for her unsurpassed artistic strength, and her beauty and talent have made her the "Goddess of Peking Opera" in the eyes of everyone.

However, her own married life is unpredictable: her married life with her husband Geng Qichang actually pursues the principle of "AA system": whether it is daily expenses, or trivial matters at home, even the most insignificant egg in life, they will not take advantage of each other.

Everyone can't figure it out, in the eyes of the outside world, in the face of such a big beauty, her husband should take good care of her, so this lifestyle makes many people think that it seems that her husband Geng Qichang does not pity her. Many people say that how can they be so clearly separated in the life of husband and wife?

Peking Opera master Li Weikang: After marrying Geng Qichang for 48 years, he insisted on the AA system, and he wouldn't eat even an egg

And what's even more shocking is that even with such beauty, she still feels "inferior" in front of her beloved husband. This kind of "AA system" and "inferiority" life is not only unreasonable, but also regarded as an outlier, and this mode of getting along is simply difficult for ordinary people to understand. So how does First Tsing Yi maintain this peculiar married life?

What kind of emotional entanglement do they have? Let's find out the secrets behind this marriage......

Peking Opera master Li Weikang: After marrying Geng Qichang for 48 years, he insisted on the AA system, and he wouldn't eat even an egg

01 Li Weikang's bright and bumpy road to Peking Opera.

Li Weikang's parents are both high-level intellectuals, and they attach more importance to the cultivation of her personality and the exploration of interests in their children's education. In the hutongs of old Beijing, there were always bursts of melodious Peking Opera singing after nightfall, and Li Weikang's parents would always take her to listen to Peking Opera when they were young.

As time passed, Li Weikang was deeply attracted by the charm of Peking Opera, and she began to imitate those classic singing voices and figures, although immature, but already showed extraordinary talent. For their daughter's interest, the parents did not object, but gave great support.

They not only encouraged Li Weikang to learn Peking Opera, but also invited famous teachers for her careful guidance, so that her innate talent and hard work were fully displayed. In order to realize his dream of Peking Opera, Li Weikang began the arduous road of preparing for the exam. After countless days and nights of hard training, at the age of 11, Li Weikang was finally admitted to the Chinese Opera Academy with excellent results.

Peking Opera master Li Weikang: After marrying Geng Qichang for 48 years, he insisted on the AA system, and he wouldn't eat even an egg

She was admitted to the Chinese Academy of Drama with a male student, Geng Qichang, and the two became classmates because of Peking Opera, and they became familiar with each other day after day, and gradually, this classmate love sublimated into a deeper relationship. But a beauty like Li Weikang, who is naturally beautiful and has outstanding appearance, is a beautiful school flower even in the China Academy of Drama.

She often stands out from the crowd, because she is not only good-looking, but also has outstanding achievements in school, and at the age of 12, Li Weikang can perform on stage.

Her profound Peking Opera skills often won applause on the stage, and she could combine the grace of Tsing Yi, the liveliness of Hua Dan, and the bravery of Dao Ma Dan, so that many classic roles in the school were also played by her, and she became the focus of the school's training.

She is the focus of attention in all kinds of performances. But it is precisely because of her advantages that many people are jealous of her talent and beauty, and some people think that she is too outstanding and robs many people of opportunities, so many people began to deliberately alienate her, and even some classmates began to deliberately spread some rumors and rumors.

Peking Opera master Li Weikang: After marrying Geng Qichang for 48 years, he insisted on the AA system, and he wouldn't eat even an egg

Some people say she is arrogant, some say she is scheming, and some even make up an affair between her and an unknown man. These rumors made out of nothing are like sharp knives, stabbing Li Weikang's heart. However, in the face of these rumors, Li Weikang is unwilling to explain or argue.

However, the rumors did not stop at the wise, but Li Weikang's silence only made more people start to believe these rumors. Especially later, as the domestic environment became sensitive and special, many artistic creators and writers of that era suffered unprecedented shocks, many of them were unable to perform, some were forced to go to the countryside, and some found other ways.

Li Weikang's situation is getting more and more difficult, even on the stage, those once applause and cheers have turned into whispering and pointing and pointing, she has become sensitive, inferior, and lonely every day.

Peking Opera master Li Weikang: After marrying Geng Qichang for 48 years, he insisted on the AA system, and he wouldn't eat even an egg

Li Weikang can no longer devote herself to studying and performing as before, and even she will be in full view, she is blamed and humiliated, she is immersed in pain and confusion all day long, tears have almost become her face every day, and she tosses and turns at night, unable to sleep.

During that time, Li Weikang's nerves were tense to the extreme, and his body and mind were under tremendous pressure, and he was almost on the verge of collapse.

Peking Opera master Li Weikang: After marrying Geng Qichang for 48 years, he insisted on the AA system, and he wouldn't eat even an egg

02 See the truth in adversity.

However, it was in Li Weikang's most fragile and desperate situation that Geng Qichangru gradually entered her world. Whenever Li Weikang felt tired and exhausted, Geng Qichang would always be by her side, becoming the "good medicine" for her soul. Whenever Li Weikang was depressed, Geng Qichang always appeared by her side as soon as possible, patiently listening to her complaints and uneasiness.

When Li Weikang was sick, Geng Qichang would boil medicine and food for her, and also prepared a book on Peking Opera performance skills for her, encouraging her to use this time to study hard and enrich herself.

Not only that, Geng Qichang often stood up for Li Weikang when he was in trouble and sheltered her from the wind and rain. His firmness and bravery made Li Weikang deeply grateful, and it was with Geng Qichang's company that Li Weikang gradually took care of his normal life and regained hope and motivation.

In this way, the bond between Li Weikang and Geng Qichang gradually deepened, and the relationship between them became deeper and deeper. So, he wrote a note and passed it on to Li Weikang with his love.

Peking Opera master Li Weikang: After marrying Geng Qichang for 48 years, he insisted on the AA system, and he wouldn't eat even an egg

But because Li Weikang was in the development period of her career, so, after thinking twice, she politely rejected Geng Qichang's love and gently put that emotion in her heart. Geng Qichang was not discouraged by this, he chose to silently guard her side and prove his love with his actions.

So in the days to come, whether it was the fatigue of her rehearsals or the joy after the performance, Geng Qichang was by her side, Li Weikang began to feel his deep love, and only in the face of Geng Qichang, Li Weikang seemed to be truly confident, brave and relaxed.

Li Weikang's feelings for him have also quietly changed. In this way, at Geng Qichang's insistence, the relationship between the two officially began.

Peking Opera master Li Weikang: After marrying Geng Qichang for 48 years, he insisted on the AA system, and he wouldn't eat even an egg

03Although the lifestyle of other people is completely different, the two are very happy.

The relationship between the two has been quietly brewing for ten years, but years of wind and frost and tempering have made Li Weikang's acceptance of a new life particularly cautious. But the life after marriage, for Li Weikang, seems to have opened a new chapter.

In the 70s, Li Weikang caused a lot of sensation in the opera circle with the moving song "Butterfly Loves Flowers". Her singing has touched the heartstrings of countless people, and at the same time, Geng Qichang has successfully stepped into the palace of the Peking Opera Company of China with his extraordinary talent and unremitting efforts. The husband and wife support each other and go hand in hand.

Later, with the popularization of television, TV dramas gradually became the mainstream, and in 1985, with the encouragement of her husband, Li Weikang participated in the TV series "Four Worlds in the Same Hall", moving from the stage of opera to the screen of film and television dramas.

Peking Opera master Li Weikang: After marrying Geng Qichang for 48 years, he insisted on the AA system, and he wouldn't eat even an egg

Surprisingly, the venture was a huge success. Li Weikang's superb acting skills and unique charm have been fully demonstrated on the screen, not only won her the Best Actress Award at the 4th China TV Golden Eagle Awards, but also became a hot star and became the "national goddess" at that time.

Moreover, the modern drama starring Li Weikang has not only won the audience's warm pursuit and high praise, but also won many awards in the theater industry, such as: Plum Blossom Award, Mei Lanfang Gold Award Competition, Popular TV Golden Eagle Award, Golden Record Award, "Star of the Century" Award and many other honors and awards, so her name has become the focus of attention in the theater and film and television circles.

However, in the face of these honors and achievements, Li Weikang's heart is full of deep worries.

She knows that her past life experience has brought a lot of pressure and burden to her husband Geng Qichang, she can't bear to let her husband be distracted by family trivialities and her own work, and hopes that her husband can also devote himself wholeheartedly to the drama work and life he loves, and even in front of her husband, she still has a deep inferiority complex.

Peking Opera master Li Weikang: After marrying Geng Qichang for 48 years, he insisted on the AA system, and he wouldn't eat even an egg

As a result, Li Weikang put forward a bold and unique idea - to implement the AA system of life. She hopes that in this way, the two can be more financially independent and take on their own responsibilities and expenses, unlike her husband who bears too much of her living expenses and life pressure, so that both parties can focus more on their careers and dreams.

Although this method was not accepted in the general concept of society at the time, Geng Qichang was well aware of his wife's good intentions, and he understood and respected Li Weikang's decision. Therefore, there was no hesitation in expressing support.

Together, they made a detailed AA plan and put it into practice in their lives, and this lifestyle made them cherish each other's efforts more in their lives.

After the implementation of the AA system, Li Weikang and Geng Qichang both felt unprecedented ease and freedom. They no longer quarrel over family chores, but instead focus on their own careers and work together for the happiness of their families.

Peking Opera master Li Weikang: After marrying Geng Qichang for 48 years, he insisted on the AA system, and he wouldn't eat even an egg


Time flies like a white horse, the couple has been together for 48 years, and the wind and frost of the years have not eroded the deep affection between them. They also cultivated their daughter to become a talented woman of Peking University and became an eye-catching pillar.

They use their actions to explain what is the true way of husband and wife. Their stories also tell us that the love and lifestyle of each couple is not necessarily the same as the usual lifestyle of the public, only by finding the secret of life that suits them, and then supporting each other and tolerating each other can they be happy together for a lifetime.



"The Li Weikang I Know_Wan Boao"

A generation of famous Dan Li Weikang's powder and ink Spring and Autumn Period. Wan Boao, Xinmin Evening News, 2018

Peking Opera master Li Weikang: After marrying Geng Qichang for 48 years, he insisted on the AA system, and he wouldn't eat even an egg

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