
Still robbing to be a village cadre? Follow-up to the murder of the 39-year-old branch secretary: The crows in the world are not completely black, and there are six reasons for grassroots contradictions

author:CQ Chaotian pepper


The most basic village cadre positions,

I didn't expect it to be so high.

In the future, will anyone still rush to be a village cadre?

1. Replay of the case

On June 30, the Public Security Bureau of Feixiang Township, Handan, Hebei Province issued a police report:

Recently, a man injured the village party secretary of his village with a knife, and after absconding for 6 days, he was successfully arrested by the police on June 29.

Still robbing to be a village cadre? Follow-up to the murder of the 39-year-old branch secretary: The crows in the world are not completely black, and there are six reasons for grassroots contradictions

In the eyes of the local villagers, the 39-year-old village party secretary is very kind, and he has only been in office for more than a year.

He will solve the big and small things in the village conscientiously and responsibly, and he should be regarded as a more pragmatic grassroots cadre.

But no one expected that the work of the village party secretary had just started, and it would encounter such a bad luck.

Still robbing to be a village cadre? Follow-up to the murder of the 39-year-old branch secretary: The crows in the world are not completely black, and there are six reasons for grassroots contradictions

According to common sense, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors, everyone lives in the same village, and it is inevitable that there will be some conflicts in daily life, and it is normal for some quarrels to occur.

But how did a small friction eventually turn into a vicious case of hurting people?

According to local insiders, the man who caused the accident, Ping, and the party secretary of the victim village, Li, had two small disputes before.

Still robbing to be a village cadre? Follow-up to the murder of the 39-year-old branch secretary: The crows in the world are not completely black, and there are six reasons for grassroots contradictions

Dispute 1 is:

During the Spring Festival this year, the man who caused the accident once set off a firecracker in front of the supermarket in the village, but was stopped by the village party secretary on the spot, and the two also acted for this at that time.

Dispute 2 is:

After a period of time, the man who caused the accident actually dismantled the sign of the village committee without permission after drinking, and hung it at the door of the former village committee that had been abandoned for some reason. The village party secretary had no choice but to call the police to deal with it, and the man who caused the accident was criticized and educated by the police.

Perhaps it was the above reasons that made the man who caused the accident hold a grudge.

Still robbing to be a village cadre? Follow-up to the murder of the 39-year-old branch secretary: The crows in the world are not completely black, and there are six reasons for grassroots contradictions

However, the actions of the man who caused the accident were directly committed to the crime, which was also too surprising and too bad in nature.

The first is to directly cause death, too impulsive!

Neighbors and neighbors, parents are short, what happens is some trivial things, and we should never hurt people, let alone directly deprive the young village party secretary of the precious life.

Impulsiveness is really the devil, a hot head for a while, directly destroyed the backbone of at least 2 families, the lesson is too profound.

Then there is the direct escape after committing the crime, too ignorant!

According to the news, the man who caused the accident hid around the farmland 3 kilometers away from the village during the escape.

Obviously, the man's awareness of the legal system is still too poor, don't you understand the truth that the monk can't run the temple if he can outrun?

Under the rule of law society, in the era of big data information, do you still dare to abscond in fear of crime? Why didn't you wake up as soon as possible and take the initiative to surrender?

Still robbing to be a village cadre? Follow-up to the murder of the 39-year-old branch secretary: The crows in the world are not completely black, and there are six reasons for grassroots contradictions

The man was successfully pursued by the police on June 29, six days after he had been on the run.

The time bomb was defused, and the nearby villagers could finally relax.

2. Hot comments on the Internet

Still robbing to be a village cadre? Follow-up to the murder of the 39-year-old branch secretary: The crows in the world are not completely black, and there are six reasons for grassroots contradictions

First of all, people criticize the image of individual village cadres:

If you have not tasted the suffering of others, do not persuade others to be kind.

In real life, some village party secretaries are half black and half white. He spoke rudely and cursed. Selfish and unfair. The contradiction intensifies, and it is inevitable that you will be burned!

Some village committees have not done enough to do enough things, but there are more bad things than to do bad things. A small village committee, sitting in a room full of people all day long, opening the door and playing with mobile phones, is really a waste of state revenue.

More rational people questioned the way the village party secretary handled things:

The village party secretary who called the police is definitely not a good party secretary.

Still robbing to be a village cadre? Follow-up to the murder of the 39-year-old branch secretary: The crows in the world are not completely black, and there are six reasons for grassroots contradictions
Still robbing to be a village cadre? Follow-up to the murder of the 39-year-old branch secretary: The crows in the world are not completely black, and there are six reasons for grassroots contradictions

As a village party secretary, don't think that you have power in your hands and use police force for a trivial matter, which will hurt the hearts of the people and eventually arouse public resentment and anger.

To be a good village official, especially a newly appointed comrade, you must have a heart-to-heart relationship with the masses. After taking office with three fires, go directly to the government and police station, and in the end it is the responsibility of the village cadres! Relying on penalty pressure will not work!

Still robbing to be a village cadre? Follow-up to the murder of the 39-year-old branch secretary: The crows in the world are not completely black, and there are six reasons for grassroots contradictions

Work is the country, life is your own!

Sometimes you have to turn a blind eye to do things, and you can't take it too seriously. The people of this society are really too angry!

Some people also expressed strong condemnation of the bad behavior of the man who caused the incident:

To serve the villagers and be killed, the most grassroots village party secretaries must pay attention to personal safety!

It is true that there are some low-quality villagers in the rural areas, and the murderers must be severely punished.

Still robbing to be a village cadre? Follow-up to the murder of the 39-year-old branch secretary: The crows in the world are not completely black, and there are six reasons for grassroots contradictions

Such angry and corrupt villagers must be severely punished. Otherwise, justice will not be done to the village party secretary and his family who were killed.

3. Exploration of the causes

Nowadays, how do the front-line village cadres and villagers at the grassroots level often go to the opposite side?

How are village cadres becoming more and more high-risk groups? What went wrong?

Still robbing to be a village cadre? Follow-up to the murder of the 39-year-old branch secretary: The crows in the world are not completely black, and there are six reasons for grassroots contradictions

According to a comprehensive analysis, there are six main reasons for the contradictions between cadres and masses in rural areas:

First, the level of leadership is not high.

Especially in promoting rural economic growth and improving people's quality of life, there is the idea of "waiting for the need", and there is a lack of practical tricks, and there is a gap with the beautiful vision of the villagers.

Second, the implementation of higher-level policies is unfair.

In particular, the distribution of benefits is unreasonable, and there is a phenomenon of favoring specific groups or individuals, which cannot convince the villagers.

Still robbing to be a village cadre? Follow-up to the murder of the 39-year-old branch secretary: The crows in the world are not completely black, and there are six reasons for grassroots contradictions

Third, the discipline and style of life are not strict.

In the management of village affairs, corruption and abuse of power for personal gain may seriously erode collective interests and directly hurt the feelings of the people.

Fourth, there is a lack of communication and poor information.

There are few effective communication channels between village cadres and villagers, or the communication mechanism fails, allowing public opinion to accumulate more and more.

Fifth, impracticality and improper mediation.

When dealing with contradictions and disputes, village cadres often rely on so-called experience to handle things, and do not go deep into the grassroots level, which leads to improper handling, and instead of alleviating them, they aggravate the contradictions.

Still robbing to be a village cadre? Follow-up to the murder of the 39-year-old branch secretary: The crows in the world are not completely black, and there are six reasons for grassroots contradictions

Sixth, the local atmosphere and people's customs are not right.

Due to geographical location, historical development, and other reasons, the economic development of individual regions is backward, the level of education and culture is low, the negative emotions of the people are serious, and the relationship between cadres and the masses is often on the verge of breaking out.

Still robbing to be a village cadre? Follow-up to the murder of the 39-year-old branch secretary: The crows in the world are not completely black, and there are six reasons for grassroots contradictions

According to the analysis of the content of the police report, the murder of the young village party secretary may be mainly due to items 5 and 6. Under the influence of alcohol, the resentment of the man who caused the accident gradually got out of control, and finally lost his mind.

Fourth, the editor's testimonials

In a society governed by the rule of law, social governance must be in accordance with the law. Officials and cadres must take the lead in abiding by the law, and the masses of the people must believe in justice, so that a society can maintain peace and stability for a long time.

"A thousand lines above, a needle below", small village cadres are the most basic level of service to the people, with a large amount and a wide range of details, especially during sensitive special periods such as the epidemic, the work is indeed very hard.

The world is not full of crows, and the village cadres are not all village tyrants and demons in the eyes of some people.

The 39-year-old Li has just stepped into a grassroots leadership position, and he is in the prime of life and has a lot to do. As a village party secretary, he should have shown his skills for a bright future.

What I didn't expect was that I was dedicated to my work, but I encountered an accident, which is really embarrassing.

Still robbing to be a village cadre? Follow-up to the murder of the 39-year-old branch secretary: The crows in the world are not completely black, and there are six reasons for grassroots contradictions

On the other hand, look at the problem from the perspective of the villagers. Even if the village cadres do not handle things properly, they can file a complaint and think from their other perspectives. Considering that he is young and vigorous, why should he not get along with the village party secretary who has only been a year old?

It's no big deal, don't do things impulsively! Endure the calm for a while, take a step back and open the sky.

Still robbing to be a village cadre? Follow-up to the murder of the 39-year-old branch secretary: The crows in the world are not completely black, and there are six reasons for grassroots contradictions

Life is not easy, but do it and cherish it. Everyone is old and young, there is really no need, in order to relieve anger and vent anger, to fight to the death!

Otherwise, the stakes are so high today.

I'm afraid no one will want to do this job as a village cadre in the future!

Dear friends and friends, what is your impression of the village cadres around you?

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