
The division of the EU has intensified, Hungary has been squeezed out, Orban is pointing the sword at von der Leyen, and he will never be re-elected!

author:Global Defense Highlights

Since the freezing of Russian assets, how to use this money to help Ukraine has become the focus of discussion among EU countries, however, there has been no consensus within the EU so far, among which Hungary has the highest opposition. At a stalemate, the EU began to look for workarounds to gain its own selfish interests by "crowding" Hungary!

The division of the EU has intensified, Hungary has been squeezed out, Orban is pointing the sword at von der Leyen, and he will never be re-elected!

Recently, EU foreign ministers held a meeting to focus on legal workarounds, trying to avoid Hungary's veto, but also use the profits of frozen Russian assets to buy weapons for Ukraine, and at the same time, to solve the G7 summit, the West promised to raise $50 billion in loans to Ukraine.

In fact, according to EU regulations, the "unanimous pass" voting mechanism is used in decision-making on major issues. This also means that Hungary's attitude towards the use of Russian assets has undoubtedly become an "obstacle", so the EU can only find ways to solve the problem. However, no matter how the EU countries discuss, it is impossible to hide the fact that as long as Hungary is opposed, the EU's behavior is to "crowd out" the member states and try to remove Hungary from the "table".

It can be seen from this incident that the EU, which is calm on the surface, is actually turbulent. The so-called "unanimous pass" mechanism has also become the criterion for judging whether the other side is its ally, and if it is found to be disobedient, it must find ways to "solve".

The division of the EU has intensified, Hungary has been squeezed out, Orban is pointing the sword at von der Leyen, and he will never be re-elected!

This is a very dangerous act, as the Hungarian Foreign Minister said, the EU has crossed the "red line" by ignoring Hungary and introducing a workaround. The EU, which is now controlled by the old Europe, ignores the voice of the new Europe, which will only exacerbate the division within the EU.

In fact, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has been dissatisfied with some of the EU's decisions for a long time. Recently, he publicly called for von der Leyen's removal from the chairmanship of the committee, accusing von der Leyen's administration of having made Europe spend the worst five years, not only the failure of the green transition, but also the complete deviation of the immigration program from the goal, the inefficiency, and the lack of a satisfactory achievement, therefore, she must not be allowed to be re-elected!

Now that the European Parliament election is over, and although von der Leyen's European People's Party has more seats, this election shows that people are more expected to make changes in the European Union, and the current unpopular coalition is not a popular choice, so Europe needs to introduce more effective leadership, not just von der Leyen.

On the occasion of the EU leaders' summit, Orban's sharp speech made people see that von der Leyen will not be easy to be re-elected. You must know that the attitude of the leaders of various countries affects the voting decisions of parliamentarians, and von der Leyen needs the support of 361 of the 720 MEPs if she wants to be re-elected. Moreover, von der Leyen's five-year ruling achievements are obvious to all, and under her guidance, the EU has become the "little brother" behind the United States, and will only revolve around US policies, losing its independent diplomatic assertiveness and autonomy.

The division of the EU has intensified, Hungary has been squeezed out, Orban is pointing the sword at von der Leyen, and he will never be re-elected!

The EU countries are not stupid, the United States is lying on them to suck blood, the EU is naturally unwilling, and now Hungary and France have issued slogans to let Europe stand up, become an independent Europe, and keep up with the development level of the United States. It shows that the EU is very eager for independent development, and von der Leyen belongs to the "puppet" supported by the United States, and her family members belong to the Americans, and they are not of the same mind as Europe, so it is not surprising that she will be opposed.

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