
Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend Ruan Ju traveled to Hungary together, and the woman gave up her career to fly around with her boyfriend

author:Buchanan Balls


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Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend Ruan Ju traveled to Hungary together, and the woman gave up her career to fly around with her boyfriend

Text: Buchanan Balls

Edited by Buchanan Balls

Who says age gap is an obstacle to love? Who says career and love can't go hand in hand? In this materialistic entertainment industry, we can still see a pair of lovers who are 21 years old so sweet!

That's right, it was Chen Sicheng, who was once labeled as "cheating", and his girlfriend Ruan Ju, who was 21 years younger. Do you think it's a cliché story of "an old cow eats tender grass"?

Then you couldn't be more wrong. This "year-old love" combination not only broke the world's vision, but also staged a realistic version of the "Cinderella" fairy tale for us. Let's come to 818 together, how many untold stories are there behind this pair of "grandfather and grandson love"?

Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend Ruan Ju traveled to Hungary together, and the woman gave up her career to fly around with her boyfriend

Sweet travel, the secret of love preservation?

On June 29, a news of a chance encounter from Hungary exploded on the Internet. The famous director Chen Sicheng and his little girlfriend Ruan Ju were bumped into by netizens on a sweet date in Budapest. It is really surprising that this "year-old love" combination can still be so affectionate.

Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend Ruan Ju traveled to Hungary together, and the woman gave up her career to fly around with her boyfriend
Netizens broke the news: "It's been a two-person world for two days in a row, Chen Sicheng is dressed in black clothes and black pants, wearing a black hat, and he can't be more low-key." Ruan Ju also wore a hat and a long sweater jacket, looking comfortable and sweet. "

What kind of encounter is this, it's simply a well-planned "dog food" delivery conference! It seems that Director Chen is not only good at making movies, but also good at creating romance.

However, the low-key style of the lovers is impressive. In this era when everyone wants to rub off on the heat, they chose to love each other silently, this indifferent attitude has to be said to be a bit cool.

Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend Ruan Ju traveled to Hungary together, and the woman gave up her career to fly around with her boyfriend

However, attentive netizens will not let go of any clues. Although I didn't take a frontal photo of Ruan Ju, the Austrian photos posted by the girl on social networks are real "endorsements". In addition, Chen Sicheng has been working in Austria during this time, isn't this a naked official announcement?

Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend Ruan Ju traveled to Hungary together, and the woman gave up her career to fly around with her boyfriend

It seems that this pair of "grandfather and grandson love" has not only not been diluted by time, but has become sweeter and sweeter. From being photographed holding hands on the street in 2022, to being secretly photographed on multiple dates in 2023, to flying around the world in 2024. This emotional curve is even more stable than the stock market!

Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend Ruan Ju traveled to Hungary together, and the woman gave up her career to fly around with her boyfriend

Is it worth giving up your career for love?

Speaking of Ruan Ju, many people may not be familiar with it. This little girl born in 1999 is 21 years younger than Chen Sicheng. However, don't look at your young age, your acting career is good. Before meeting Chen Sicheng, Ruan Ju made many movies and TV series, including "Ball Lightning" produced by Chen Sicheng.

Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend Ruan Ju traveled to Hungary together, and the woman gave up her career to fly around with her boyfriend

However, since being with Chen Sicheng, Ruan Ju's works seem to have evaporated from the world. Even social networks are rarely updated.,Occasionally send a few photos.,That's called a boring.。

Some netizens ridiculed: "Ruan Ju was 'raised' by Chen Sicheng?" Flying all over the world with your boyfriend all day long, and you don't want your career? "
Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend Ruan Ju traveled to Hungary together, and the woman gave up her career to fly around with her boyfriend

Don't worry, this is not a "package", this is true love is invincible! Look at the travel video released by Ruan Ju, although Chen Sicheng did not show his face, but those details are simply showing affection.

Flying together, eating and chatting with foreign friends, enjoying the beautiful scenery of the city together, and Chen Sicheng sending flowers to his girlfriend...... Where is this tourism, it's clear that I'm accompanying my boyfriend on a business trip!

Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend Ruan Ju traveled to Hungary together, and the woman gave up her career to fly around with her boyfriend

However, Ruan Ju's practice of giving up his career for love is really envious and distressing. I envy that I have a boyfriend who is willing to show you the world, and I feel sorry that my career has been shelved like this. Is it true that love and career can't be both?

Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend Ruan Ju traveled to Hungary together, and the woman gave up her career to fly around with her boyfriend

However, don't forget that Chen Sicheng is a famous "talent" in the circle. Maybe in Ruan Ju's eyes, accompanying such an excellent man is a kind of growth and experience in itself? After all, Chen Sicheng's talent, experience and connections are not comparable to ordinary people.

Ex-wife shadow, can the new love be at ease?

Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend Ruan Ju traveled to Hungary together, and the woman gave up her career to fly around with her boyfriend

Speaking of Chen Sicheng, we have to mention his ex-wife Tong Liya. Although the former golden boy and girl have divorced, for the sake of their son, they can still live in harmony as if they were not divorced.

This state of "peaceful breakup" really makes people have to admire. However, for Ruan Ju, will this situation become a thorn in his heart?

Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend Ruan Ju traveled to Hungary together, and the woman gave up her career to fly around with her boyfriend
Some netizens commented: "During the Spring Festival this year, Chen Sicheng and Tong Liya also took their son 'Duoduo' to go on an outdoor adventure together, and the picture of a family of three enjoying themselves will be very dazzling to Ruan Ju?" "

Indeed, any girl can be upset in the face of such a situation. However, we must also see that Ruan Ju chose to silently support Chen Sicheng's career and accompany him everywhere. Isn't this kind of giving a kind of deep love?

Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend Ruan Ju traveled to Hungary together, and the woman gave up her career to fly around with her boyfriend

What is the essence of love?

So, what can Ruan Ju get from Chen Sicheng? Is it satisfying the adoration of young girls for successful men? Or have you found true love?

Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend Ruan Ju traveled to Hungary together, and the woman gave up her career to fly around with her boyfriend

Perhaps, the essence of love is mutual fulfillment. Chen Sicheng gave Ruan Ju a chance to see the wider world, and Ruan Ju gave Chen Sicheng a pure love and support. In this materialistic entertainment industry, isn't such a relationship worth cherishing?

Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend Ruan Ju traveled to Hungary together, and the woman gave up her career to fly around with her boyfriend

Of course, we can't ignore the challenges of reality. Age gap, career development, ex shadow...... These are the questions that the lovers need to face. But it's precisely because of these challenges that you can see the authenticity and durability of a relationship, right?

Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend Ruan Ju traveled to Hungary together, and the woman gave up her career to fly around with her boyfriend

Netizens are hotly discussed: The gossip heart of the people who eat melons

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet, and some netizens believed:

Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend Ruan Ju traveled to Hungary together, and the woman gave up her career to fly around with her boyfriend
"This is a realistic version of a Cinderella fairy tale! Ruan Ju is really lucky to be favored by a talent like Chen Sicheng. "

Some netizens also said:

Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend Ruan Ju traveled to Hungary together, and the woman gave up her career to fly around with her boyfriend
"Ruan Ju is too stupid, is it worth giving up his career for a man?"

Some netizens think:

Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend Ruan Ju traveled to Hungary together, and the woman gave up her career to fly around with her boyfriend
"Chen Sicheng is so good, Ruan Ju can learn a lot from him, which is also good for her future development."

The opinions of netizens can be described as varied, and they have their own opinions. Some people envy Ruan Ju for being able to find such an excellent boyfriend, and some people are worried that she will lose herself because of it. Others believe that this relationship can bring new opportunities and growth to Ruan Ju.

Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend Ruan Ju traveled to Hungary together, and the woman gave up her career to fly around with her boyfriend

Interestingly, many netizens began to review Chen Sicheng's love history:

"Chen Sicheng is really proud of love, first Tong Liya, and now Ruan Ju, it seems that handsome guys and beauties are the eternal theme!"
Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend Ruan Ju traveled to Hungary together, and the woman gave up her career to fly around with her boyfriend

Of course, there are also concerns about the future of this relationship:

"With such a big age difference, will there be a generation gap in the future? And Chen Sicheng has such a good relationship with his ex-wife, won't Ruan Ju feel a lot of pressure? "
Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend Ruan Ju traveled to Hungary together, and the woman gave up her career to fly around with her boyfriend

It can be seen that netizens are both envious and worried, curious and questioning about this relationship. This complex psychology may reflect the ambivalence of modern people towards love. We both yearn for vigorous love, but also worry about the obstacles of reality.

Written at the end: Love, how is it worth treating us?

Looking back on the whole incident, we see a couple of lovers who are 21 years apart, who bravely pursue their love despite the eyes of the world. We have seen Ruan Ju's efforts and sacrifices for love, and we have also seen Chen Sicheng's balance between career and relationship.

Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend Ruan Ju traveled to Hungary together, and the woman gave up her career to fly around with her boyfriend

This relationship brings us a lot to think about: Is it true that love and career can't be both? Can the age gap really be an obstacle to love? Is it worth sacrificing for love?

Perhaps, the answer doesn't matter. Importantly, how should we treat our feelings? Do you want to move forward, or do you want to be timid? Is it a wholehearted dedication, or is it a sensible trade-off?

Finally, I would like to throw out a question for everyone to think about: If it were you, would you give up your career for love? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area and share your views.

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