
Just! Zhang Lan is leaving! In order to see that the child had a home and couldn't go back, Zhang Lan could only swallow her anger!

author:A little entertainment
Just! Zhang Lan is leaving! In order to see the child, she couldn't go back to her home, but Zhang Lan could only swallow her anger!

Now Wang Xiaofei has finally "cleared the clouds and seen the moon", opened a new store again, and celebrated her birthday, she has simply become the happiest person.

Just! Zhang Lan is leaving! In order to see that the child had a home and couldn't go back, Zhang Lan could only swallow her anger!

Of course, as a mother, Zhang Lan can finally breathe a sigh of relief, because seeing Wang Xiaofei's happiness must be the happiest thing for him.

Just! Zhang Lan is leaving! In order to see that the child had a home and couldn't go back, Zhang Lan could only swallow her anger!

However, Zhang Lan is not an ordinary person in the end, although she is relieved, Zhang Lan's dedication has not slackened at all, as she said, she has to work hard for her daughter-in-law!

But Zhang Lan, who is so powerful, also has a weakness now, that is, her granddaughter Xiao Yue'er and grandson Xiao Jiujiu.

Just! Zhang Lan is leaving! In order to see that the child had a home and couldn't go back, Zhang Lan could only swallow her anger!

And Xu Xiyuan also knows this, so she always uses her two children to pinch Wang Xiaofei and Zhang Lan.

Not to mention anything else, it is not easy for Zhang Lan to see the two children, and she has to trek through mountains and rivers to meet the children in other places, and she doesn't dare to let Xu Xiyuan know.

Just! Zhang Lan is leaving! In order to see that the child had a home and couldn't go back, Zhang Lan could only swallow her anger!
Just! Zhang Lan is leaving! In order to see that the child had a home and couldn't go back, Zhang Lan could only swallow her anger!

No, Zhang Lan said during the live broadcast that she had already set off to see the child, and this process was undoubtedly very tiring, but she could bear it for the sake of the child.

Just! Zhang Lan is leaving! In order to see that the child had a home and couldn't go back, Zhang Lan could only swallow her anger!
Just! Zhang Lan is leaving! In order to see that the child had a home and couldn't go back, Zhang Lan could only swallow her anger!

Thinking about Zhang Lan's age, it's really not easy.

Just! Zhang Lan is leaving! In order to see that the child had a home and couldn't go back, Zhang Lan could only swallow her anger!

So netizens left messages for Wang Xiaofei and asked him to have a baby quickly, so that he would not have to be led by Xu Xiyuan's nose.

In fact, Wang Xiaofei himself knows this very well, so on his birthday, he made a wish to give birth to a noble son early.

Just! Zhang Lan is leaving! In order to see that the child had a home and couldn't go back, Zhang Lan could only swallow her anger!

In this regard, netizens have left messages:

Just! Zhang Lan is leaving! In order to see that the child had a home and couldn't go back, Zhang Lan could only swallow her anger!
If you don't give it back to Beijing, you won't see it, and you'll be led away, what's it? Don't look, see who's in a hurry!

Everyone understands this truth, but as the grandmother of the children, Zhang Lan must miss the child, so even if she is pinched by Xu Xiyuan, she will endure it.

It seems that Zhang Lan and Wang Xiaofei really love children.

Just! Zhang Lan is leaving! In order to see that the child had a home and couldn't go back, Zhang Lan could only swallow her anger!


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