
The Party Committee of the People's Court of Xinfu District carried out a party day activity with the theme of "Learning Party Discipline, Remembering the Original Heart, Celebrating the Party's Kindness, Keeping Justice, and Casting Loyalty".

author:Fushun politics and law
The Party Committee of the People's Court of Xinfu District carried out a party day activity with the theme of "Learning Party Discipline, Remembering the Original Heart, Celebrating the Party's Kindness, Keeping Justice, and Casting Loyalty".

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and deeply remember the glorious struggle of the Communist Party of China, the Party Committee of the Xinfu District People's Court organized all Party members to carry out the Party Day activities with the theme of "Learning Party Discipline, Remembering the Original Heart, Celebrating the Party's Kindness, Keeping Justice, and Casting Loyalty", carrying forward the spirit of the Anti-Japanese Federation, strengthening the concept of Party spirit, strictly enforcing Party discipline, giving full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of Party members, and promoting the continuous improvement of the quality and efficiency of trials. Sun Shukui, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Acting Dean, attended the event and delivered a speech.

In the Memorial Hall of the Third Division of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Federation

The Party Committee of the People's Court of Xinfu District carried out a party day activity with the theme of "Learning Party Discipline, Remembering the Original Heart, Celebrating the Party's Kindness, Keeping Justice, and Casting Loyalty".
The Party Committee of the People's Court of Xinfu District carried out a party day activity with the theme of "Learning Party Discipline, Remembering the Original Heart, Celebrating the Party's Kindness, Keeping Justice, and Casting Loyalty".
The Party Committee of the People's Court of Xinfu District carried out a party day activity with the theme of "Learning Party Discipline, Remembering the Original Heart, Celebrating the Party's Kindness, Keeping Justice, and Casting Loyalty".
The Party Committee of the People's Court of Xinfu District carried out a party day activity with the theme of "Learning Party Discipline, Remembering the Original Heart, Celebrating the Party's Kindness, Keeping Justice, and Casting Loyalty".
The Party Committee of the People's Court of Xinfu District carried out a party day activity with the theme of "Learning Party Discipline, Remembering the Original Heart, Celebrating the Party's Kindness, Keeping Justice, and Casting Loyalty".

The party members visited various exhibition halls and relived the years of the war. Through black-and-white photos and historical documents, we have a deeper understanding of the history of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Federation, draw strength from the history of the party's struggle, and stimulate the enthusiasm of party members to start a business.

In front of the Monument to the Heroes of the Third Division of the Anti-Japanese Union

The Party Committee of the People's Court of Xinfu District carried out a party day activity with the theme of "Learning Party Discipline, Remembering the Original Heart, Celebrating the Party's Kindness, Keeping Justice, and Casting Loyalty".
The Party Committee of the People's Court of Xinfu District carried out a party day activity with the theme of "Learning Party Discipline, Remembering the Original Heart, Celebrating the Party's Kindness, Keeping Justice, and Casting Loyalty".
The Party Committee of the People's Court of Xinfu District carried out a party day activity with the theme of "Learning Party Discipline, Remembering the Original Heart, Celebrating the Party's Kindness, Keeping Justice, and Casting Loyalty".

Party members jointly remembered the revolutionary martyrs and laid flower baskets. I listened carefully to the heroic deeds of revolutionary martyr Wang Renzhai and others, and felt the heroic and unyielding revolutionary dedication of the heroes of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Federation.

Under the bright red party flag

The Party Committee of the People's Court of Xinfu District carried out a party day activity with the theme of "Learning Party Discipline, Remembering the Original Heart, Celebrating the Party's Kindness, Keeping Justice, and Casting Loyalty".
The Party Committee of the People's Court of Xinfu District carried out a party day activity with the theme of "Learning Party Discipline, Remembering the Original Heart, Celebrating the Party's Kindness, Keeping Justice, and Casting Loyalty".
The Party Committee of the People's Court of Xinfu District carried out a party day activity with the theme of "Learning Party Discipline, Remembering the Original Heart, Celebrating the Party's Kindness, Keeping Justice, and Casting Loyalty".

All party members and police officers faced the party flag, raised their right fists, and reviewed the oath of joining the party. The oath is sonorous, and the original mission of party members and the great ideal of fighting for communism for life are more and more firm.

The Party Committee of the People's Court of Xinfu District carried out a party day activity with the theme of "Learning Party Discipline, Remembering the Original Heart, Celebrating the Party's Kindness, Keeping Justice, and Casting Loyalty".

Subsequently, Dean Sun Shukui gave a vivid party lesson to all party members and policemen, educating and guiding them to inherit the red gene, continue the red blood, and lead by example, take the lead in abiding by the party's discipline and regulations, be consistent with words and deeds, establish a good image of party members, and transform the spiritual power drawn from the theme party day activities into an inexhaustible driving force to do a good job in the implementation of court trials.

In the Anti-Union Square

The police officers had a tug-of-war competition. One rope, one heart, the cadres and police felt the strong joint force of "twisting into a rope", which enhanced the cohesion, combat effectiveness and centripetal force of all the cadres and police, and fully demonstrated the good spirit of the officers and policemen of the Xinfu Court who are high-spirited and sincere and united.

On the road to the Anti-Union

The Party Committee of the People's Court of Xinfu District carried out a party day activity with the theme of "Learning Party Discipline, Remembering the Original Heart, Celebrating the Party's Kindness, Keeping Justice, and Casting Loyalty".

With full enthusiasm and high spirits, the cadres and police officers re-walked the road of the Anti-United Nations, measured the hot land where the martyrs of the Anti-United Nations fought with their footsteps, witnessed the arduous and eventful years, followed the footsteps of the martyrs, explored the red gene, and absorbed the character and strength of the heroes of the Anti-United Nations. During the period, under the organization of the party committee of the organ, a party history knowledge contest was carried out, and party members and police officers were encouraged to work in the middle of the competition, answer with confidence and determination.

The Party Committee of the People's Court of Xinfu District carried out a party day activity with the theme of "Learning Party Discipline, Remembering the Original Heart, Celebrating the Party's Kindness, Keeping Justice, and Casting Loyalty".

The red journey recasts the original intention. Through this activity, the cadres and police officers have a deeper understanding of the spirit of the confrontation federation, and have expressed that in the future work, they will take the revolutionary martyrs as an example, adhere to the guidance of party building, perform their duties loyally and actively, grasp the improvement of quality and efficiency, cultivate the feelings of the people, and truly implement the people's sense of access to justice.

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