
Kevin Lu: Japanese people don't use Samsung, they don't look down on Korean products and Koreans, and they have an impression from a young age

author:The troubles of the school flower

China, Japan, and South Korea are the three major countries in East Asia, and the people are all influenced by Confucian culture, and they are all very diligent and intelligent. The three countries are also the world's most developed countries, with Japan taking the lead in entering the developed world, followed by South Korea, and China, although it started late, has become the world's second largest economy in just a few decades.

Kevin Lu: Japanese people don't use Samsung, they don't look down on Korean products and Koreans, and they have an impression from a young age

China, Japan and South Korea share similar cultures and geographies, but they are plagued by complex historical and territorial disputes, and there are many contradictions between them. Recently, the famous thinker Lu Kewen came to Japan for research, he found a strange phenomenon, almost everyone in the Japanese has an Apple mobile phone, you must know that the sales of Samsung mobile phones in the world are second to none, why neighboring Japan does not buy it?

Kevin Lu: Japanese people don't use Samsung, they don't look down on Korean products and Koreans, and they have an impression from a young age

Lu Kewen was surprised by the Japanese answer, who was very direct and straightforward: he didn't like Korean things in his bones, let alone Koreans. The Japanese feel that Korean things are shoddy, and Koreans are rude and barbaric. They would rather deal with the Chinese than the Japanese, and not using Korean things is an impression from childhood.

Kevin Lu: Japanese people don't use Samsung, they don't look down on Korean products and Koreans, and they have an impression from a young age

I thought that Japan and South Korea were allies of the United States, so they should have a good impression, but I didn't expect the Japanese to have such a bad impression of South Korea, and it was not even as good as our impression. This is not surprising, in the first few years, when Huawei mobile phones were not sanctioned, they sold well in Japan. Today's BYD electric cars are also very popular with Japanese consumers.

Kevin Lu: Japanese people don't use Samsung, they don't look down on Korean products and Koreans, and they have an impression from a young age


I have to say that only by going out can we see the truth of the world! Japan and South Korea are two enemies, and they don't look down on each other, which makes the United States too much of a headache!

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