
The solution to the fatal wounds of Pakistan's new Chinese navy

author:Jin Ji

Pakistan's Chinese-style navy is making steady progress: the capital ships, with the exception of Turkish-built (Saudi-funded) frigates, are largely Chinese-made. At the same time, Pakistan's Kazakh Navy is using Chinese-style drones, guided munitions, data links, electromagnetic warfare systems, etc. to counter India's NATO-style navy;

The solution to the fatal wounds of Pakistan's new Chinese navy

Although the Pakistan Navy has worked hard to build the COSCO Navy, the shortcomings are prominent: supply ships. Before the Turkish supply ship entered service, it had only one integrated supply ship;

The solution to the fatal wounds of Pakistan's new Chinese navy

The Malvern has only one gantry crane system for liquid replenishment, and only one large crane on the foredeck, indicating that its main task is to replenish oil, and it has only a small dry cargo replenishment capacity. What about dry supplies (ammunition, provisions, etc.)? There is no mention! China's "Nassar" has 4 oil and water supply stations and 2 dry cargo supply stations, in addition to carrying fuel, it can also replenish 200 tons of water, 200 tons of drinking water and 50 tons of refrigerated food.

The solution to the fatal wounds of Pakistan's new Chinese navy

Doesn't the Pakistani Navy understand the gap? Of course not! There is good reason to believe that the Turks are using British design solutions to make overtures to the Gulf countries and Pakistan! In other words, Turkey hopes to infiltrate China's periphery by wooing Pakistan – a sign that China should be highly vigilant about NATO countries' support for anti-China extremist religious terrorist groups!

The solution to the fatal wounds of Pakistan's new Chinese navy

Does the Pakistan Navy plan to use an oil-water supply ship and an aging integrated supply ship to support future maritime security? India is trying to build a fleet of 40,000-ton supply ships (again built by Turkey) – if all goes well, an Indian aircraft carrier group that can patrol and blockade Pakistani waters for a long time;

The solution to the fatal wounds of Pakistan's new Chinese navy

If the Pakistani Navy cannot have 2-3 large fleet integrated supply ships, then its anti-blockade fleet loses its raison d'être. Pakistan's S-20P submarine fleet, in particular, must maintain long-term ocean-going cruising to defend Pakistan's territorial and maritime rights and interests in wartime;

The solution to the fatal wounds of Pakistan's new Chinese navy

The solution is simple: China sells integrated supply ships for its active fleet. For example, 903A supply ship: standard 23,000 tons, speed 19-20 knots, 2 liquid material supply stations, 1 solid material supply station; It can carry 10,500 tons of fuel, 250 tons of water, 680 tons of dry cargo ammunition at a time, and can carry a large helicopter;

The solution to the fatal wounds of Pakistan's new Chinese navy

Obtaining the 903A supply ship is relatively quick and will not affect the comprehensive combat capability of China's ocean-going fleet: Saudi Arabia can provide sufficient procurement funds to Pakistan. The Chinese Navy's 901-class 40,000-ton fast supply ship is under construction...

The solution to the fatal wounds of Pakistan's new Chinese navy

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