
"Man Jianghong": Wu Yichun, who held the royal gold medal for avoiding death, why did Qin Hui dare to kill him in a grand manner

author:Pico 7699

As everyone knows, the Song Dynasty had a military deputy chief who was given a gold medal to avoid death, named Wu Yichun. He thought that with this gold medal, he would be able to walk sideways in the court, but who knew that he died at the hands of Qin Hui. Who is this Wu Yichun? Is he really related to Concubine Wu? Why is it difficult to escape death when you hold the gold medal of avoiding death? What's even more puzzling is why Qin Hui dared to be so bold and openly kill the emperor's henchmen? What's the secret here?

"Man Jianghong": Wu Yichun, who held the royal gold medal for avoiding death, why did Qin Hui dare to kill him in a grand manner

1. The mystery of Wu Yichun's life experience

It is said that in the fourth year of Jianyan in the Southern Song Dynasty, that is, in 1130 AD, the Jin soldiers went south, Song Huizong and Song Qinzong were captured one after another, and Song Gaozong Zhao Gou succeeded to the throne. After the new monarch ascended the throne, the situation in the DPRK and China was turbulent, and various factions fought openly and secretly. It was in this era of change that a young man named Wu Yichun quietly rose.

The world often says that Wu Yichun is the nephew of Wu Guifei, and he can be described as a relative of the emperor. However, a closer look at his background reveals that things are not so simple. Wu Yichun was born in the Chongning period of Huizong of the Song Dynasty, and his father Wu Yanchen was just a small county magistrate. Although the samurai were quite prestigious in the local area, they were really insignificant compared to the dignitaries of the court.

Interestingly, Wu Yichun and Wu Guifei do have the same surname, but the ancestral homes of the two families are very different. Wu Guifei was born in the Wu clan of Henan, while Wu Yichun's family was the Wu clan of Jiangnan. Although the two families are surnamed Wu, they are like the water of the pond in the south of the Yangtze River and the water of the Yellow River, which seem to come from the same source, but in fact, they are not related.

So, why was Wu Yichun able to leap from the son of an unknown petty official to an important minister in the court in just a few years? It is said that it all started with an unexpected encounter.

In the second year of Jianyan, Song Gaozong crossed to the south, and the imperial court temporarily lived in Hangzhou. One day, when the young Wu Yichun was playing in the West Lake, he happened to meet a person who fell into the water. Regardless of his personal safety, he desperately jumped into the lake to rescue him. Who knew that the person who fell into the water was actually the youngest son of Li Gang, the prime minister of the dynasty. Li Gang was grateful for Wu Yichun's righteous deeds and introduced him to the court.

Since then, Wu Yichun has risen step by step in the DPRK with his intelligence and diligence. He first served in the military department, and then was transferred to the inner court, becoming a close minister of the emperor's side. As the saying goes, "one person attains the Tao, and the chicken and dog ascend to heaven", the rise of Wu Yichun also made many people mistakenly think that he was related to Wu Guifei.

"Man Jianghong": Wu Yichun, who held the royal gold medal for avoiding death, why did Qin Hui dare to kill him in a grand manner

However, Wu Yichun has never acknowledged this relationship. On the contrary, he often emphasizes that he is "all on his own." Once, when the ministers of the DPRK and China were discussing Wu Yichun's promotion, some people hinted that he was relying on the relationship of Wu Guifei. Wu Yichun was furious when he heard this, and said in public: "I, Wu Yichun, can have today, all by His Majesty's trust and my own ability. If anyone disagrees again, don't blame me for being polite! "

As soon as these remarks came out, the government and the opposition were shocked. Some admired his integrity, while others secretly ridiculed him for his ignorance. But no matter what, Wu Yichun's attitude is already very clear: he does not want to be involved with Concubine Wu.

With the passage of time, Wu Yichun's position in the court became more and more stable. He was diligent and conscientious, often working day and night to deal with government affairs. Seeing that he was so loyal, Song Gaozong regarded him as a confidant and even gave him a gold medal for avoiding death. This gold medal is not only a symbol of the emperor's trust, but also a talisman to protect Wu Yichun's life.

However, the rise of Woo Eui-soon also caused dissatisfaction among other ministers in the court. Especially Qin Hui, the powerful minister who later became Wu Yichun's killer, was even more jealous of him. Qin Hui once said to his confidant in private: "This person just happens to be surnamed Wu, how can he be so trusted by His Majesty?" "

2. The origin and function of the gold medal for avoiding death

In the political arena of the Song Dynasty, the gold medal for avoiding death can be described as a very special "trump card". This gold medal is not only a symbol of the emperor's grace, but also a weapon to save his life. Wu Yichun can win such a gold medal, which is really enviable. However, little is known about the origin and role of this gold medal.

Tracing the origin of the gold medal for avoiding death, we have to go back to the Tang Dynasty. According to the "New Tang Dynasty Book", Tang Taizong once gave his minister Wei Zheng a bronze mirror, and said: "If Qing knows his mistake, it is like this mirror, and seeing me is like seeing Qing's face." "This bronze mirror is regarded as the prototype of the gold medal for avoiding death. By the Song Dynasty, this special reward evolved into a gold medal in kind.

The Song Dynasty's death-free gold medals were usually made of pure gold and were engraved with the words "The Son of Heaven is gracious, and the death of a criminal is spared". Whoever holds this card will be spared death even if he commits a capital crime. This is undoubtedly the great trust and favor that the emperor gave to his courtiers. However, this gold medal is not a panacea. In the political environment of the Song Dynasty, its role was often constrained by many factors.

During the Shaoxing period, Wu Yichun's process of winning the gold medal for avoiding death was quite legendary. It is said that when the envoys of the Jin State came to visit, the whole court and the central government were trembling, for fear that something would go wrong. In order to appease the ministers, Song Gaozong specially announced at the court meeting that whoever could properly handle the matter would be rewarded with a gold medal for avoiding death.

"Man Jianghong": Wu Yichun, who held the royal gold medal for avoiding death, why did Qin Hui dare to kill him in a grand manner

Wu Yichun was just an ordinary etiquette member at the time, but he took the initiative to ask for help. He proposed an ingenious plan: when entertaining the envoys of the Jin State, the banquet was arranged according to the etiquette of the Central Plains, but some Jin customs were incorporated into the details. In this way, it will not lose the prestige of the Great Song Dynasty, but also make the envoys of the Jin State feel at home.

Song Gaozong listened to it and appreciated it greatly. On the day of the visit of the envoys of the Jin State, the guests and hosts were really happy. When the envoy left, he also specially praised the arrangement of the banquet to Song Gaozong. Song Gaozong Longyan Dayue immediately summoned Wu Yichun, personally awarded him the gold medal for avoiding death, and promoted him to be the waiter of the Ministry of Rites.

However, the death-free gold medal, while precious, is not infallible. There are many examples in history of holding a gold medal for avoiding death but still not escaping death. For example, Yue Fei, a famous general in the Southern Song Dynasty, was finally executed by Qin Hui on trumped-up charges despite having a gold medal for avoiding death.

After Wu Yichun won the gold medal for avoiding death, his status in the DPRK and China has indeed risen sharply. Many ministers were both envious and jealous of him. Once, a minister at the court meeting impeached Wu Yichun for corruption and bribery. Wu Yichun was not in a hurry, took out the gold medal from his arms, and said loudly: "If the minister is really guilty of this crime, he is willing to hand over this gold medal and receive death." When the minister saw this, he was speechless.

However, Wu Yichun was not complacent because of this. On the contrary, he was more cautious. He knows very well that the gold medal is important, but what is more important is the true ability to base himself on the court. He often admonished those around him: "Although gold medals are expensive, virtue is even more expensive." If there is no virtue, it is difficult to save the life of the gold medal. "

With the passage of time, Wu Yichun's position in the court became more and more stable. He was not only a chamberlain of the Ministry of Rites, but also served as the imperial doctor, becoming one of the important ministers who could meet the emperor directly. However, his special status has also caused dissatisfaction and jealousy among some people.

In particular, Qin Hui, the powerful minister who later seized power, was extremely dissatisfied with Wu Yichun's rise. He has complained many times in private: "A mere Wu Yichun just won a gold medal, and he ran rampant in the DPRK and China." Where does this sound like words? "

3. Qin Hui's jealousy and suppression of Wu Yichun

As time passed, Wu Yichun's position in the court became more and more solid, and Qin Hui's jealousy of him also increased. The contradiction between these two ministers is like an undercurrent surging, gradually turning into a thrilling power struggle.

Qin Hui was born in a poor family, and relied on his own intelligence and means to climb to the peak of power step by step. He was extremely dissatisfied with the rise of Wu Yichun, believing that this young man, who had won the emperor's favor "by luck", was not worthy of being an equal to him. Qin Hui once said to his henchmen in private: "Wu Yichun is just a nobody, how can he be so trusted by His Majesty?" This is simply an insult to our courtiers who have been loyal for many years! "

Qin Hui's suppression of Wu Yichun was carried out secretly at first. He often sneered at Wu Yichun's suggestions at court meetings, or secretly obstructed Wu Yichun's policy implementation. Once, Wu Yichun proposed a plan to reform farmland and water conservancy, and Qin Hui ostensibly agreed, but privately sent people to spread rumors that this reform would increase the burden on the people. As a result, this reform, which was supposed to benefit the country and the people, ultimately came to naught.

However, Wu Yichun is not easy to match. Although he is young, he has already experienced quite a lot of experience in the court. In the face of Qin Hui's suppression, he was neither humble nor arrogant, neither confronting head-on, nor yielding and retreating. He often convinces people with reason and speaks with facts, and has won the support of many ministers.

In the fifteenth year of Shaoxing, the Jin State invaded south again. The people in the court were panicked, and they didn't know how to deal with it for a while. Qin Hui advocated peace, believing that peace should be exchanged for tribute. Wu Yichun was resolutely opposed, and he generously stated at the court meeting: "The Jin people are insatiable, and they will pay tribute today, and they will cut the land tomorrow." When did my Great Song fall to such a point? It's better to prepare for war and wait for the opportunity! "

"Man Jianghong": Wu Yichun, who held the royal gold medal for avoiding death, why did Qin Hui dare to kill him in a grand manner

This remark resonated with many ministers of the DPRK and China. Song Gaozong was also moved by Wu Yichun's integrity, and said on the spot that he would seriously consider his suggestion. Seeing this, Qin Hui's face turned pale, but he was helpless.

After this court meeting, Qin Hui's suppression of Wu Yichun became more blatant. He began to use his power to secretly investigate Wu Yichun's every move, trying to find out his handle. At the same time, he also frequently slandered in front of the emperor, saying that Wu Yichun was young and vigorous, and he was afraid that he would mislead the country and the people.

Wu Yichun sensed Qin Hui's intentions, but he didn't back down. Instead, he tread more cautiously and tried to maintain a balance between the various forces. He often worked late at night to deal with government affairs, striving to be blameless. At the same time, he also took care to make friends with other ministers and expand his supporters.

In the seventeenth year of Shaoxing, a major event occurred within the imperial court. Someone reported that Qin Hui's henchmen were corrupt and took bribes, and the evidence was conclusive. It stands to reason that this was originally Qin Hui's family matter, but Wu Yichun stood up and demanded a thorough investigation of the matter. He said at the court meeting: "The Great Song Dynasty, how can corrupt officials be rampant? Even if they are cronies of powerful ministers, if they are guilty, they should be dealt with according to law! "

These words were undoubtedly a face-to-face challenge to Qin Hui. Qin Hui was furious, but because of Wu Yichun's status and reputation, he didn't dare to act rashly. In the end, the corrupt official was dismissed and investigated, and Qin Hui's prestige was dealt a big blow.

Since this incident, Qin Hui's hatred for Wu Yichun has reached its peak. He began to secretly plot to completely eradicate this thorn in his side. He sent his henchmen to find out the details of Wu Yichun, and at the same time attracted more supporters in the court.

Wu Yichun also realized that the danger was approaching. He began to be more cautious and even considered resigning and returning to his hometown. However, Song Gaozong did not allow him to leave. The Emperor said, "I need the help of an upright and loyal courtier like you. With me here, you can rest assured. "

Fourth, Wu Yichun was framed and the role of the gold medal for avoiding death

In the eighteenth year of Shaoxing, Qin Hui finally found an opportunity to deal with Wu Yichun. A businessman named Li De suddenly wrote to the imperial court, saying that Wu Yichun had accepted bribes amounting to 1,000 taels of gold during his tenure. This accusation is like a bombshell, causing an uproar in both the government and the opposition.

Qin Hui immediately seized this opportunity and made a big fuss at the court meeting. He generously stated: "Wu Yichun, as an important minister of the imperial court, is really insulting to the monarch by embezzling and accepting bribes. Please ask Your Majesty to severely punish and not lend, so as to correct the court! "

Faced with this sudden accusation, Wu Yichun was a little caught off guard at first. He argued his innocence at the court meeting: "The minister is loyal to His Majesty, how could he do such an unrighteous thing? This is clearly framed by someone! "

However, Qin Hui had already prepared. He immediately ordered someone to bring Li De to the court. Li Desheng burst into tears and described in detail how to bribe Wu Yichun. He even pulled out a detailed ledger on which the time and amount of each bribe were recorded.

Faced with such "conclusive" evidence, many ministers began to waver. Even Prime Minister Zhao Ding, who has always supported Wu Yichun, was silent. Song Gaozong's face also became extremely serious.

At this moment, Wu Yichun suddenly remembered that he still had a trump card - the gold medal for avoiding death. He took out the glittering golden plaque from his bosom and said in a loud voice: "Your Majesty, if the minister is really guilty of this crime, he is willing to hand over this gold medal and receive death." But the minister has a clear conscience, please Your Majesty to see! "

The appearance of this gold medal made the entire court quiet. Qin Hui's face became extremely ugly. He didn't expect Wu Yichun to have such a hole card.

Song Gaozong's expression eased slightly when he saw the death-free gold medal. "This is a serious matter and should not be hastily decided," he said. Spread my will, temporarily put Wu Yichun under house arrest in the palace, and thoroughly investigate the matter. "

"Man Jianghong": Wu Yichun, who held the royal gold medal for avoiding death, why did Qin Hui dare to kill him in a grand manner

In this way, Wu Yichun temporarily escaped the catastrophe. But he didn't let that stop. During his house arrest, he calmly thought and analyzed the situation. He realized that there must be Qin Hui's shadow behind this false accusation.

After a few days of investigation, the truth began to emerge. It turned out that the businessman named Li De was actually a distant relative of Qin Hui. They carefully planned this frame-up, with the aim of completely getting rid of Wu Yichun, a thorn in the side.

Several of Wu Yichun's loyal subordinates risked their lives and ran around to investigate. They found that Li De's so-called ledger was actually forged. By comparing the handwriting with the paper, they proved that the ledger had been made recently.

What's more, they found one of Li De's servants. The servant confided the truth after drinking: Li De had never met Wu Yichun, and the so-called bribery was completely fabricated.

With these evidences, Wu Yichun's innocence was finally revealed to the world. Song Gaozong announced the results of the investigation at the court meeting, reinstated Wu Yichun on the spot, and severely punished Li De.

Although Qin Hui was not directly implicated, his prestige in the court was greatly hit. Many ministers began to have a grudge against him, believing that he was unscrupulous and framing Zhongliang.

After this incident, Wu Yichun's status in the DPRK and China did not decline but rose. Song Gaozong trusted him even more, and often summoned him to the palace to discuss state affairs. And the gold medal has also become a symbol of his loyalty and innocence.

However, Wu Yichun was not complacent because of this. On the contrary, he was more cautious. He knew very well that in this complex court, one carelessness could be a catastrophe. He often admonished the people around him: "Although the gold medal is expensive, what is more expensive is the innocent body." We must always remember that for the sake of the country and the people, we must not slack off in the slightest. "

This catastrophe made Wu Yichun more aware of the cruelty of political struggle. He began to pay more attention to cultivating his own forces, and at the same time, he was more careful to guard against Qin Hui's re-attack.

And Qin Hui, although this plan failed, he did not stop there. He began to brew a larger conspiracy, preparing to eradicate Wu Yichun in one fell swoop. The contest between the two is like a thrilling chess game, and it may usher in new variables at any time.

5. Wu Yichun's final ending and historical evaluation

In the twenty years of Shaoxing, the situation within the imperial court has changed dramatically again. Qin Hui finally found an opportunity to completely eradicate Wu Yichun. In this year, the Jin Kingdom went south again, and the Great Song Dynasty faced severe challenges.

At an important court meeting, Qin Hui put forward a proposal for peace, believing that peace should be exchanged for land reparations. Wu Yichun was resolutely opposed, and he generously stated: "The Jin people are insatiable, and if they cut the land today, they will ask us to bow down tomorrow." Since the founding of the Great Song Dynasty, how could he have been so humiliated? It's better to prepare for war and wait for the opportunity! "

This remark resonated with many ministers of the DPRK and China. However, Qin Hui had already prepared. He suddenly took out a "secret letter", claiming that it was seized from Jin Guo's body. The letter mentioned that Jin intended to secretly collude with a certain minister of the Great Song Dynasty to conspire with major events.

Qin Hui said with tears in his eyes: "Your Majesty, the minister has to say that this minister is Wu Yichun!" On the surface, he opposed the negotiation of peace, but in fact he wanted to cover up his crime of collaborating with the enemy! "

There was an uproar in the court. Wu Yichun was furious when he heard this, and shouted: "Qin Hui, you spew blood!" I, Wu Yichun, am loyal to the Great Song Dynasty, how could I do such a betrayal? "

However, Qin Hui has already laid a net of heaven and earth. He immediately ordered several "witnesses" to be brought to the court. These men claimed to have seen Wu Yichun secretly meet with the envoys of the Jin State. Although these testimonies were full of loopholes, under the manipulation of Qin Hui, the ministers of the DPRK and China began to have doubts about Wu Yichun.

"Man Jianghong": Wu Yichun, who held the royal gold medal for avoiding death, why did Qin Hui dare to kill him in a grand manner

Song Gaozong faced this situation and was extremely embarrassed. He used to trust Wu Yichun so much, but now in the face of these "evidence", he has to reconsider. In the end, under Qin Hui's repeated admonitions, Song Gaozong ordered Wu Yichun to be taken into custody pending further investigation.

The news of Wu Yichun's imprisonment soon spread throughout Lin'an City. There was a lot of discussion among the people for a while, and some people believed Qin Hui's statement, thinking that Wu Yichun was indeed collaborating with the enemy and treason; But there are also many people who are skeptical of this, thinking that this is Qin Hui's conspiracy.

In prison, Wu Yichun always maintained his composure. He knew that this was a trap carefully designed by Qin Hui, and he wanted to use it to get rid of himself. He began to recall his bits and pieces over the years, thinking about how to prove his innocence.

It was at this moment that an unexpected turning point occurred. One of Wu Yichun's former subordinates risked his life and secretly infiltrated the prison to tell him an important news: someone saw Qin Hui's henchmen secretly meeting with those "witnesses", and it seemed that they were plotting something.

Wu Yichun immediately realized that this could be the key to a comeback. He told the old ministry to investigate immediately and make sure to find conclusive evidence.

After several days of painstaking investigation, Mr. Wu's supporters finally found conclusive evidence. They found that the so-called "secret letter" was actually forged by Qin Hui, and those "witnesses" were also bought by Qin Hui.

The day before Mr. Wu was about to be sentenced, his supporters ventured to present the evidence to Mr. Song. Song Gaozong was shocked when he saw this, and immediately ordered a new investigation of the case.

After a detailed interrogation, the truth was finally revealed. Qin Hui's conspiracy was completely exposed, and Wu Yichun's innocence was also confirmed. Song Gaozong announced the results of the investigation at the court meeting, reinstated Wu Yichun on the spot, and severely punished Qin Hui and his henchmen.

After this incident, Wu Yichun's status reached its peak. He was not only appointed prime minister, but also awarded the title of "martyr". The folk also spread the story of his loyalty and unyieldingness, which has become a legend in people's mouths.

However, Wu Yichun was not complacent because of this. On the contrary, he is more humble and cautious. He often admonished the people around him: "Honor and disgrace are impermanent, and fortune and misfortune depend on each other." We must always remember that for the sake of the country and the people, we must not slack off in the slightest. "

In the years that followed, Wu Yichun continued to contribute to the prosperity and stability of the Great Song Dynasty. He implemented a series of reforms, vigorously developed agriculture and commerce, and greatly improved people's livelihood. In diplomacy, he advocated that peace should be precious, but at the same time, he did not forget to actively prepare for war, which won a rare period of peaceful development for the Great Song Dynasty.

Wu Yichun eventually died in Shaoxing in the thirtieth year at the age of sixty-eight. Song Gaozong held a grand state funeral for him, and personally wrote an inscription for him, praising him for his "unswerving loyalty to the country and the people".

In the historical evaluation of later generations, Wu Yichun was praised as one of the most outstanding politicians in the early Southern Song Dynasty. His story has also been compiled into operas and scripts many times, and has become a model of loyal ministers and righteous people. However, some historians have questioned his attitude towards the Jin-Song relationship, arguing that he was too tough and missed some opportunities for reconciliation.

In any case, Wu Yichun's life has been deeply engraved in the long history of the Southern Song Dynasty and has become a unique and distinctive symbol in that turbulent era.

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