
"Man Jianghong" understands the three scenes of the dancing girl going to die, and understands how miserable the game planned by Zhang Da is

author:Hongchen history says

Everyone in the world knows that "Man Jianghong" was written by Yue Fei, but they don't know that there is a thrilling story hidden behind this poem. It is said that during the Shaoxing period of the Southern Song Dynasty, Qin Hui was in charge, and Yue Fei was wronged. A chivalrous warrior named Zhang Da, in order to clear Yue Fei's grievances, did not hesitate to risk his life and blended into Qin Hui's mansion. He cleverly set up a situation and borrowed the hands of three dancing girls to expose Qin Hui's crime of collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country. These three dancing girls were originally people in the dust, but they were willing to die because of Zhang Da's sentence "the righteousness of the family and the country". Their sacrifices are like thrilling chess games, every step is thrilling and sighing. Liu Yan, Qingmei, and Yaoqin, these three names that should have been laughing among the flowers, but they have left a strong mark in the long river of history. How do they interpret their stories?

"Man Jianghong" understands the three scenes of the dancing girl going to die, and understands how miserable the game planned by Zhang Da is

1. Zhang Da entered the mansion and hid a mystery

In the winter of the eleventh year of Shaoxing (1141), the Jin soldiers went south, and Yue Fei led the army north to resist the Jin. However, Qin Hui, a traitor in the DPRK, secretly communicated with the Jin people, issued twelve gold medals in a row, and recalled Yue Fei. Soon, Yue Fei was imprisoned and unjustly killed in Fengbo Pavilion. When the news spread, the whole country was shocked, and the people mourned.

Zhang Da was originally an ordinary soldier in the Yue family's army. When he fought on the battlefield with Yue Fei, he witnessed the murder of the coach, and his heart was sad and indignant. He secretly made up his mind to clear Yue Fei's grievances and expose Qin Hui's crime of betraying the country for glory.

In order to get close to Qin Hui, Zhang Da spent several years and carefully planned. He first opened a restaurant in Lin'an City under the pseudonym Zhang San, and got acquainted with many Korean and Chinese officials. Through the small talk of these officials, Zhang Da gradually figured out the situation in the Qin Mansion.

In the Qin Hui Mansion, the power structure is complex. In addition to Qin Hui and his wife, there are also Wang Biao, the president of the pro-military camp, He Li, the housekeeper, and Sun Jun, the staff. Among them, He Li is the most trusted by Qin Hui and is in charge of the affairs of the government. Zhang Da knew that if he wanted to break into the core of the Qin Mansion, he must first gain He Li's trust.

One day, Zhang Da learned that the Qin Mansion was recruiting new cooks. He immediately seized the opportunity and applied under the pseudonym Liu Xi. With his superb cooking skills, Zhang Da was successfully selected. In this way, he finally stepped into the door of Qin Hui's mansion.

After entering the house, Zhang Da was cautious and quiet. He worked diligently every day and was soon appreciated by He Li. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhang Da began to secretly observe the situation in Fuzhong and prepare for future actions.

After months of lurking in the Qin Mansion, Zhang Da discovered that Qin Hui often met secretly with envoys from the Jin Kingdom. He suspected that these meetings were related to Qin Hui's collaboration with the enemy, but there was no conclusive evidence. Just when Zhang Da was at a loss, an unexpected opportunity appeared.

One day, Zhang Da happened to hear that Qin Hui's mansion was going to recruit three dancing girls to dance for the upcoming envoys of the Jin Kingdom. Zhang Da had an idea and decided to take this opportunity to break into the core of the Qin Mansion. He rushed to the most famous Qinglou in Lin'an City overnight to find a suitable candidate.

"Man Jianghong" understands the three scenes of the dancing girl going to die, and understands how miserable the game planned by Zhang Da is

In the Qinglou, Zhang Da meets three dancing girls: Liu Yan, Qingmei, and Yaoqin. These three are not only superb dancers, but also very intelligent. Zhang Da told them about Yue Fei's unjust case and his plan. The three dancers were moved by Zhang Da's righteous act and resolutely decided to join this dangerous operation.

In order to ensure that the plan was foolproof, Zhang Da spent several days carefully teaching the three dancing girls how to deal with the various situations in the Qin Mansion. They agreed on a code and contact information so that they could cooperate with each other at a critical moment.

Finally, on a dark and windy night, the three dancing girls successfully infiltrated the Qin Mansion. They quickly attracted He Li's attention with their amazing dancing and beauty, and they were soon arranged to dance on important occasions in the mansion.

At the same time, Zhang Da was not idle. He used his identity as a cook to move around the mansion and secretly gather intelligence. He found that Qin Hui often summoned He Li and Sun Jun late at night, and seemed to be plotting something big.

In this way, Zhang Da and the three dancing girls performed their duties in the Qin Mansion, waiting for the opportunity. They know that once the operation is exposed, what awaits them will be a dead end. But in order to clear Yue Fei's grievances and for the sake of the world, they are ready to sacrifice.

As the date of the Jin envoy's visit approached, the atmosphere in Qin's mansion became more and more tense. Zhang Da feels that an earth-shattering drama is about to kick off. He secretly admonished the three dancers to be extra cautious, while also making final preparations for the next move.

Second, Liu Yan's death led to Ding Sanwang

The day has finally come for the envoy of the Kingdom of Jin to visit. The Qin Mansion was busy, and Zhang Da and the three dancing girls were also waiting for each other. That night, Liu Yan, Qingmei and Yaoqin danced at the banquet and won applause from the audience. The envoys of the Kingdom of Jin were especially fond of Yaoqin and asked her to serve alone.

After the banquet, Yaoqin was taken to the room of the envoy of the Kingdom of Jin. Zhang Da took the opportunity to sneak into the vicinity of the room, hoping to eavesdrop on some valuable information. However, things didn't go as expected.

Early the next morning, there was a sudden commotion in the house. It turned out that the envoy of the Kingdom of Jin died mysteriously in the room. Qin Hui was furious and immediately ordered a thorough investigation of the matter. He Li and Sun Jun were in charge of the investigation, and soon set their sights on the three dancing girls.

He Li took the three dancing girls to the secret room for interrogation. He first coerced and seduced, trying to get the truth out of their mouths. But the three dancing girls were prepared and remained silent. Seeing this, He Li decided to use a killer move.

I saw He Li take out a delicate dagger from his arms and say to the three dancing girls: "This dagger is called 'Trick Blade', and there is a mechanism inside. If you lock the tip of the knife, you can kill, and if you retract it, you will be fine. Now, it's up to the three of you to choose who will try the knife. If not, I'll pick one at random. "

"Man Jianghong" understands the three scenes of the dancing girl going to die, and understands how miserable the game planned by Zhang Da is

Liu Yan, Qingmei and Yaoqin looked at each other. They understand that there will be sacrifices no matter what. As the lead dancer, Yaoqin knew that she couldn't die easily, otherwise the whole plan would fall short. She motioned with her eyes to Liu Yan and Qingmei not to act rashly.

Seeing that the three of them were hesitant to make a choice, He Li sneered, raised his dagger and stabbed at Liu Yan. Liu Yan didn't dodge or make a sound. The moment the dagger stabbed into her chest, a hint of determination flashed in her eyes.

Seeing this, Qingmei stopped talking. Yaoqin stared at He Li, as if she was waiting for something.

Seeing Liu Yan falling, He Li turned to Yaoqin and shouted, "Now, are you willing to speak?" "

Yaoqin was silent for a moment, and finally spoke: "I can tell you something, but you have to promise not to hurt Qingmei." "

He Li nodded in agreement. Yaoqin took a deep breath and said, "That night, I was indeed in the envoy's room of the Jin Kingdom. But in the middle of the night, I heard unusual footsteps outside. "

He Li asked, "What kind of footsteps?" "

Yaoqin replied: "It's the sound of the watch, but the rhythm is wrong." The normal snort should be at regular intervals, but the interval between the snorts that night was very irregular. "

He Li listened and thought about it. He immediately sent someone to check on the person in charge of the shift that night. Not long after, a soldier came to report that he had found the husband who was on duty that night, named Ding Sanwang.

He Li ordered someone to bring Ding Sanwang for interrogation. When Ding Sanwang was taken to the secret room, he looked panicked, and he couldn't say why. Seeing this, He Li ordered people to torture him.

At this moment, Zhang Da learned that Liu Yan was dead, and his heart was sad, but he knew that now was not the time to grieve. He must seize this opportunity to move the plan forward.

Zhang Da secretly contacted Wang Biao and told him that Ding Sanwang might have something to do with the death of the envoy of the Jin State. When Wang Biao heard about this, he immediately led people to the secret room.

"Man Jianghong" understands the three scenes of the dancing girl going to die, and understands how miserable the game planned by Zhang Da is

After Wang Biao entered the secret room, Ding Sanwang suddenly broke free from the rope, pulled out a short knife hidden in his sleeve, and rushed straight at Wang Biao. Everyone present didn't expect that this seemingly weak husband would have such skills, and no one dared to step forward to stop him for a while.

Just when Ding Sanwang was about to succeed, Sun Jun arrived in time and shot an arrow at Ding Sanwang. Seeing that the situation was not good, Ding Sanwang took the initiative to hit the arrow cluster with his throat and was killed on the spot.

This scene stunned everyone present. He Li and Sun Jun looked at each other, not knowing how to explain to Qin Hui. And Zhang Da secretly breathed a sigh of relief, because the appearance and death of Ding Sanwang successfully diverted the suspicion of the three dancing girls.

Afterwards, Qin Hui learned of this incident and complained a lot about Sun Jun's shooting of Ding Sanwang. He believes that Ding Sanwang is likely to have important information, and it is a pity to kill him like this. This made Sun Jun's status in Qin Hui's heart decline.

At the same time, Zhang Da took the opportunity to spread rumors that Ding Sanwang might be a spy sent by the Jin State with the intention of assassinating Qin Hui. This statement quietly circulated in the house, laying the groundwork for the next plan.

Liu Yan's sacrifice and Ding Sanwang's appearance, although it was unexpected by Zhang Da, brought a turning point to the whole plan. Zhang Da realized that he had to be more cautious next, because the enemy had already begun to increase his vigilance. And Qingmei and Yaoqin will also face greater danger.

Third, Qingmei stole the letter, and the agency was exhausted

After Liu Yan's death and the Ding Sanwang incident, the atmosphere in the Qin Mansion became more and more tense. Qin Hui strengthened the security in the palace, especially the monitoring of outsiders. Zhang Da realized that in order to continue with the plan, he had to find another way.

At this time, Zhang Da noticed the frequent exchange of letters between Qin Hui and the envoys of the Jin State. He speculated that the letters might contain important confidential information. If these letters can be intercepted and deciphered, we may be able to find evidence that Qin Hui collaborated with the enemy and betrayed the country.

Zhang Da informed Qingmei and Yaoqin of this idea. After the three of them deliberated, it was decided that Ome would be responsible for stealing the letters. The green plum dances gracefully, and is deeply loved by Mrs. Qin Hui, Wang, and is often called into the inner room to serve. This gave her the opportunity to get close to Qin Hui's study.

One evening, Qin Hui went out to discuss matters, and Qingmei took the opportunity to sneak into the study. She found an unsealed letter in her desk drawer and quickly memorized its contents. Just as she was about to leave, she suddenly heard footsteps coming from far and near.

Qingmei was in a hurry and pretended to be tidying up the study. The person who came was Qin Hui's confidant Sun Jun. Sun Jun saw Qingmei in the study and couldn't help but be suspicious. Qingmei pretended to be flustered, saying that she was ordered by the Wang family to get a book of poems. Sun Jun was skeptical, but he couldn't debunk it on the spot.

"Man Jianghong" understands the three scenes of the dancing girl going to die, and understands how miserable the game planned by Zhang Da is

Although Qingmei escaped in a thrilling way, she knew that Sun Jun would definitely report the matter to Qin Hui. In order to divert attention, Qingmei decided to set up suspicions. She deliberately inquired around the mansion about Ding Sanwang, which attracted He Li's attention.

He Li saw that Qingmei was so interested in Ding Sanwang, so he took her to the secret room for strict interrogation. Qingmei took the opportunity to show her admiration for He Li, claiming that she had a lot of opinions about Ding Sanwang and was willing to assist in the investigation. He Li was attracted by Qingmei's beauty and wisdom, and gradually relaxed his vigilance.

At the same time, Zhang Da was not idle. He used his identity as a cook to secretly observe the movements of various forces in the Qin Mansion. He found that since the Ding Sanwang incident, the contradiction between Wang Biao and Sun Jun has deepened day by day. Zhang Da decided to take advantage of this to further divide the Qin Mansion internally.

Zhang Da instructed Yaoqin to approach Wang Biao to obtain information. With her excellent dancing skills and intelligence, Yaoqin quickly gained Wang Biao's trust. She learned from Wang Biao that Qin Hui was planning a secret operation, codenamed "Golden Silk Clothes".

The contents of the letter stolen by Qingmei corroborated each other with the information Yaoqin obtained from Wang Biao, and Zhang Da gradually pieced together the outline of the "Golden Clothes" plan. It turned out that Qin Hui planned to take the opportunity of the Jin soldiers to go south to secretly plan a rebellion, overthrow the Song court, and establish himself as emperor.

However, just when Zhang Da thought the plan was going well, the accident happened again. One night, Qingmei was suddenly summoned by Qin Hui. Qingmei knew that something was wrong, and before leaving, she handed a letter to Yaoqin, telling her that if she could not return safely, she would give the letter to Zhang Da.

Qingmei was taken to Qin Hui's study, only to see Qin Hui, Wang, He Li and Sun Jun all present. Qin Hui got straight to the point and asked Qingmei if she had entered the study without permission. Qingmei denied it, but Qin Hui took out a hairpin that Qingmei left in the study.

Qingmei knew that she couldn't quibble anymore, so she had to admit to entering the study. But she wittily said that she was ordered by the Wang family to pick up the book and accidentally left the hairpin. Although the Wang family knew that this was a lie, in order to protect his face, he actually acquiesced to Qingmei's statement.

Seeing this, Qin Hui didn't want to pursue it any more. But he secretly instructed He Li to closely monitor Qingmei's every move. Although Qingmei escaped for the time being, she knew that she was already in danger.

After returning to her residence, Qingmei immediately told Yaoqin what had happened. After discussion, the two decided that the information of the "Golden Thread Clothes" plan must be transmitted to Zhang Da as soon as possible. But the palace was heavily guarded, and they could not come into direct contact with Zhang Da.

Just when the two were at a loss, an unexpected turning point appeared. Qin Hui's wife, Wang, suddenly became ill and needed to be taken care of day and night. Qingmei took the initiative to ask for Ying and got Wang's approval. This gives Ome more freedom of movement.

Qingmei took the opportunity to take care of the Wang family and secretly observed Qin Hui's movements. She found that Qin Hui often came to the gazebo in the back garden alone late at night, as if waiting for someone. Qingmei told Yaoqin about this discovery.

"Man Jianghong" understands the three scenes of the dancing girl going to die, and understands how miserable the game planned by Zhang Da is

Yaoqin had an idea and came up with a clever plan. She suggested taking advantage of Qin Hui's habit to set a trap. If an eavesdropping device can be placed in the pavilion, it may be possible to capture Qin Hui's secret conversations.

In this way, with the full cooperation of Qingmei and Yaoqin, an ingenious plan began to take shape. They decided to take action the next time Qin Hui visited the pavilion at night. However, they didn't know that an even bigger storm was brewing and was about to sweep through the entire Qin Mansion.

Fourth, the pavilion conspired, and Zhang Da appeared

The pavilion in the back garden of the Qin Mansion looks particularly quiet in the moonlight. Qingmei and Yaoqin had already arranged eavesdropping devices in the pavilion, waiting for Qin Hui's arrival. This device is based on the "listening box" that has been circulated in the rivers and lakes, and it can transmit sound to distant places through thin bamboo pipes.

In the dead of night, Qin Hui came to the pavilion as usual. After a while, a figure crept in. The person who came was Li Sansi, the envoy of the Jin State, who was the key figure in Qin Hui's liaison with the Jin State.

Qin Hui got straight to the point and said, "Lord Li, how is the 'Golden Silk Clothes' plan going?" "

Li Sansi replied in a low voice: "Back to the prime minister, everything is going according to plan." The Jin soldiers have been assembled in the Huai River area, and they can drive straight into the area as long as we respond to the interior. "

Qin Hui nodded and said, "Okay, the time is ripe." I have persuaded Your Majesty to order Yue Fei's class to return to the court. As soon as Yue Fei returns, I will take him down on trumped-up charges, and there will be no one in the DPRK and China to stop our plan. "

Li Sansi exclaimed: "The prime minister is clever. It's just that the soldiers under Yue Fei's command are loyal, and I'm afraid it's not easy to control. "

Qin Hui sneered: "It's okay, I have ordered He Li to secretly buy several key generals in the Yue family's army." As long as Yue Fei falls, the army's morale will be chaotic. When the time comes, the Jin soldiers will drive straight in, and I can logically persuade His Majesty to move the capital to Jiangnan. "

Just as the two were conspiring, there was a slight noise. Qin Hui and Li Sansi looked around vigilantly, but they didn't notice anything unusual. It turned out that Zhang Da, who was in charge of monitoring, accidentally knocked over a wine glass.

Zhang Da hid in the shadows, holding his breath. He knew that if he was discovered, not only would the plan fail, but the lives of himself and the two dancing girls would also be lost. Fortunately, Qin Hui and Li Sansi did not delve into it, and soon continued the conversation.

"Man Jianghong" understands the three scenes of the dancing girl going to die, and understands how miserable the game planned by Zhang Da is

Li Sansi asked, "Prime Minister, are those two dancing girls still safe?" "

Qin Hui snorted coldly: "Qingmei's girl is indeed a little weird, but she has been strictly guarded by me. As for Yaoqin, she kept to herself. However, the heart of guarding against others is indispensable, and I have ordered He Li to secretly investigate their details. "

Li Sansi nodded and said, "The prime minister is wise." It's just that the cook is big, and it doesn't seem to be simple. As far as I know, he used to have some fame in the rivers and lakes. "

Hearing this, Qin Hui frowned slightly: "Oh? I don't know. It seems that Sun Jun is going to check the origin of this Zhang Da. "

Just then, there was a sound of footsteps in the distance. Qin Hui and Li Sansi immediately stopped talking and looked vigilantly in the direction where the voice came from.

It turned out that Wang Biao was patrolling with a few guards. Wang Biao approached the pavilion and saluted Qin Hui: "Prime Minister, sitting alone here late at night may be inappropriate." The lower officials are bold, please return to the inner room as soon as possible. "

Qin Hui was secretly annoyed, but on the surface, he remained silent and smiled: "It's okay, I'm just taking a moment in the cold." General Wang is loyal and very good. "

After Wang Biao left, Qin Hui whispered to Li Sansi: "This matter is over for the time being. In three days' time, you and I will meet here again to discuss the next steps. "

Li Sansi nodded in agreement, and then quietly left. Qin Hui lingered in the pavilion for a while before returning to the inner room.

Zhang Da walked out of the shadows and breathed a long sigh of relief. He knew that he already had enough evidence to bring down Qin Hui. But at the same time, he realized that the situation was more dangerous than expected. Not only Qingmei and Yaoqin have aroused Qin Hui's suspicions, but even he himself has been targeted.

Zhang Da decided to act immediately. He sneaked into Qingmei and Yaoqin's residence and told them everything about the conversation he heard in the pavilion. After the three of them discussed, they decided to pass this important information to Yue Fei overnight.

However, just as Zhang Da was about to leave the Qin Mansion, he suddenly found himself being followed. He quietly walked around a few times, finally shaking off the stalker in the alley behind the kitchen.

"Man Jianghong" understands the three scenes of the dancing girl going to die, and understands how miserable the game planned by Zhang Da is

Zhang Da knew that time was pressing, and he had to get the news out as soon as possible. But the Qin Mansion was heavily guarded, and it was difficult to get out for a while. Just as he was hesitating, he suddenly remembered that when he first entered the Qin Mansion, he had buried a carrier pigeon under an old locust tree in the backyard of the kitchen.

Zhang Da quickly wrote down a secret letter and tied it to the pigeon's leg. The carrier pigeon spreads its wings and disappears into the night sky. Zhang Da looked at the direction where the carrier pigeon was gone, knowing that this might be the last chance to bring down Qin Hui and save Yue Fei.

However, Zhang Da didn't know that at the same time as he released the carrier pigeons, an undercurrent power struggle had already been set off within the Qin Mansion. He Li, Sun Jun and Wang Biao, each with their own ghosts, are secretly planning their own actions. And Qingmei and Yaoqin are also facing unprecedented danger.

Fifth, the success or failure of the plan, the line between life and death

In the early morning of the second day when Zhang Da released the carrier pigeons, there was silence inside and outside the Qin Mansion. However, underneath this calm surface, there is a turbulent undercurrent. He Li, Sun Jun and Wang Biao each took action to try to gain a head start in this power struggle.

He Li sent henchmen to secretly track down Qingmei and Yaoqin, trying to find evidence of their contact with Zhang Da. Sun Jun set out to investigate Zhang Da's background and sent people around to inquire about his past in the rivers and lakes. Wang Biao strengthened the vigilance of the Qin Mansion, especially patrolling near the pavilion in the back garden.

Zhang Da realized that the situation was critical and decided to take a risk. Under the pretext of preparing a secret delicacy for Qin Hui, he proposed that he needed to go out of the house to purchase special ingredients. After receiving permission, Zhang Da immediately set off for a secret contact point in Lin'an City.

There, Zhang Da met the secret envoy sent by Yue Fei. The envoy told him that Yue Fei had received the news from the carrier pigeon and was secretly dispatching troops to prepare for a possible rebellion. However, without conclusive evidence, Yue Fei did not dare to act rashly.

Zhang Da told the secret envoy the contents of the secret conversation between Qin Hui and Li Sansi in the pavilion, and made a bold plan. He decided to try to record the entire conversation at the next meeting between Qin Hui and Li Sansi as ironclad evidence to present to the imperial court.

After returning to the Qin Mansion, Zhang Da found that Qingmei and Yaoqin's situation was becoming more and more dangerous. He Li had already begun to keep a close watch on them, even restricting their movements. Zhang Da Venture met with them in secret, gave them an update, and told them to be careful.

On the evening of the third day, Qin Hui came to the pavilion in the back garden as promised. This time, Zhang Da prepared in advance. He modified the eavesdropping device to not only transmit sound, but also burn the conversation on a special wax plate.

"Man Jianghong" understands the three scenes of the dancing girl going to die, and understands how miserable the game planned by Zhang Da is

Li Sansi appeared in the gazebo on time. As soon as the two met, they began to discuss the details of the "Golden Thread" plan. Qin Hui revealed that he had persuaded the emperor to order the recall of Yue Fei and had prepared a forged charge. Li Sansi reported on the movement of the Jin soldiers and said that he could launch an attack at any time.

Just as the conversation was at a critical point, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps. Zhang Da hid in the shadows, holding his breath. I saw Wang Biao walking quickly with a team of guards, and saluted Qin Hui: "Prime Minister, when your subordinates are patrolling, they find suspicious people sneaking into the mansion, I am afraid that there will be assassins, please return to the inner room quickly." "

Qin Hui's face changed, and then he calmed down and whispered to Li Sansi: "It seems that someone is suspicious." You and I will separate for the time being, and we will discuss it another day. "

Li Sansi nodded yes and quickly disappeared into the darkness. Qin Hui returned to the inner room under Wang Biao's escort.

Zhang Da breathed a sigh of relief, glad that he had not been discovered. He quickly took out the wax plate that burned the content of the conversation and prepared to send it out of the Qin Mansion overnight. However, just as he was about to leave, a voice sounded behind him: "Chef Zhang, it's so late, what are you doing here?" "

Zhang Da looked back and saw that it was Sun Jun who appeared behind him at some point. Sun Jun's eyes flashed with a sly light, and he was obviously suspicious.

Zhang Da responded calmly: "If you go back to your lordship, your next person will see the prime minister sitting alone in the pavilion late at night, and I am afraid that something will happen, so I am waiting here." "

Sun Jun sneered: "Really? So what's in your hand? "

Zhang Da knew that the situation was critical, but he still kept his composure: "It's just some wax boards for the kitchen, which are used to record recipes." "

Sun Jun reached out to get the wax board, but he dodged and hid the wax board behind him. Seeing this, Sun Jun shouted: "Bold! Come on, take down this suspicious element! "

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion in the distance. It turned out that Qingmei deliberately created a commotion in the inner courtyard in order to attract attention. Sun Jun heard that his voice changed, and he didn't care about Zhang Da, and hurriedly went to the inner courtyard to check the situation.

Zhang Da seized this opportunity and quickly sneaked out of the Qin Mansion. He knew that his identity had been exposed and that he could not go back. He had to get the evidence to Yue Fei as soon as possible in order to save the situation.

"Man Jianghong" understands the three scenes of the dancing girl going to die, and understands how miserable the game planned by Zhang Da is

However, not long after Zhang Da left the house, he found himself being followed by a group of people. These people are obviously Qin Hui's cronies, and they are strong in martial arts and menacing. Zhang Da had no choice but to fight and leave, fleeing all the way out of the city.

At the same time, there was also chaos in the Qin Mansion. He Li, Sun Jun and Wang Biao each led people to search the mansion in an attempt to find out Zhang Da's whereabouts. Qingmei and Yaoqin also took advantage of the chaos to escape from the Qin Mansion, but were soon caught up by Qin Hui's people.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of horses' hooves outside the city. I saw a team of iron horsemen galloping over, led by Yue Fei. It turned out that after Yue Fei received the secret report, he immediately led the army to rush back to Lin'an in the starry night.

As soon as Yue Fei arrived, he immediately ordered the Qin Mansion to be besieged and sent people to search for Zhang Da's whereabouts. After a fierce chase, Zhang Da finally met Yue Fei's men and horses in a ruined temple on the outskirts of the city. He handed over the wax plate that recorded the conversation between Qin Hui and Li Sansi to Yue Fei.

Yue Fei got the conclusive evidence and immediately led the army into the palace to face the saint. When the emperor learned the truth, he was furious and immediately ordered the arrest of Qin Hui and his henchmen. Seeing that the general trend was gone, Qin Hui attempted to commit suicide, but was subdued by Yue Fei's soldiers.

In this way, a conspiracy that was enough to change the fortunes of the Great Song Dynasty was smashed in time. Qin Hui, He Li, Sun Jun and others were escorted to the execution ground and sentenced to death. Qingmei and Yaoqin were pardoned for their meritorious service and placed in the Yuejia army. Zhang Da, on the other hand, was named the general of the imperial front by the emperor, commanding the forbidden army and becoming Yue Fei's right-hand man.

This thrilling battle not only saved Yue Fei's life, but also changed the fate of the Great Song Dynasty. Yue Fei re-led the army to resist Jin

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