
Hundreds of millions of people are waiting to see her jokes, how long can this concubine who married to India be able to jump?

author:Captain Wonder Man
Hundreds of millions of people are waiting to see her jokes, how long can this concubine who married to India be able to jump?

What is your first impression when it comes to India?

One tourist posted: "India is really dirty...... (repeat 10,000 words), the streets are full of garbage, and the remote corners are full of urine stains and stench.

No matter which restaurant you order, as long as you order curry, it will be served with a bowl of yellow paste that you can't see the ingredients...... People who have a habit of cleanliness may really die when they come to India. ”

Hundreds of millions of people are waiting to see her jokes, how long can this concubine who married to India be able to jump?

Just looking at the description, I already want to vomit.

But even so, there is also a high-achieving student named Zheng Momo from Xiamen University, who insists on marrying India.

In her video, drinking Ganges water is blissful, and even wiping your buttocks with your hands has become an environmentally friendly and noble thing.

In an interview with the media, she claimed that China's economy would decline in 20 years, and that India would become a "democratic power" alongside the United States in a few decades.

She fully deserves the title of "Indian brainless fan".

Hundreds of millions of people are waiting to see her jokes, how long can this concubine who married to India be able to jump?

In 2002, 郑墨沫考上了名校厦门大学.

Because of her beautiful appearance and excellent grades, she was pursued by many classmates during college.

But she is focused on her studies and has been rated as a good student many times.

Hundreds of millions of people are waiting to see her jokes, how long can this concubine who married to India be able to jump?

In the era of scarcity of college students, with the blessing of the halo of a famous school, she should have a great future, but she played a good hand of cards to a sparse extent.

In 2008, due to her excellent grades, Zheng Momo was arranged to be sent to the University of California, Berkeley as an exchange student.

During the exchange, she met Raj Singh, an exchange student from India, and the two fell in love ever since.

Hundreds of millions of people are waiting to see her jokes, how long can this concubine who married to India be able to jump?

Once full of future careers, she now has only Raj in her eyes.

In 2009, she took her boyfriend back to her hometown of Fujian to meet her parents.

Zheng's father and Zheng's mother learned that their daughter had found an Indian boyfriend, and it was 10,000 disagree, and they were firmly against being together.

She didn't listen, turned around and went back to India with Raj to meet his parents.

Hundreds of millions of people are waiting to see her jokes, how long can this concubine who married to India be able to jump?

The four of them went out to play together, Zheng Momo was full of smiles, while Raj's parents were indifferent, presumably they were not satisfied with this daughter-in-law.

Raj had already married a high-caste wife, and in their opinion, Zheng Momo was just a foreigner with no status, so how could he agree to this family business.

Despite the support of their parents, the two held a wedding, first in Fujian for a Chinese wedding, and then returned to India for a grand Indian wedding.

Hundreds of millions of people are waiting to see her jokes, how long can this concubine who married to India be able to jump?

Zheng Momo endured severe pain and wore a nose ring, she was dressed in a gorgeous bridal dress, announcing that she had successfully married into a wealthy family.

Hundreds of millions of people are waiting to see her jokes, how long can this concubine who married to India be able to jump?

After marrying Raj, she was willing to be a concubine, and often posted photos with Raj's eldest wife, implying that she got along very well with her eldest wife.

Hundreds of millions of people are waiting to see her jokes, how long can this concubine who married to India be able to jump?

I can't believe that the top students of Xiamen University actually accept to be concubines for others!

After marriage, in order to integrate into Raj's life, Zheng Momo, like all married women in India, followed her husband's surname and changed "Zheng" to "Singh".

She also often talks about India's caste system, as if she is superior to others with the high caste, and frantically shows off her rich life on social accounts.

In her eyes, India is a paradise with a good environment and a high degree of civilization.

Therefore, she tried to coax Chinese women who were ignorant of the world to marry in India through operations such as promoting India and showing off their wealth.

To this end, she also deliberately set up an Indian blind date group and posted the group number on her social account.

She once logged on to Baidu Tieba, and when she saw someone in the "India Bar" posting to dissuade those girls who wanted to marry Indians, she was very angry and engaged in a years-long "scolding war" with the other party.

Even after being deleted and banned, she still persisted in re-registering and posting, believing that the other party was "maliciously smearing India and fabricating false facts", and also contacted several Chinese girls who were also married to Indians and besieged the other party's Weibo account until the other party emptied Weibo.

I don't know, I thought she was a native of India.

Not only that, but she insisted on comparing China with India, saying that China's air is not good, not as fresh and clean as India's.

He also left a message on social media - "Cherish life, stay away from China." ”

Step on one hand and smear China maliciously.

Hundreds of millions of people are waiting to see her jokes, how long can this concubine who married to India be able to jump?

At the beginning of 2020, when the new crown epidemic broke out in Wuhan, Zheng Momo learned the same way as Western politicians, calling the new crown virus the Wuhan virus, and then posted a sentence on social media, "I accidentally insulted China again." “

Hundreds of millions of people are waiting to see her jokes, how long can this concubine who married to India be able to jump?

Later, in March and April, India broke out in a large-scale epidemic, and countless people were infected.

At this time, the epidemic in China has been gradually controlled, and everyone has slowly returned to normal life.

Zheng Momo's family fled from India to the United States.

If India is so good, why bother going to the United States?

At this time, the epidemic in the United States was also in the outbreak stage, and the epidemic also triggered riots and became more unstable.

Hundreds of millions of people are waiting to see her jokes, how long can this concubine who married to India be able to jump?

The ugliness of human nature was exposed in the face of the epidemic, and her husband Raj began to beat and scold her, calling her a burden and divorcing her.

Zheng Momo panicked, she sent a letter of help to the embassy in the United States, but the embassy sternly refused, and her Weibo account was permanently banned.

Now she can't jump even if she wants to, as netizens commented, "You are not there for the construction of the motherland, and you are the first to poison you for thousands of miles." ”

Love knows no country, there is nothing wrong with marrying an Indian, and it is understandable to preach India, but people lose their most basic conscience and maliciously slander and cultivate their motherland, what is the difference between this and a white-eyed wolf.

Some people are in the blessing and do not know the blessing, while some are in Cao Ying's heart in Han.

There is a place in India that is very fond of the mainland, and they also claim to be Chinese.

The Manipur Gang, a hill tribe in India, never speak Hindi or intermarry with Indians, and what is even more incredible is that they celebrate traditional festivals such as Chinese New Year every year like us.

The people here look completely different from the Indians, with yellow skin and black hair like the Chinese.

Because they look different from Indian girls, many Indian guys are attracted to them, but they never marry Indians easily.

India once spent a lot of money in order to be able to buy this small tribe, but the Manipur gang never wavered.

The girls here are completely different from the girls in India, they are very independent.

Many girls have come to live in China, so that Indian men love and hate them, because they like them but can't marry.

A netizen said well, Zheng Momo actually didn't get married, but there was no way back, so he could only get relief in his heart through this despicable means.

The motherland is our powerful backing, and every Chinese should be proud of loving the motherland and ashamed of harming the motherland.

No matter what the reason, Zheng Momo ended up like this purely self-inflicted and deserved it!

The author of this article | Nanzhou

Editor-in-Charge | Faint emerald

Curated | Small

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