
Which "salted duck eggs" are the best in China? After selection, these 10 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

author:Wind and Smoke Food Record

Salted duck eggs, a unique style on the table throughout the ages, carry the depth and charm of Chinese national food culture. Its history is long, its origin can be traced back to the pre-Qin period, according to the "Zhou Li" record, there was a method of pickling eggs in ancient times, although it did not explicitly mention salted duck eggs, but the technology of pickling poultry eggs has begun to take shape. In the Tang and Song dynasties, with the increasing prosperity of food culture.

Which "salted duck eggs" are the best in China? After selection, these 10 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

There is no shortage of praise for salted duck eggs in the history books. Su Shi, a great writer of the Song Dynasty, was famous for his "Dongpo meat" in his derogatory career, and his "Notes on Qiu Chi" also mentioned the delicacy of his hometown, although he did not directly describe the salted duck eggs, but from his taste of the details of life, it is not difficult to imagine that he also has a preference for this kind of homely and delicious food. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, the records of salted duck eggs are more abundant, and each small salted duck egg contains a deep attachment to the homeland......

Which "salted duck eggs" are the best in China? After selection, these 10 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

This is the description of salted duck eggs in ancient books, its form is round, the shell color is blue and white, after being cut, the egg white is like clotted fat, the egg yolk is red and bright like the glow, the oil is overflowing, the mouth melts, the salty fragrance is moderate, it can be tasted directly, and it can also be paired with white porridge and noodles to add a flavor. The production process seems simple, but in fact it is exquisite, and it needs to be selected to achieve this unique flavor.

Which "salted duck eggs" are the best in China? After selection, these 10 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

As a bright pearl in Chinese food culture, salted duck eggs not only make people evocative with their unique flavor, but also carry people's thoughts of home and love for life in the long river of history. Each salted duck egg is the precipitation of time and emotion, and it is a rare treasure in Chinese food culture. So, do you know, which "salted duck eggs" in China are the best? After selection, these 10 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

Which "salted duck eggs" are the best in China? After selection, these 10 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

1: Gaoyou salted duck eggs, a traditional product in Gaoyou, Jiangsu. Gaoyou salted duck eggs have a long history, dating back to the Song Dynasty or even earlier. The praise of Su Shi, the great writer of the Song Dynasty, in "Notes on Qiu Chi" shows his high historical status.

Gaoyou salted duck eggs. Its most praised is the "red sun" like egg yolk, a light poke will have red oil flowing out, compared with ordinary salted duck eggs, Gaoyou salted duck eggs have larger yolks, more oil, and more delicious taste.

Which "salted duck eggs" are the best in China? After selection, these 10 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

2: Weishan Lake salted duck eggs, originated from the special food of Weishan Lake in Shandong, its history can be traced back to the Qing Dynasty, and it is famous for its unique natural environment and hand-pickled skills passed down from generation to generation. The water quality of Weishan Lake is clear, the fish and shrimp are abundant, and the duck eggs produced by the hemp ducks raised here are of high quality, and the salted duck eggs are even better in color and flavor.

Morphologically,; Taste,. Weishan Lake salted duck eggs are not only frequent guests on the table of local residents, but also have become a well-known local specialty, carrying the culture and customs of the water and soil.

Which "salted duck eggs" are the best in China? After selection, these 10 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

3: Ruijin salted duck eggs, a traditional specialty of Ruijin area of Jiangxi Province, in Ruijin, the old revolutionary area, salted duck eggs are not only a delicacy of daily life, but also contain the commemoration and inheritance of the past years. The production process of Ruijin salted duck eggs has been passed down from generation to generation, and the selection of materials is exquisite.

In the process of pickling, Ruijin people skillfully take advantage of the local climate conditions with four distinct seasons, so that the duck eggs can fully absorb the salt and natural flavors, forming a unique taste. Ruijin salted duck eggs;

The egg yolk is the essence of Ruijin salted duck eggs. In terms of taste, Ruijin salted duck eggs are salty and fragrant, which not only has the flavor of traditional salted duck eggs, but also has the unique elegance of Ruijin, which is unforgettable.

Which "salted duck eggs" are the best in China? After selection, these 10 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

4: Baiyangdian salted duck eggs, originated from the Baiyangdian area of Baoding, Hebei Province. The history of Baiyangdian salted duck eggs can be traced back to the Ming Dynasty, and the pickling skills that have been passed down from generation to generation have been deeply integrated into the life and customs of the local people. After weeks or even months of patient waiting, the eggs allow the eggs to fully absorb the essence of salt and spices.

Baiyangdian salted duck eggs; The most famous is its egg yolk, which has a golden oil juice flowing out slowly at the touch of a light, and the aroma is tangy. Its taste is moderately salty, with a perfect balance of saltiness and aroma, which makes people have an endless aftertaste.

Which "salted duck eggs" are the best in China? After selection, these 10 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

5: Ji'an Yalu River salted duck eggs, originated from the Yalu River in Ji'an City, Jilin Province, thanks to the unique geographical location and natural conditions, has been a special delicacy in Northeast China since ancient times. Local residents, after careful proportioning, fresh duck eggs are wrapped layer by layer, and then after dozens of days of natural pickling, the salt and the fat in the duck eggs are perfectly integrated.

Ji'an Yalu River salted duck eggs; And, with a gentle poke, the golden oil juice slowly flows out, and the aroma is tangy. In terms of taste, the salty aroma is moderate, the egg yolk is soft, not only the freshness of the duck egg itself, but also the fusion of a faint salty fragrance, with clear layers and a long aftertaste.

Which "salted duck eggs" are the best in China? After selection, these 10 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

6: Yuyao salted eggs, a local specialty food originating from Yuyao, Zhejiang, with a long history. Thanks to: The production of Yuyao salted eggs pays attention to the selection of materials and technology, so that the salted eggs maintain the traditional flavor while incorporating the unique delicacy and gentleness of Jiangnan.

Yuyao salted eggs. Peel open the eggshell,; , fragrant. In terms of taste, Yuyao salted eggs are moderately salty and fragrant, and the lightness of the egg white is skillfully combined with the richness of the egg yolk, and the taste is layered and makes people have an endless aftertaste.

Which "salted duck eggs" are the best in China? After selection, these 10 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

7: Dongping Lake salted duck eggs, originated from the traditional food of Dongping Lake in Shandong. The history of Dongping Lake salted duck eggs can be traced back to ancient times. This traditional production process has been passed down from generation to generation, not only retaining the natural flavor of duck eggs, but also integrating the customs and customs of Dongping Lake, and has become a classic food representing local characteristics.

Dongping Lake salted duck eggs have a round appearance, and the texture is tight but not hard; And the most anticipated egg yolk, presented. In terms of taste, the richness of the egg yolk and the elegance of the egg white are perfectly combined, bringing a layered taste enjoyment.

Which "salted duck eggs" are the best in China? After selection, these 10 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

8: Yicheng red heart salted duck eggs, originated from the traditional famous products of Yicheng City, Hubei Province. Its origins can be traced back to the Ming and Qing dynasties, thanks to the unique natural environment of Yicheng. The region's numerous rivers and clear water provide a rich natural food source for the ducks, resulting in a high quality of duck eggs.

Yicheng red heart salted duck eggs have a round appearance, and their core charm lies in the egg yolk. , gently cut it, you can see the bright red oil slowly flowing out, fragrant. In terms of taste, the sand and glutinous egg yolk and the elegance of the egg white complement each other, creating a wonderful taste with clear layers and endless aftertaste, which is appetizing and unforgettable.

Which "salted duck eggs" are the best in China? After selection, these 10 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

9: Kaiping salted duck eggs, originating from the special cuisine of Kaiping City, Guangdong Province, China, are the product of the combination of local tradition and modern skills, and enjoy the reputation of "Lingnan cuisine".

Kaiping salted duck eggs are similar in appearance to other high-quality salted duck eggs. Peel off the eggshell and you'll find that the egg whites have a delicate milky white color and a firm texture, while the yolk has a deep color, usually an alluring orange-red, and some even have an "oily heart", that is, when you cut it, you can see a clear flow of oil in the middle, which is a sign of high-quality salted duck eggs.

The taste of Kaiping salted duck eggs is known for its unique salty freshness, accompanied by a rich egg aroma and a moderate saltiness, which is not too salty, but just the right amount of umami. The egg whites have a light salty aroma and a delicate taste, which contrasts sharply with the richness of the egg yolk and complements each other.

Which "salted duck eggs" are the best in China? After selection, these 10 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

10: Judian Lake salted duck eggs, from the natural treasure of Shouguang in Weifang, Shandong. Local residents take advantage of the natural advantages and combine the pickling skills passed down from generation to generation to marinate the fresh duck eggs produced by the ducks by the lake into salted duck eggs with a unique flavor. Here, it has gradually become a well-known local specialty.

The appearance of the salted duck eggs in Judian Lake is full, the shell surface is smooth, and the eggshell is peeled off. The egg yolk is its essence, and when you touch it lightly, you can feel the delicate egg yolk sand melt in your mouth, leaving a fragrant mouth.

Which "salted duck eggs" are the best in China? After selection, these 10 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

Okay, that's it for today, I'm Fengyan Shilu. In a complex and ever-changing world, we must stick to our beliefs and dreams, move forward bravely, not afraid of difficulties and setbacks, strive to pursue ideals and goals, and write wonderful life stories for ourselves. After the baptism of wind and rain, you can enjoy the beauty of the rainbow. Come on, stranger......


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