
The frog jumped on the bank, and the child went down to the river to catch it, and the old man saved his life

author:Little Red Riding Hood, who loves to be funny

After that, Ah Ming, this kid, never caught a frog again, he learned to cherish, learned to love, and every little life was very precious in his eyes. And the golden-scaled frog has also become a legend in the village, guarding this land, as well as our simple villagers. As for the old man who saved Ah Ming, the people in the village said that he was a god from heaven who came down to teach us to respect life and love nature. So, a small temple was built in our village to enshrine this mysterious old man. People passing by will go in and pay their respects, asking for peace and happiness.

This is the story of "frogs jumping on the shore and children going down to the river to catch them" in our village. It tells us a truth: life is precious, we have to cherish it, we have to love every life. Only in this way can we attain true happiness and peace.

Okay, let's pick up where we left off. As soon as the golden-scaled frog disappeared, the people in the village began to gossip and talk about it. Some say that this is a fairy apparition, some say that it is a river god apparition, and some say that Ah Ming, this kid, took shit luck and picked up a big treasure. But no matter what you say, Ah Ming, this kid has indeed changed, he has become diligent and sensible, helping the family with farm work, and he is also respectful and polite to the old people in the village.

The frog jumped on the bank, and the child went down to the river to catch it, and the old man saved his life

On this day, a strange Taoist priest came to the village, he was wearing a Taoist robe, holding a whisk in his hand, and he looked like a fairy wind and bones. As soon as the Taoist priest entered the village, he went straight to Ah Ming's house, saying that he wanted to talk to the child. When Ah Ming's father and mother saw that they were Taoist priests, they didn't dare to slack off, so they hurriedly invited them into the house. After the Taoist priest sat down, he first asked Ah Ming about his recent situation, and then asked about the incident in the river that day. Ah Ming said 1510, and after hearing this, the Taoist priest nodded, and said: "That golden-scaled frog is the messenger of the river god, and the blessing it gives you is not an ordinary blessing. You have to cherish it, and it will be of great use in the future. Ah Ming listened to the words of the Taoist priest, his heart was warm, and he felt that he had something to rely on.

The Taoist priest asked some more about the situation in the village, and then got up to take his leave. Before leaving, he left a message: "If there is trouble in the village, come to the river to find me." With that, he drifted away. As the days passed, the people in the village gradually forgot the words of the Taoist priest. Until one day, a group of bullies suddenly came to the village, and when they saw that the people in the village were honest, they wanted to occupy the mountain as the king and oppress the people. The people in the village dared to be angry and could only swallow their anger.

On this day, the bullies came to the river, and when they saw that the water was clear, they wanted to go down to the river to bathe. They took off their clothes and went into the water naked. At that moment, a huge wave suddenly rose on the surface of the river, and a huge golden-scaled frog leaped out of the water and swooped down on the group of bullies. The bullies had never seen such a scene, and they were so frightened that they fled ashore one after another. The golden-scaled frogs crouched by the river for days, and the villains never dared to come any closer to the village. Everyone in the village said that it was Amin's blessing that brought peace to the village, and they all ran to Amin's house to thank him. Ah Ming waved his hand modestly and said, "This credit goes to the golden-scaled frog, I am an ordinary villager." As soon as this matter spread, the people in the village admired Amin even more. Because of this, Amin's self-confidence has risen, and he is determined to use his hard-working hands to bring better life to the people in the village.

The frog jumped on the bank, and the child went down to the river to catch it, and the old man saved his life

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Amin has grown into a sturdy young man. With his diligence and wisdom, he not only made his family live a prosperous life, but also drove the whole village to become rich together. People in the village say that Ah Ming is the lucky star of our village, and it is he who brings prosperity to the village.

But just when everyone was immersed in happiness, disaster suddenly struck. That summer, there was a lot of rain and the river rose so hard that it soon flooded the village. People in the village ran to the heights, but many people were still trapped in the water. Armin looked at this scene, and his heart was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. He remembered the words of the Taoist priest and decided to go to the river to ask the Taoist priest for help. Risking his life, he waded through the flood and came to the river. The river was so raging that it seemed to swallow everything. Ah Ming shouted loudly: "Taoist senior! Come and save us! At this moment, the river suddenly calmed down, and a huge golden-scaled frog jumped out of the water and stood in front of Amin. It glanced at Amin, nodded, and then turned and swam back into the river. After a while, the river began to recede, revealing the flooded village. When the people of the village saw this, they all jumped for joy. They thanked Amin one after another, saying that he saved everyone. Ah Ming shook his head and said, "It's not me, it's the golden-scaled frog and the Taoist seniors who saved everyone." ”

After the floods, people in the village began to rebuild their homes. Ah Ming also decided to build a temple dedicated to the golden-scaled frog and Taoist predecessors. In this way, he hopes that more people will know their stories and pass on their spirit. After the temple was built, incense continued to burn, and there was an endless stream of people who came to worship. People say that this temple is the soul of our village and the common spiritual sustenance of the villagers. And Amin, because of his kindness and bravery, has become a hero in the hearts of the people in the village.

The frog jumped on the bank, and the child went down to the river to catch it, and the old man saved his life

This is the end of the story that circulates in our village, "frogs jump on the shore, and children go down to the river to catch". It tells us a truth: kindness and courage are the most precious qualities of human beings, and only with them can we continue to move forward in life and create a better future.

Let's continue with the story from the previous time. After the golden-scaled frog saved the village, Armin pondered the need to build a temple for the life-saving benefactor so that the descendants of the village could remember this kindness. He called in the best carpenters and stonemasons in the village to discuss the style and location of the temple. At the head of our village, after a good discussion, we finally made a decision to build a temple on the hillside at the head of the village, which is not only convenient for everyone to worship God, but also allows passers-by to see and know that we have a legend of a golden-scaled frog. Building a temple is not simple, Ah Ming led the old and young masters in the village together, moving bricks and tiles, and was very busy. Those craftsmen really didn't build it, and the temple was quickly built. The main hall of the temple is dedicated to the statue of the golden-scaled frog, and there is also the statue of the Taoist priest on the side.

After the temple was built, the people in the village came to worship the gods, and the incense was very prosperous. Ah Ming also often stands at the gate of the temple, looking at the mountains and rivers in the distance, and his heart is full of gratitude and admiration. He knew that it was the golden-scaled frog and Taoist seniors who gave him the strength and courage to lead the villagers out of the predicament and rebuild their homes. But after a long time, the kindness of the villagers to the golden-scaled frog was a little weak. The young people are busy going out to work, the old people are busy with farm work and housework at home, and the incense in the temple is gradually decreasing. Ah Ming saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart, he knew that if it went on like this, the incense in the temple would be cut off sooner or later.

The frog jumped on the bank, and the child went down to the river to catch it, and the old man saved his life

In order to make the incense in the temple flourish again, Ah Ming thought of holding a temple fair in the village. He went door-to-door to inform that there was a program to watch at the temple fair, and there was free rice and fruit to eat. As soon as the villagers heard about this good thing, they all said that they wanted to come. On the day of the temple fair, the village was very lively. Ah Ming led the young people in the village to perform various programs, singing, dancing, talking cross talk, and playing dragon and lion dances, and everyone watched with relish, applause and laughter. After the performance, Ah Ming took everyone to the temple and told the story of the golden-scaled frog and the Taoist priest's predecessors, as well as how they saved the village and rebuilt their homes. The villagers were so moved when they heard this, they all said that they wanted to make the incense in the temple flourish again. Everyone paid money and materials to raise money for the maintenance and expansion of the temple. With the concerted efforts of everyone, the incense in the temple is flourishing again and has become a beautiful scenery in the village.

But just when the incense in the temple was booming, something unexpected happened. That night, Amin was resting at home when he suddenly heard someone knocking on the door in a hurry. When he opened the door, a stranger stood outside the door, panting and saying, "Brother Amin, it's not good! When I came back from other places, I heard that there was a group of tomb robbers in our village, and they wanted to steal the golden-scaled frog statue in the temple! When Amin heard this, he was furious. He picked up a stick and rushed to the temple with the villagers. When I got there, I saw that a group of people were picking the door and lock, trying to steal the golden-scaled frog statue. Amin yelled: "Stop! You thieves, dare to steal the gods of our village! "When the gang of tomb robbers saw someone coming, they were terrified. Oops, this thing has to be written like this to be tasteful!

As soon as the gang saw what was going on in their hands, they hurried towards Ah Ming and the old and young masters in the village. Ah Ming and the others were not stunned at all, they just did it with them, and the scene was really thrilling. After some punches and kicks, Ah Ming and the others were stunned to hold down the gang of villains who robbed the tomb, waiting for the police to clean it up.

The frog jumped on the bank, and the child went down to the river to catch it, and the old man saved his life

As soon as the police came, they took the villains away, and Ah Ming and the villagers gathered in a circle in front of the temple, and the emotion in their hearts was like boiling a pot. They understand that winning this time depends on everyone twisting into a rope, thinking in one place, and working hard in one place. At the same time, they also felt that the incense in this temple and the majesty of the gods had to be protected by all of us.

Since then, the people of the village have taken the incense in the temple and the dignity of the gods more seriously. During the temple fair, everyone not only performed programs, donated money and materials, but also spontaneously organized patrols to take turns to guard the safety of the temple. The incense in the temple has flourished again, and it has become the eternal faith and reliance in the hearts of the people in the village.

This is the end of the story of "the frog jumps on the shore and the child goes down to the river to catch it" in our village. It tells us that no matter how the times change, we must cherish our beliefs and rely on. We must also learn to unite, show courage, and guard the faith and reliance in our hearts together. Only in this way can we go further and further in life and make our lives more prosperous.

The frog jumped on the bank, and the child went down to the river to catch it, and the old man saved his life

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