
The shoemaker walks at night, and the fairy becomes a stunning beauty, and he subdues him into a cash cow

author:Little Red Riding Hood, who loves to be funny

Ladies and gentlemen, let's talk about a rare thing that happened in our Gada today. There is an old shoemaker in our town, known as Li San'er, whose craftsmanship is called a stick, and he is also sincere, but he has a quirk and loves to wander around at night. Someone asked him, you don't sleep at night, what are you trying to do? Li San'er always smiled and said, "It's quiet at night, just thinking about shoes." ”

That night, it was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and the wind was blowing, Li San'er closed the stall and set out on the way home with a lantern. He hummed a little song, thinking in his heart that he would have to catch a new pair of shoes for Aunt Zhang tomorrow, and her old shoes were about to grind into pieces of paper. Walking and walking, Li San'er suddenly felt that there was a figure in front of him, he took a closer look, yo, this is not a beauty, that look, as if it came out of a painting.

When the beauty saw Li San'er, she was not shy, she greeted her directly, and said coquettishly: "Brother Li San'er, why are you still walking alone at night on this cold day?" Li San'er was stunned for a moment, thinking to herself, how can this girl know my name? But he didn't think much about it, so he smiled and said, "Get used to it, it's quiet at night." ”

The shoemaker walks at night, and the fairy becomes a stunning beauty, and he subdues him into a cash cow

When the beauty heard this, her eyes rolled, and she said, "Big brother, I see that your lantern is running out of gas, I have a baby here that can light your way, you can take it." As she spoke, she took out a small bottle from her sleeve and shook it gently, and the mouth of the bottle emitted a soft light. Li San'er saw that the light was much brighter than the lantern, so he took the bottle and thanked him repeatedly.

The two chatted while walking, and the beauty was clear about Li San'er, and even knew that he was chasing and beating his mother when he was a child stealing the neighbor's eggs. Li San'er muttered in her heart, why does this girl know me so well? But he didn't ask in detail, just as if he had met a confidant.

As she walked, the beauty suddenly stopped and said, "Big brother, I have something to ask you." Li San'er asked, "What's the matter?" You said. The beauty hesitated for a moment before whispering: "I am actually a goblin in this mountain, because I am not practicing enough, I am trapped in the mountain and can't get out." I heard that you are good at craft, and I would like to ask you to make a shoe and help me get out of this mountain. ”

The shoemaker walks at night, and the fairy becomes a stunning beauty, and he subdues him into a cash cow

When Li San'er heard this, she chuckled in her heart, but seeing that the beauty looked sincere, it didn't seem like she was talking nonsense, so she nodded and said, "Okay, I'll make you a pair of shoes." When the beauty heard this, she jumped up with joy and said, "Thank you, big brother, I'll take you to my house to get the materials." With that, the beauty took Li San'er's hand and walked into the mountain.

Although Li San'er was a little panicked in her heart, she couldn't refuse when she saw the look of anticipation on the face of the beauty. The two walked for a long time, and finally came to a cave. The beauty pushed open the door of the cave and walked in with Li San'er. The cave was dark, but with the light of the treasure bottle, Li San'er could see it clearly. I saw that the cave was full of all kinds of rare treasures, and Li San'er was dazzled. The girl pointed to the pile of silk and gems, and said to Li San'er, "Big brother, use these to give me a whole pair of shoes." As soon as Li San'er heard this, he nodded in agreement, and his subordinates began to get busy. His craftsmanship is really not covered, and it didn't take long for a pair of beautiful shoes to be ready. The girl put on her new shoes and walked around the cave a few times, when she suddenly felt that her body was light and fluttering, and she flew into the sky with a swish. She said happily: "Big brother, thank you, I can leave this mountain!" As soon as she finished speaking, she flew out of the cave and disappeared into the night.

Li San'er also walked out of the cave with the remaining silk and gems in his hand, as well as the treasure bottle. He looked up at the night sky, wondering in his heart about this adventure, and he was really surprised and delighted. Since then, Li San'er has become the town's golden signboard. He made a bunch of fine shoes and ornaments out of the silk and precious stones left by the girl, and the precious bottle, and sold them to the rich men of the town. His days are getting more and more moisturized, but he still loves to walk at night, and he has an extra baby bottle in his hand that can light up the night road.

The shoemaker walks at night, and the fairy becomes a stunning beauty, and he subdues him into a cash cow

The enchantress never appeared again. Some people say that she went to heaven and became an immortal, and some people say that she went to other mountains to continue her cultivation. No matter what you say, this adventure between Li San'er and her has become a story circulating in the town, and people have passed it on from mouth to mouth until now. Time passed, and Li San'er's business became more and more popular. The shoes and jewelry he made were of new style and quality, and the people of the town loved them. Even those wealthy merchants who came from afar came to buy his handicrafts. But Li San'er still maintains a humble and low-key profile, does not show off his wealth, and does not forget his roots. Every night, he would carry the precious bottle and walk on the familiar night road, thinking about how to improve his skills and how to better serve the townspeople.

One night, Li San'er was walking at night as usual, and suddenly felt cold behind him. He looked back and saw a dark figure moving in the bushes. Li San'er's heart tightened, but when she thought that she had the baby bottle in her hand, she was not afraid. He plucked up his courage and kept going. Seeing that Li San'er didn't stop, the black shadow sped up and jumped out of the bushes. When Li San'er saw it, it turned out to be a big black bear, with red eyes, bared fangs, and so hungry. Li San'er's heart tightened, but he quickly calmed down. He flicked the baby bottle lightly, and the light shone brightly, illuminating the surroundings. The black bear was dizzy by the light, and Li San'er took the opportunity to run away. He looked back as he ran, and the black bear looked particularly panicked in the light. Li San'er was happy in her heart, knowing that her baby bottle was really a treasure. After running that way, Li San'er finally threw the black bear far away. He sat on the side of the road, panting like pulling a bellows, and secretly rejoiced in the beauty in his heart. At this time, he suddenly remembered the precious bottle given by the bewitching girl. I muttered to myself, "If I didn't have that beautiful woman's baby bottle, I would have hung it tonight." Thinking of this, Li San'er's heart was full of gratitude.

Early the next morning, Li San'er ran to the temple gate in the town. He knelt down in front of the Buddha, folded his hands, and silently muttered in his heart: "Buddha, thank you for keeping me safe, and thank you for the precious bottle given by the enchanting lady." When he finished reading, he kowtowed three times. At this moment, the temple door opened with a "squeak", and a monk walked out with a smile, looked at Li San'er and said, "Donor, we have a fate, and I came to see you today." Li San'er was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly asked, "Master, do you have any advice?" The monk smiled slightly: "Donor, the treasure in your hand is a spiritual creature in the mountain, which can drive away evil spirits and avoid evil and keep people safe." But remember, don't use this treasure indiscriminately, and don't forget your heart for money. When Li San'er heard this, he suddenly realized that this baby bottle still has such a deep origin and exquisiteness. He hurriedly thanked him and promised to cherish this treasure in the future and never forget his heart.

The shoemaker walks at night, and the fairy becomes a stunning beauty, and he subdues him into a cash cow

Since then, Li San'er has been more attentive to making shoes and jewelry, no longer pursuing those vain fame and profit, but putting his mind on craftsmanship. He has helped many people with his skills, so that more people can wear comfortable and durable shoes and beautiful and delicate jewelry. The precious bottle has also become his talisman, whenever he encounters difficulties and dangers, with a slight flicker, the light can illuminate the way forward and make him move forward bravely. And although the demon girl never appeared again, Li San'er has always remembered her kindness and baby bottle and is grateful.

As the days passed, Li San'er slowly grew old. Before he died, he passed the treasure bottle to his grandson and said, "This is our family heirloom, you have to keep it well and use it to help more people." After speaking, Li San'er closed his eyes peacefully. Li San'er's grandson inherited his craft and baby bottles, and continued to make shoes and jewelry for the townspeople. The light of the precious bottle has been circulating in the town, illuminating people's hearts and guiding them on their way. And the story of the enchanting woman has also been praised by people and has become an eternal story.

This is the story of Li San'er in our northeast, a story about adventure, gratitude and inheritance. I hope that after listening to it, the listeners can have some understanding, cherish the people and things around them, and never forget their original intentions. The story of our Northeast flavor has to continue. Li San'er's story has been passed down from generation to generation, and the light of his precious bottle seems to have become the patron saint of the town. When night falls, the light looms, bringing peace and hope to people. Li San'er's grandson, let's call him Xiao Li, this young man is also a clever shoemaker, the craft was learned from his grandfather, and he also inherited the baby bottle. Xiao Li knew in his heart that this treasure was not something that could be taken out casually to show off, and he used it to illuminate his own way, and also helped the people in the town to light their way. One day, a wealthy businessman came to the town and fell in love with Xiao Li's craftsmanship and wanted to buy his shoes and jewelry in large quantities, saying that he wanted to be the sign of the store. The price given by the wealthy businessman is quite high, which is enough for Xiao Li's family to live a good life. But Xiao Li knows in his heart, he knows the power of the baby bottle, and he is afraid that if he is greedy, he will forget his original intention and his grandfather's teachings.

The shoemaker walks at night, and the fairy becomes a stunning beauty, and he subdues him into a cash cow

That night, Xiao Li walked on the night road with a baby bottle, and his heart was full of thoughts. He remembered his grandfather's dying words and the kindness of that bewitching girl, and felt that he couldn't let his family down. He decided to go his own way and not be blinded by money. The next day, Xiao Li found a wealthy businessman and said bluntly that he couldn't make so many handicrafts, and he had to ensure that every pair of shoes and jewelry was made with heart, hoping that the works could help those who really needed it, not just to make money for the rich businessman. When the rich merchant heard this, he was stunned at first, then smiled, patted Xiao Li on the shoulder and said, "Young man, you are quite principled, I appreciate it!" We don't force large quantities, just cooperate, let your handicrafts sell in my store, how about we share the profits? Xiao Li pondered it and felt that this idea would work, not only to let more people know his craft, but also not to violate his own principles. So, the two hit it off and started a new collaboration.

After a long time, Xiao Li's handicrafts became more and more popular in the shops of wealthy merchants, and more and more people liked them. Xiao Li's life has also improved a lot, but he still remains humble and low-key, and has not forgotten his original heart and grandfather's words. One night, Xiao Li, as usual, walked at night with a baby bottle. Suddenly, a cold wind blew, and a dark shadow emerged from the bushes. Xiao Li was startled, but immediately thought of the power of the baby bottle, and with a slight flicker, it was radiant. The dark shadow was shaken and dazed, revealing a look of fear. Xiao Li took a closer look, and it turned out to be an injured fox, curled up there, his eyes full of help. Xiao Li's heart softened, and he stepped forward to pick up the fox and take it home. Xiao Li, a young man, is really interested in the fox at home, and uses the light of his precious bottle to heal the fox every day. After a long time, the fox's injury gradually improved, and he became more energetic. Xiao Li looked at this fox, and felt that there seemed to be some unusual fate between the two of them.

One night, Xiao Li was busy healing the fox's wounds when he suddenly heard a knock on the door. As soon as he opened the door, yo, there was a beautiful girl standing outside the door. When the girl saw Xiao Li, she smiled and said, "Thank you for saving my friend." Xiao Li was stunned for a moment, and quickly asked, "Who are you?" Your friend is this fox? The girl nodded and said, "Yes, my name is Ahri, and I am a fairy in the mountains." This fox is a good friend of mine, it was injured and lost, thanks to you for saving it. Xiao Li suddenly realized that this fox was a friend of the goblin.

The shoemaker walks at night, and the fairy becomes a stunning beauty, and he subdues him into a cash cow

He hurriedly invited Ahri into the house and poured her a cup of tea. The two talked, and Ahri said that she had been looking for a way to cure the fox, but she had never found it. Later, I heard that Xiao Li had a baby bottle, so I decided to come over and have a look. When Xiao Li heard this, his heart moved, and he took out the treasure bottle and said to Ahri: "This bottle may be helpful, but it is my family heirloom, and I can't give it to people casually." Ahri nodded in understanding and said, "I understand, but I can repay you in other ways." ”

After speaking, Ahri took out a sparkling gem from his arms and handed it to Xiao Li: "This is a treasure in the mountains, it can bring good luck and wealth, you can accept it." Xiao Li took the gem and was very grateful. He knew that the gem was worth the old nose's money, but what he valued more was Ahri's sincerity and gratitude.

He decided to keep it as a memento of his friendship with Ahri. Since then, Xiao Li and Ahri have become iron buddies. They often chat together and share their stories and experiences. And that baby bottle also continues to exert its magical power in Xiao Li's hands, illuminating their life path.

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