
"Tomorrow three will not be out, not rich and safe", today is the twenty-sixth day of May, which three will not be out? Know early

author:Fish are superfluous

In our traditional culture, there are many taboos and exquisiteness about daily life, and they often carry the wisdom and understanding of life of the ancients. For example, there is an old saying that "if you don't go out three times tomorrow, you will be safe if you don't get rich", and the "three days out" here refers to three kinds of activities that are not suitable for doing on a particular day. Why, then, is there such a taboo on the twenty-seventh day of May? Let's find out.

"Tomorrow three will not be out, not rich and safe", today is the twenty-sixth day of May, which three will not be out? Know early

What day is tomorrow, May 27th?

Tomorrow is the twenty-seventh day of the fifth lunar month. In traditional Chinese culture, the fifth month of the lunar calendar is called the "poisonous month", because the weather is hot at this time, all kinds of insects and germs are active, and it is easy for people to get sick. During this month, there are nine days in particular known as the "Nine Poison Days", which are the fifth, sixth, seventh, fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, twenty-fifth, twenty-sixth, and twenty-seventh days of May.

The fifth day of the fifth month of May is considered the "first of the poisonous days", that is, the beginning of these dangerous days, and the 27th of May is the last day, which is called the "end of the poisonous day". Chinese pay attention to having a beginning and an end, so May 27 is also very important, and is regarded as the "Heaven and Earth Friendship and Tai Nine Poison Day".

"Tomorrow three will not be out, not rich and safe", today is the twenty-sixth day of May, which three will not be out? Know early

"Tomorrow three will not be out, not rich and safe" is not out?

1. Don't go out for a long trip

The twenty-seventh day of May, according to the ancient lunar calendar, is in early summer. During this period, the weather is changeable, rain or shine, and it is not easy to travel. The ancients believed that traveling far distances at this time was prone to accidents, so people were advised to avoid arranging long trips on this day. In addition, May 27 is also the traditional day of "avoiding the five poisons", which refer to snakes, scorpions, centipedes, geckos and toads, which are active in summer and can easily pose a danger to people. Therefore, for the sake of safety and health, the ancients advised to minimize going out on this day.

2. Do not make important transactions or decisions

In ancient times, it was believed that the twenty-seventh day of May was a mixed blessing and that it was not appropriate to make major financial transactions or make important decisions. This is because May 27 is the last day of the Five Poisons Day, and trading or making decisions on this day can lead to unfavorable results. Although there is no scientific basis for this claim, it reflects a reverence for the rhythm of time and a cautious attitude towards future outcomes of the ancients.

3. Do not participate in disputes or litigation

The ancients believed that the twenty-seventh day of May was a day prone to disputes and conflicts, so one should avoid engaging in any activities that could cause disputes, including lawsuits, on this day. This concept stems from the pursuit of a harmonious life and the prevention of potential disputes. In traditional culture, harmony is the foundation of social stability and family happiness, so avoiding disputes on this day is also a maintenance of a harmonious life.

"Tomorrow three will not be out, not rich and safe", today is the twenty-sixth day of May, which three will not be out? Know early


The old saying "If you don't go out tomorrow, you won't be rich, you will be safe" reflects the deep understanding of the ancients about the rhythm of nature and the details of life. While these taboos may seem superstitious to modern society, the core ideas behind them – respect for nature, the pursuit of harmony, and prudence – still have a positive meaning. In our daily lives, we can learn from these ancient wisdoms and arrange our activities rationally to achieve the goal of physical and mental peace and harmony in life.

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