
"Tang Seng" Chi Chongrui: married a divorced wife with 4 children who was 11 years older, with a humble status and no biological children

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"Tang Seng" Chi Chongrui: married a divorced wife with 4 children who was 11 years older, with a humble status and no biological children
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
"Tang Seng" Chi Chongrui: married a divorced wife with 4 children who was 11 years older, with a humble status and no biological children

During the Qingming Festival, in a mansion in Beijing, a man in his late teens was concentrating on brewing a cup of Longjing tea. He is Chi Chongrui, the "most handsome Tang monk" who once swept the country.

These teas were carefully selected by him who worked tirelessly and personally went to the production area. I saw him carefully hold the teacup in front of the woman who was sitting elegantly on the side, and said respectfully: "Chairman, your tea."

"Tang Seng" Chi Chongrui: married a divorced wife with 4 children who was 11 years older, with a humble status and no biological children

This woman is Chen Lihua, Chi Chongrui's wife, a rich man who is 11 years older than him. When the fragrance of tea lingered, a trace of elusive complex emotions flashed in Chi Chongrui's eyes.

This scene seems to condense their 31-year married life, and it also opens the prelude to a controversial "wealthy story".

1984 was a watershed moment for Chi Chongrui. He was originally unknown in the crew of "Harbin at Night", but by chance, he was favored by director Yang Jie and became Tang Seng in the well-known TV series "Journey to the West".

Chi Chongrui's gentle and elegant appearance, coupled with the calm temperament revealed in his gestures, vividly interpreted the role of Tang Seng. As soon as "Journey to the West" was broadcast, it caused a national sensation, and the ratings hit new highs.

"Tang Seng" Chi Chongrui: married a divorced wife with 4 children who was 11 years older, with a humble status and no biological children

Chi Chongrui also took this opportunity to soar into the sky and became a new star in the limelight.

However, just when Chi Chongrui was standing at the peak of his career and enjoying the good times of fame and fortune, fate quietly changed the trajectory of his life again. During an ordinary crew visit, he met Chen Lihua, a representative of the investor who came to investigate.

The two had a great conversation and were pleasantly surprised to find that they both had a keen interest in theatre and antique collecting. Chen Lihua warmly invited Chi Chongrui to visit her private collection, and the relationship between the two grew deeper and deeper through frequent contact.

In the face of this hard-won relationship, Chi Chongrui fell into deep contradictions and hesitation. Chen Lihua is not only 11 years older than him, but also a divorced rich woman with four children.

"Tang Seng" Chi Chongrui: married a divorced wife with 4 children who was 11 years older, with a humble status and no biological children

The disparity in the identities between the two made Chi Chongrui wonder if he could bear the burden of this relationship.

However, fate once again gave Chi Chongrui a chance to choose. When Chi Chongrui's mother unfortunately fell seriously ill, it was Chen Lihua who generously donated money and sent the old man to the top hospital for treatment.

This move successfully extended the precious life of the old man for half a year. Chen Lihua's kindness deeply touched Chi Chongrui's heart, and he secretly made up his mind to repay this kindness with the rest of his life.

In 1993, 39-year-old Chi Chongrui resolutely entered the marriage hall with 50-year-old Chen Lihua. This decision caused an uproar at the time, incurring countless criticisms and questions.

"Tang Seng" Chi Chongrui: married a divorced wife with 4 children who was 11 years older, with a humble status and no biological children

However, Chi Chongrui firmly chose this path full of unknowns, opening a new chapter in his life as a "son-in-law of a wealthy family".

Since then, Chi Chongrui bid farewell to his much-anticipated acting career and turned to a married life that is incomprehensible to outsiders. His choice made many people feel incredible, and he was even attacked by "eating soft rice" and "pong rich woman".

In the face of overwhelming doubts, Chi Chongrui chose to remain silent. He accepted this identity change calmly and silently fulfilled his responsibilities and obligations.

In the years to come, how will Chi Chongrui adapt to this controversial marriage? How will he balance his relationship with his family? These questions have become the focus of public curiosity, and they have also added more drama and suspense to Chi Chongrui's life.

"Tang Seng" Chi Chongrui: married a divorced wife with 4 children who was 11 years older, with a humble status and no biological children

To fully understand Chi Chongrui's life choices, we must have an in-depth understanding of the background of this legendary woman. Chen Lihua, who was born in the Summer Palace in Beijing, comes from a prominent and prestigious family.

Although her family has experienced ups and downs, this has not affected her innate superior background and unique temperament.

As a young woman, Chen Lihua showed extraordinary business talent and keen insight. She started her small business and accumulated her first pot of gold by reselling various commodities and recycling business.

These early experiences laid the foundation for her future business empire.

"Tang Seng" Chi Chongrui: married a divorced wife with 4 children who was 11 years older, with a humble status and no biological children

As she accumulates wealth, so does her ambition. She has set her sights on the wider market, particularly Hong Kong's booming film and real estate industries.

With her unique vision and decisive decision-making, Chen Lihua bought a large number of land and properties before real estate prices soared. When the market went up, she made a quick move and reaped the rewards handsomely.

Chan is not resting on her laurels in the Hong Kong market. She brought this successful investment strategy back to the mainland and continued to expand her business footprint. She almost never missed her investments, and soon became China's first female billionaire, creating legend after legend in the business world.

However, the splendor of the mall did not bring Chen Lihua a perfect personal life. Before meeting Chi Chongrui, she had already experienced a failed marriage and raised four children alone.

"Tang Seng" Chi Chongrui: married a divorced wife with 4 children who was 11 years older, with a humble status and no biological children

This experience made her successful in her career, but her heart always longed for sincere feelings and family warmth.

It was in this context that Chen Lihua met Chi Chongrui in the crew. Chi Chongrui's simplicity, talent and love for art attracted her deeply. The two shared interests and hobbies became the catalyst for the relationship to heat up.

Chen Lihua invited Chi Chongrui to visit her collection of cultural relics, and Chi Chongrui returned the salute with a beautiful Peking Opera singing. In frequent contact, the two gradually fell in love.

For Chen Lihua, who has a successful career but an unsatisfactory emotional life, Chi Chongrui represents the gentleness and thoughtfulness she has always yearned for. For Chi Chongrui, Chen Lihua is a woman who is both attractive and admirable.

"Tang Seng" Chi Chongrui: married a divorced wife with 4 children who was 11 years older, with a humble status and no biological children

Despite the age and identity gaps, the two chose to spend the rest of their lives together.

Chen Lihua's legendary life experience not only shows her extraordinary business talents, but also highlights her sincere pursuit in the emotional world. Her story teaches us that even the most successful people have the emotional needs of ordinary people.

It was this desire for sincere feelings that made her finally choose to spend the rest of her life with Chi Chongrui, and started a high-profile but controversial married life.

Chi Chongrui and Chen Lihua's married life is very different from the life of a wealthy family in people's imagination. As a successful businesswoman, Chen Lihua's family has a set of strict rules.

"Tang Seng" Chi Chongrui: married a divorced wife with 4 children who was 11 years older, with a humble status and no biological children

Chi Chongrui must adjust himself to this completely different rhythm of life, and even at home, he must abide by the identity of his subordinates.

In daily life, Chi Chongrui's every move is cautious. During the meal, if Chen Lihua was not seated, he did not dare to move the chopsticks without permission. In public, he can only claim to be a subordinate, respectfully addressing his wife as "chairman".

When Chen Lihua speaks, he must listen attentively and not dare to be distracted or interrupted in the slightest. Even in a private family environment, Chi Chongrui always keeps in mind his wife's preferences, like a dutiful housekeeper, reminding her to replenish water or pay attention to rest at any time.

This seemingly humble way of life has sparked widespread discussion and questioning in society. Many people were puzzled by Chi Chongrui's choice, and some even ridiculed him for "eating soft rice" and "being a rich woman".

"Tang Seng" Chi Chongrui: married a divorced wife with 4 children who was 11 years older, with a humble status and no biological children

However, in the face of these criticisms, Chi Chongrui has always remained silent and silently fulfilled his duties.

What's even more surprising is that Chi Chongrui chose not to leave his own blood in this marriage. He gave all his love to Chen Lihua's four children, and interpreted what true fatherly love is with his actions.

Once, his seven-year-old stepson inadvertently said, "Uncle bald looks more rich and auspicious", and Chi Chongrui insisted on maintaining a bald head for many years, just to win a trace of love from the children.

Although the outside world has many complaints about this marriage, Chi Chongrui and Chen Lihua have supported each other in the past 31 years and faced the ups and downs of life together. Chi Chongrui has never lost his temper with Chen Lihua, and has always maintained that initial respect and gratitude.

"Tang Seng" Chi Chongrui: married a divorced wife with 4 children who was 11 years older, with a humble status and no biological children

The relationship between them seems to go beyond the ordinary husband and wife relationship, and is more like a life partner who understands and supports each other.

When people questioned whether Chi Chongrui regretted his choice, he always remained silent. But from his actions, we seem to see an answer. Although this way of life may seem to outsiders to lose himself, for Chi Chongrui, this may be the happiness he considers.

Over the past 31 years, Chi Chongrui has interpreted his loyalty and dedication to marriage in his own way. His story teaches us that the meaning of marriage is not only about equality or status, but also about mutual understanding, respect and unconditional giving.

Although this marriage is full of controversy in the eyes of outsiders, Chi Chongrui and Chen Lihua have composed a unique love concerto in their own way.

"Tang Seng" Chi Chongrui: married a divorced wife with 4 children who was 11 years older, with a humble status and no biological children

In the eyes of many people, Chi Chongrui chose a path of giving up himself and attaching himself to others. However, if we take a closer look at Chi Chongrui's behavior and lifestyle, we may be able to see a very different story.

Chi Chongrui did not choose this marriage for the sake of wealth. In fact, his life has always remained low-key and simple, and he has never used Chen Lihua's wealth to satisfy his personal desires.

His sincere dedication to his stepchildren, respect and care for Chen Lihua all show the sincere emotions in his heart.

Perhaps in Chi Chongrui's heart, this marriage represents an emotional exchange that transcends the world's vision. The gratitude to her mother and the deep affection for Chen Lihua have gone beyond a simple monetary measure.

"Tang Seng" Chi Chongrui: married a divorced wife with 4 children who was 11 years older, with a humble status and no biological children

He interprets the meaning of love and responsibility in his own way.

Despite the doubts and ridicule of society, Chi Chongrui still insisted on his choice. He never defended himself publicly, but proved his loyalty and dedication to this marriage with practical actions.

Every time he makes tea for Chen Lihua and every time he accompanies his stepchildren, it is his silent persistence.

Chi Chongrui's story tells us that the forms of love and marriage may be very different, but sincere feelings and selfless dedication are the core. He chose a different path and interpreted the meaning of happiness in his own way.

"Tang Seng" Chi Chongrui: married a divorced wife with 4 children who was 11 years older, with a humble status and no biological children

This kind of perseverance and dedication may be another embodiment of Chi Chongrui's life value.

Today, Chi Chongrui, who is past his prime, is still unknown, and his status in the Chen family is far inferior to that of his younger generations. However, he doesn't seem to care about these external judgments, but accepts his life choices calmly.

Chi Chongrui's story has aroused people's deep thinking about the phenomenon of "rich women". In traditional Chinese beliefs, men who depend on others for their lives tend to be despised.

Chi Chongrui's choice tells us that the path of life is often complex and multifaceted, and should not be judged by simple moral standards. Everyone has the right to pursue a life that they find meaningful, even if that choice may seem unreasonable to others.

In the end, true marital happiness may not lie in the judgment of the outside world, but in the mutual understanding and support between two people. Chi Chongrui's story may bring new enlightenment to our understanding of love and marriage.

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