
After marriage, he was ridiculed for climbing Gao Zhier, and looking back on the life of "Tang Seng" Chi Chongrui, he understood what love is

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After marriage, he was ridiculed for climbing Gao Zhier, and looking back on the life of "Tang Seng" Chi Chongrui, he understood what love is
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After marriage, he was ridiculed for climbing Gao Zhier, and looking back on the life of "Tang Seng" Chi Chongrui, he understood what love is

In the Chinese entertainment industry, there is a story of a couple that has aroused widespread attention and discussion. He is Chi Chongrui, famous for playing the "Tang Seng" in the 86 version of "Journey to the West"; She is Chen Lihua, a successful female entrepreneur who is 11 years older than her husband.

Their marriage broke with conventional wisdom and attracted a lot of skepticism and criticism. Some people ridiculed Chi Chongrui for "climbing high branches", and some people doubted the authenticity of their feelings.

However, the controversial couple has given the most powerful response with more than three decades of staying together. Their story is not only about love, but also about understanding, tolerance, and perseverance.

In ordinary days, they manage their happiness with their hearts and interpret what sincere feelings are.

After marriage, he was ridiculed for climbing Gao Zhier, and looking back on the life of "Tang Seng" Chi Chongrui, he understood what love is

Chi Chongrui was born in a family with a deep Peking Opera heritage. Since childhood, his artistic cells have been fully cultivated. However, what is surprising is that he did not choose to inherit the family's Peking Opera tradition, but resolutely embarked on the road of an actor.

With his delicate face and gentle temperament, he was successfully admitted to the Shanghai Theater Academy. However, the road to acting was not all smooth sailing, and it was not until he was 29 years old that he ushered in his first work "Cardamom Blossom".

At the same time, Chen Lihua's life trajectory is completely different. She came from a poor background and was the eighth generation of the Yehrala clan, but was forced to drop out of high school due to her family's financial difficulties.

In the face of life's hardships, she did not give in, but with her wisdom and tenacity, she gradually rose from an ordinary textile factory worker to management. Subsequently, she seized the opportunity to start her own furniture repair shop, which eventually developed into a successful furniture factory.

After marriage, he was ridiculed for climbing Gao Zhier, and looking back on the life of "Tang Seng" Chi Chongrui, he understood what love is

This became the first pot of gold in her life, and also laid the foundation for her future business empire.

In 1990, the hit broadcast of the 86 version of "Journey to the West" made Chi Chongrui famous in one fell swoop. With the role of "Tang Seng", he has become the "male god" in the hearts of thousands of girls.

At this time, Chen Lihua was already a successful female entrepreneur with huge investments in Hong Kong and Beijing.

The gears of fate quietly turned, pushing these two seemingly unrelated souls towards each other. Chen Lihua has always loved dramatic art, and when she saw Chi Chongrui's "Tang Seng", she was deeply attracted by his gentle, humble and polite image.

After marriage, he was ridiculed for climbing Gao Zhier, and looking back on the life of "Tang Seng" Chi Chongrui, he understood what love is

She contacted the crew through various channels and was finally able to meet her idol in her heart.

When they met for the first time, Chi Chongrui didn't know Chen Lihua's true identity, but just regarded her as an ordinary fan. However, the two had a great conversation and found that they had many things in common.

Chi Chongrui was attracted by Chen Lihua's wisdom and strength, while Chen Lihua admired Chi Chongrui's gentleness and humility.

However, the reality is always challenging. When Chi Chongrui learned Chen Lihua's true identity, he couldn't help but hesitate in his heart. Chen Lihua, on the other hand, needs to consider whether her three children can accept this new relationship.

After marriage, he was ridiculed for climbing Gao Zhier, and looking back on the life of "Tang Seng" Chi Chongrui, he understood what love is

But the power of love prevails over all concerns. After enlisting the support of the children, Chen Lihua confessed to Chi Chongrui: "I really want to spend every day with you in the future.

In this way, an actor from an artistic family and a self-made female entrepreneur met and got to know each other under the arrangement of fate, and finally walked into the palace of marriage hand in hand.

Their union is not only the love of two people, but also the collision of art and business, composing a unique movement for their lives.

Chi Chongrui and Chen Lihua's marriage faced a severe test at the beginning. Public opinion is full of doubts about this love that crosses the age and wealth gap. Many people ridiculed Chi Chongrui's "sugar daddy" and doubted the authenticity of their feelings.

After marriage, he was ridiculed for climbing Gao Zhier, and looking back on the life of "Tang Seng" Chi Chongrui, he understood what love is

In the face of these gossips, Chi Chongrui chose to remain silent and interpret his sincerity with actions.

As a successful female entrepreneur, Chen Lihua has her own requirements for life. She put forward three seemingly strict conditions to Chi Chongrui: first, the whole family must gather during the meal, and she must use the chopsticks first; secondly, she can't be interrupted when she speaks; Finally, maintain an elegant posture when sleeping.

These demands may be difficult for many to accept, but Chi Chongrui readily agreed, showing extraordinary tolerance and understanding.

What's even more surprising is that when Chen Lihua said that she wanted to leave most of her property to Chi Chongrui, he politely declined this generous gift. Chi Chongrui said indifferently: "By that time, I will also be in my twilight years, what is the point of more wealth? This decision not only dispelled the outside world's doubts about his "wealth", but also deeply moved Chen Lihua.

After marriage, he was ridiculed for climbing Gao Zhier, and looking back on the life of "Tang Seng" Chi Chongrui, he understood what love is

With the prevailing belief that men should be older than women, their choice is undoubtedly a challenge. However, Chi Chongrui and Chen Lihua proved with practical actions that sincere feelings can transcend the shackles of age, wealth and worldly vision.

Their marriage is based on mutual understanding, respect and support, and this deep emotional bond is far more precious than the external conditions.

Chi Chongrui's "Buddha-nature" character - honesty, kindness, magnanimity, regardless of gains and losses, not greedy, not angry, not obsessed, is similar to the role of Tang Seng he played in "Journey to the West".

This character allows him to take things with poise and maintain peace of mind in the face of external doubts and criticism.

After marriage, he was ridiculed for climbing Gao Zhier, and looking back on the life of "Tang Seng" Chi Chongrui, he understood what love is

Chen Lihua also proved her cherishing of this relationship with her actions. She even wrote an affectionate love letter, which not only expressed her love for Chi Chongrui, but also denied the misunderstanding of their relationship from the outside world.

She emphasized that the reason why they can come together is because they share the same ideals and personalities, not as unbearable as the outside world rumores.

The couple used their choices to show the world that true love knows no age, no matter wealth. Their stories show us that when we are willing to let go of prejudices and understand and tolerate each other with our hearts, love can overcome all obstacles and shine in its most beautiful light.

Chi Chongrui and Chen Lihua's daily life shows their dedication to this marriage. They maintain their relationship in a unique way, calling each other "Chairman" and "Mr. Chi".

After marriage, he was ridiculed for climbing Gao Zhier, and looking back on the life of "Tang Seng" Chi Chongrui, he understood what love is

This title not only reflects mutual respect, but also adds a sweet spice to their married life.

In this relationship, Chi Chongrui showed an extraordinary ability to tolerate and understand. Once, Chen Lihua was emotional due to work pressure, and inadvertently said hurtful words: "You only know how to eat fasting and chant Buddha, how much do you know?" In the face of such rhetoric, Chi Chongrui did not get angry or refute, but chose to remain silent.

Chen Lihua was deeply touched by his tolerance, and she quickly realized her gaffe and sincerely apologized. This attitude of mutual understanding and tolerance has become the secret of their long-term marriage.

Chi Chongrui also gave sincere love to Chen Lihua's children. When his stepson inadvertently mentioned that he liked his bald appearance, Chi Chongrui did not hesitate to shave off his black hair and never grew it again.

After marriage, he was ridiculed for climbing Gao Zhier, and looking back on the life of "Tang Seng" Chi Chongrui, he understood what love is

This move not only brought him closer to his stepson, but also made him a better match for Chen Lihua in appearance. This attitude of changing himself for his family fully demonstrates Chi Chongrui's wholehearted devotion to this family.

In his career, Chi Chongrui gave Chen Lihua great support. He understands and respects Chen Lihua's love for her career and never interferes with her work decisions. On the contrary, he became her strongest support, comforting and encouraging her when she was in trouble.

This kind of mutual support attitude makes their relationship not only husband and wife, but also partners in life.

Although there are still voices of skepticism from the outside world, they have learned to ignore them. As Chi Chongrui said: "Everyone has their own unique way of life, as Confucius said: 'Zi is not a fish, but the joy of knowing fish?' They have found their own happiness, which is far from being measured by money.

After marriage, he was ridiculed for climbing Gao Zhier, and looking back on the life of "Tang Seng" Chi Chongrui, he understood what love is

In their daily lives, they also have their own rules. For example, the whole family must gather together during the meal, and Chen Lihua will move the chopsticks first; Chen Lihua cannot be interrupted when she speaks.

These seemingly strict requirements are actually the way they maintain family harmony. Chi Chongrui gladly accepted these rules, showing his wisdom and tolerance.

Their married life is harmonious and happy, not because there are no conflicts and disputes, but because they know how to resolve conflicts and how to continue to express love and respect in their daily lives.

This attitude of mutual understanding, tolerance and support makes their marriage like a wine that will last for a long time.

After marriage, he was ridiculed for climbing Gao Zhier, and looking back on the life of "Tang Seng" Chi Chongrui, he understood what love is

In 1991, in Beijing's East Fifth Ring Road, a unique museum was quietly born. This is the world-famous Rosewood Museum, which is not only an art palace, but also a testimony of Chen Lihua's deep feelings for Chi Chongrui.

The origin of this museum is due to an ordinary visit. At that time, Chi Chongrui was deeply attracted by a beautiful red sandalwood artwork, and stopped to admire it for a long time, with an unconcealable affection in his eyes.

This scene touched Chen Lihua's heartstrings. As a determined businessman, she immediately came up with an idea: to create an exclusive rosewood museum for her beloved "Mr. Chi".

When Chen Lihua led Chi Chongrui into the museum for the first time, she told him affectionately: "This is specially built for you, and from now on, it will be yours personally."

After marriage, he was ridiculed for climbing Gao Zhier, and looking back on the life of "Tang Seng" Chi Chongrui, he understood what love is

In the face of such love, Chi Chongrui's heart was full of emotion, and he didn't know how to express it for a while. This museum is not only a tribute to Chinese rosewood art, but also a materialized expression of Chen Lihua's deep love for Chi Chongrui.

What's even more touching is that Chen Lihua gave the position of deputy director to Chi Chongrui, instead of her own children. This decision not only reflects her trust in Chi Chongrui, but also shows the importance she attaches to this relationship.

In her opinion, Chi Chongrui is not only her husband, but also her career partner and spiritual confidant.

The Rosewood Museum became a symbol and bond of their love. Here, Chi Chongrui is responsible for receiving visiting guests, showing his knowledge and demeanor. Chen Lihua, on the other hand, often stood silently on the sidelines, staring at her beloved husband, her eyes full of relief and love.

After marriage, he was ridiculed for climbing Gao Zhier, and looking back on the life of "Tang Seng" Chi Chongrui, he understood what love is

This museum not only records the splendor of Chinese rosewood art, but also witnesses the love of a husband and wife for more than 30 years. It is a gift from Chen Lihua to Chi Chongrui, and it is their common spiritual home.

In the fragrance of rosewood, their love, like these precious works of art, is timeless and more precious.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Chi Chongrui and Chen Lihua have walked hand in hand for more than 30 years. Now, Chi Chongrui has entered the age of antiquity, and Chen Lihua is nearly ninety years old. Time has left a deep imprint on them, but it has not diminished the deep friendship between them.

In the Rosewood Museum, the elderly Chen Lihua often stands quietly on the sidelines, her eyes always following Chi Chongrui's figure. The strong woman who used to dominate the shopping mall is just an ordinary wife who wants to rely on at the moment.

After marriage, he was ridiculed for climbing Gao Zhier, and looking back on the life of "Tang Seng" Chi Chongrui, he understood what love is

And Chi Chongrui consistently fulfilled his original promise, took care of his wife with his heart, and showed the compassion and persistence of "Tang Seng".

Their lives are ordinary and warm, there is no vigorous love story, but there are sincere emotions for each other. It is this sincerity in the ordinary that makes their marriage stand the test of time.

Chi Chongrui and Chen Lihua used their actions to interpret what true love is, and also proved to the world that as long as they manage with their hearts, marriage can be as stable as a rock and endure.

Their stories teach us that true love knows no age, no matter wealth. It is present in the bits and pieces of daily life, in mutual understanding, tolerance and support.

After marriage, he was ridiculed for climbing Gao Zhier, and looking back on the life of "Tang Seng" Chi Chongrui, he understood what love is

In this fast-paced era, the story of Chi Chongrui and Chen Lihua undoubtedly gives us a warm inspiration: cherish the people in front of you, manage your feelings with heart, and find your own happiness in ordinary days.

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