
The child says, "Mom, I want to play with my phone, and you should answer like this."


The child said, Mom, I want to play with my phone, and your answer is very important

The child says, "Mom, I want to play with my phone, and you should answer like this."

When your child opens his expectant eyes and says to you, "Mom, I want to play with my phone." In this moment, your answer may have a profound impact on your child's future.

The child says, "Mom, I want to play with my phone, and you should answer like this."

In today's digital age, mobile phones have become an indispensable part of people's lives. Children are inevitably attracted to it, however, excessive use of mobile phones can be detrimental to children's development. As parents, we need to be cautious about responding to this request from our children.

The child says, "Mom, I want to play with my phone, and you should answer like this."
The child says, "Mom, I want to play with my phone, and you should answer like this."
The child says, "Mom, I want to play with my phone, and you should answer like this."
The child says, "Mom, I want to play with my phone, and you should answer like this."
The child says, "Mom, I want to play with my phone, and you should answer like this."

When a child makes this request, we can't simply say "no" or "yes". If we flatly refuse, it may make children feel lost and not understood, and may even trigger their rebellion. However, if you say yes easily, your child may fall into an over-dependence on mobile phones, affecting their learning, eyesight and social skills.

The child says, "Mom, I want to play with my phone, and you should answer like this."
The child says, "Mom, I want to play with my phone, and you should answer like this."
The child says, "Mom, I want to play with my phone, and you should answer like this."
The child says, "Mom, I want to play with my phone, and you should answer like this."

We can try to answer, "Baby, Mommy knows that mobile phones are fun, but now is not a good time to play with them." Let's finish our homework first, or play a fun parent-child game together, and then think about playing with our phones, okay? Such an answer not only expresses an understanding of the child's feelings, but also clarifies the priority at hand.

Or: "Baby, it's okay to play with your phone, but we have to make an appointment first, for example, you can only play for half an hour, so that it will not affect your eyes, nor delay you from doing other more meaningful things." In this way, children understand the importance of rules and restrictions.

We can also use this opportunity to guide children to think about the pros and cons of using mobile phones. For example, ask your child, "What do you think will happen if you spend a lot of time playing with your phone?" Will it make it impossible for you to concentrate on your studies, or make your eyes uncomfortable? "Help your child recognize the consequences of excessive use of mobile phones on their own.

At the same time, we should also reflect on why children ask to play with their mobile phones. Is it because we usually spend too little time with our children, so they can only find fun from their mobile phones? If this is the case, we should spend more time with our children to read, play games, and play outdoor sports, so as to enrich their lives and make them feel that the real world is far more exciting than the virtual mobile world.

When our child is dissatisfied or crying because of our refusal, we need to remain calm and patient and not be swayed by our emotions. You can hug the child and say gently: "Mom knows that you are unhappy now, but this is for your own good, and when you grow up, you will understand Mom's intentions." ”

In addition, we ourselves need to lead by example and reduce the excessive use of mobile phones in front of our children. If we always keep our phones in our hands, how can we ask our children to be in control?

In short, when a child says, "Mom, I want to play with my phone", our answer is not just a simple yes or no, but an educational opportunity. We should use love and wisdom to guide children to look at mobile phones correctly and cultivate their self-discipline and good habits.

Every small decision and response can be the cornerstone of shaping a child's future as they grow up. Let's cherish every opportunity to communicate with our children and help them grow with appropriate answers.

I believe that as long as we guide with our hearts, children will be able to keep a clear mind and grow up healthy and happy in this world full of temptations.

I hope that every parent can realize the importance of their own answers and create a better future for their children.

The child says, "Mom, I want to play with my phone, and you should answer like this."
The child says, "Mom, I want to play with my phone, and you should answer like this."
The child says, "Mom, I want to play with my phone, and you should answer like this."

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