
Zhou Yu suddenly became stronger, and he often won consecutive qualifying matches, what benefits did he get?

author:Talking about things

After the update of the new season, everyone is looking for strong heroes on each route, and although the changes in the middle lane are not too big, there are also some strong heroes that have emerged. The hero I want to talk about today is not Zhen Ji, nor is he not a fire dancer, but Zhou Yu, who has a relatively low sense of existence. It can be seen from the camp data that the current Zhou Yu's win rate has exceeded 55%, and he has suddenly become stronger.

Zhou Yu suddenly became stronger, and he often won consecutive qualifying matches, what benefits did he get?

Many Zhou Yu players said that as long as they get Zhou Yu now, the game is half the victory. As long as your operation is not too problematic, it is difficult to lose when you choose Zhou Yu. This hero is too suitable for playing early game, and the line clearing speed is very fast. Zhou Yu's fire is continuous damage, once it is spread, no matter how many lines there are, they can be cleared together, and Zhou Yu, who clears the line quickly, is one step ahead of others, and the strength is naturally higher.

Zhou Yu suddenly became stronger, and he often won consecutive qualifying matches, what benefits did he get?

Zhou Yu was afraid of some assassins in the jungle before, and those heroes had a strong ability to catch people, and Zhou Yu couldn't withstand the outburst of assassins this time. Now that the wild area has become larger, the traditional physical assassin heroes are all in prison, and the threat to Zhou Yu is relatively small. In the absence of economic differences, the assassin can't take Zhou Yu away with a set of combos, there is a risk of being killed by Zhou Yu, and the weakening of the jungler hero improves Zhou Yu's fault tolerance rate in disguise, and this hero rises rapidly.

Zhou Yu suddenly became stronger, and he often won consecutive qualifying matches, what benefits did he get?

Zhou Yu is not a hero who is too difficult, and novice players can master this hero as long as they play one or two in the training camp. It's just that Zhou Yu's appearance rate is not too high, and most players are unfamiliar with Zhou Yu, because his gameplay is not as simple and direct as heroes like Angela and Daji, which requires players to have a certain sense of game.

Zhou Yu suddenly became stronger, and he often won consecutive qualifying matches, what benefits did he get?

In short, Zhou Yu is a highly playable hero, you might as well try it, always stick to a certain hero, it is easy to be trapped in the wall, and your game ceiling is low.

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