
The Taoist priest went home to visit relatives, saw the paper man sitting in the hall and laughing, took out the red beans and threw them over

author:Click, click, tick

Oops, that's a real annoyance. Li Xuanfeng of Nagada in the northeast of our country, this Taoist, has been learning from an old Taoist priest who has traveled around since he was a child, gossip about the five elements, catching ghosts and subduing demons, that is called a proficient. On the rivers and lakes, his name is well-known, chivalrous and righteous, and his reputation spreads far and wide.

On this day, Li Xuanfeng had almost cultivated in the mountains, and after counting the days, he thought that the old mother in the family was old, and he must have thought about his son in a panic. So, he packed up and decided to go home. Along the way, he traveled day and night, and finally returned to Willow Creek Town. From afar, when I saw my old house, my heart was so hot, don't mention it. He quickened his pace, pushed the door, and the house was quiet, and no one could be seen.

Walking into the hall, there was a table of good dishes, but there was no one to see. Li Xuanfeng was wondering, and suddenly found two paper figures sitting in the corner, dressed in fancy clothes, still muttering there, laughing from time to time. Li Xuanfeng's heart tightened, and he thought, "This can't be some kind of ghost, right?" He steadied himself, and took a closer look, although these two paper figures looked decent, but there was no god in their eyes, they must have been cast by someone.

The Taoist priest went home to visit relatives, saw the paper man sitting in the hall and laughing, took out the red beans and threw them over

He knew in his heart that someone in this house must have used sorcery. He quietly took out a red bean from his arms, this thing was picked when he was cultivating in the mountains, to drive away evil spirits and avoid ghosts, but it was a god. With a flick, the red bean was like a hidden weapon, and went straight to the two paper figures. With a bang, the paper figure turned into a puff of green smoke and disappeared. Li Xuanfeng breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that the evil art had been broken.

He searched everywhere, but he couldn't find anyone who performed the spell. At this time, there was a sound of footsteps outside, and Li Xuanfeng hurriedly hid. As soon as the door was pushed, a middle-aged man came in, it was none other than his brother Li Qingfeng. As soon as Li Qingfeng entered the door, he shouted: "Mother, I'm back!" Business is good today, I bought some good wine and good food to honor you. When Li Xuanfeng heard this, he understood a rough idea in his heart.

He saw that Li Qingfeng didn't find anything, so he followed him, wanting to see what tricks he had. Li Qingfeng entered the kitchen, put the wine and food on the table, lit incense and candles, and said something in his mouth. Li Xuanfeng listened in the dark, it turned out that this guy was summoning evil spirits and wanted to do something with evil magic. Li Xuanfeng was so angry that he wanted to come out directly to expose him, but after thinking about it again, there must be something strange about this matter. He decided to investigate secretly to see what conspiracy Li Qingfeng had.

The Taoist priest went home to visit relatives, saw the paper man sitting in the hall and laughing, took out the red beans and threw them over

In the next few days, Li Xuanfeng secretly observed Li Qingfeng's whereabouts and found that he went out mysteriously every night. Li Xuanfeng decided to follow him and see where he went. Li Xuanfeng, this kid, really went through a lot of hardships, and finally caught Li Qingfeng's kid's fox tail for us. It turns out that he hooked up with that mysterious organization in our town. These people use evil ways to plague the township and oppress our people. Li Qingfeng's kid, in order to climb into this organization, even disregarded the happiness and safety of his family, learned that evil art, and became a cow and a horse for others. The fire in Li Xuanfeng's heart was so angry that he made up his mind to reveal the true face of this organization and eliminate harm to the people in our town. He still has to let Li Qingfeng's kid wake up and don't go further and further on the lost path. But it is not an easy task to deal with this organization. Li Xuanfeng knew that he had to be careful not to startle the snake, so he started his own plan......

For several days in a row, Li Xuanfeng followed Li Qingfeng's ass and found that this organization was really cunning, and every time he got together, he picked that remote place, and it had to be night. He thought to himself that these people must have done something shady and shady. One night, Li Xuanfeng followed Li Qingfeng to a ruined temple. When I looked at the temple, the lights were bright, and a group of people were in a circle, doing some ritual. Li Xuanfeng quietly approached, hid behind the window, and peeked in. He couldn't see it, he saw an old incense burner in the center of the temple, and the incense burner was full of green smoke, and the fragrance was very pungent. A group of people dressed in black, wearing masks, holding ritual weapons in their hands, and chanting words in their mouths. Li Qingfeng stood aside, with a smile on his face, not to mention how weird it was. Li Xuanfeng's heart sank, and he thought: "These people are really engaged in evil arts!" He was about to rush in and expose them, when suddenly he noticed that among them, there was his mother. Li Xuanfeng was stunned, he never expected that his mother would also be involved. His heart was like a knife, but he knew that now was not the time to be impulsive. He took a deep breath and decided to take a look before he could see what they were trying to do.

Halfway through the ceremony, one of the leaders stood up and announced loudly, "We are gathered here today to use the power of this evil art to control the entire Willow Creek Town and make everyone become our slaves!" Everyone cheered, and Li Qingfeng also shouted excitedly. Li Xuanfeng was terrified when he heard this, he knew that he couldn't sit idly by anymore. He took a deep breath, slammed open the window, and shouted, "Stop it!" Everyone was taken aback and turned their heads to look. Li Xuanfeng took the opportunity to rush in, grabbed Li Qingfeng's collar, and roared angrily: "You rebel! In order to tie up with these people, even your mother didn't care! Li Qingfeng was stunned by Li Xuanfeng's momentum, and stammered, "You...... What are you doing here? Li Xuanfeng ignored him, turned to his mother and said, "Mother, why are you also confused by them?" When the mother saw Li Xuanfeng, a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes, but she quickly regained her composure. She threw out a sentence lightly: "Xuanfeng, you are back." Our mother knows that you are soft-hearted, but in this world, it is unreasonable. If we don't make some evil ways, how can we get mixed up in this world? When Li Xuanfeng heard this, his heart felt like a knife. He never expected that even his mother would be fascinated by the evil magic. He held his breath and said slowly: "Mother, you have gone astray. Although evil magic can make people gain momentum for a while, in the end, it will harm others and oneself. We have to take the right path to be sure. ”

The Taoist priest went home to visit relatives, saw the paper man sitting in the hall and laughing, took out the red beans and threw them over

The mother listened and fell silent. The leader over there was anxious and shouted, "Li Xuanfeng, don't grind here!" If you don't join us today, don't want to get out alive! Li Xuanfeng sneered and replied: "I, Li Xuanfeng, have been wandering the rivers and lakes for many years, what wind and waves have I never seen?" You crooked ways, dare to be arrogant in front of me? Before he finished speaking, his hand shook, and the long sword at his waist flashed out, pointing directly at the group of people. When everyone saw it, they also pulled out their guys one after another, preparing to besiege Li Xuanfeng.

Li Xuanfeng was not stunned at all, and he slashed with his sword. In the temple, the sword light and sword shadow are very lively. Although he was brave, the other party was outnumbered, and all of them were extraordinary, and he gradually felt a little powerless, and he was stabbed a few times. But he knew that he couldn't be cowardly at this time, otherwise his life would be in jeopardy, and his mother and Liuxi Town would also suffer.

Just as the fight was inextricable, suddenly a gust of wind whistled, and the lights in the temple were blown away. Li Xuanfeng seized the opportunity and stabbed the leader with a sword, but the man didn't dodge, and pierced his heart with a sword. When the others saw it, they were so frightened that they scattered and fled. Li Xuanfeng took advantage of the victory to pursue and subdued those who escaped one by one. In the end, his mother and Li Qingfeng were still standing there. Li Xuanfeng looked at his mother's vicissitudes of life and Li Qingfeng's frightened eyes, and he didn't feel good in his heart. He walked up to his mother, knelt down and said, "Mother, I was wrong, please forgive my son for being unfilial." The mother sighed and said, "Xuanfeng, it was my mother's mistake, my mother let the evil art be confused, so she did such a stupid thing." Li Xuanfeng turned to Li Qingfeng again and said, "Qingfeng, you are also wrong, in order to contaminate these people, you don't even care about your mother, do you know your mistake?" Li Qingfeng bowed his head and said, "Brother, I was wrong, please give me a chance to reform my ways." Li Xuanfeng nodded and said, "Okay, since you know that you are wrong, then go home with me." So, Li Xuanfeng took his mother and Li Qingfeng home. He used his own Dao method to solve the evil magic in his mother's body, and also taught her how to cultivate the righteous path. Li Qingfeng was also under the guidance of his brother, slowly reforming his evil ways and becoming a new person. Since then, the people of Willow Creek Town no longer have to worry about the threat of evil arts, and they have lived a peaceful life.

The Taoist priest went home to visit relatives, saw the paper man sitting in the hall and laughing, took out the red beans and threw them over

After Li Xuanfeng returned home, he was not idle. Our Li Xuanfeng is really an understanding person, and he knows the harm of the evil sect, so he is thinking about building a Taoist temple in Liuxi Town, passing on some righteous skills, and keeping the villagers away from those evil things. As soon as the Taoist temple was erected, the villagers came in an endless stream to learn art. Li Xuanfeng not only taught them the Tao, but also taught them how to cultivate their self-cultivation and how to be a person and do things. His words were easy to understand, and the villagers were happy to hear it.

But the good times didn't last long, and the mysterious organization saw Li Xuanfeng doing this, and they were so angry in their hearts that they wanted to destroy him. One night, a few guys in black sneaked into the Taoist temple, wanting to be unfavorable to Li Xuanfeng. But how did they know that Li Xuanfeng had been prepared and laid a net. As soon as he gave the order, the apprentices in the Taoist temple rushed out and fought with the man in black. This fight was so lively, although there were many people in black, Li Xuanfeng and his apprentices were all extraordinary. They used profound Taoism and exquisite martial arts to beat down the black-clothed people one by one. In the end, the head of the man in black was also subdued by Li Xuanfeng. The head knelt in front of Li Xuanfeng, crying and begging for mercy: "Dao Chief, spare me, I don't dare anymore." Li Xuanfeng looked at him coldly and said, "Do you know what's wrong?" Do you know how bad these things you are doing? The head bowed his head and did not dare to say anything. Li Xuanfeng sighed and said, "You people, you know how to pursue power and forget the fundamentals of being a human being. You think that sorcery can give you strength, but you don't know that it will harm others and yourself in the end. When the head heard this, tears welled up in his eyes, and he expressed his willingness to mend his ways. Li Xuanfeng saw that he was truly repentant, so he gave him a way to live. Since then, the mysterious organization has not come to cause trouble. The villagers in Liuxi Town lived a peaceful life, and Li Xuanfeng's Taoist temple has also become a holy place in their hearts.

But Li Xuanfeng was not satisfied, he knew that the scourge of evil magic was still there, so he decided to take his apprentices around, pass on some righteous skills, and protect more villagers. They have traveled all over the mountains and rivers and seen the joys and sorrows of the world. With their wisdom and courage, they have helped many people solve difficulties and won everyone's respect and love. In the process, Li Xuanfeng also made many like-minded friends. They studied the Tao together, traveled north and south together, and fought together for the cause of the righteous path. After years of hard work, Li Xuanfeng and his apprentices finally spread the craftsmanship of the righteous path all over the world. They have proved with their actions that evil does not prevail over good, and they have also made more people understand the fundamentals of being a human being. In the end, Li Xuanfeng passed away peacefully at the age of 100. All his life, he has been fighting for the cause of righteousness and working hard to protect his fellow villagers from evil magic. Oh, this brother's deeds are really admirable, and his reputation is well-known, and future generations have to give him a thumbs up. The villagers of our Liuxi Town admired Li Xuanfeng very much, so they set up a statue for him at the gate of the Taoist Temple, so that his heroic appearance would always remain in the hearts of everyone.

The Taoist priest went home to visit relatives, saw the paper man sitting in the hall and laughing, took out the red beans and threw them over

You look at the statue, Li Xuanfeng smiled so kindly, and his eyes were as deep as something, as if he was silently guarding this hot land and villagers he loved so much. As soon as the villagers walked there, they couldn't help but stop and salute the great Taoist, and the energy of gratitude and admiration in their hearts was as sweet as drinking honey.

Li Xuanfeng's story is well-known in our Liuxi Town, and it has become a beautiful landscape. When it comes to him, everyone loves to talk about his legendary experiences with relish, and it makes people's hearts itch. His courage to move forward and pursue the right path not only inspired the villagers of our Liuxi Town, but also made this good story spread in the land of China for thousands of years.

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