
The sixth chapter of the third continuation of the little eight meanings, the red bean yuan, the sixth episode, Li Dai Taozhuang, the truth and the rough road of love, finally met

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The sixth chapter of the third continuation of the little eight meanings, the red bean yuan, the sixth episode, Li Dai Taozhuang, the truth and the rough road of love, finally met

Collection|Three Continuation of Little Eight Meanings of Red Beans - Today's Headlines

Press: "Red Bean Yuan", an excerpt from "Three Continuations of Little Bayi", was originally an exclusive book by Xihe drum artist Liu Caiqin, edited by Tian Lianyuan and Geng Tianwei (Geng Ying, Yang Tianwei), and the excerpt was published in the "Shenyang Evening News" from November 27 to December 23, 1996. The full text has a total of 21 sections, saving more than 1,150 words each. Now it is re-divided and collected here for the benefit of book lovers. (Added after the editor)

Three continuations of the red bean edge of the small eight meanings

Edited by Tian Lianyuan and Geng Tianwei


Li Dai Tao stiffened the truth, confessed the rough road of love, and finally met

The young man who came out of the bed looked very similar to Song Wanqing. Song Wanqing said: "Okay, Aunt Ding Wan, your Jinling recruitment is fake, it turns out that there is an adulterer!" ”

The girl said: "Spray less dung, you have seen it in the mouth of the black tiger, my two guns are not sparing, be careful that I pick you!" ”

Outside, Ruan Ying accosted: "What did you do, you made a fuss about eavesdropping on the cave room." All come out, let me see who of the two grooms is like the real one? ”

Outside the door, Song Wanqing said: "Senior brother, I came with my father's letter of recommendation, and I also used the sword of my father's sword hand, Song Shigong, you have seen it." Will I be a fake? ”

Ruan Ying said: "My master and my master both practice Bagua Knife, but they have their own tricks, which of you knows my master's tricks?" ”

Song Wanqing said: "I learned the Thirty-six Road Tiangang Knife from my master, the Golden Needle Daoist. ”

Ruan Ying said, "Okay, you compare with that guy." ”

Dare to love both of them make Tiangang knife, you attack me and break you, you retreat and I advance; Suddenly, the young man's knife trick changed, and the knife picked the red pompom on Song Wanqing's hat, Song Wanqing was stunned, and his waist was broken again.

Ruan Ying shouted: "Stop! Song Wanqing, you are defeated. Do you know what kind of sword trick he used? Song Wanqing shook his head.

Ruan Ying said: "What he used was the three-pan knife in my master's master's unique gossip knife. Take the head on the plate, take the waist on the middle plate, I stopped him from using the knife, otherwise your two feet will fall off. No matter who you learn the knife from, you can't help but know your father's tricks, do you dare to say that you are Song Wanqing! ”

Song Wanqing became a fake and shoddy, he wanted to run, let the young man sweep away the legs and kick a dog to rob, and the captain came over and tied up. From now on, let's return the name Song Wanqing to the young man.

The fake Song Wanqing is called Long Hao, the third son of Long Teng, the owner of Junshan, and is among the five uniques of Junshan. Song Wanqing learned martial arts, and Song Shigong wrote him a letter of recommendation asking him to go to Tokyo to find Ruan Ying, and gave his Jiugong serial knife to his son. Song Wanqing was seriously ill on the way, thanks to a good person who took care of him, this good man is Long Hao. He took the alias Hai Zhongyou and Song Wanqing and worshipped him, and pisted Song Wanqing to learn the knife, Song Wanqing also kept an eye on it, and only passed him the Tiangang knife but not the three knives. He wanted to accompany Brother Song to visit Dongting first and then go to Tokyo, Song Wanqing was sick and exhausted, so he had to go to Hubei with this rich brother. Long Nao drunk Song Wanqing and threw him into the lake with a sack. He stole the letter of recommendation, took the Jiugong knife on his shoulder, and ran to Tokyo to impostor.

The real Song Wanqing let Ding Deguang, who fished for a living, save him, and after checking that it was the old man. Song Wanqing was going to Tokyo to find Long Fuss, Ding Deguang said: "Don't be busy, let him charge for two days first, see what he wants to do, soon the Song army will go south to attack Jun Mountain, let's find out who this kid is." ”

When the Song army arrived in Yuezhou, Ding Deguang visited the Song camp twice at night and saw the fake Song Wanqing. The old man has been in Dongting for a long time, and he knows the head of Junshan, can he not know this kid? Jin Ling recruited relatives, in order to pass the letter to Song Ying, so as to catch dragons and make trouble. Sure enough, Tang Tieniu took the dragon to throw the bell, and the dragon felt that he was picking up a bargain, so he had ever wanted to recruit a bottom-planer. On the way back to the division in Heihukou, Ding Deguang told Ruan Ying the truth, Ruan Ying was shocked, something strange happened to Song Yinglian, and Zhao Yu died, and he couldn't help but do it all because this kid did it. Only then did he arrange to get married immediately, and the two Song Wanqing faced each other, separating the true from the three knives, so that Long Hao could reveal his stuffing on the spot. Actually, Ding Deguang had already promised the girl to Song Wanqing.

Long Hao confessed to all of them, just begging to give him a good time, so as not to let him suffer zero guilt. He admitted that he had killed Zhao Yu and that his head was buried under a cherry tree in a family outside the east gate. Everyone took the dragon to get the head, and hated the master: "Good boy, come to my yard in the middle of the night to bury people's heads, isn't this a false accusation!" "Take the pickaxe three times and plane, and sure enough, dig out a human head, everyone ran to see, this kid threw the pickaxe and took out the dagger to cut the rope of the dragon.

Two thieves jumped over the wall and escaped, Ruan Ying led people to chase after him, and saw that by the river, a person flickered out of the grass, and under the moonlight, he saw this person in a white scarf, a white coat, and a white hat, and a bright silver stick in his hand. I only heard him shouting at the dragon: "Give me back!" ”

The dragon exploded and asked, "Who are you?" ”

"I'm Zhao Yu who was killed by you, you don't know me anymore?"

Isn't it really Zhao Yu, Long Chao has been in the Song camp for more than half a year, where can he not know him. He killed Zhao Yu and threw his head into the heart of the river, and now he encounters Zhao Yu's manifestation and asks for his life, how can he not be creepy?

Tang Tieniu also shouted: "I said that Zhao Yu appeared in the tomb of the Zhao family, you don't believe it, no, his soul Ling'er went to the river to find the dragon to settle the account." Brother Zhao Yu, you died a bitter death, leave the widow who Xiaojuan guarded......" Seeing Zhao Yu swaying as if he was about to run for him, Tang Tieniu was so frightened that Tang Tieniu turned around and closed his eyes and hugged his head and shouted for mercy.

As soon as Tang Tieniu made a fuss, Zhao Yu was distracted, Long Nao rushed over and ran towards the lake, and Zhao Yu hesitated again, and he was more than a dozen steps away. Boom, he jumped into the lake. How good the water nature of the dragon is, no matter how much you catch up, no one can catch up. Zhao Yu got into the grass again, and everyone shouted that no one answered, so they went in separately to search, and there was no trace of it.

Ruan Ying and the others were deeply pleased that Zhao Yu was not dead, Tang Tieniu insisted that it was Zhao Yu's soul, and Jin Gui, Le Bao, and Meng Chunda also coaxed, talking about the retribution of the ghost catching the enemy, and Ruan Ying was so angry that he stared at him and yelled before he suppressed the nonsense.

The next day, Ruan Ying said that she should tell Xiaojuan about seeing Zhao Yu. Tang Tieniu wanted to go, but the lake was blocked and no boats were allowed.

Jin Gui said, "I'll go." ”

Lebao said, "I'll go too." ”

They can go, and they are diving experts. The two children were speeding in a small boat, and when they met the patrol, they got under the boat. The patrol post is also strange, there is no strong wind, why does the broken cable boat float so far? They hooked the boat (dragging it back), and the two children grabbed the stakes that had been riveted to the bottom of the boat, and they reached the opposite shore without anyone seeing it.

On Longkou Village, only Xiaojuan's courtyard is full of flowers and plants, which is really easy to find. Only white flowers bloomed in the courtyard, and the brightly colored flowers were all removed. There is a mourning hall in the boudoir, and the tall spirit card reads "the spirit of the deceased husband Zhao Yu", and the bottom is "the surviving Zhao Tong's family". On the table, there is a lot of cigarette smoke, a white candle with a high fever, a fruit pastry, and a wine cup and a tea cup. Xiaojuan sat at the table all day long, her face was withered, she cried without tears, she had already tormented herself.

Jin Gui and Le Bao came in, Xiaojuan couldn't recognize them, the two reported their homes, one said it was Zhao Yu's brother, and the other said it was Tang Tieniu's apprentice, and she remembered that she had seen it in Song Ying. Jin Gui talked about seeing Zhao Yu by the lake last night, and said that it was the soul spirit that appeared to catch the enemy. Xiao Juan didn't care what the soul was, she only asked them if they could see that the person was really Zhao Yu, and the two children said together: "It's definitely not wrong, it's definitely him!" ”

Xiaojuan smashed the spirit card, lifted the offering table, cried and smiled, she laughed. Jin Gui felt that she was crazy, and Lebao said that she was stupid, all because she became too fast. Xiaojuan set up a mourning hall, and always felt that Zhao Yu was not dead, how much suffering she suffered for Zhao Yu, how many tears she shed, Zhao Yu died, there is no reason in the sky, and there is no justice in the world. Jin Gui and Le Bao said that Zhao Yu is not dead, of course it is true, otherwise, what else is there to show for justice and justice? She didn't believe in any gods and ghosts, since so many people had seen Zhao Yu by the river, of course Zhao Yu was still in the world. She happily grabbed the two children and jumped up.

At this moment, the maid came in and said, "The third son of the master of the big village, Long is here. Xiaojuan was startled, and hurriedly asked the maid to lead the two to hide in the back room.

After a while, Long Chao came in and shouted: "Tong Xianxian, I heard good news when I came back last night, I can't help but hurry up to tell you." My father sent someone to Tokyo to invite the prospective Tong Guantong, your uncle has promised you to me as a wife, and rewarded you with a thousand taels of gold as your dowry, and we are about to get married! ”

Xiaojuan said: "Third son, please be more solemn!" ”

Long Hao was still happy: "We are already in the same branch, what else is solemn or not." Some people say that you are a spy, I know that you love Zhao Yu, and you will never descend to the Song camp. Mrs. Cai is on our mountain, your eldest uncle is in the Song Dynasty, and his heart is also in our area, and your uncle is our own person, and now that Zhao Yu is dead again, how can you be willing to be a spy for Song Ying? You have set up a mourning hall publicly, which shows that you are not a spy, so you are not afraid of suspicion from others. You smashed the mourning hall again, thinking that it was a good time. I'm so happy to have a good daughter-in-law with high skills and good looks! ”

Xiao Juan took off the halberd from the wall, and the kid woke up and hurriedly exited the door. Xiaojuan went out and shouted: "Thief, since you know that I have a love in my heart, I am already a man with a husband and a master, and I dare to come to fight my idea, I am really bold and not afraid of death, and I am forced to break through the ghost gate!" ”

At this moment, Silly Qiao'er limped, walked over with trembling hands, and when he saw Xiaojuan scolding the dragon, he also shouted: "Kill!" Kill! The dragon kicked hard, and the stupid Qiao'er was kicked out, and his head was knocked on the stone, and he was out of breath at the time.

Xiao Juan saw him kick the stupid Qiao Er to death, so she was even more anxious, and stepped forward with a double halberd. Long Hao knew how powerful Xiaojuan was, how dare he fight, turn his head and run. Jin Gui and Le Bao have also rushed out, and Xiaojuan shouted: "Chase!" "The three of them chased the dragon and got lost, you ran to Junshan Dazhai, no, he got off Longkou Village and went straight to the lake, only to see a small boat coming quickly on the lake, no one rocked the oars, and it was not smooth and windy, how could the boat go?

Jin Gui shouted: "Sister Xiaojuan, it is Zhao Yu who is standing on the boat!" You see, the boat is rowed unmanned, and it is like the wind against the current, and Brother Zhao has become a god without being a ghost! ”

Long Hao was frightened, it was really a murder to pay off the debt, Zhao Yu was aiming at me, I didn't give him a stand-in, he was torn pants and bound to me! When the boat arrived on the shore, Zhao Yu Xiaoyan pierced the clouds and went to land, Long Hao didn't understand what was going on, he was already knocked down by a stick, he took the opportunity to roll on the donkey and went straight to the lake. This beauty in his heart: I am not afraid of anyone in the water, I am alive again.

This time it doesn't work, I ran into a water rat Jin Gui, the child is the ancestor in the water, and the dragon is far away. Three fluttering and two fluttering, the dragon stopped making trouble, and let Jin Gui strangle to death.

Seeing that it was Zhao Yu, Xiao Juan threw the double halberd, rushed over and hugged it tightly. Jin Gui came out of the water and was frightened: "Sister Xiaojuan, don't let him hug him, run!" He's a ghost, a ghost! ”

Xiaojuan also shouted at him: "You are not allowed to see whether it is a person or a ghost!" Look back, kid looks at this troublesome eyes. "If it is really a ghost, Xiaojuan will never let go, she would rather let Zhao Yu take it to the Yin Cao Difu, and be a flounder under the bridge of Yinshan Lianli Tree.

Jin Gui and Le Bao saw the two hugging each other, Zhao Yu didn't bite Xiao Juan's nose and bit off Xiao Juan's ears, feeling that this ghost was not terrible, they slowly came over, and the two had to separate.

Zhao Yu said: "Get on the boat quickly and return to Yuezhou quickly." Four people jumped into the boat. Zhao Yu said: "Jin Gui, Lebao, turn the bow of the boat." ”

Lebao wondered: "No one is driving the boat, and the boat is still going, why is it that someone is here to support the paddle?" ”

Zhao Yu smiled and said: "I am a ghost just now, I can blow the boat in one breath, and now I have become a human again, and there is no climate, so I have to wronged the two of you to sell some strength." The two children made the boat, and he got into the cabin and leaned on Xiaojuan to say goodbye.

The dragon killed Lang Wuxiang, who was caught by Xiaojuan and given to Ruan Ying as a meeting gift. That night, Zhao Yu woke up in the forest outside the camp, and all the clothes on his body were changed. An old Taoist beside him said to him: "Song Wanqing wants to kill you, I have put Lang Wuxiang in a sleeping hole, put on your clothes and pants in your tent, and carry you here." Don't show your face for the time being, but spy on him to see what other plots he has planned. He couldn't hold it back, so he had to pretend to be a ghost three times when he appeared. Now that the dragon is out of the air, Zhao Yu has returned to the camp publicly.

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