
To nourish qi is to nourish life! It is recommended for middle-aged and elderly people: eat these 4 things often in summer, and replenish qi and be energetic!

author:Recipes to relieve worries

When summer comes, every increase in temperature is not only a challenge to our heat resistance, but also a test of physical strength and mental state for middle-aged and elderly people. As we age, the body's metabolism naturally slows down, and immunity and the ability to regulate body temperature gradually weaken. This means that the hot summer day is more likely to make middle-aged and elderly people feel tired and tired, and even affect the quality of sleep at night, resulting in lack of energy the next day.

To nourish qi is to nourish life! It is recommended for middle-aged and elderly people: eat these 4 things often in summer, and replenish qi and be energetic!

In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, summer is a period of nourishing the heart and preventing fire, and the concept of "nourishing qi is nourishing life" is especially important for middle-aged and elderly people. The so-called "qi" is not only a symbol of physical vitality, but also the basis for maintaining normal physiological functions. In summer, the climate is hot and dry, and it is easy to consume the qi in the body, which leads to qi deficiency, which is manifested as symptoms such as fatigue, sweating, and palpitation. Therefore, replenishing and maintaining the body's "Qi" is essential to improve the quality of life and maintain a healthy state.

To nourish qi is to nourish life! It is recommended for middle-aged and elderly people: eat these 4 things often in summer, and replenish qi and be energetic!

In order to help middle-aged and elderly people effectively cope with the challenges of summer, there are four foods that I particularly recommend, which can not only help replenish qi, but also reconcile the balance of yin and yang in the body, enhance physical fitness, and make the mental state more vigorous. These four foods are easy to incorporate into your daily diet, are delicious and nutritious, and can be a regular on the summer table.

Recommended recipe 1: Braised radish with shiitake mushrooms

To nourish qi is to nourish life! It is recommended for middle-aged and elderly people: eat these 4 things often in summer, and replenish qi and be energetic!

Braised radish with shiitake mushrooms is a simple but very appetizing home-cooked dish. Shiitake mushrooms are rich in dietary fiber and vitamins, which help boost immunity; Radishes can improve digestion and help clean up waste from the body. This dish goes well together and is both light and nourishing.

Main ingredients: shiitake mushrooms, white radish, ginger slices

Here's how:

To nourish qi is to nourish life! It is recommended for middle-aged and elderly people: eat these 4 things often in summer, and replenish qi and be energetic!

Soak the mushrooms in advance and slice them; Peel the radish and cut it into cubes.

Add oil to the pot and sauté the ginger slices first.

Add the shiitake mushrooms and radish and stir-fry, adding some water.

Cover the pot and simmer over low heat until the radish is tender.

Finally, add a pinch of salt to taste and serve.

Recommended Recipe 2: Yellow eel with garlic

To nourish qi is to nourish life! It is recommended for middle-aged and elderly people: eat these 4 things often in summer, and replenish qi and be energetic!

Yellow eel is a nutritious summer dish, yellow eel is high in protein and essential amino acids, and garlic moss provides rich vitamins and minerals, which are not only delicious when combined but also replenish qi and strengthen the body.

Main ingredients: yellow eel, garlic moss, minced garlic, bean paste

Here's how:

To nourish qi is to nourish life! It is recommended for middle-aged and elderly people: eat these 4 things often in summer, and replenish qi and be energetic!

The yellow eel is washed and cut into sections, salted and washed.

Cut the garlic into pieces and set aside.

Add oil to a hot pan and stir-fry the minced garlic and bean paste until fragrant.

Add the yellow eel and stir-fry until it changes color, then add garlic moss and stir-fry quickly.

After stir-frying well, add a little water, cover and simmer for a few minutes, adjust the flavor and then get out of the pot.

Recommended recipe 3: Cordyceps flower chicken soup

To nourish qi is to nourish life! It is recommended for middle-aged and elderly people: eat these 4 things often in summer, and replenish qi and be energetic!

Cordyceps Flower Chicken Soup is a nourishing and strengthening soup, especially suitable for middle-aged and elderly people in summer. Cordyceps flowers can help boost the body's immunity, while chicken is a good source of high protein, and the combination of the two can effectively replenish qi and refresh the mind.

Main ingredients: cordyceps flowers, chicken, ginger slices

Here's how:

To nourish qi is to nourish life! It is recommended for middle-aged and elderly people: eat these 4 things often in summer, and replenish qi and be energetic!

Wash the chicken and cut it into cubes and blanch it in boiling water.

Add water to a pot, add the chicken and ginger slices, and bring to a boil over high heat.

Reduce the heat and add the cordyceps flowers and continue to simmer.

Cook until the chicken is cooked and the soup is delicious, and add salt to taste.

Recommended recipe 4: Oyster sauce lettuce

To nourish qi is to nourish life! It is recommended for middle-aged and elderly people: eat these 4 things often in summer, and replenish qi and be energetic!

Oyster sauce lettuce is a healthy dish with a crisp and delicious taste rich in vitamins and fibre, while oyster sauce adds a delicious seafood flavor to the dish, while also helping to replenish iron and improve blood circulation.

Main ingredients: lettuce, oyster sauce, garlic

Here's how:

To nourish qi is to nourish life! It is recommended for middle-aged and elderly people: eat these 4 things often in summer, and replenish qi and be energetic!

Wash the lettuce and cut into sections.

Slice the garlic.

Heat the pan with oil and sauté the garlic slices until fragrant.

Add lettuce and stir-fry quickly.

To nourish qi is to nourish life! It is recommended for middle-aged and elderly people: eat these 4 things often in summer, and replenish qi and be energetic!

Add an appropriate amount of oyster sauce and stir-fry quickly, sprinkle a little sugar before removing from the pan to balance the taste. These four dishes are not only delicious, but also a good choice for middle-aged and elderly friends to maintain their health in summer. Eating these dishes regularly can help replenish the nutrients needed by the body, enhance physical strength and mental state, and keep you energized and energetic all summer long!

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