
I Ching Culture 1: To change your fate, you need to meet these two conditions, and you will be blessed if you realize it

author:Cold-eyed Chinese studies
I Ching Culture 1: To change your fate, you need to meet these two conditions, and you will be blessed if you realize it

What is fate

Everyone has their own life, and when they come into the world, the eight characters representing their own destiny also came into being. Life and death are fateful, and wealth is in the sky. The fate of almost all people is predestined at birth!

It is difficult to have absolutes in everything, so there are still very few people who can change their destiny and ascend in the middle of their lives. Let's take a look at such a story.

I Ching Culture 1: To change your fate, you need to meet these two conditions, and you will be blessed if you realize it

The story of Pei Du's "change of life".

In the Tang Dynasty, Pei Du was not good-looking, and he had suffered many setbacks in officialdom, and it was inevitable that he would be depressed.

He once heard that the scholars and doctors respected a certain physiognomy master, so he went to visit him. Xiangshi said: "Lang Jun's appearance is different from ordinary people, if he is not a high-ranking official or nobleman, he will starve to death." I can't see your place right now, but I'll give you a closer look when I visit on another day. Pei Du returned in a huff.

Soon after, Pei Du went to visit Xiangshan Temple, and saw a woman who had lost a single garment on the temple railing, and could not catch up, so he waited for the woman to return until the sun set.

The next morning, Pei Du came to the temple early, and when he saw the woman hurrying here, he followed her and asked her what had happened, and the woman said, "My father has not committed a crime but has been detained, and a noble man has given me a rhinoceros belt and two jade belts, worth more than a thousand strings of money, to bribe my father, but they are all lost, and my father is afraid that a great disaster will befall me." ”

Pei Du carefully asked her about the details of the items, and the woman replied that they were true, and Pei Du returned them to her. The woman cried and thanked him, and asked Pei Du to leave one as a thank you gift, but Pei Du did not accept it.

Soon, Pei Du saw the phase master again, and the phase master carefully examined Pei Du and exclaimed: "Your face must have obtained the Yin De plus body, so that it can change so much." Your future is limitless, and that's not something I can know. ”

Later, Pei Du really became the Zhongshu Ling and obtained the title of Duke of Jin, which can be described as a moment of glory.

I Ching Culture 1: To change your fate, you need to meet these two conditions, and you will be blessed if you realize it

Two major conditions for "changing lives".

Peido's story shows us that it is possible to change one's life. But based on Pei Du's status, we should also know that there is really no one in ten thousand who can really change his life against the sky.

So, what are the conditions that need to be met to "change your life"?

The "Yi" hexagram in "Zhou Yi" "Xiang said: wind and thunder, benefit." A gentleman will move if he sees goodness, and change if he has a fault. "Shows us the true meaning of how to change your life!

I Ching Culture 1: To change your fate, you need to meet these two conditions, and you will be blessed if you realize it

If you see good, you will move

The story of Pei Du's "finding gold" is a typical case of seeing good and moving.

When we encounter someone else in a difficult situation, it is a good deed if we can act in time. By accumulating good deeds, there is the possibility of changing one's life.

It seems simple, right? It's not that simple at all!

One type of person has a very selfish desire to help others, either for fame or profit, and if his heart is not pure, his good deeds will be diminished. Many entrepreneurs donate not simply donations, but for tax reductions and to get on the charity rankings; There are also those who donate to schools and name them after themselves; Donate to build temples, in order to put up merit monuments. It's all about fame, and fame is an intangible resource in contemporary society.

One type of person only does "icing on the cake" things when helping others, and never "sends charcoal in the snow". The premise of their help is that the other party is worthy of help and can have a good return in the future. Their actions are not so much about helping people as they are about investing! Obviously, this kind of helping others is not pure, and such good deeds must be greatly reduced, or even not good deeds.

True good deeds are not done deliberately, but at any time, without any other thoughts, but simply giving and helping others. Therefore, the real great benevolent person is the kind of person who will do his best to help the people around him when they are in trouble, and do not ask for anything in return. But those who don't help the people around them to make social charity news are basically not really doing good, and the traces of deliberate actions are too heavy, and they are obviously doing good deeds with a purpose.

I Ching Culture 1: To change your fate, you need to meet these two conditions, and you will be blessed if you realize it

If there is a mistake, it will be changed

Why do some people do a lot of good things, but they just can't change their lives?

Doing good is a gain, and the premise that the gain can change your life is that there is no other loss, but many people do good while doing evil, although there is a gain, but the loss is also a lot, or even more than the gain, on the whole, in virtue, it is only a slight gain or even no gain but the moral damage is impossible!

There are many such things in reality, and some underworld forces have done countless evils, but they have also publicly done some good deeds in order to clear their identities.

I remember that a few years ago, in order to clear their name, the underworld forces in a certain place hired construction machinery to go to the disaster area to provide disaster relief, and it was later revealed that it was such a bad background.

In real life, there are some people who usually hurt others, take advantage of others, snobbish and other mistakes, and never change, and later believe in Buddhism and Christianity and other religions, promote teachings everywhere, participate in public welfare activities, and think that they have done a lot of good, and they are also considered to be a great good person, but in fact? Is religion related to good deeds? Is public welfare equal to good deeds? Many things are not so simple, after all, it is difficult to find institutions that really do good in contemporary society, and there are many pretends.

I Ching Culture 1: To change your fate, you need to meet these two conditions, and you will be blessed if you realize it

Doing good is related to personal ability, and the rich and noble are the easiest to do good. It is more difficult to change, because everyone's mistakes are related to his nature, "the country is easy to change, but the nature is difficult to change"!

Therefore, although only two conditions need to be met to change one's life, only a few of the hundreds of millions of people can truly "change one's life against the sky"!

I Ching Culture 1: To change your fate, you need to meet these two conditions, and you will be blessed if you realize it

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