
Fangte version of the "Songkran Carnival" is cool and open, opening the summer cool tourism season

author:Jiang Han style

Jiang Hanfeng reported: Today (June 30), the Jingzhou Fangte Water Carnival opened. Hearty water battles, dynamic and cool music, and colorful fireworks attracted a large number of tourists from Jingzhou and the surrounding areas to experience and check in on the opening day.

Fangte version of the "Songkran Carnival" is cool and open, opening the summer cool tourism season

Peacocks, elephants, palm trees, in Jingzhou Fangte's Carnival Square, the unique folk characteristics of the landscaping make the guests who come to play bright. Splashing water, dancing, and swimming, tourists can also enjoy a rare coolness in the hot summer.

Fangte version of the "Songkran Carnival" is cool and open, opening the summer cool tourism season

From today until August 31, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. every day, during the 64-day event, Jingzhou Fangte not only launched a folk water splashing carnival, but also arranged colorful float parades, summer night fireworks displays, national electronic music, national tide performances, style rock and other content-rich and interesting theme activities.

Fangte version of the "Songkran Carnival" is cool and open, opening the summer cool tourism season

In addition to participating in multiple cool and interactive activities outdoors, tourists can also check in indoor projects and experience traditional Chinese culture.

Fangte version of the "Songkran Carnival" is cool and open, opening the summer cool tourism season

Jingzhou's summer summer is dominated by indoor swimming, and the tourism market potential with the theme of "water" is huge, and the Songkran Festival combines the current popular "water economy" and "night economy" to create a night travel mode, integrating water, fireworks and music and other elements to make up for the gap of summer tourists' cool travel, highlighting the enthusiasm of summer, and constantly improving the sense of experience of tourists.

(Reporter: Lu Yan Hu Weihu/Editor: Lv Jingyi/First Instance: Tang Jie/Second Instance: Wang Taofang/Third Instance: Jiang Min)

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