
Tonghui Primary School Jinshan Branch 2024 Student Graduation Ceremony

author:Living in Liaoning

The wind of June flows with the heat of youth. Turn the page of memories, and time will be reined. From "Hello classmates" to "Graduation, goodbye", it is another year of graduation season, and it is time to set off again. In order to let the sixth grade students leave more unforgettable memories at their alma mater, on June 24, Tonghui Primary School Jinshan Branch held a graduation ceremony of "Thanksgiving to the Teachers and Students of the Alma Mater and Living Up to the Flying Wings". This is not only a farewell to childhood, but also an important milestone in the children's life journey.

The two hosts of the sixth class Yin Yuchen and Zhao Yitong made their debut. With the enthusiastic opening speeches of the two hosts, the event kicked off.

Tonghui Primary School Jinshan Branch 2024 Student Graduation Ceremony
Tonghui Primary School Jinshan Branch 2024 Student Graduation Ceremony

01 Flag-raising ceremony

Accompanied by the majestic national anthem, the five-star red flag is rising and fluttering in the wind, symbolizing the prosperity and strength of the motherland, and also representing that the graduates are about to embark on a new journey.

Tonghui Primary School Jinshan Branch 2024 Student Graduation Ceremony
Tonghui Primary School Jinshan Branch 2024 Student Graduation Ceremony

02 Students speak

The speech of Li Ziyan, the representative of the graduates, was full of gratitude, and the voice was full of gratitude, which could not be said to be full of love and reluctance for her alma mater, teachers and classmates.

Tonghui Primary School Jinshan Branch 2024 Student Graduation Ceremony
Tonghui Primary School Jinshan Branch 2024 Student Graduation Ceremony

03 Teacher's Message

The language of the class teacher, Ms. Zhang Jiao, is long, which contains the teacher's deep love and blessings for the students, and also represents the voice and expectation of all the teachers in the sixth grade.

Tonghui Primary School Jinshan Branch 2024 Student Graduation Ceremony
Tonghui Primary School Jinshan Branch 2024 Student Graduation Ceremony

04 Gifts

Six years of cultivation, sweat watering, do not forget the entrustment, unforgettable teacher! With the meticulous care of the school and teachers, the students have grown up and graduated, and you are about to embark on a new journey with the trust of the school and the teachers. The graduates thanked their teachers and presented flowers.

Tonghui Primary School Jinshan Branch 2024 Student Graduation Ceremony
Tonghui Primary School Jinshan Branch 2024 Student Graduation Ceremony
Tonghui Primary School Jinshan Branch 2024 Student Graduation Ceremony
Tonghui Primary School Jinshan Branch 2024 Student Graduation Ceremony
Tonghui Primary School Jinshan Branch 2024 Student Graduation Ceremony

05 Issuance of certificates

Dapeng rose with the wind one day and soared up to 90,000 miles. The sweat of the past has been exchanged for today's fruits, and the children have received the primary school graduation certificates from the hands of the principal and director one by one, which has witnessed their diligence, sweat, progress and growth.

Tonghui Primary School Jinshan Branch 2024 Student Graduation Ceremony
Tonghui Primary School Jinshan Branch 2024 Student Graduation Ceremony
Tonghui Primary School Jinshan Branch 2024 Student Graduation Ceremony
Tonghui Primary School Jinshan Branch 2024 Student Graduation Ceremony
Tonghui Primary School Jinshan Branch 2024 Student Graduation Ceremony

06 Talent show

The sixth-grade students showed their talents to all the teachers and students, and the younger students also offered their deep blessings to the senior brothers and sisters in the form of a program.

Tonghui Primary School Jinshan Branch 2024 Student Graduation Ceremony
Tonghui Primary School Jinshan Branch 2024 Student Graduation Ceremony
Tonghui Primary School Jinshan Branch 2024 Student Graduation Ceremony
Tonghui Primary School Jinshan Branch 2024 Student Graduation Ceremony
Tonghui Primary School Jinshan Branch 2024 Student Graduation Ceremony
Tonghui Primary School Jinshan Branch 2024 Student Graduation Ceremony
Tonghui Primary School Jinshan Branch 2024 Student Graduation Ceremony
Tonghui Primary School Jinshan Branch 2024 Student Graduation Ceremony
Tonghui Primary School Jinshan Branch 2024 Student Graduation Ceremony

Graduation is not the end, but a new beginning. In this special season, the sixth-grade students of Tonghui Jinshan have written their own wonderful chapters with youth and sweat. May you move forward bravely and forge ahead on the road in the future, and realize your dreams and pursuits! Your alma mater will always be your warmest harbor and the most solid backing! Goodbye, dear students! May you have a bright future and a bright future!

Tonghui Primary School Jinshan Branch 2024 Student Graduation Ceremony

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