
Breaking news! Wandering in front of the old man's hotel, he was driven away with a stick and kicked with his feet!

author:Mr. Guo has an idea
Breaking news! Wandering in front of the old man's hotel, he was driven away with a stick and kicked with his feet!

Netizens broke the news that an old man in the video was at the door of the hotel and was driven away by someone with a stick.

He even kicked the old man with his foot.

According to the photographer: "The old man has been looking for the trash can for a long time and has not found food, and he has been wandering in front of the restaurant for a long time."

To tell the truth, when I see such a poor person on the road, I will give a few dollars, but now I rarely bring cash, so I give less.

Seeing the video, netizens said that it is not easy for everyone, and it will not be good to enjoy a bite of food. It's a bit too much to say with a stick to drive people away.

What's going on? Why this person drove the old man away with a stick is not clear, and it is not easy to evaluate.


Let's see what netizens think about this matter:

If this store doesn't go out of business, God won't be able to stand it.

It is difficult for such a boss to open a restaurant without going out of business.

I used to open a fast food restaurant with my cousin, and if there were homeless people or beggars, they would basically give them something to eat. But in the end, the hotel still couldn't open.

It is indeed too much to drive others away with a stick, or even kick the elderly, as for whether the store can go out of business, it depends on the craftsmanship of others.

Breaking news! Wandering in front of the old man's hotel, he was driven away with a stick and kicked with his feet!

From a personal point of view, the boss is not right to beat people, empathy, life is not easy, and walking around in front of his hotel every day will also have an impact on his business!

This kind of thing only sees the back, not the front, so it's not good to evaluate.

Breaking news! Wandering in front of the old man's hotel, he was driven away with a stick and kicked with his feet!

Seriously, good people do business and the store will fall, I used to make steamed buns and buy good meat, my peers said that you can't make money by making steamed buns with good meat, and asked me to buy junk meat, my mother said that I don't do business with a conscience, so I went out of business.

Report the name of the hotel, I believe the local comrades have it in their hearts.

There is an old saying, no business is not treacherous, what the ancestors said must be reasonable, I also do business, my customers often say that my business will definitely not be able to do it, I ask him why? She said that I was too good at talking, acquaintances were embarrassed to be black, and raw people couldn't be black. As a result, my friend was black about all his guests, and he made a lot of money, and mine was closed.

Breaking news! Wandering in front of the old man's hotel, he was driven away with a stick and kicked with his feet!

Photograph the name of its hotel, and when you say ordinary people, your words are sharp, why are you so gentle when you say this kind of thing.

The house of goodness will have more than one celebration! There will be more than one in the house of evil!! Boss: Woe to you.

To be honest, I look down on this kind of instigation of others, I talk hi from afar, let the photographer take pictures of the name of the store, and find someone else when there is a problem, you have nothing to do. You have to be so kind, get on the plane and go over, and you give alms to everyone.

Breaking news! Wandering in front of the old man's hotel, he was driven away with a stick and kicked with his feet!

Why did he drive away the old man? is still holding a stick, but any old man with children will look for him desperately.

A person without kindness, business is prosperous?

There is nothing wrong with driving away the elderly, but it is certainly not right to hold a stick and kick the elderly. As for what you said that the old man has children, have you thought about it, he has children, and the old man still has that? What kind of people will his children be?

Breaking news! Wandering in front of the old man's hotel, he was driven away with a stick and kicked with his feet!

Just remember this person! Anyway, everyone in the comment area will not consume.

Be kind! Do this to the people who dare to go to your hotel.

This netizen's words are very reasonable, just remember this person, as for whether to go in the comment area, hehe

Breaking news! Wandering in front of the old man's hotel, he was driven away with a stick and kicked with his feet!

Why do people always look at things at the surface? Why don't you want to think about whether the old man has children and why the old man wanders outside? Why didn't the local authorities handle it properly? If everyone is like some netizens in the comment area, shouting with their mouths, will this old man be able to eat?

What are your different views? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area.


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