
In 2017, the aunt newspaper warned the bank to take away 1,100 yuan of pension, and the bank asked her to return 500 yuan

In 2017, the aunt newspaper warned the bank to take away 1,100 yuan of pension, and the bank asked her to return 500 yuan
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In 2017, the aunt newspaper warned the bank to take away 1,100 yuan of pension, and the bank asked her to return 500 yuan

On December 21, 2017, Longqiao Town, Xindu District, Chengdu, Sichuan Province ushered in a cold winter morning. 68-year-old Lu Yulan, as usual, came to the local postal savings bank early to receive her pension.

She thought it was just an ordinary withdrawal, but she didn't expect to be involved in a confusing dispute next.

In the afternoon of the same day, the bank suddenly called, saying that Lu Yulan had received an extra 500 yuan. This news was like a bolt from the blue, and the old man was instantly in a predicament. Ms. Lu insisted that she had only withdrawn 1,100 yuan, but the bank insisted that she had given her 1,600 yuan.

For a time, the dispute continued, and both sides insisted on their own words.

In 2017, the aunt newspaper warned the bank to take away 1,100 yuan of pension, and the bank asked her to return 500 yuan

What exactly went wrong with this seemingly simple withdrawal? Was it a mistake by the bank staff, or was it a deviation in the memory of the old man? Why did a small pension turn into a dispute over integrity and the system? As events unfolded, this ordinary winter day gradually became confusing.

In the cold and windy December, Lu Yulan wrapped herself in a heavy cotton coat and staggered to the Postal Savings Bank. In order to avoid the rush hour, she deliberately arrived a few hours early.

In the bank hall, a few sporadic customers waited quietly, and Lu Yulan found a corner to sit down, patiently waiting for the opening to open.

When the bank staff opened the door, Lu Yulan slowly got up and became one of the first customers of the day. She carefully took out the passbook and ID card from her pocket, handed them to the counter staff, and said softly: "Excuse me, I want to withdraw 1,100 yuan for a pension."

In 2017, the aunt newspaper warned the bank to take away 1,100 yuan of pension, and the bank asked her to return 500 yuan

The staff took the documents, carefully checked the information, and skillfully operated the computer. Lu Yulan looked at the serious work of the tellers, and couldn't help but sigh at the convenience of modern technology.

Soon, the staff began to count the banknotes. Lu Yulan recalled that the young teller was very serious, not only counting twice, but also verifying it twice with a money detector, which made her feel very sure.

After taking the money, Lu Yulan carefully counted it again. After confirming that it was correct, she put the money away properly, and a relieved smile appeared on her face. Although this pension is not much, it is an important guarantee for her later life.

After thanking her, Lu Yulan slowly walked out of the bank, thinking about this month's expenses.

In 2017, the aunt newspaper warned the bank to take away 1,100 yuan of pension, and the bank asked her to return 500 yuan

However, the peaceful life did not last long. Just a few hours later, Lu Yulan was preparing dinner at home when she suddenly received an unexpected phone call. On the other end of the phone, the bank staff told her in a polite but firm tone that when she checked the accounts for the day, she found that she had been given an extra 500 yuan and hoped that she would return it as soon as possible.

This news was like a thunderclap, instantly shattering Lu Yulan's peaceful life. Her hands trembled slightly, barely holding the phone. Thinking back to every detail of the morning withdrawal, Lu Yulan was sure that she had only received 1,100 yuan.

Confusion, grievance, and even a hint of anger rose in her heart.

"How is this possible?" Lu Yulan muttered to herself, "I have been an honest and trustworthy person all my life, how could I do such a thing?" Her voice was filled with confusion and anxiety.

In 2017, the aunt newspaper warned the bank to take away 1,100 yuan of pension, and the bank asked her to return 500 yuan

Putting down the phone, Lu Yulan sat on the chair and couldn't calm down for a long time. She knew that an unexpected storm was coming.

After receiving the call from the bank, Lu Yulan was uneasy. She put down her work, didn't bother to clean up the kitchen, and hurried to the bank. Pushing open the familiar glass door, her eyes were full of doubt and determination.

"I want to see the director," Lu Yulan's voice trembled slightly, but she couldn't hide the resoluteness in her heart, "I need an explanation." "

Soon, a young supervisor in a crisp suit appeared at the counter. He politely invited Lu Yulan to the side of the reception room and listened patiently to her statement. Lu Yulan carefully recalled every detail of the morning and insisted that she only received 1,100 yuan.

In 2017, the aunt newspaper warned the bank to take away 1,100 yuan of pension, and the bank asked her to return 500 yuan

"I've been withdrawing money here for decades, and I've never made a mistake," Ms. Lu said, tears glistening in her eyes, "I've been innocent all my life, and I've never done anything against my conscience."

The supervisor listened with a blank expression, then flipped through the accounts in front of him. "Grandma Lu, I understand your feelings," he said calmly, "but our accounts show that we did pay an extra 500 yuan.

We hope that you will understand and cooperate with our work.

Lu Yulan felt a wave of dizziness, she couldn't believe her ears.

In 2017, the aunt newspaper warned the bank to take away 1,100 yuan of pension, and the bank asked her to return 500 yuan

As the dispute escalated, the atmosphere in the reception room became increasingly tense. Lu Yulan's face turned red with excitement, and the supervisor maintained professional calm. Both sides have their own opinions, and no one can convince anyone.

At this moment of stalemate, Lu Yulan's eyes inadvertently caught a glimpse of the eye-catching warning sign on the counter that reads "No responsibility for leaving the counter". This usually overlooked slogan is now extremely glaring.

This thought made Lu Yulan make up her mind. She took a deep breath and calmly said to the supervisor, "Since none of us can convince anyone, let's ask the police to judge the reasoning."

After saying that, she took out her mobile phone with trembling hands and called the police.

In 2017, the aunt newspaper warned the bank to take away 1,100 yuan of pension, and the bank asked her to return 500 yuan

The Director clearly didn't expect things to come to this. He tried to dissuade Lu Yulan, but the old man's attitude was unusually resolute. The rest of the bank staff looked at each other, at a loss.

As the sirens sounded from far and near, the entire bank fell into an eerie silence. Lu Yulan stood there, stubbornness and grievances written on her face. She knew that it was not just for the 500 yuan, but also for her innocence and dignity.

The police soon arrived at the scene and began to understand the situation. Both Ms. Lu and the bank have repeated their own statements. The atmosphere at the scene is becoming more and more tense, and everyone is waiting for the truth to be revealed.

However, things turned out to be much more complicated than expected.

In 2017, the aunt newspaper warned the bank to take away 1,100 yuan of pension, and the bank asked her to return 500 yuan

The arrival of the police brought a tense atmosphere to the bank. The two officers listened carefully to the statements of Ms. Lu and the bank staff before proceeding with the investigation.

They first asked to see the bank's surveillance footage, hoping to find key clues.

Led by bank security, the officers came to the monitoring room. They carefully watched the video of Lu Yulan withdrawing money that morning. However, to everyone's surprise, the picture quality was far from what was expected.

The surveillance video is blurry, and not only is it impossible to identify the exact number of banknotes, but it is also difficult to determine whether the figure in the picture is indeed Lu Yulan herself.

In 2017, the aunt newspaper warned the bank to take away 1,100 yuan of pension, and the bank asked her to return 500 yuan

This discovery made the atmosphere even more tense. The officers looked at each other, clearly not expecting such a situation. They tried to tweak the surveillance equipment in the hope of getting a clearer picture, but with little success.

At this moment, Lu Yulan's son rushed to the bank. Seeing his mother's face flushed with excitement, his heart tightened. As a patient with high blood pressure, Lu Yulan's health has always been her son's biggest concern.

"Mom, don't get excited," the son comforted softly, "The body is important, let's talk slowly." "

However, Lu Yulan still insisted on her position and had no intention of backing down. Her stubbornness made her son both distressed and helpless. After much deliberation, the son made a difficult decision out of concern for his mother's health.

In 2017, the aunt newspaper warned the bank to take away 1,100 yuan of pension, and the bank asked her to return 500 yuan

"Otherwise, let's return the money to the bank first," he whispered to his mother, "and your health is more important than anything else." With that, he took out 500 yuan from his wallet and handed it to the bank staff.

Lu Yulan watched her son's actions with mixed feelings in her heart. She understands her son's kindness, but the grievances and unwillingness in her heart are even stronger. She felt that her innocence and dignity had been hurt simply because of a blurry video.

The police are also embarrassed by this situation. Without conclusive evidence, they cannot make a definitive judgment. One police officer euphemistically stated: "We will continue to investigate this matter, but the current evidence is not enough to draw a conclusion."

If there is no objection from both parties, the money can be kept by the bank first.

In 2017, the aunt newspaper warned the bank to take away 1,100 yuan of pension, and the bank asked her to return 500 yuan

In this way, the dispute seems to have ended temporarily with Lu Yulan "returning" 500 yuan. But Lu Yulan's eyes made it clear that for her, this was far from the end.

Her heart is still full of doubts and unwillingness, and she longs to return her innocence one day.

Although the 500 yuan has been refunded, this matter has always been an untiring knot in Lu Yulan's heart. She couldn't accept that she was inexplicably saddled with a dishonest label.

With a glimmer of hope, Lu Yulan came to the police station again.

In 2017, the aunt newspaper warned the bank to take away 1,100 yuan of pension, and the bank asked her to return 500 yuan

"Officer, I'd like to watch that surveillance video again," Lu Yulan said earnestly, "maybe we can find some new clues." "

However, the officer's answer disappointed her. "Grandma Lu, we understand your feelings," the officer explained, "but we don't have access to the bank's surveillance data."

The footage we saw that day was only viewed inside the bank.

Lu Yulan was silent for a moment, and then made up her mind to go to the bank. Maybe the bank, she thought, would allow her to view the footage herself. However, the attitude of the banks is tougher than that of the police.

In 2017, the aunt newspaper warned the bank to take away 1,100 yuan of pension, and the bank asked her to return 500 yuan

"I'm sorry, Ms. Lu," said the bank manager with a blank face, "and we have to protect customer privacy and business confidentiality." You do not have access to the surveillance footage. "

Lu Yulan felt powerless. "But that's my own image," she asked, confused, "why can't I even see my own image?" "

The bank manager reiterated the "no responsibility for leaving the counter" rule and said that the matter was over. Lu Yulan's inquiries and pleas went unanswered.

Walking out of the bank, Lu Yulan felt a deep sense of frustration. She realized how weak and helpless ordinary people were in this battle with large institutions. Even though she firmly believes that she is innocent, she cannot prove it.

In 2017, the aunt newspaper warned the bank to take away 1,100 yuan of pension, and the bank asked her to return 500 yuan

This feeling of not being able to repay her innocence made her feel more painful than losing 500 yuan.

"Am I going to carry this injustice in my life?" Lu Yulan muttered to herself, tears glistening in her eyes. She knew that this journey in search of the truth might never come to fruition, but she was still unwilling to give up.

Because for her, it's not just about money, it's about the pursuit of dignity and fairness.

Although Lu Yulan's story ended with her "returning" 500 yuan, the thinking it triggered is far from over. This seemingly simple withdrawal dispute actually reveals the deep-seated problems that exist between the current banking system and customers.

In 2017, the aunt newspaper warned the bank to take away 1,100 yuan of pension, and the bank asked her to return 500 yuan

First of all, is it really fair to say that "you are not responsible for leaving the cabinet"? It seems to only protect the interests of the bank and ignore the rights and interests of the customer. When disputes arise, clients are often in a vulnerable position and struggle to defend themselves.

This incident also reminds us to be more vigilant in our daily lives and protect our rights and interests. For example, when making an important transaction, you can ask for a receipt or retain other evidence.

At the same time, the story also calls on relevant institutions to take the interests of ordinary people into account when formulating rules, and to establish a fairer and more transparent mechanism. Only in this way can we truly build a society of mutual trust and avoid the recurrence of incidents like Lu Yulan's.

Finally, the incident also highlights the importance of improving the quality of banking services, especially the monitoring system. Clear footage not only protects the bank, but also better protects the rights and interests of customers.

The purpose of this article is to advocate positive social energy, without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If you are involved in copyright or character infringement, please contact us in time

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