
It's too tough! Reveal the other side of Diana: torture Charles to insomnia, even the servants don't let go!

author:Take a look at the new

In 1981, when Diana and Charles first got married, she was as headstrong as a child and insisted that he accompany her to the beach.

It's too tough! Reveal the other side of Diana: torture Charles to insomnia, even the servants don't let go!

But at this time, Charles was impatient and coldly scolded Diana for fooling around in front of many servants. The servants all hurriedly lowered their heads, not wanting to see the two arguing.

Diana exploded all of a sudden, shouting that she was the real wife, and Camilla was a thing of the past. But she shouted so hard, in fact, she was very helpless and desperate.

Diana knew what was going on the night before she got married, and she thought about running at that time. But she is the daughter of a noble family, and she knows that her life has long been tied by her family and society.

It's too tough! Reveal the other side of Diana: torture Charles to insomnia, even the servants don't let go!

For her, love is more of a door-to-door exchange, not a true match in her heart. And if you regret it before getting married, it will be a disgrace to the royal family. The face of the queen and the royal family, how can this happen?

So Diana can only look forward to getting married, using her gentleness and charm to warm Charles's cold heart. But if you think about it carefully, this is normal, Diana was only twenty years old at that time, thinking about love, but facing reality.

In the mess of fate, the naïve Diana is like a white lamb who accidentally enters the forest of tragedy. She just came out to mingle, she doesn't have much knowledge, her family is not particularly powerful, and she doesn't have the right to work against Charles.

It's too tough! Reveal the other side of Diana: torture Charles to insomnia, even the servants don't let go!

Facing Charles, who is more than ten years older than herself, she can only be like a bird, trying to find some comfort in the shadow of this big man. But Charles was like a cunning hunter, bullying this little daughter-in-law who couldn't resist.

As soon as he finished the wedding, which was seen all over the world, he went on his honeymoon with a bunch of books, as if to tell everyone how much he loved to learn. But Diana knew in her heart that those books were Charles's tools to hide from himself and work against him, and he said coldly: "Don't try to tie me up when you get married!" ”

It's too tough! Reveal the other side of Diana: torture Charles to insomnia, even the servants don't let go!

Facing such a cold Charles, Diana felt aggrieved and angry, like a flood beast, but there was nowhere to send it. So that honeymoon that should have been sweet, she cried so much that she could vomit. But Charles didn't care at all, and complained to Camilla: "She vomited a smell on her body, I can't stand it." ”

In Diana's heart, every effort is like weaving a net, trying to capture the heart of Charles, who is slowly running away. Charles, her first love, her first husband, was originally a lamp in her heart, but now she has become an unreachable shadow.

It's too tough! Reveal the other side of Diana: torture Charles to insomnia, even the servants don't let go!

She thought about the past, and wanted to pull him back with a lot of tenderness and tolerance. But Charles's deep affection for Diana is like smoke blown away by the wind, and he wants to run even more. He gets old and goes to find his former lover Camilla.

Diana was pregnant with a child, and she was lonely and helpless, and she wanted to stop her like crazy, and even jumped down the stairs desperately, hoping to do it. Fortunately, adults and children are fine.

It's too tough! Reveal the other side of Diana: torture Charles to insomnia, even the servants don't let go!

When Charles was away, Diana's world seemed dark. She ate and cried hard, trying to get the discomfort out of her heart. Those shouts that no one heard, those tears of despair, were all indescribable pain in her heart.

She even thought about dying, she didn't want to live like this. But all these crazy things are because she wants that unattainable love and companionship. She doesn't want to be an ornament that no one cares about, she wants to be needed, valued, and deeply loved. She wants a lot of love in her heart, a love that can warm her heart.

It's too tough! Reveal the other side of Diana: torture Charles to insomnia, even the servants don't let go!

But the fairy tale looks good, but it actually hides the ruthlessness of reality. Princess Diana in reality is like a pearl thrown in the corner, her light is misunderstood, covered by coldness, and tied up by the old rules of the royal family, saying that she does not look like a princess.

Maybe in the end, Diana didn't understand how difficult it was for the old saying "If you want to be a queen, you have to be able to carry things". In her fifteen-year marriage to Charles, unlucky things, fake things, and uncomfortable things have always followed.

It's too tough! Reveal the other side of Diana: torture Charles to insomnia, even the servants don't let go!

By August 28, 1996, Diana, who gave birth to two children to Charles, finally had the courage to break the lock of marriage. At that time, it seemed that both of them were relieved that she could chase the light in her heart, and he didn't have to be tied up anymore.

It didn't take long for both of them to find a new partner, and life seemed to be smooth on the new road. But fate was too bad for Diana, and in just one year, she disappeared in a sudden car accident.

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