
In 1983, Diana insisted on taking William to Australia for 9 months, and Charles was furious

author:Silent Moon Forest Emblem

In 1983, 22-year-old Diana insisted on taking 9-month-old William to visit Australia, and Charles was furious with Diana: This is not in line with royal rules, the two heirs cannot fly on the same plane, what if something happens and the blood is broken? ”

In 1983, Diana insisted on taking William to Australia for 9 months, and Charles was furious

Diana and William, Charles

We all know that the British royal family has a lot of strange rules that make people scratch their heads, but Diana used her practical actions to explain that the rules are not to be followed, but to be broken! ”

Diana is known as a pioneer in breaking the rules of the royal family, she rebelled against royal traditions many times, and even once attracted the resentment of aristocratic conservatives.

In 1983, Diana insisted on taking William to Australia for 9 months, and Charles was furious


In April 1983, Charles and Diana were arranged to travel to Australia and New Zealand for a diplomatic state visit of more than 40 days. This is Diana's first foreign visit after giving birth to heir William, and the royal family attaches great importance to it, and the global media has been paying close attention.

At that time, William was only 9 months old, and the one-year-old baby has changed a lot, so it can be said that it is the same every day, how can Diana, who was promoted to the status of a mother, be willing to leave her son to visit. The thought of not seeing her son for more than a month made her go crazy.

So, Diana consulted with her husband Charles and decided to take William with her to Australia.

As soon as these words came out, Charles was furious at Diana on the spot: "Don't you know? The two heirs can't ride on the same plane, and if the plane crashes and the blood is broken, even if there is a 1 in 10,000 probability of triggering the consequences, the royal family can't bear it. ”

In 1983, Diana insisted on taking William to Australia for 9 months, and Charles was furious

Diana took William and Charles with her

In fact, the reason why Charles has such strong emotions about this matter is almost his instinctive reaction, because he grew up in an environment with little to no mother's company.

Queen Elizabeth II is one of the most visited monarchs in British history, and her busy schedule of official duties has left her little time with Charles's growth. After experiencing a nine-month separation from mother and son, this scene is deeply imprinted in Charles's memory. Therefore, in his mind, the rules of the royal family are more important than Mount Tai, and it is normal for each heir to be separated from his parents since he was a child.

In 1983, Diana insisted on taking William to Australia for 9 months, and Charles was furious

Queen and Philip

However, Charles seems to have forgotten that it is precisely because of the Queen's mother's busy official duties that she neglected to care for him, which led Charles to develop a cowardly and withdrawn personality since childhood.

Similarly, Diana was not valued by her family since she was a child, and they put all their thoughts on her younger brother, and she was left out in the cold throughout her childhood. This also made Diana know that William could not lack the companionship and love of his parents, and she wanted to do her best to create a warm and loving family environment for her son.

So, this conversation Charles and Diana broke up unhappily because of serious differences in parenting concepts. However, in order to ease the couple's conflict, the queen finally agreed to let Diana take William with her.

In 1983, Diana insisted on taking William to Australia for 9 months, and Charles was furious

Diana Charles and William

The visit of the Welsh couple to Australia was a great success, and every stop in Australia attracted wide attention from the local media and the public, especially the lovely Prince William, who gained a large number of fans.

In 1983, Diana insisted on taking William to Australia for 9 months, and Charles was furious

Diana Charles and William

Diana actively participated in various public activities in Australia, showing great enthusiasm, especially when visiting child welfare institutions, she would gently touch the children's heads, patiently listen to their hearts, care for their lives, motherhood is overflowing, Diana with sincerity and generosity deeply touched everyone present, her warm gesture was reported by the media, won wide praise.

Whenever she appeared, the crowd erupted in excited cheers and thunderous applause.

In 1983, Diana insisted on taking William to Australia for 9 months, and Charles was furious


However, Charles, who is regarded as the protagonist, seems to be much more deserted, as if everyone's eyes are focused on Diana, and he has become a foil to his wife, and almost no one cares about this orthodox prince.

This visit made Charles deeply feel that Diana's influence far exceeded his own, and this huge contrast pierced his heart like a needle and awl.

In 1983, Diana insisted on taking William to Australia for 9 months, and Charles was furious

Charles and Diana

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