
"The air conditioner is not installed three times, and the person is not smooth", which three are not installed? Early avoidance!

author:Senior science popularizer


"Should the air conditioner be placed in the living room or bedroom?"

"Can you put it in the study?"

Recently, there are many owners in the market who are decorating and are struggling with where to install air conditioning, which is also because of the continuous improvement of living standards, air conditioning has become a very important equipment for summer cooling in modern society.

With the increasing popularity of air conditioning, not only the number of people using air conditioning in cities is increasing, but even rural families can already enjoy the cooling pleasure brought by air conditioning.

However, in the process of installing air conditioners, there is such a saying: "If the air conditioner is not installed three times, it is not smooth to install people."

Air conditioning can be cool, but it is not just casually installed where it will make people cool, today I will tell you what the "air conditioning three do not install" is, and what should be paid attention to.

The popularity of air conditioning.

In the past, air conditioners were only available to people of a certain class due to their high prices.

But now air conditioning has been accompanied by our lives and has become the most common way for people to escape the heat and cool down.

And air conditioning is not only a tool for cooling, air conditioning is also a kind of life attitude, a kind of life pursuit.

There is a big difference between an air-conditioned house and a house without air conditioning, and an air-conditioned house will bring people an improvement in the quality of life, and it will also make people feel more comfortable and more energetic.

And now the air conditioning is also very energy-saving and environmentally friendly, so if there is no air conditioning in this summer, then people probably dare not stay at home.

"The air conditioner is not installed three times, and the person is not smooth", which three are not installed? Early avoidance!

Air conditioning at home can not only be cool, but also prevent excessive sweating, leading to dehydration, etc., while keeping people in better condition, so more and more people will choose to install air conditioning.

Even in rural areas, farmers will choose to install air conditioning, because when there is no air conditioning in their hometown, it is very hot in summer, especially at noon, and even people dare not go out.

But now that there is an air conditioner, then this problem is easily solved, and the air conditioner is turned on at home, and it is cold, and it will not feel hot at all.

Therefore, in the popularization of air conditioners, which are household appliances, they can not only bring people coolness, but also a way to improve the quality of life.

Do not face the head of the bed.

Air conditioners can not only cool down, but also purify the air, but if the air conditioner is not installed very well, then not only can it not be cool, but there will be many problems.

The location of the air conditioner installation is very critical, where is it good and where it is not good, this needs to be analyzed, but one thing is certain, that is, no matter where it is installed, you can't let the air conditioning wind face people.

There is such a saying: "The air conditioner is not installed three times, and the installation is not smooth", which means that the air conditioner cannot be installed in three places.

First of all, it is not to let the air of the air conditioner directly against the bed, more than 7 meters of air conditioning pipes will have a negative effect on people's health, such as feeling dry throat, dizziness, and even discomfort.

Therefore, when installing the air conditioner, we should avoid installing the air conditioner directly facing the head of the bed, because when sleeping at night, the head of the bed is facing the air conditioner, and the air conditioner is always on, but the person is sleeping.

This is very bad for people's health, and it will also affect our lives.

Although air conditioning can make people comfortable, it is still not good for people's health, and our original intention of installing air conditioning is just to be comfortable, which will have a certain impact on our body.

"The air conditioner is not installed three times, and the person is not smooth", which three are not installed? Early avoidance!

However, if you really want to install the air conditioner in the bedroom, you can install the air conditioner next to the bed, which will also prevent the air conditioner from facing the head of the bed directly, and the air conditioning pipe will not be very long.

At the same time, if there are elderly people and children at home, it is best to install the air conditioner in the living room, because the elderly and children need air conditioning more, but the elderly and children may sleep for a short time and need to be taken care of.

"The air conditioner is not installed three times, and the person is not smooth", which three are not installed? Early avoidance!

Do not install in kitchens and dens.

In the second case, the place where air conditioning should never be installed is the kitchen.

Once the air conditioner is installed in the kitchen, then once the air conditioner is turned on, the water vapor emitted by the air conditioner will cause damage to the kitchen appliances and so on.

In this way, it will not only affect the service life of the air conditioner, but also cause damage to the kitchen appliances, so the air conditioner cannot be installed in the kitchen, otherwise once the damage is caused, there will be safety problems.

The third situation is not to install air conditioning in the study room, the air conditioning in the study will blow up the books in the study, and the study room is used as a place to study, people stay here for a longer time.

"The air conditioner is not installed three times, and the person is not smooth", which three are not installed? Early avoidance!

Although it will be very comfortable to have the air conditioner on, if you live in the study for a long time, you will feel sleepy, so the power will be very low.

"The air conditioner is not installed three times, and the person is not smooth", which three are not installed? Early avoidance!

Another point is that there may be a lot of items in the study, and the air conditioner will blow the bacteria and dust on the items into the person's respiratory tract, so the person's health is very bad.

Therefore, when installing air conditioning, it is not only necessary to ensure that the air conditioner is not facing people, but also to pay attention to these details, so as to make people's lives more comfortable.


Air conditioning is to make our life more comfortable, but when we use it, we also need to be able to control it well, we can't blindly pursue comfort, and where can the air conditioner not be placed, in fact, there are many reasons.

Therefore, in life, according to your actual needs, choose a suitable place to install air conditioning, which can not only protect your health, but also make our life more comfortable.

Just like in winter, if there are elderly people or children at home, then you can place the air conditioner in the bedroom in the living room, so that you can take care of the elderly and children, and at the same time keep warm in the bedroom.

However, when installing radiators at home, you can reserve the air conditioning port, so that if you wait until summer and then install the air conditioner, it will not only not affect the appearance, but also improve the service life of the air conditioner.

"The air conditioner is not installed three times, and the person is not smooth", which three are not installed? Early avoidance!

And the indoor unit of the air conditioner does not need to change the installation position, which is what we usually say, the decoration must be reserved for the installation of the air conditioner.

"The air conditioner is not installed three times, and the person is not smooth", which three are not installed? Early avoidance!

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